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1、红宝书阅读长难句打印版doc【红宝书】考研英语 最后冲刺3套题文章难句解析(网络版)Text 11.【文章难句】 It has been a divisive issue across the U.S., as educators blamed the prolonged reaction to affirmative-action for declines in minority admissions. 【结构分析】 该句为一复合句,It has been a.issue是句子的主干, as minority admissions 是原因状语从句。【句子精译】 它一

2、直是美国国内争论不休的问题,因为教育者把少数民族学生的入学人数下降归咎于对肯定诉讼程序的持续反对。2.【文章难句】 They, together with 36 universities and 7 non-profitable organizations, formed a forum that set forth an action plan essentially designed to help colleges circumvent court-imposed restrictions on affirmative-action.【结构分析】 They.formed a forum是

3、句子的主干, that set forth.on affirmative-action 是定语从句,修饰说明 a forum, essentially designed to help.on affirmative-action是分词短语,修饰plan。【句子精译】 他们联合了36所大学以及7家非营利性公益组织创建了一个论坛来实施一个行动计划,专门帮助大学在肯定诉讼上规避法庭强加的约束。3.【文章难句Doing so allows colleges to take minorities who excel in average urban schools, even if they would

4、nt have made the cut under the current statewide ranking many universities use.【结构分析】 Doing so allows colleges to take minorities 是句子的主干,even if.是让步状语从句;who excel in average urban schools 是定语从句,修饰minorities; many universities use 也是定语从句省略了that,修饰ranking。【句子精译】 这样做使学院可以录取在一般市镇学校中的少数民族尖子生,即使他们在当前全国许多大

5、学使用的级别排定下本不愿意作以削减。Text 21. But, says Randall Rothenberg, the boss of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade association, the announcements this week by Facebook and its larger rival, MySpace, which has a similar ad system, could amount to a big step forward in conversational marketing.【结构分析】这是一

6、个复合句,其主干是But, says Randall Rothenber, the announcementscould amount to。the boss of是主语的同位语;a trade association是前面的the Interactive Advertising Bureau的同位语;在宾语从句中,which引导的非限定性定语从句是用来修饰前面的MySpace的。【句子精译】但是,一家名为互动广告局的贸易协会的老总Randall Rothenberg认为,Facebook和其较大的对手拥有相似广告体系的MySpace在本周发布的宣言将在对话市场营销中向前迈出一大步。2. If

7、, for instance, a Facebook user makes a purchase at Fandango, a website that sells cinema tickets, this information again shows up on the news feeds of his friends on Facebook, who might decide to come along.【结构分析】 这是一个复合句,其主干是If a Facebook user makes a purchase, this information shows up。在前面的条件状语从句

8、中,a website是前面Fandango的同位语;主句中who引导的定语从句是修饰friends的。【句子精译】比如,假设一个Facebook的用户在卖电影票的网站Fandango购买了电影票,这个信息就会出现在这个人在Facebook上的朋友新闻地带中,他们也可能会决定一起去。Text 31.【文章难句】 The formation, maintenance, and dissolution of the family are in large part a function of the relative balance between the benefits and costs o

9、f marriage as seen by the individual members of the marriage.【结构分析】 这是一个复合句,主干是The formation, maintenance, and dissolution of the family are a function, 省略的定语从句as seen by the individual members of the marriage修饰前面整个主句。【句子精译】 家庭中的每个成员都可以看到,在很大程度上是婚姻中获利与成本间的平衡导致了婚姻的组成、维系与破裂。2.【文章难句】 Much of the variat

10、ions in marital stability across income classes can be explained by the variation in costs of dissolution imposed by society, e.g. division of property, alimony, child support, and the social stigma attached to divorce.【结构分析】 句子的主干是variations in marital stability can be explained by the variation in

11、 costs,imposed by society是一个省略的定语从句,修饰costs of dissolution。【句子精译】 社会施加在婚姻解体上的成本差异,如财产分割,赡养费,孩子的抚养及受到玷污的名声,导致了不同收入阶层婚姻稳定性的差异。3.【文章难句】 So welfare opportunities are a significant determinant of family instability in poor neighborhoods, but this is not the result of AFDC regulations that exclude most in

12、tact family from coverage. 【结构分析】 句子的主干是opportunities are.but this is not the result of AFDC regulations, 定语从句that exclude most intact family from coverage 修饰AFDC regulations。 【句子精译】 因此,在贫困地区,导致家庭不稳定性的重要决定因素是能享受到福利的机会,而不是由于“子女家庭补助计划”把众多完整家庭排除在保护范围之外造成的。Text 41.【文章难句】 Alarmed by a 20-year decline in

13、student achievement, American schools are considering major upheavals in the career structure of teachers, school boards around the country are planning to abandon traditional salary schedules and singles out outstanding teachers for massive pay rise. 【结构分析】 这是一个并列句,主干是schools are

14、 boards are planning to abandon schedules and singles out teachers. Alarmed by a 20-year decline in student achievement作原因状语从句。 【句子精译】 学生成绩持续20年的下降情况给美国各大学校敲响警钟,它们正考虑对教师的职业结构进行重大改革,全国各地的教育董事会正计划抛开传统的工资单,选拔杰出的教师作为大规模涨工资的对象。2.【文章难句】 To make ends meet it is common for teachers to take second jobs in th

15、e evening and in their summer holidays, and women, who used to make up the bulk of teachers candidates are turning to better paid professions. 【结构分析】 这是一个复合句,主干是it is common for teachers to take second jobs and women are turning to better paid professions, To make ends meet是目的状语, who used to make up

16、 the bulk of teachers candidates 是定语从句, 修饰women。【句子精译】 为了收支平衡,教师在晚上或利用暑假从事第二职业是司空见惯的,此外,过去准备当教师的大多数是妇女,如今她们正转向一些工资较高的职业。3.【文章难句】 Champions of the idea say it would at least hold out the promise of high pay and status to bright graduates who are confident of their ability to do well in the classroom,

17、 but are deterred by the present meager opportunities for promotion.【结构分析】 这是一个复合句,主干是Champions say,it would at least hold out the promise of high pay and status to bright graduates who are confident of their ability to do well in the classroom, but are deterred by the present meager opportunities f

18、or promotion整个从句作宾语,宾语从句中的主干是it would hold out the promise,定语从句who are confident of their ability to do well in the classroom, but are deterred by the present meager opportunities for promotion修饰graduates。【句子精译】 支持这种做法的人士称,该办法至少可兑现向一些优秀毕业生曾作出过的“高工资和高地位”的承诺,这些毕业生对自己课堂教学的能力充满自信,但由于升职的机会很少,他们暂时无法得到晋升。T

19、ext 51. 【文章难句】 The idea of public works projects as a device to prevent or control depression was designed as a means of creating job opportunities for unemployed workers and as a “pump priming”device to aid business to revive.【结构分析】 句子的主干是The idea of public works projects was designed, as a means.a

20、nd as a “pump priming”, as a device to prevent or control depression作方式状语。【句子精译】 建立公共工程项目以防止或控制经济萧条的想法被认为是为失业工人提供就业机会的一种方法,同时也是帮助企业复苏的一种促进式手段。2. 【文章难句】 In order to remove this stigma and restore to the unemployed some measure of respectability and human dignity, a plan was devised to create governme

21、ntally sponsored work projects that private industry would not or could not provide.【结构分析】 a plan was devised是句子的主干,that private industry would not or could not provide是定语从句,修饰projects, governmentally sponsored是work projects的前置修饰语。【句子精译】 为了消除这种被救济的“耻辱”,在一定程度上恢复失业人员的名望和尊严,一项由政府资助设立工程项目的计划应运而生,这些工程项目是

22、私人企业不愿或者不能提供的。3. 【文章难句】 It entered into contracts with private construction firms to erect them, or it loaded money to local or state governments which undertook their constructions, this created many jobs in the factories reducing the material as well as in the projects themselves, and greatly redu

23、ced the number of unemployed.【结构分析】 this created many jobs.and greatly reduced the number of unemployed是句子的主干, this 所指代的是分句It entered into contracts with private construction firms to erect them, or it loaded money to local or state governments which undertook their constructions.【句子精译】 这样不仅为这些工程本身而

24、且为那些正在缩减原料生产的工厂创造了许多就业岗位,从而大大减少了失业人数。Text 61. 【文章难句】 Anaerobic glycolysis is a process in which energy is produced, without oxygen, through the breakdown of muscle glycogen into lactic acid and admen troposphere (ATP), the energy provider.【结构分析】 句子的主干是Anaerobic glycolysis is a process。in which energ

25、y is produced, without oxygen, through the breakdown of muscle glycogen into lactic acid and admen troposphere (ATP), the energy provider整个作定语从句, 修饰说明process。【句子精译】 无氧糖酵解就是将能量供应者肌肉肝糖在无氧的情况下分解成乳酸和ATP,并制造能量的过程。2. 【文章难句】 If, for example, some predators had attacked a 100-ton dinosaur, normally torpid,

26、the dinosaur would have been able to generate almost instantaneously, via anaerobic glycolysis, the energy of 300 humans at maximum oxidative metabolic energy production.【结构分析】 句子的主干是the dinosaur would have been able to generate the energy of 300 humans。【句子精译】 比方说,一个食肉动物攻击一个100吨重的恐龙,虽然恐龙一般都反应迟缓,但是它们

27、几乎可以立即通过无氧糖酵解产生最多相当于300人有氧代谢所产生的能量。3. 【文章难句】 With the conclusion of a burst of activity, the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids, leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted, via oxidative metabolism, by the liver into glucose, which is then sent ( in part) b

28、ack to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis.【结构分析】 句子的主干是the lactic acid level is high,leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted是结果状语,which is then sent ( in part) back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis是定语从句, 修饰glucose。【句子精译】 肌体猛烈爆发活动结束后,体液中乳酸水平较高,使得大型动物容易受到攻击

29、伤害。这种危险直到乳酸通过氧化代谢由肝脏转化成葡萄糖,部分葡萄糖被运往肌肉,重新合成糖元后才消失。Text 71. 【文章难句】 In America, the debate is no longer about whether surgery is normal; rather, it centers on what age people should be before going under the knife.【结构分析】 这是一个并列句,主干是 the debate is no longer about.rather, it centers on., 从句 what age peop

30、le.作centers on 的宾语。【句子精译】 在美国,争论不再是关于外科手术是否正常,相反,它集中于在动手术前应是什么年龄的人。2.【文章难句】 But the proportionate cost of treatment has fallen substantially, bringing all but the most advanced laser technology within the reach of most people.【结构分析】 句子的主干是the.cost. has fallen, bringing all but.the most people 是动名词短语

31、,起到结果状语的作用,来修饰句子主干,其中 all but 意为“几乎,差不多”。【句子精译】 但是手术费用比例的大幅下降,让大多数人都可以支付得起那最为先进的激光技术手术费。3. 【文章难句】 Dr. Davis suspects that the increasing sophistication of the fat injecting and removal techniques that allow patients to be treated with a local anaesthetic in an afternoon has also helped promote the p

32、opularity of cosmetic surgery.【结构分析】 这是一个复合句,主干是Dr. Davis suspects that., 宾语从句中的主干是the sophistication has also helped., that allows patients an afternoon 是定语从句,修饰fat injecting and techniques。【句子精译】 戴韦斯博士觉得使得病人只需一个下午用局部麻醉就能医治的日益先进的脂肪注射和除脂技术,也有助于提高美容外科的流行度。Text 81.【文章难句】 A legend among the Polynesian Cook Islanders of the South Pacific describes the descent of the culture hero Maui to the underworld, where he learned the art of making fire by rubbing two sticks t

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