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1、航海英语2580已翻译题库10011001 In order to discharge a CO2 portable fire extinguisher, the operator must FIRST _.A. invert the CO2 extinguisher B. squeeze the two trigger handles togetherC. remove the locking pin D. open the discharge valveKEY: C为了施放便携式CO2灭火器,操作者必须首先拔除锁定销。1002 In order to help protect a natu

2、ral fiber rope from rotting, the line must be _.A. dried, and stowed in a place with adequate ventilation B. stowed in a hot, moist compartmentC. stowed on deck at all times D. stowed in any compartmentKEY: A为了防止天然纤维绳腐烂,缆绳必须干燥并存放于通风的地方。1003 In order to insure that a RACON signal is displayed on the

3、radar, you should _.A. increase the brilliance of the PPI scope B. turn off the interference controls on the radarC. use the maximum available range setting D. increase the radar signal outputKEY: B为了确保雷达信标信号在3厘米波雷达上被显示,你应关闭雷达上的干扰控制。1004 In order to insure that the racon signal is visible on your 3

4、cm radar, the _.A. 10 cm radar should be placed on stangby or turned offB. gain control should be turned to maximum C. radar should be stabilized, head upD. rain clutter control should be off but, if necessary, may be on lowKEY: D为了雷康信号在3公分雷达可见,雨雪控制开关应关闭,如需要可以调至低档。1005 同上1006 In order to pay out or

5、slack a mooring line which is under strain, you should _.A. sluice the line B. surge the line C. stopper the line D. slip the lineKEY: B为了松出或放松受力的系泊缆绳,你应放松缆绳。1007 同上1008 In order to reduce your wake in a narrow channel you should _.A. apply enough rudder to counter the effect of the currentB. change

6、 your course to a zigzag course C. reduce your speed D.shift the weight to the sternKEY: C在狭水道中为了减少你船的伴流你应减速。1009 In order to retrieve an inflatable life raft and place it on deck, you should heave on the _A. lifelines B. righting strap C. sea anchor D. towing bridle KEY: D为了收回气胀式救生筏并放于甲板,你应拉其拖索。101

7、0 同上1011 In painting a lifeboat following its overhaul, which parts must be painted bright red?_A. the top 2-1/2 inches of each side B. the releasing gear lever C. the fuel tanks D. the thwarts KEY: B在救生艇大检修时,哪个部件被涂上红色?释放手柄。1012 In practice, it is usual for ship to be loaded _ to improve the vessels

8、 movement throughthe water.A. a little deeper aft B. a little deeper forwardC. at the same draught between fore and aft D. a balance between two sides KEY: A实际上,通常装载的是尾部吃水深些一提升船舶对水移动的速度。1013 In radar plotting C.P.A. is the abbreviation of _.A. closest point to approach B. close point to approachC. c

9、rossing point to approach D. fog or steady rain KEY: A在雷达标绘中,C.P.A.是最近会遇距离的缩写。1014 同上1015 同上1016 In reading a weather map, closely spaced pressure gradient lines would indicate _.A. high winds B. high overcast clouds C. calm or light winds D. fog or steady rainKEY: A在读看气象图时,密集的压力梯度线显示将有疾风。1017 In re

10、ference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is when_A. you first start to receive fuel B. hoses are being blown downC. final topping off is occurring D. hoses are being disconnected KEY: C在意外的污染里,什么时间是最危险的?当最终平舱时发生。1018 In relation to cargo gear, what does SWL mean ?

11、_.A. Safe working load B. Ships working lift C. Starboard wing lift D. Stress, weight, loadKEY: A关于货物设备,SWL是什么意思?安全工作负荷1019 In relation to the turning circle of a ship, the term advance means the distance _.A. gained at right angles to the original course B. gained in the direction to the original c

12、ourseC. moved sidewise from the original course when the rudder is first put overD. around the circumference of the turning circleKEY: A关于船舶的旋回圈,术语纵距(又称“进距”)意指在初始航向上获得的距离。1020 同上1021 同上1022 In relation to the turning circle of a ship, the term kick means the distance _.A. around the circumference of

13、 the turning circle B. gained at right angles to the original courseC. gained in the direction to the original courseD. or throw of a vessels stern from her line of advance upon putting the helm hard overKEY: D关于船舶的旋回圈,术语偏距(又称“反移量”)意指船舶尾部施以满舵后离开其推进方向航迹的距离。1023 In relation to the turning circle of a

14、ship, the term transfer means the distance _.A. gained in the direction to the original course B. gained at right angles to the original courseC. the ship moves sidewise from the original course away from the direction of the turn after the rudder is first put over D. around the circumference of the

15、 turning circleKEY: C关于船舶的旋回圈,术语横距(又称“正移量”)意指船舶获得与初始航向成直角时船体的横向移动距离。1024 In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vesselshall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of collision exists. If so, she shallA. sound the danger signal B

16、. when taking action, make only course changesC. avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beam D. All of the aboveKEY: C在能见度受限水域,一船通过雷达探测到附近另一船的存在应判断是否近距离情形正在形成而碰撞危险存在。如果是,则她应避免向着其正横后的船转向。1025 In revised editions of Admiralty charts the _ are corrected first.A. smaller scales B. larger scales

17、 C. smaller scales and larger scales D. moderate scalesKEY: B在英版海图改正中,大比例尺海图应先改正。1026 同上1027In reviving a person who has been overcome by gas fumes,what would you AVOID doing?AGiving stimulantsBPrompt removal of the patient from the suffocating atmosphereCApplying artificial respiration and massageD

18、Keeping the patient warm and comfortableKEY: A在让一个被煤气熏到的人的复苏过程中,你将避免什么?给刺激物1028 In rough weather, when a ship is able to maneuver, it is best to launch a lifeboat _.A. on the lee side B. on the windward sideC. with the wind dead ahead D. with the wind from astern在恶劣天气下,操作船舶,放救生艇最好在下风舷。1029 In ship c

19、onstruction, keel scantlings should be the greatest _.A. at each frame B. amidshipsC. one-third the distance from the bow D. one-third the distance from the sternKEY: B在建造船舶时,龙骨的尺寸在船中是最大的。1030 In small angle stability, the metacentric height _.A. is found in the hydrostatic tables for a level vessel

20、B. multiplied by the displacement yields the righting momentC. is always positive D. is calculated by subtracting KG from KMKEY: D在小角度稳性中,稳性高度通过KG减KM被计算出来。1031 In small angle stability, when external forces exist, the buoyant force is assumed to actvertically upwards through the center of buoyancy a

21、nd through the _.A. center of gravity B. center of flotation C. metacenter D. metacentric heightKEY: C在小倾角稳性时,当有外力存在,浮力应通过浮心和稳心垂直向上。1032 同上1033 In telex abbreviations, CFM and INFM refer to _ and _ respectively.A. confirm, inform B. confide, inflow C. conform, infuse D. confessed, inflameKEY: A在电传缩写

22、中,CFM 和INFM各代表 confirm和inform。 1034 In terms of vessel manning, a watch is the _.A. direct performance of deck or engine operations in a scheduled and fixed rotationB. performance of maintenance work necessary for the vessels safe operation, on a daily basisC. performance of lookout dutiesD. direct

23、performance of cargo loading and discharge operations onlyKEY: A根据船舶的配员。在甲板和机舱内值班和操作都是按预定的或固定的工作模式执行的。1035 In the daytime, you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. You know that she is alsopropelled by machinery if she shows _.Aa basket B. a black ball C. a black cone D. two black cones KEY: C在白天

24、,你看到一个大的帆船。并知道,他也用机器推进,并且他显示了一个黑色的圆锥。1036 In the doldrums you can expect _.A. steady, constant winds B. frequent rain showers and thunderstormsC. steep pressure gradients D. low relative humidityKEY: B在赤道无风带你预期到频繁的阵雨和雷暴天气。1037 In the doldrums you will NOT have _.A. high relative humidity B. frequent

25、 showers and thunderstormC. steep pressure gradients D. frequent calms KEY: C在赤道无风带将不具有陡峭的气压梯度。1038 同上1039 In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are _.Athirsty B. sick or injured C. wet D. Awake KEY: B在弃船后的最初24小时里面,水只提供给病人或伤员。1040 In the Masters

26、 Note of Sea Protest, I reserve the right to extend same at time and placeconvenient. Whats the meaning of the same ?_.A. same time B. sea protest C. report D. Accident KEY: B在船长的海事声明书中,我保留权力在方便的时间地点延伸上述的。“上述的“是什么意思?海事声明1041 In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind _.A. change

27、s direction clockwise, as from north to east, etc.B. changes direction violently and erratically C. remains constant in direction and speedD. changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etc.KEY: A在北半球大风的风向会顺时针旋转,例如北到东。1042 In the Northern Hemisphere, gusty winds shifting clockwise, a

28、rapid drop in temperature,thunderstorms or rain squalls in summer ( frequent rain / snow squalls in winter ) then a rise in pressure followed by clearing skies, indicate the passage of a(n) _.A. warm front B. tropical cyclone C. anticyclone D. cold front KEY: D在北半球夏季,阵风风向顺时针方向变化,温度骤降,雷暴雨或暴风骤雨(冬季频繁的雨

29、雪交加),然后随着气压上升天空晴朗,表明冷锋通过。1043 同上1044 同上1045 In the Northern Hemisphere, if the center of a high pressure area is due west of you, whatwind direction would you expect?_A. South to west B. South to east C. North to west D. North to eastKEY: C在北半球,如果高压中心在你的西部,你预料到是什么风向?西北风。1046 In the Northern Hemisphe

30、re, the largest waves or swells created by a typhoon or hurricanewill be located _.A. in the southeast quadrant of the storm B. directly behind the storm centerC.forward and to the right of its course D. behind and to the left of its courseKEY: C在北半球,由台风或飓风引起的最大浪或涌将位于它的右前方。1047 In the Northern Hemis

31、phere, when the center of a high pressure system is due east of yourposition, you can expect winds from the _.Asouth to west B. south to east C. north to west D. north to eastKEY: B在北半球,如果高压中心在你的东部,你预料到是什么风向?东南风。1048 In the Northern Hemisphere, when the wind at your location is northerly, the low pressurecenter causing the wind is located to your

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