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1、新视野大学英语4第三版读写教程第二单元答案B4U21. How do you understand the sentence No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer (Para. 2)?Reference:The sentence means that it is very difficult, or even impossible, for a man to give a right answer when a woman asks him how she looks, no matter how

2、hard he thinks about it and how many different answers he tries.2. According to the text, in what way do men and women evaluate their appearance differently?Reference:Men are satisfied with being average-looking, paying little attention to their looks. In contrast, women pay great attention to their

3、 body and image, considering their appearance as not good enough even if they are in fact attractive.3. What causes women to be always dissatisfied with their looks?Reference:The interaction of many psychological and societal factors, for example, their childhood experiences with toys, and the influ

4、ence of the media.4. In what way do the toys girls play with differ from those boys play with?Reference:Girls toys are proportioned to have extreme measures of the body (e.g. in terms of height, weight and waist size), whereas boys toys can look weird rather than handsome.5. What does the sentence Y

5、ou could not imagine him saying to the others, Is this accessory the right shade of violet for this outfit? (Para. 6) imply?Reference:It implies that men pay little attention to the details of their appearance.6. Why is the supermodel Cindy Crawford mentioned in Paragraph 7?Reference:Cindy Crawford

6、is mentioned as an example to show that the beauty industry and the media have great influence on womens devotion to physical beauty and the use of beauty products.7. What is the authors attitude toward the claim that women care much about their appearance due to pressure from men?Reference:The auth

7、or thinks that the claim is not right since men in fact pay little attention to the details of womens appearance.8. Why do women think that men are not qualified to judge whether a woman looks good or not?Reference:Women think so because men do not even care about their own appearance. For instance,

8、 a man often does not bother to clean the cream in his hair or ears after shaving.1. What are the factors that make women pay much greater attention to their appearance than do men?Reference:I think there are three main factors accounting for womens greater attention to appearance. The first are cul

9、tural traditions. It is common in many cultures that people put high value on beauty when they look at women. The second is the requirement of certain jobs. For example, in China airline companies set certain criteria for appearance (e.g. in terms of height and weight) when they recruit stewards and

10、 stewardesses. Finally, the influence of the media is another strong factor which shapes womens pursuit of physical beauty. There are a lot of advertisements of cosmetics and skincare products in various media such as TV, magazines and newspapers. They often have celebrities as the spokesperson for

11、the advertised products, which makes women have an illusion that they could look as good as those famous stars if they use the products. In short, these three factors exert immense influence on how women value appearance.2. Are there any occasions in life where it is necessary for a person, either a

12、 woman or a man, to look good? Why or why not?Reference: Yes. On certain formal occasions, a person, either female or male, has to pay attention to his attire. Sample cases are job interviews, business meetings, weddings, and banquets. This is because to dress properly is an important element of suc

13、cessful completion of these events. No. People do not have to care what others think of them as long as they feel comfortable and satisfied with their looks themselves. After all, this is the most important source of happiness to people.3. What do you consider as the most important traits that make

14、a person beautiful?Reference:In my opinion, the important traits of human beauty include two types, one for appearance and one for inner qualities. Features that characterize a beautiful appearance are a good-looking body, proper clothes and accessories, as well as use of makeup that matches the occ

15、asion or event one is attending. Inner qualities that make a person beautiful mainly include good manners and positive personality traits such as honesty, bravery or friendliness.4. What do you think of the relationship between wearing makeup and female beauty? In other words, do women have to apply

16、 cosmetics in order to look beautiful? Why or why not?Reference: Yes. Women should pay great attention to their appearance and hence need to wear makeup. This is because beauty is, believe it or not, usually an important quality for women to succeed, for example, when they want to look for a job or

17、an ideal husband. No. What really makes a person beautiful is inner beauty rather than physical appearance. A beautiful look cant last long, but inner beauty, for example, intelligence and honesty, may make a person successful and happy throughout his life.5. If you were the head of a cosmetics comp

18、any, how would you market or promote a new product?Reference:I would market a new product by three means. First, I can ask a celebrity, for example a famous movie star or a supermodel, to be the brand spokesperson on TV. This is a common practice in the advertising industry, and I think it is very e

19、ffective. Second, I will hire people to distribute flyers and give away free samples of the product on the streets, so the product can reach potential customers directly. In addition, I may post advertisements on public transportation vehicles such as buses and subways. In this way, the commercials

20、can be seen by a large number of people.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.Done with this activity. Time submitted: 2017-03-07 21:43 (Tuesday)Your score: 0%窗体顶端1.We need to improve the quality of education so that our child

21、ren will not leave school(deficient)in literary and reasoning skills.2.In a society governed by the rule of law, every citizen is subject to possible(prosecution)if he violates the law.3.The pay gap between average workers and top corporate officers has led to pubic(outrage)as executives receive lar

22、ge packages despite falling share prices.4.The delicious meal(appeased)our hunger and made us feel warm again after having walked in the snow all day.5.The military insists on(conformity)in many areas, for example, dress and haircut, with the primary objective of promoting group unity.6.My daughter

23、used to play with the dog by taking a(n)(strand)of its hair and then spending a long time rubbing, combing and twisting it.7.When she left for the party, she took great care to make her necklace and shoes(complement)her dress.8.It was necessary to provide living places for(transient)immigrants passi

24、ng through the area on their way to more permanent dwellings.9.They had just moved in, so they needed to buy a number of kitchen(appliances), including a microwave oven, a toaster, and a coffee maker.10.She wanted a beautiful and elegant(outfit)to attend the wedding of a friend, but couldnt find any

25、thing satisfactory in the nearby shops.窗体底端Add-ion,-er,or-istto or remove them from the following words to form new words.For each blank you can only fill in one word.Correct answerdominationorientationconfrontationcomposerbinderscannermanufacturererase14、在太阳周围的八颗大行星,它们是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。imp

26、erialistleftistterrorist16、大量的研究事实说明生命体都是由细胞组成的,生物是由细胞构成的。我们的皮肤表面,每平方厘米含有的细胞数量超过10万个。humanist20、对生活垃圾进行分类、分装,这是我们每个公民的义务。只要我们人人参与,养成良好的习惯,我们周围的环境一定会变得更加清洁和美丽。Fill in the blanks with the newly formed words. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.在铁制品表面涂上油漆或菜油,用完铁制品后擦干放在干燥的地方

27、等。1.The Internet challenges the(domination)of traditional media such as newspapers and television as the main sources of news in modern society.答:如蚂蚁、蝗虫、蚕蛾、蚜虫、蟋蟀、蝉、蝴蝶、蜜蜂、七星瓢虫等。2.Some scientists warn that the X-ray(scanners)now being used to screen passengers at many airports may be harmful to the hu

28、man body.3.3、你知道月食的形成过程吗?Many people think that a(n)(humanist)should have very strong morals, in addition to beliefs in a philosophy that focuses on human values and concerns.答:无色无味,比空气重,不支持燃烧。4.18、大多数生物都是由多细胞组成的,但也有一些生物,它们只有一个细胞,称为单细胞生物。如草履虫、变形虫、细菌等。The police interviewed all six witnesses, but non

29、e of them could describe clearly how the(confrontation)began and who opened fire first.答:水分和氧气是使铁容易生锈的原因。5.In politics,(leftists)are people who generally support social changes to create a more equal society and show concern for those who suffer disadvantages.6.A study of mid-level administrators ca

30、reer(orientation)showed that many of these managers view their current position as a temporary step on an upward path.7.The idea that the United States is a melting pot implies that racial differences are to be(erased)and that immigrants should give up their own cultural traditions.8.Effective measu

31、res should be taken to prevent(terrorists)from attacking civilians, people who have no power to defend themselves from bombs and guns.9.Toyota is one of the worlds largest(manufacturers)of cars, with more than 50 plants across the globe outside Japan.10.17、近年来,我国积极推广“无车日”活动,以节约能源和保护环境。科学家也正在研制太阳能汽车和

32、燃料电池汽车,减少对空气的污染。He sent his parents some of his recent news articles in a(n)(binder), arranged according to their publication dates.11.This island became a colony after European(imperialists)decided to use it as their trading port in the 19th century.12.The concert to be held next month promotes music by(compo

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