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高三英语二轮专题复习第8节 学校生活二.docx

1、高三英语二轮专题复习第8节 学校生活二第8节学校生活(二).阅读理解AWhen bringing a bag of clothes for charity into her class,Donofrio,a Rayen Early College Middle School teacher never expected to inspire a schoolwide charity program.One day two years ago,Donofrio collected clothes she did not wear for donation and brought the bag

2、into her class to see if any of her students wanted anything she was going to give away.As the students looked through the bag,Donofrio said she heard the word “gift”Seemingly,her students werent looking for themselves,instead for their families.The students generous attitudes motivated Donofrios in

3、terest to start a program for students to collect and distribute donations among one another.Now the program collects donations from not only teachers and students within the school but also from community members.“Its nice to think that people we dont even know have the heart to donate to kids in n

4、eed,” said Brianna Figueroa,12.“People have such kind hearts.” Because about 100 people donated items to the program,the number of donations allowed every REC student,nearly 200,to choose 15 items each for friends and families.“These are just such great kids we have here,and Im so happy to see this

5、grow bigger and better each year,” Donofrio said.Students shared her enthusiasm.“There were scores of things to choose frombooks,clothes and everything,” said Desiree Copeland,15.Omyja Jackson,12,said the donation and distribution of gifts brought together both students and teachers for a common cau

6、se.“It makes us feel happy to give our families something,” she said.Jermele Tillis,12,said there are lots of chances out there to help,and Donofrio made one arousing great reaction because she took the time to do something like this.语篇解读本文介绍一位友善的、乐于助人的并具有影响力的老师Donofrio以及由她发起的捐赠活动。1Why did Donofrio

7、bring clothes she did not wear into class?ABecause she intended to exchange them with the kids.BBecause she wanted to give them away to those in need.CBecause she had an urge to start a wholeclass donation.DBecause she planned to hold a schoolwide charity activity.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“.Donofrio col

8、lected clothes she did not wear for donation and brought the bag into her class to see if any of her students wanted anything she was going to give away.”可知,Donofrio把不穿的衣服带进教室是想把它们赠送给需要的人。故选B。2What exactly resulted in the birth of the donation program?AThe parents involvement.BThe widely social supp

9、ort.CThe schools encouragement.DThe students positive response.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第三段第一句可知,学生们积极的回应促成了这个捐赠活动的形成。故选D。3How do people like Donofrios act?AIt is kind,helpful and influential.BIt is effective and various as well.CIt is tough but greatly instructive.DIt is both enjoyable and educational.答案A解析推理判

10、断题。根据第三、四段和最后三段可知,人们认为Donofrio的行为是友善的、乐于助人的并具有影响力的。故选A。BAs more and more schools rush to put digital devices(设备) in the hands of every student,many parents are becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of their childrens education.The promise of increased student academic achievement through

11、 the use of technology hasnt really produced any significant results in the past 20 years.Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles conducted a study in 2014 to determine if the social skills of elementary students were blocked by screen time.Two groups of sixth grade students were com

12、pared.One group was sent to an outdoor camp for one week with no screen time,while the control group lived life as normal.After one week,the students at camp had made significant improvements over their peers(同龄人)The good news is that when we limit access to screen time and give children the opportu

13、nity to interact face to face,they quickly become better at reading nonverbal cues(非语言暗示) and determining the emotional state of others.The bad news is that we have a generation of children that struggle with this basic emotional intelligence skill.Too much screen time has been linked to childhood o

14、besity,sleep disorders,behavior problems,and academic challenges.But is there a difference between schoolwork and entertainment media?When students are using technology for academic work they are more likely to be communicating with peers,working cooperatively,and developing other important skills.H

15、owever,all these are impossible when students watch entertainment media.They just sit and watch!Parents have the right to be concerned about their childrens screen time at school,but they should begin by discussing the use of digital media at home.Some parents are continuously tuned into their own d

16、evices,responding to every ping(铃声) of their phones,receiving and sending messages.How can they expect their children to do better?语篇解读随着越来越多的学校急于推进数字化教学,许多家长越来越担心孩子的教育质量。本文就这一问题展开了讨论。4What was the schools initial intention of using digital devices?ATo improve students academically.BTo help students

17、 develop socially.CTo make school life more entertaining and colorful.DTo make sure students get technological education.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第一段第二句可知,是为了提高学生在学术上的技能。故选A。5What aspect of children worries the writer a lot?ALacking guidance on proper screen time.BLacking chances to communicate with others.CLac

18、king interest in improving their study.DLacking skills in reading others emotional state.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可知,作者担忧学生缺乏读懂他人情绪状态的技能。故选D。6What attitude does the writer have to the use of digital devices in schoolwork?APositive. BConcerned.CNegative. DUncertain.答案A解析观点态度题。根据第四段第一句可知,作者对在学校作业中使用数字设备的态度

19、是积极的。故选A。7From the passage,we can learn that .Aparents shouldnt oppose schools in their educational approachesBsome parents may set a bad example to their children in using digital mediaCthe screen watching time shouldnt be longer than 2 hours for studentsDits wrong for schools to focus on technolog

20、ical education答案B解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可推知,在使用数字媒体上一些父母可能会给他们的孩子树立一个坏榜样。故答案为B。.七选五(2018河南豫南豫北名校精英联赛)Many teenagers want to look cool. 8 Chloe Murray,an eighthgrader at Jefferson Middle School in the US,realized this problem and established a charitable clothes closet(衣橱) to help her peers. 9 The school

21、let her use a room for the project.Chloes classmates joined her as well.Last month,the charitable clothes closet,called Chloes Closet,opened. 10 “Confidence is a real issue in middle school,especially when it comes to clothing,” Chloe told the Chicago Tribune,a daily newspaper in Chicago,US.Where ar

22、e the clothes from? Many people from the schools community and neighboring schools donated used and new clothes.The clothes closet is only open after school.Students can “buy” these clothes by earning “money” when they turn in their schoolwork on time,make corrections on homework,participate in a sc

23、hool activity or express helpfulness to their peers and teachers. 11 “ 12 Then,they will be better able to focus on the learning material rather than paying too much attention to what they are wearing,” Shannon Arko,a language arts teacher at the school,pointed out the mission of the closet.“Feeling

24、 good about yourself translates into a better learning experience overall.”AHer school supported the idea too.BBut not everyone can afford to keep up with the changing fashion trends.CFashion has already become an important part of students lives.DYou need to supply children with basic needs,such as

25、 clothing.EIts filled with trendy clothes for girls and boys to help students look their best.FDespite all these difficulties,she was able to start a charitable clothes closet.GSince the first week in March,about 100 items have been “sold” to students.语篇解读很多青年想时尚,但不是每个人都能跟上时尚潮流的变化。Chloe Murray创办了“一个

26、慈善的衣服壁橱”来帮助她的同学。8答案B解析上句句意为:很多年轻人想看上去很酷。根据常识可知B项(但并不是每个人都能负担得起跟上时尚潮流的变化。)符合语境。9答案A解析根据下句句意“学校让她用一个房间做这个项目。”可知,学校也支持她的想法。故选A。10答案E解析上句句意为:上个月,慈善的衣服壁橱,被称作Chloe的衣橱,开放了。因为是为学生而开的,所以它装满了女孩和男孩的时髦衣服。故选E。11答案G解析根据上文“Students can buy these clothes by earning money .”可知G项(自从三月的第一周,大约100件衣服已经卖给学生。)符合题意。12答案D解析

27、根据下文句意“然后,他们将能够更好地专注于学习材料,而不是过分关注他们的穿着。”可知,首先你需要给孩子提供基本的需要,比如衣服。此处then是关键词。故选D。.短文改错(2018河北衡水中学七调)My classmates and I decide to do something for our coming graduation.After the heated discussion,we agreed on making a video to record their school life experiences.Material collecting took us a whole w

28、eekwe interviewed our teachers or took pictures of almost every aspect of our school life.Edit the interview videos and pictures were tough.We debated about what to put into the video.Some compromises and arguments were unavoidable,but the video turned out to be perfectly.Several days later,when the

29、 video played at the graduation ceremony,it was well received.The students and teachers had a great time.That surely gave us a great sense of achievements.答案My classmates and I to do something for our coming graduation.After heated discussion,we agreed on making a video to record school life experie

30、nces.Material collecting took us a whole weekwe interviewed our teachers took pictures of almost every aspect of our school life. the interview videos and pictures tough.We debated about what to put into the video.Some compromises and arguments were unavoidable,but the video turned out to be .Severa

31、l days later,when the video played at the graduation ceremony,it was well received.The students and teachers had a great time.That surely gave us a great sense of .13考查时态。文章描述过去的事情,故用一般过去时。14考查冠词。此处的discussion是第一次提到,故用不定冠词。15考查代词。我们制作的视频记录的是我们的学校生活。所以把their改为our。16考查连词。此处表示两个连续的动作,且是肯定句,故用and连接。17考查非谓语动词。“Edit the interview videos and pictures”在句中作主语,故把动词Edit改为Editing,动名词短语作主语。18考查主谓一致。动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。19考查介词。debate争论,是及物动词,后直接跟宾语,about在此多余,故去掉about。20考查形容词。系动词后跟形容词作表语。21考查时态和语态。video和play之间是被动关系,故用被动语态;并且描述的是过去的事情,故在played前加was。22考查名词的单复数。a sense of a

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