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1、回流传导焊接和胶固化设备的工艺控制要求精选 三阶文件1.Product Revision 产品版本Product Name产品名称Applicable Product BOM Revision适用的产品BOM版本2.Change history更改记录Updated Ver.最新版本Effective date 生效日期Prepared by起草人Brief of Amendments更改内容摘要3.Purpose目的The purpose of this document is to define the standard operation and process-monitoring p

2、rocedures for reflow soldering, conductive soldering and adhesive curing equipment.4.Scope范围 This procedure is applicable to Enics Suzhou facility that utilize the above-mentioned process.Enics5.Definitions定义IPC-T-50 - Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits.IPC-T

3、-50 电子装联产品的术语和定义6.Responsibilities职责 SMT operators It is the responsibility of the SMT Operator to ensure the correct profile program is loaded.SMT作业员负责正确加载回流炉程序.SMT TechniciansIt is the responsibility of the technician to ensure that the profiles are available, and any new profiles are not saved as

4、 a Datapaq profile until they are within specification, and also be responsible for fabricating testing profile board, testing profile and printing the profile.SMT技术人员负责确保炉温曲线的有效性,保存符合规格要求的炉温曲线,并且负责制作炉温测试板,测试炉温并打印炉温曲线.SMT Line Supervisors It is the responsibility of the SMT Line Supervisors to ensur

5、e only trained operators are loading profiles into the machine.SMT线主管负责确保只有培训合格的作业员才能加载回流炉程序.SMT Engineer It is the responsibility of the SMT Engineer to indicate on any ECN, the requirement to re-profile an assembly, where the changes made could affect the thermal properties of that assembly and th

6、erefore the solderability of components, also be responsible for setting DataPaq software configure, temperature parameter and verify the profile testing result. SMT工程师负责指出任何的ECN,重测炉温的要求,哪些更改可能会影响产品的热性能和元件的可焊性,而且负责设置DataPaq软件配置,炉温参数和确认炉温曲线结果.QA technicainsIt is the responsibility of the QA technicia

7、ns to verify whether on duty SMT technicians test profile, print profile, paste it on the reflows designated area or not. QA检查并确认当班SMT技术人员是否测试、打印、张贴炉温曲线于炉子的制定区域.7.Description描述7.1 process overview总体制程Any Enics Suzhou site utilizing this process is responsible for ensuring implementation and conforma

8、nce to this procedure.任何使用这个制程的Enics苏州生产工厂都应确保执行并符合这个程序.Solder Reflow / Conduction and Adhesive Cure are the means by which mechanical attachment of components to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is achieved in the surface mount technology (SMT) process.焊锡回流/传导和胶固化的意思是指在SMT工艺中通过某种方式让元件与PCB板形成良好的结合.Figu

9、re 1 SMT Process FlowNote: Manual or automated inspection steps may occur within this flow but are not within the scope of this document.注:在制程中可以有手动或自动检查步骤,但这个文件里没有讲.7.2 Training Requirements培训要求All personnel who operate SMT equipment shall be trained in accordance with defined specific function tra

10、ining programs. Specific function training plans and training records shall be available and maintained. Employees that have not completed the required training or those not in the process of completing approved apprenticeship programs are not allowed to operate the equipment as noted in this proced

11、ure.所有要操作SMT设备的人员都要根据特殊功能培训程序进行培训. 特殊功能培训计划和培训要记录并且保存. 任何人员没有完成培训或未出师的学徒不能操作这份文件中讲到的设备.All personnel who perform profiling on customer product shall be trained in accordance with defined profiling specific function training programs.所有将要执行测量客户产品炉温曲线的人员将要接受相关培训.7.3 Process Requirements (technical ope

12、ration) 制程要求(技术性操作)End Product Workmanship终端产品的工艺All PWAs processed through the convection/conduction soldering or adhesive cure machine shall meet the Quality requirements listed in IPC-A-610, unless otherwise specified by the customer. Work instructions shall define personnel responsibilities with

13、 the associated convection/conduction solder and adhesive cure equipment. In addition, the work instructions shall define applicable information such as start up, machine specific information and shut down. Machine specific troubleshooting may also be included. Assembly specific information such as

14、orientation of product, use of tooling, pallets, machine settings, etc shall be documented in the product change over check list. 所有的PWA有经过回流/传导焊接或胶固化机器都有应符合IPC-A-610所列出的品质要求,除非客户有特殊要求.操作指导书应该定义操作回流/传导焊接或胶固化机器人员的责任.另外,操作指导书要定义相关信息比如开机,机器的特殊信息及关机,还应包括解决机器故障.组装方面的特殊信息比如产品的方向,使用的治具,机器设定等都应该包括在产品更换记录表里.

15、Convection/Conduction Solder Tooling回流/传导焊接工治具All convection/conduction solder tooling used to support the process shall be revision controlled and clearly labeled or reside in a labeled container and be documented for the specific PWA. Additionally, each tool shall have a tooling number assigned to

16、 it per the equipment management requirements. The tooling shall be, but not limited to: shields, custom or universal pallets, weights, alignment fixtures, and hold-downs. Tooling shall be manufactured with ESD compliant materials.所有用于回流/传导焊接制程的工治具应该有版本控制并且有清楚的标签或放入到有标签的箱子里并且要做特殊保存,另外每个工治具都应该根据设备管理的

17、要求进行编号.工治具最少包括:防护盖、夹具盘、砝码、定位治具以及压板治具.所有治具都要用ESD材料做.Thermal Profiling温度曲线A valid temperature profile is required for each production assembly per machine. If another assembly uses the same PCB and PCB revision, the first profile can be acceptable provided it is reviewed by the factory engineering tea

18、m for changes in the thermal mass. Site shall maintain a system to track the approval of assemblies where the PCB and PCB revision were used from a different assembly. All valid profiles must be stored for future reference. An approved Enics work instruction will define how the profiles are created,

19、 named, approved, and controlled.每台机器上有生产的每个产品都要有一条正确的温度曲线.假如另外一个装配使用相同的PCB和PCB版本,倘若它被工厂工程部重新评估整体能量的变化后,最先的炉温曲线是可以接受的.工厂将要维护一个系统去追踪已被正式批准的用于不同的装配的PCB和PCB版本.所有有效的温度曲线都要保存起来供以后参考.批准后的Enics 操作指导书定义了曲线如何建立,命名,批准和控制.Note: In the event a solder sample or scrap pcb is used for profiling or troubleshooting

20、purposes, it must be either permanently marked (i.e. with an X or words Scrap) or rendered unusable (i.e. hole punched in board) in order to prevent its unintended use. 注意:在机器设定或者故障修复时,如果有用到样品板或报废板,需要在这类板上做上记号(如打X或者注明报废),或者破坏此板(如在板上打孔),以避免这类板被不小心当成品使用.Enics Suzhou site will appoint a designee to che

21、ck an existing thermal profile during the setup of a typical production run by comparing the thermal profile documentation to the oven recipe. If there is a discrepancy between the oven recipe and the profile documentation, the existing recipe will be deleted and a new thermal profile will be create

22、d.经过比较温度曲线与机器设定而确定的一个典型的产品在开始生产时,Enics苏州工厂要指定专人去检查现有的温度曲线.如果机器设定与温度曲线不一致时,必须删除现有设定并重新测量温度曲线.Re-profiling of an assembly is required under the following conditions:出现下面情况必须重新测量产品的温度曲线:1) significant mechanical adjustment重要的机械调整2) equipment re-validation机器重新确认3) adjustment to the conveyor speed 调整链速4)

23、 adjustment to a zone temperature调整区间温度5) change of solder alloy焊膏合金变化6) change of flux chemistry助焊剂化学成分改变Re-profiling should be considered under the following conditions: 出现以下情况要考虑重新测量曲线1. software change软件变更2. machine retrofits机器更新3. Change in product revision产品版本变更Machine retrofits and significan

24、t mechanical adjustments are associated with conveyor speed, heating or cooling systems.机器更新和重大的机器调整指与链速, 加热或冷却系统相关的调整/变化.Sites manufacturing medical devices (where process validation is required and implemented) must assess all changes to the reflow oven specifications, methods, processes, and proc

25、edures for verification or re-validation. All recipe changes must be verified with a new thermal profile (and a new first article assembly). A site specific work instruction describing how reflow oven changes will be identified, documented, assessed, verified, or re-validated, and the location of th

26、e records of these activities, must be created by the applicable medical manufacturing sites.制造医疗产品的生产基地(在该基地要求执行制程确认)必须对所有涉及炉子规格,方法、工艺和程序的变化进行评估以进行确认或重新验收.所有的程序变更必须用新的温度曲线确认(或新的首板).相关医疗产品生产工厂要建立操作指导书描述如何标识,记录,评估,确认或重新验收回流炉的变更以及所有这些活动的记录的保存地点.Convection/Conduction Reflow Profile Guidelines对流/传导回流曲线指

27、南Solder reflow profiling is used to control the process per assembly to insure high reliability soldering is occurring without affecting the reliability of the components. In the creation of a profile, the following criteria need to be met:焊锡回流曲线用于控制每个产品的制程以确保良好焊接,不影响元件的可靠性,建立一条曲线要符合以下要求:1. High qua

28、lity solder joints as specified by IPC-A-610高品质的焊点要求 IPC-A-6102. Customer specific requirements客户特殊要求3. Boundary conditions outlined in Table 1表1中的各种界限要求4. Paste process windows outlined in WI SMT Reflow/Cure Process Control在SMT回流和固化制程的控制要求中有关焊膏工艺窗口中的要点.5. Thermal constraints of any individual compo

29、nent个别吸热较大的元件To optimize the profile the solder quality should be reviewed and the paste process window targeted. Table 1, is derived from IPC 9502 and Enics best practices for common manufacturing materials, substrate surface finishes, substrate types, components, and customer requirements. The pro

30、file for a machine and assembly shall not exceed the specifications outlined in Table 1. If because of material differences, special process, tooling, machine capability and customer specification, the conditions in Table 1 cannot be met a deviation is required. Conditions in Table 1 are a range of

31、parameters listed for multiple paste types. Refer to WI (SMT Reflow/Cure Process Control ) for a more detailed reflow profile parameter range listing.要优化温度曲线就要检查焊接质量并且以焊膏工艺窗口的曲线规格要求为目标. 表1的数据来源基于 IPC-9502 及Enics对满足普通生产材料,不同PCB 表面处理方式,不同基材, 不同元件和客户要求的最佳经验,在机器和产品上的温度曲线不得超出表1的规格要求. 如果因材料不同,特殊制程,工治具,机器能力和客户规格等情况不能符合表1要求需要做一个偏差说明.表1所罗列的参数范围是给多种焊膏.请参照WI(SMT回流和固化制程的控制要求)更为详细的炉温参数范围清单.PROCESS PARAMETERTin-LeadLead-FreeLOWER SPEC LIMITUPPER SPEC LIMITLOWER SPEC LIMITUPPER SPEC LIMITAPreheat Slope (Degrees C/second)N/A4.0N/A4.0BPreheat Dwell (seconds)*N/A165N/A165CTime Above Liquidus (seconds

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