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1、七夕与情人节对比英语论文七夕与情人节对比英语论文湖北省高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文中国七夕节与西方情人节的对比分析准 考 证 号 :XXXXX 学 生 姓 名 :XXX指 导 教 师 :赵红英 二一五年三月摘要文化是一种社会行为,文化与人们的日常生活,习俗和习惯息息相关。本文试图对七夕节和情人节起源,庆祝方法,文化底蕴及人们对这两个节日的不同心理认同进行分析。传统的七夕节的衰落和情人节的热捧有着鲜明的社会性意义,本文从跨文化传播交流中的角度分析了两个节日的差异。关键词:七夕节,情人节,不同AbstractCulture is a kind of social behavior. It is

2、 correlated with peoples daily life, and customs and habits. This paper intends to make an analysis of the different origins of the Double seventh Festival and Valentines Day, the different celebrations and cultural backgrounds of the two festivals, as well as different peoples psychological identit

3、ies of the two festivals. Traditional Valentines decline and favorable Tanabata Festival has a distinctive social significance, and this paper discusses the differences between the two festivals from the perspective of cross-cultural communication.Key Words: Double Seventh Festival, Valentines Day,

4、Differences ContentsAbstract (Chinese). IAbstract (English). IIChapter One: Introduction 1Chapter Two: Folk Legend and Name Sources of Double Seventh Festival and Valentine2.1 The Double Seventh Festivals and Valentines Days Folk Legend 2.2 Name Sources of the Double Seventh Festival and Valentines

5、Day 2.2.1 The Origin of the Name 2.2.2 The Nickname Summary Chapter Three: Cultural Difference between Double Seventh Festival and Valentine 3.1 Straightforward and Conceal Differences 3.2 The Difference between Material and Spiritual 3.3 The Difference between Love and Keepsake Matter Conclusion Wo

6、rks Cited The Cultural Comparison of Valentines Day and Double-Seventh DayChapter One IntroductionThe festival is an essential part of cultural customs, which is also an important part to reflect the traditional ethnic culture. On the other hand, the festival, as a mirror of culture, is strongly inf

7、luenced by culture. Culture is a kind of social behavior. It is correlated with peoples daily life, and customs and habits. Each nations special culture gives love some special cultural meaning. Different countries have different folk festivals owing to different natural conditions and humane factor

8、s. For most western countries, traditional festivals originate from religion, while our traditional festivals come from a farming civilization. The different origins lead to different celebrations. Over the many years in past, different regions have celebrated their own festivals. In modern times, w

9、ith development of globalization, many ethnic festivals are celebrated by all over the world. For example, the Western Valentines Day is widely celebrated by our young people. And Chinas Double Seventh Festival is called Oriental Valentines Day. But we should know what the differences are between th

10、e two festivals. What can we learn from the two festivals? In this paper, we will discuss the Double Seventh Festival and the Valentines Day, which reflect the differences between Chinese and Western cultures about love of various levels. Many young people ignore the glorious national heritage of th

11、ousands of years. What should we and the government do for the two festivals? Chapter Two Folk Legend and Name Sources of Double Seventh Festival and Valentine2.1 The Double Seventh Festivals and Valentines Days Folk LegendThe Double Seventh Festival “Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hea

12、rted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself. One day, a fairy from Heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhand farmed in

13、 the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back. With the help of the celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew

14、 to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand. The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only

15、feel their tears. Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. Hence their meeting date

16、 has been call Qi Xi.The Chinese have own characteristics of celebrating the Double Seventh Festival. The Double Seventh Festival is also called Qiqiao Festival, which means people beg Emperor to give them skillful hands like the Weaver Maids. Due to the difference of clime culture in China, there a

17、re different celebrations: in Jiangxi province, there was a bridge meeting of the Double Seventh Festival. People came to take part in it and built a wooden bridge. At night, people faced the double stars and begged good fate,then cremating the wooden bridge, which meant that the double stars went a

18、cross the bridge and had a glad meeting. In Shanxi province, every girl should be made up well, putting on beautiful dresses, and then offering all kinds of fruits to their friends.With the development of society, now these customs have gradually disappeared, however, the legend of the Cowhand and W

19、eaver Maid has taken root in the hearts of the people. In recent years, in particular, urban youths have celebrated it as the Valentines Day in China. As a result, owners of flower shops, bars and stores are full of joy as they sell more commodities for love. Our youths focus on their individual cha

20、racter and emotional expression, so as to directly express their feelings. This is a major reason that the Double Seventh Festival is affected by the Western Valentines Day. The Valentines Day There are many opinions about the origin of the Valentines Day. The Valentines Day, is the very typical fes

21、tival, which has spread to all over the world. There are three forms of its origin: Origin I: The priest St.Valentine was firmed in his Christian faith and he didnt worship the Roman emperor, so he was imprisoned by the Roman emperor and finally sentenced to death. The Daughter of his prison guard w

22、as attracted by his behavior. In the process of waiting for execution, he fell in love with the girl. But he still refused to give up faith because of love. On February 14, AD .270, before execution, he wrote a passionate letter to his love. The inscription is “from your Valentine”. People set this

23、day as “Valentines Day”. Origin II: According to the legend, in ancient times, natural environment was very bad, so every year the Romans had to sacrifice to the God in February to pray for health and prosperity. Unmarried men and women could participate in the activities on that day, and they could

24、 dance together. Girls names were written on a small slip of paper, so that the boys could select. The girl who was selected by a boy would become his wife. After many years, this led to many marriages. This day happened to be February 14. People thought this was the achievement of the day. So peopl

25、e set this day as “Valentines Day”From the origins of the two festivals, we can see obviously that the two festivals have different origins. The Double Seventh Festival, as one of Chinas traditional festivals, reflects that agricultural civilization played a dominant role in the process of developme

26、nt of our country. Ancient China was a predominantly agricultural country, so Chinas traditional festivals are closely linked with agriculture. The Double Seventh Festival embodies peoples respect for nature in ancient Chinese culture, and the custom of worshiping the Cowhand and Weaver Maid is the

27、best embodiment. The Valentines Day reflects the Westerns Christian faith and the regression of human nature since the Renaissance. The Christians believe that love cannot be ignored, so the Westerners stress more on love and they place it in the first place. Westerners think that love is in accord

28、with the feelings of nature. From the celebrations of the two festivals, we can see there are different participants in the festivals. The Valentines Day, although it originated from religion, has now become a couple holiday. On the Valentines Day, everybody holds roses in the street. Everyone can p

29、articipate in the festival, whether they are young couples or elderly people, and children are also involved in the Valentines Day. The Double Seventh Festival in ancient China was celebrated mainly by unmarried women, and ancient history books and poetry didnt record that males took part in the fes

30、tival.The Double Seventh Festival is mainly directed to young single pairs of groups. The aim is to find their loved one, then to make further development with the loved one, and finally to form a family. The Valentines Day is not certainly for the purpose of marriage; it contains extra-marital affa

31、irs. No matter what kind of cultural background, as long as you need love, you can accept the festival.2.2 Name Sources of the Double Seventh Festival and Valentines Day2.2.1 The Origin of the NameThe Double seventh Festival is from the earliest people to the worship of nature. From the historical p

32、oint of view, at least three thousand or four thousand years ago, with the production of textile technology and peoples understanding of astronomy, there was records about Altair and Vega. People are much more than the worship of the stars Altair and Vega, they think things have seven representatives of the north and south o

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