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1、高一英语新世纪寒期翻译及答案高一英语(新世纪)寒期翻译及答案高一暑期百句翻译:1.那些故意违反交通规则的人必须受到严厉的惩罚。(Whoever)Whoever breaks the traffic regulations on purpose must be severely punished. 2.老师就在寒假里如何做到张弛有度给了我们一些合理的建议。(balance) The teacher gave /offered us some reasonable advice on how to keep the balance between work and play in the wint

2、er holiday/vacation. 3.这条河流受到严重污染的原因是那家化工厂大量排放有毒废水。(The reason why .is that) The reason why the river has been seriously polluted is that the chemical factory released large amounts of poisonous wasted water4. .随着经济的飞速发展,中国在国际事务中起着越来越大的作用。(role) With the rapid development of economy, China is playin

3、g an increasingly important role in international affairs. 4.得知罗京逝世的消息,许多人陷入深深的悲痛之中。(At)At the news that Luo Jin passed away, many people were deep in sorrow.5.在日常生活中,我们不要与经常言而无信的人交朋友。(Relative Clause)In our daily life, we should never make friends with those who break their promises.6. 与班级里其他同学相比,他

4、在工作方面更有责任感。(Compare). Compared with the other classmates in his class, he is more responsible for his work. 7. 天渐渐冷了,你要多穿衣服以免感冒。(in case)It is getting cold. Please get warmly dressed in case you might catch a cold.8. 由于晚到,他发现演讲厅内已是座无虚席。(occupy;分词短语作原因状语) Arriving late,he found the lecture hall fully

5、 occupied.9人们相信,2010年世博会一定能促进中国经济的发展。(sure) It is believed that the EXPO for 2010 is sure to promote the economic development of China.10. 他勃然大怒,令所有到场的客人非常尴尬。(burst) He burst into anger, which made all the guests present feel embarrassed.11. 他突然想到尚未准备发言的材料。(occur) It suddenly occurred to him that he

6、 hadnt got his speech prepared. 12. 到高中毕业时为止,他们学英语将达十年。(By) They will have learned English for ten years by the time they graduate from senior high school.13. 孩子们总是对未知事物充满好奇。(curious) Children are always curious about things unknown to them.14. 在考试中我还没来得及检查一遍,铃就响了。(before) The bell rang before I cou

7、ld go over my papers.15. 你是否后悔过前几年浪费这么多时间打游戏机(regret) Have you ever regretted having wasted so much time playing computer games in the past few years?.16. 科学家们普遍认为人的大脑越用越灵活。(the more; the more) According to scientists, the more frequently/often the brain is used, the cleverer it will get.17.有这么多功课要做

8、,今晚要熬夜到很晚。(with) With so much homework to do, Ill have to stay up late tonight.18. 明天轮到谁值日(turn) Whose turn is it to be on duty tomorrow?19.我的建议是你应该设法劝说你的密友告诉警察真相。(表语从句,persuade) My suggestion is that you should manage to persuade your close friend to tell the truth to the police.20.她谈起来好像她真的去过希腊。(a

9、s if) She talked as if she had been to Greece.21.我们正在谈论天气时,外面突然开始下雨了。(.when.) We were talking about the weather when it began to rain.22. Hans想知道谁会来接管他的工作。(take over) Hans wondered who would take over his job.23. 你介意送我到汽车站吗(mind) Would you mind seeing me off at the bus station?24. 她真正在乎的不是工资而是她的人生价值

10、。(What) What she really cares about is not the salary but her value of life.25.坦率地说,他的英语不如我。(inferior) To be honest/Honestly, he is inferior to me in English.26.人们普遍认为最简单的保持健康的方法是多吃蔬菜少吃肉。(generally) It is generally considered/accepted that the simplest way to keep fit is to have more vegetables and

11、less meat.27.他一晚上毫无睡意,担心第二天的考试。(wide awake, 分词作伴随状语). He was wide awake the whole night, worrying about the exams the next day.28. 得知地球上每年有几百种动植物消失时,我们大家都非常震惊。(shock; 分词作状语)Knowing that hundreds of species of animals and plants are disappearing on the earth every year, all of us were greatly shocked

12、.We were all greatly shocked to know that 29. 他从车祸中幸存下来,当时他差点被车撞到。(narrowly) He survived the car accident. At that time he narrowly missed being knocked over by the car.30.他来不来都没关系, 我们可以不带他去露营。(matter) It doesnt matter whether he will come or not. We can go camping without him.31. 起初,地球是圆的想法受到许多人的排斥

13、。(reject,同位语从句) At first, the thought that the earth is round was rejected by many people.32. 凭借现代科学技术,两个相隔千里的人可以保持联系。(be means of) By means of modern science and technology, two persons, though thousands of miles apart, can keep in contact with each other.33.正在建造中的音乐厅可容纳一万人。(seat). The Concert Hall

14、 being built can seat an audience of 10,000.34. 这座博物馆是为了纪念在战争中牺牲的士兵而建的。(honor) The monument was built to honor/in honor of the soldiers killed in the war. 35. 许多学生热切盼望着能独立生活的那一天。(when) Many students are looking forward with eagerness to the day when they can live independently.36. 她一想到要出国深造,激动不已.(At

15、) At the thought of going abroad for further study, she couldnt but feel excited.37. 很难估计伊拉克战争将持续多久。(estimate) Its hard to estimate how long the Iraqi war will last.38. 使我非常气愤的是,有些老板经常强迫农民工日夜干活。(force) To my great anger, some bosses often force farm workers to work day and night.39. 老人们最需要的是自己的孩子多关心

16、他们。(What; show concern to) What old people need most is that their children can show more concern for them.40. 除了课本,学生应该在业余时间多看各类书籍。(addition; variety) In addition to textbooks, students should read varieties of books in their spare time.41.那位白发苍苍的老爷爷脸上的皱纹表明他一辈子饱经风霜。(suggest; suffer) The wrinkles in

17、 the face of the white-haired grandpa suggest that he has suffered a lot in his lifetime.42. 过分溺爱孩子对孩子的成长没有丝毫好处。(spoil) Spoiling children too much does no good to their growth.43. 我根本不知道他们为什么要绑架我。(idea) I had no idea at all why they kidnapped me.44. 王小毛,我们新当选的班长,在学校的各项活动中起着积极的作用。(role) Wang Xiaomao,

18、 our newly-elected monitor, plays an active role in all kinds of activities in school.45. 当孩子们向他献花时,他激动得热泪盈眶。(present)When the children presented flowers to him, he was so excited that tears came into his eyes.(that he burst into tears)46. 这是他们第一次赢得一场正式的比赛,因此大家都欢呼雀跃。(the first time) It was the first

19、 time that they had won a formal game, and thats why they jumped with joy. 47. 这次英语期中考试不仅有笔试还有口试,这是真的吗 (true) Is it true that there will be not only a written test but also an oral test in the English mid-term examination?48. 他犹豫了好几天,才下决心买下那套房子。 (before) He hesitated for several days before he made

20、up his mind to buy that house / flat.49. 许多年轻人毕业后不工作,而依靠父母生活,这是多么可悲啊。 (live on;感叹句) How sad it is that many young people dont go to work after graduation, but live on their parents.50. 面对新的挑战,他始终充满信心。(face)Facing some new challenges, he is always full of confidence.Faced with some new challenges,51.

21、 医生建议孩子要少吃像炸鸡这样的垃圾食品。 (suggest) The doctors suggest that children (should) not eat too much rubbish food like fried chicken.52. 非常感谢我不在的时候你对我孩子的照顾。(be grateful, absense)I am very grateful to you for looking after my child during my absence.53. 他们公司在经济危急中遭受了巨大的损失。(suffer) Their company suffered huge

22、economic losses from the financial crisis.54. 在过去的五年里,上海转眼之间已变成了一座花园城市。(turn)Shanghai has turned (been turned )into a garden city in the past five years.55. 居里夫人由于发现了镭元素获得了1903年诺贝尔物理奖。(award) Madam Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 for her discovery of element Radium_.56. 对我们公司生产

23、的产品感兴趣的人可以致电与我们联系。(contact)Whoever is interested in our products can contact us by phone.57. 你打算如何应付突发事件(handle) How are you going to handle an unexpected case?.58. 每次妈妈叫他帮助做家务,他总是假装在看书。(every time)Every time his mum asks him to help with the housework, he is always pretending to be reading .59. 这家商

24、店似乎属于我叔叔工作的那家公司的。(belong) This shop seems to belong to the company where my uncle works .60. 在会议开始的时候,他向全体出席会议的人作了自我介绍。(present) At the beginning of the meeting , he introduced himself to all the people present (at the meeting).61. 听说那场出人意料的大火造成了200多人失去了家。(leave) It was said that the unexpected fire

25、 left more than 200 people homeless.62. 她到现在还没来。你认为她出什么事了?(suppose) She hasnt turned up so far. What do you think has happened to him?.63. 汤姆的功课在学校里属于中上水平。(average) Tom is just above the average in his school work.64. 和你一起工作的这位教授非常固执,与他争论没有意思。(point) The professor who works with you(with whom you wo

26、rk) is stubborn. So there is no point arguing with him.65. 我忘了提醒他这么重要的会议,这是我的错。 (remind; ) It was my fault that I forgot to remind him of such an important meeting.66. 关于男主人公的命运,很多读者觉得很难与作者产生共鸣。(reference, identify, ,.it.) With reference to the fate of the hero, many readers find it hard to identify

27、 with the author. .67. 那些消费超过500元的人可以得到一份特殊的礼物。(Those, consume) Those who consume more than 500 yuan can expect to get a special gift.68.我原本打算毕业后留在城里的, 但后来还是改变了决定,回到了家乡。(mean) I had meant to stay/remain in the city after graduation , but later on I changed my mind and returned to my hometown.69. 由于在

28、期末考试中不及格,她忍不住哭了。(分词短语作原因状语) Having failed the exam, she couldnt help crying.70.她星期天总是去图书馆,除了下雨之外。(except) She often goes to the library on Sunday except when it rains.71. 浪费时间就意味着浪费生命。(mean)72. 据估计该城市仅去年就有约三万学生出国留学。(estimate) It was estimated that about 30,000 students in the city went abroad to con

29、tinue their study last year alone.73. 你不必给那些花浇水的,我昨天下午浇过了。(need) You neednt have watered these flowers. I watered them yesterday afternoon.(There is no need for you to water these flowers.)74.她没有听懂我的论点。事实上,她根本就没在听。(point) She didnt get my point. Actually she wasnt listening to me_.75. 双方就价格问题产生分歧。(d

30、isagree) The two sides disagreed with each other on the price.76. 山谷里传来可怕的声音。(全部倒装) From the valley came a frightening sound.77.jack 和Tony两个长相上有点相似。(similar) Jack is a little similar to Tony in appearance.78. 警察正在设法确定失踪孩子的具体方位。(locate) The police are trying to locate the missing child.79. 据说,污染源是她爸爸

31、工作的那个工厂。(source) It is said that the source of pollution is the factory where his father works.80.警察在后面跟着,这个嫌疑犯显得很紧张。(with; suspect) With the police following him, the suspect seemed very nervous.81. 他的失败是咎由自取。(blame) He himself is to blame for the failure_.82. 上海市市长亲自为获奖者颁发了奖杯。(present) The mayor of Shanghai presented the winners with medals personally/in person.83. 闪光的并非都是金子。(All.not) All that glitters is not gold.84. 今天下午你愿意和我们一起参加关于京剧的讨论吗(join) Will you join us in the discussion on the Beijing Opera this afternoon?.85. 他们精彩 的表演吸引了许多观众。(audience) Their

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