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1、模具制作过程控制程序ENG1.0 目的Objective确保模具制作过程在受控状态下进行,使模具品质、交期和成本满足预期要求。Ensure the molds production process is under control;. And the molds quality, delivery date and cost meet the expectation。2.0 范围 Scope本文件只适用於东江科技(深圳)有限公司之模具制作过程。不包括修模、执模、改模。This document only apply to the molds production process of TK t

2、echnology (Shenzhen) Ltd, do not include mold modify, repair。3.0定义 DefinitionBOM物料清单Bill of materialECN工程更改通知Engineering change notification4.0职责 Responsibility采购文员Purchasing clerk制定物料计划,确保物料按期到位。Set the material plan, ensure the material is ready。加工部/组Processing department/Team按图加工,确保工件按质按期完成。Proce

3、ssing according to the graph, ensure the parts quality and finish it on time。制作部精密模具部Production departmentPrecision production department 组织制定和调整生产计划,确保按计划加工。 Set and adjust the production plan, ensure to processing according the plan。 统筹模具的整体进度、模具制作工艺,确保模具按期试模,监控加工部/组加工工件的质量。 Organize the whole sch

4、edule of the mold, the production technique, and ensure to carry out mold trial on time, monitor the items or parts quality。品质部Quality department负责工件的品质检验、记录和状态标识,反馈品质信息,推动品质改进。Responsible to the parts quality examine, record, and labeling, feedback the quality information, and encourage the quality

5、 improvement技术部technical department提供技术支援,协助解决制作过程中的工程技术问题。Responsible to handle the failure during the production process注! 以上未尽之处详见5.0所述。以下对于精密模具部,制作部经理则为精密模具部经理。 Remark: Details refer to 5.0. In the following, the production department manager also include the precision production department mana

6、ger.5.0内容 Content5.1物料计划 material Planning 5.1.1模胚大肉、BOM物料: Mold core, BOM material5.1.2直接常备物料:Direct and regular material 5.1.3间接常备物料:Indirect regular material5.2生产计划 Production plan步骤Procedure行 动Action负 责IC初步的工作编排initial work arrangement接到模图A版,对除标准件外的所有工件(除铜公外)编排加工工艺,估计工时,要求完成时间,编制(初稿) 。After rece

7、ived the mold graph version A, set the processing technique requirement, estimate time required, dead line for all the parts beside standard items., and the (draft)。制作组长Production team leader产前准备及生产编排Pre-production and production arrangement根据产品图、模图A版、(初稿)完成以下工作:According to the product graph, mold

8、graph version A, (draft) to complete the following works: 详细讲解模具制作要求、模具结构、产品要求; Describe the mold requirement, molds structure, and product requirement in details. 强调制作过程可能引起的失效,落实预防措施; Emphasis the potential failure in the production process, realize the prevention measures. 确认各工件之加工工艺和完成时间。 Confor

9、m the process technique and time of completion of the parts in the , sign the final version。制作部经理Production department manager将输入电脑系统;打印后交制作部经理签核后分发制作部、品质部等相关人员。Input the into the computer system;Print it, pass to the production department manager sign to approve, then distribute to the production d

10、epartment, quality department, and related staff;制作编排员Production scheduler 根据已有未完成部分、新的及修模/改模计划,制订排机计划;According to the unfinished , new and mold modify/repair plan, to set the machine arrangement 制订分发各加工组。 Set the and distribute to the processing team加工/制作编排员Processing/ production scheduler 统计分析,发现

11、超负荷现象,提前向上级反馈。 Statistic and analysis, if discover any over loading, report to the superior. 根据实际情况决定工件可否提前或延后,可否改变加工工艺以缓解负荷。 According to the actual situation, to decide whether the parts schedule have to be changed or not, and whether to change the technique。 对于调整排期后,仍然无法加工的工件,申请外发加工,见外发加工控制程序(工模厂

12、) For those parts, which cannot be finished even by changed the machine arrangement, could apply contract out processing, details refer to contract out processing control procedure(Mold factory)制作部经理Porduction department manager5.3工艺和进度控制 Technique and progress controlNO行 动Action负 责IC01依,安排各机台之加工任务,

13、并对操作者明确加工要求及注意事项(特别是以往曾出现的失效),采取预防措施。According ,arrange the machine processing arrangement, and clarify the processing requirement, , and take preventive measures。加工组长Processing team leader02 加工前应提前准备好辅助用具(如夹具、刀具等),检查监测装置处于完好状态。 Prepare all the assistant tools before processing, examine the monitori

14、ng devices to ensure they all in good condition。 看清图纸和工艺流程,并按其要求加工。 Carefully read the graph and technique procedure, and processing according to the requirement。操作者Operator03加工过程中,需调整或更改加工工艺时,与制作组长协商,并将结果知会制作编排员。During the processing,when need to adjust or change the processing technique, communica

15、te with the production team leader, and notify the result to the scheduler。加工组长Processing team leader04 加工完成后,填写/(锣床/磨床/钻床)经上级审核后交编排员。After the processing is finished, fill the / and pass to the scheduler after appraised by superior。 省模、制作组以人为单位记录工时;Mold polisher, production team record the staffs w

16、orking hour 除此之外的组别则以机台为单位记录工时。 Other team record the machines working hour。操作者operator05 将所有/(锣床/磨床/钻床)中的工时输入电脑:Input all the working hour of / into the computer: 对各员工或机台加工工时进行统计,定期生成报表交指定人员。 Calculate each staffs or machines processing hour, form report regularly and provide to specialize staff。仓务

17、文员Warehouse clerk 根据完成情况调整排机计划,未按期完成的工件,向加工组长汇报。 Arrange the machine according to the finishing time, report to the processing team leader about the parts which have to be postponed。加工/制作编排员Processing/. Production scheduler06促使各加工负责人检讨违规原因, 采取相应对策, 并知会制作部经理。Encourage the processing PIC to evaluate t

18、he reason of broken law, and take correspondent measures, and notify the production department manager。加工组长Processing team leader07跟进模具各工件的加工进度,将跟进结果记录於上。Follow up the progress of molds parts, and record the result on the .制作部编排员Production scheduler08 在调整生产计划仍无法确保货期时,应提前申请。 If the pats cannot finish

19、ed before dead line even by changing the working schedule, should apply ahead。 填写,由制作部经理确认后交项目工程师; Write ,pass to the project engineer after approved by production department manager制造工程师Production engineer 与客户沟通并即时回复制作部经理。 Communicate with the customer and reply to the production department manager

20、 immediately。项目工程师Project engineer5.4制程发现来料问题 The material problem arise during production品质部主管/工程师采购员IQC组长加工/制作人员不属实标识、跟进属实IQC供应商流程:流程说明:Procedure description流程Procedure行 动 和 要 求Action and requirement负 责IC01发现来料问题,影响正常生产时,及时知会品质主管或品质工程师。When problem raised,affect the normal production, notify the q

21、uality manager or quality engineer immediately。操作人员Operator02接到生产制作部门反馈来的信息,及时确认问题是否属实:When received the problem information form the production department, investigate whether the problem is exist:品质部主管/工程师Quality department head/ engineer属 实exist不 属 实Rejected-则应知会IQC组长,及时发出,确定处理方法并交采购员;Notify the

22、IQC team leader,issue to ascertain the handle measures and pass to the purchaser-安排IQC作好不合格标识。Arrangement the IQC to prepare the failure label;与发出者沟通,共识问题。Communicate with the issuer, and reach agreement on the problem03若为退货或需对供应商进行处罚,则按来料控制程序处理。If need to rejected the goods or penalty the supplier,

23、 treat according the Material control procedure04按要求对制程发现的不良来料进行标识,并跟进其处理。Label the failure material discover during the production process according to the requirement, and follow up the treatmentIQC5.5品质检验与控制 Quality examining and control 检验方式: Method of examine: 操作者自检; The operator self-examine;制

24、作组的监督检查; Monitoring examine by the production team;IPQC对规定工序进行检验。 IPQC examine the regulate working procedure 。 检验标准: examining criteria: 受控图纸(模图、散件图、加工图); Controlled graph(mold graph、 items graph、processing graph); 检验指导书。 Examining instruction。操作者自检Operator self-examine合 格Pass不 合 格Failure 于图纸对应流程处签

25、名,然后将工件、图纸一起流入下工序。 Sign for the correspondent procedure of the graph, then pass the parts, graph to next procedure。 返工; redo 重检合格方可放行。 delivery only after re-examine。制作组监督检查Monitoring examine of the production tam 每个工件所有工序完成后,制作组收到工件后应作监督检查,发现有问题及时将其反馈给IPQC; After finish all procedure of each parts,

26、 the production team should carry out monitoring examine after received the parts, if discover any problem, notify the IPQC immediately; IPQC发出交品质部主管确认后,按“”要求处理。 IPQC issue and pass to the quality department head, handle according to“”。IPQC检验IPQCExamine 加工完成的工件,自检合格后以下情形必须送IPQC检验:The parts finished

27、processing, under the following conditions after examine, must send to IPQC to examine:1、外发加工前;2、工件加工完送制作前;3、工件在加工过程中转移加工组别时。 Before contract out processing ;2、before send to the production department after finished the processing;3、when the parts transfer to other team during processing。 IPQC组长与制作组

28、长沟通,确定工件之重要尺寸,在参考图上做出标识。 IPQC team leader should communicate with the production team leader,conform the important dimension of the parts,and indicate on the reference graph。 IPQC组长根据实际情况,将工件检测工作分配给指定人员。 IPQC team leader depends on the situation, distribute the parts examine job to specialize staff。

29、 检测工件之重要尺寸,填写,尺寸检测结果记录在参考图上。 Examine the important dimension, write the , record the examine result on the reference graph。IPQC检验合格IPQC examine passedIPQC於图纸反面盖“QC PASSED”,於对应流程处签字做实,检验记录与图纸经IPQC组长审核后,与工件一起置於“合格区”;Seal“QC PASSED” on the back of the graph,sign on the correspondent procedure, examine the record and the graph, then appraised by th

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