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1、新编大学英语5Unit16课文语言点整理新编大学英语516单元语言点整理英语教育学院 薛媛 6803612011-12-16Unit 11. agent (Line 2) n. C a means of 手段,途径1) a person who acts for or represents another, 代理人e.g. Please contact our agent in Spain for further information. travel agent 旅行社经纪人real estate agent 地产经纪人agency. e.g. an employment agency2)

2、a person or thing that produces a particular effect or change 产生某种效果的人力或物质a chemical agent, oxidizing agents化学制剂,氧化剂a cleaning agent 除垢剂a FBI (secret) agent (= a spy) 密探2. subject (Line3, para.1) A. n. C 1) a person who lives in or who has the right to live in a particular country, especially a coun

3、try with a king or queen: 臣民,公民E.g. She is Italian by birth and a British subject by marriage. 2) 主题,对象,科目Eg. a. What did he say on the subject of age? b. His appearance was the subject for some critical comments.3) subject for sth. 引起某种情感或行为的人或物a subject for pity, ridicule, jealousyB. subject (adj.

4、)subject to sth./sb.:1) obliged to obey sth./sb.; under the authority o sth./sb. 服从,受支配E.g. a. Everyone is subject to the law. b. The arrangements are subject to change at short notice. c. All such gatherings are subject to the laws on political meetings. d. His hiring is subject to your approval.2)

5、 often having, suffering or undergoing sth.; liable to sth. 常患或常遭受某事物;倾向某事物E.g. Are you subject to colds?The plan is subject to alteration. 计划可能有变。 3. lend to (line. 23, Para. 3)lend: sth. (to sth.)= contribute or add sth. to sth. 提供或增添某物E.g. lend ones services 提供服务 lend the occasion a little glamou

6、r 给这一场合增添一点光彩E.g. His presence lent dignity to the occasion. 有他出席这一场合就更形庄严.4. attain (Line 25, Para. 3) (formal.) to reach or succeed in getting something; to achieve: eg. a. He has attained the highest grade in his music exams. b. We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives / goal

7、s. c. India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle. p.s. attainable (adj.) (formal.) possible to achieve: E.g. We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable. 5. the apple of ones eye. (slang.) someones most loved person. 掌上明珠E.g. His 2-year-old daughter

8、is the apple of her eye. 其他与水果相关的俚语:top banana 大老板E.g. Whos your top banana? 谁是你们的老板? the Big Apple N. Y. CityE.g. The little girl is from the Big Apple. 这个女孩来自于纽约城。a lemon 没有价值的商品 E.g. That car is a lemon. 那辆小汽车不值钱。Bean 豆,豆型果实 (slang.) 人的头部,或少量(复数) Bean Brain 白痴 E.g. I dont know beans about the sto

9、ck market.beans about something 对某事物一无所知 Pea 豌豆like two peas in a pod 一模一样Grape 葡萄sour grapes 酸葡萄 (当某人发现自己达不到或得不到某事物后而对这种事物的否定,贬低。) E.g. The losers scorn for the award is pure sour grapes.Potato 土豆 couch potato 习惯懒散的人,终日赖在沙发上的人 hot potato 难对付的人small potatoes 不重要的 6. survey (Line.35, Para.5) A. vt. (

10、slightly formal.) to look at or examine all of something, especially carefully 全面研究或论述Eg. a. He got out of the car to survey the damage.b. She has written a book which surveys (= describes in detail) the history of feminism.B. Survey. (n.) 1) 全面的观察或论述,概论 a survey of the situation, subject2) (对部分人的行为

11、或意见等的) 调查 A public opinion survey7. take (no/great) pleasure in (doing) sth. (Line 38, Para. 5)(不)以作某事为乐Eg. a. The naughty boy seemed to take pleasure in his parents suffering. b. They take pleasure in reminding us of our poverty. 类似的表达还有 take pride in sb./sth.8. far and near: everywhere (Line 41)up

12、 and down: moving upwards and downwardsups and downs: good and bad periods, fortune or spirits following one another in turn day and night: all the timeon and off: from time to timenow and then: sometimes but not very oftenhere and there: in different places9. go forth (line. 50)向前去, (命令等)被发布, 被发表Eg

13、. The decree had gone forth.10. shower. v. (line. 87)to pour down in a shower:纷撒, 将阵雨般倾倒下来:E.g. .showered confetti on the parade. .将五彩纸屑天女散花般撒在游行队伍中Unit 2 Manners1. to buzz with (line 5): (of a bee) to make a continuous low sound; to be full of excitement, activity, etc. 充满兴奋(或活动等): e.g. 1)The rooms

14、 crowd buzzed with excitement. 2)The place was buzzing with journalists.3) New York buzzes from dawn to dusk.2. to gather together/up (line 14,47): bring things together that have been spread arounde.g. 1) The child gathered up his toys and put them away. 2), 3) p.54区别:to gather in: to harveste.g. T

15、his enabled us to gather in the summer crops in time.3. Be laden with(para1, line15)Note: load; lade-laded-laden; carrying a load or burdenEg. There are many passengers laden with luggage at the train station.4. to dish up (line 23): to put (food) into dishes; servee.g. 1) Help me to dish up the veg

16、etables, please. 2), 3) p.54to dish up: to produce (facts/arguments)e.g. 1) He dished up a lot of useful facts and figures at the meeting. 2) Our history teacher has been dishing up the same old lessons for 20 years.5. Give and take/ give-and-take (line 35) n./v. 公平交易;互谅互让;交谈;交换意见1) Negotiation enta

17、ils .2) Married life is said to be a matter of .3) They sat down for a lengthy . 4) We must all a little if we want peace.6. to lecture on/about (line 40)to scold or warn solemnly( especially at some length) 教训,训斥,告诫e.g. 1) The doctor lectured his patient about smoking too much.2),3)p547. stride(L69

18、) v.&n. to move with large steps; improvement 大步行走; 进展Eg. 1) The firm has made great strides since it was taken over by the larger company. 自从这个公司被大公司收购,就取得了巨大的进展。 2) The country has made great strides towards self-sufficiency. 这个国家在自给自足方面已经取得了长足的进步。 3), 4) p53p.s. 区别stripe, strivestripe: 条纹,线条Striv

19、e:try very hard to achieve sth.力争,力求8. To sum up1) to buzz with 2) to gather up3) to be laden with4) to dish up5) give and take6) to lecture on7) to make strides in/towardsUnit 3 Business Strategies1.(make/have) impacts on 对产生影响1) Global warming has a great impact on the environment.2) Her speech ma

20、de a profound impact on everyone.3) Higher mortgage rates have already had a major impact on spending.4) The resignation of the president has made a significant impact on government policy.2. Sustitute (n./v.) for 替代1) The course teaches you the theory but theres no substitute for practical experien

21、ce.2) The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car.3) If you cannot go yourself, please find someone to substitute for you.4) The recipe says you can substitute yoghurt for the sour cream.5) The coach has to find a substitute for Tim who was taken ill before the game.3. Adapt to 适应1) We

22、 have had to adapt quickly to the new system.2) A large organization can be slow to adapt to change.3) It took him quite a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.4) The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.4. In conflict with/over 跟谁有矛盾1) She found herself in conflict with

23、 her parents over her future career.2) John often comes into conflict with his boss.3) The principles of democracy are sometimes in conflict with political reality.4) Andrew and Rebecca are in conflict over who should be responsible for the accident.5. Business Terms in TextSubsidiary 子公司joint ventu

24、re合资公司cut cost降低成本downsize裁员increase profit增加利润shareholders股东innovation革新go bankrupt破产fierce competition激烈的竞争the market economy市场经济Unit 4 Friends and Friendship1. draw out: demand or elicit the full expression of使充分发挥Eg. a. 这个新任务充分发挥了他的才智。The new mission drew out his talents.b. 慢慢地,巴罗夫人的影响开始发挥出这个女子隐

25、藏的品质。Slowly, Mrs. Burrows influence began to draw out the womans hidden qualities.c. 新的责任使他潜在的才智充分发挥出来了。The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents.Cf. draw on/upon: use sth. 使用; 利用; 运用Eg. a. 我们这一项目自始至终都借助她的经验.We drew on her experience throughout the project.b. 我只好动用我的储蓄.I shall have to dra

26、w on my savings.2. not so much as not one thing but rather sth else 不是.而是.Shes not so much rich as careless with money.她倒不是有钱而是太不在乎钱了.Linda is not so much a teacher as a sister.琳达与其说是老师还不如说是个姐姐。3. Leave off (page139, line77, para9)break off; stop doing sth.; 停止;中断1)我希望雨能中断、停5分钟。I wish the rain would

27、 leave off for 5 minutes.2) 让我们从中断处开始。Lets start again from where we left off.3)Br.E别喊了!我在这儿没法思考了。Leave off shouting! Cant hear myself think in here.4. strike up (Line 78,Para.9)1) (cause to) start to play music or sing; to start to play or sing (something): (使)开始歌唱或演奏音乐Eg. a. 乐队突然开始演奏。The band sudd

28、enly struck up.b. 管弦乐队开始演奏圆舞曲。The orchestra struck up a waltz.c. 让乐队开始演奏。Strike up the band!2) to initiate or begin: 发动或开始:Eg. a. to strike up a conversation 开始谈话b. They struck up an acquaintance (with each other) on the plane.他们在飞机上(相互)认识了。5. in/out of step (with sb/sth) conforming/not conforming t

29、o what others are doing or thinking 与他人谐调/不谐调1) 这种训练形式与工业的变化不谐调。This type of training is out of step with changes in the industry.2) 他同现代思想不合拍。Hes out of step with modern ideas.3) 乔舒亚与现代生活不合拍。Joshuas out of step with modern life.4) 他与普通的选民不合拍。He isnt in step with ordinary voters.Unit 5 Happiness1. e

30、xplode (Line 19, Para. 3)v. 1) burst loudly with great force;爆炸eg. Terrorists have exploded bombs across the country.恐怖分子引爆了全国的炸弹。2) Increase suddenly and rapidly in number or intensity激增,迅速扩大Eg. The population exploded to 40,000 during the tourist season.在旅游旺季,人口激增到四万人。v. 3) prove sth. that many pe

31、ople believe to be wrong or not true;推翻,揭穿eg. a. Scientists wanted to explode the myth of a monster living in the lake.科学家们想揭穿湖底有怪兽的荒诞说法。b. This book finally explodes some of the myths about the origin of the universe.该书最后推翻了有关宇宙起源的一些错误观念。c. This book exploded some of the myths about longevity. 这本书揭穿了一些关于长寿的错误观念。4) express strong feelings of anger suddenly and violently 大发雷霆Eg. He exploded at hear

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