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1、自考外贸函电英汉互译教材大总结1.为使咱们熟悉贵公司产品,咱们需要某些技术方面细节。请寄关于产品阐明书、小册子或者活页目录。To familiarize ourselves with your products,we need some technical details. Please send us literatures,brochures,or leaflets dealing with your products.2.附寄一本目录,上面有我司系列产品中增添最新型号E331。We are also enclosing a catalog showing a brand new addi

2、tion to our line,Model E331.3.咱们但愿附寄小册子对您有协助。We hope the enclosed brochure will be helpful to you.4.现寄去一份关于我公司当前可供出口各式自行车小册子。We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export.5.请寄我公司一份贵公司进口商品清单。Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you?6.请寄我一份

3、台式计算机目录本和价目单,或者任何阐明小册子,以便我司分发给潜在顾客。Will you please send me a copy of your catalogue and pricelist of desktop computers and copies of any descriptive leaflets that I could pass to prospective customers.7.感谢你方9月6日来函,现附上一册最新商品目录,从中你会对咱们新产品有更多理解。Many thanks for your letter dated September 6,we have encl

4、osed the current brochure from which you may have a better understanding of our new products.8.感谢你方5月18日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参照。Thanks for your enquiry dated May 18,we are now sending you our latest pricelist for your reference.9.我方报价如有变更不另告知Our quotation is subject to change without subject to

5、表达使某人经历或遭受某事物。to是介词。10.国内对中华人民共和国微波炉需求很大,请你们对当前能供应型号向我方报有竞争性价格,非常感谢。There is a big demand for Chinese microwave ovens. We shall appreciate your quoting us competitive prices of models available now.(三)put the following sentences into Chinese:1.We highly appreciate your immediate reply to our Enquiry

6、 Note No.2436 regarding hard drives.非常感谢及时回答我方关于硬盘第2436号询单。highly 9.We have recently received many inquiries from retailing shops in New York area about the captioned items and are sure that there would be very brisk demands.1.如你方以竞争性价格报盘,咱们能保证在本地大量销量。 If you make us an offer at competitive prices w

7、e can sell a large quantity in our district. 2.作为对你们还价回应,我将减少3美元。 Ill respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.3.考虑到咱们长期业务关系,咱们接受你们还盘。 It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we accept your counter offer.4.但愿早日报给咱们机床实盘,咱们将不胜感激。 It will be appreciated

8、 if you will immediately let us have your firm offer for machine tools.5.我报价是以合理利润率为根据。 My offer was based on reasonable profit margin.6.当前咱们但愿你们对我方报盘予以答复。 Now we look forward to your replying to our offer.7.如果你们故意经营我公司其他产品,请告知你方规定。 If you are interested in dealing with us in other products,please i

9、nform us of your requirements.8. 如果您对这些样品没兴趣,请告诉咱们。咱们乐于寄上其他适合贵地市场样品If you are not interested in any of these samples,let us know. We will be pleased to send you others which might better suit your market.9.如果您结识某人对咱们产品感兴趣,请告诉咱们,咱们将乐于以公道价格寄去样品。If you know anybody who might be interested in our produc

10、ts,please let us know. We will be pleased to send samples with the best prices.10.不少贸易商表达对投资也有兴趣。Many traders showed their interest in investment.III. Put the following into Chinese 1. Thank you for your interest in our products. We are now sending you our latest catalog and price list by courier se

11、rvice.感谢你们对我方产品兴趣,现以特快邮递寄去最新商品目录和价目表。2. They are not interested in small quantities. 她们对小数量不感兴趣。3. We are now interested in purchasing substantial quantity of polyester cotton blended fabrics of the following specifications. Please quote your rock bottom prices.我司故意大量购买如下规格混纺人造纤维,请贵公司报出最低价格。4. We ar

12、e now in need of the following specialties of your corporation:咱们当前需要贵公司如下特色产品:5. We have recently extended our radio and television department and are now thinking of adding new ranges to our present stocks. We are particularly interested in your “panda”radio and “Rainbow”television receivers. Plea

13、se send us your firm offer.我司新近扩大了收音机和电视机销售部门,如今故意将日前货色,增长新式样。对于贵公司“熊猫牌”收音机和“长虹牌”电视机,本店极为感兴趣,请报实盘。6. We will let you know which item (s) we are interested in as soon as we receive the reference materials. 当咱们收到参照资料,便即刻告知贵公司咱们所感兴趣货项。7.Will you please send me a copy of your current typewriter catalog

14、and price-list?I am particularly interested in portables,but require a machine suitable for fairly heavy duty,including stencil-cutting. 恳请贵公司寄来一份最新打字机目录表和价目单。咱们对于手提式特别感兴趣,但需要能胜任如刻打蜡纸等繁重工作那一种。 8. One of our clients wishes to buy Chinese black tea. Please offer firm CIF EMP prices. 咱们一种客户想要购买中华人民共和国红

15、茶。请报欧洲重要港口到岸价实盘。9. We are very much interested in your products advertised on China Foreign Trade. Please give us more detailed information about specifications,price and packing etc.咱们已看到贵公司在近来一期中华人民共和国对外贸易上所做广告,很感兴趣。请详细简介你们产品规格、价格、包装等状况。10.Please note that the prices you quote should be on an FOB

16、Hong Kong basis. Please send us additional detailed information and also a few pound of samples for our examination.此报盘着眼于扩大销路并且很有竞争性。This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.2.该报盘以你方本月底前到我地有效。This offer is subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month.3.咱们高兴地

17、告知你们,咱们可觉得新订单提供特别设计方案。We are pleased to advise you that we are able to offer a special designing plan for the modification of your new order.4.除非你们降价5%,否则我偿无法接受报盘.We cant accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.5.兹报锻造焦(foundry coke)300公吨,每公吨欧洲重要口岸价350美元,11月船期.We offer firm 300 metric ton

18、s foundry coke at RMB 21860 Yuan per metric ton CIF European main ports for November shipment.6.咱们已按你方规定将报盘延期.We have extended the offer as per as your request.7.咱们还价是每公吨伦敦离岸价150美元.We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton FOB London.8.外币兑换率浮动规定咱们谨慎地报价,咱们实盘是以你方接受复函不晚于北京时间9月30日下午12时为条件.We

19、 make you a firm offer subject to your acceptance reaching us no later than 12 p.m. September 30,Beijing time because the fluctuation of the currency exchange rates calls for our great care in fixing prices9.咱们与James dickinson & Co 交往近年,承蒙她推荐贵公司给咱们.对于贵公司所制索引卡盒和整顿档案之设备,非常感兴趣.若蒙贵公司惠寄一份目录和最新价目表,将甚荣幸.Yo

20、ur firm has been recommended to me by James Dickinson & Co,of Bath,with whom we have done business for many years. We are interested in your card-index boxes and filing equipment for use in our offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your catalogue and current pricelist.10.现附上3本目录本,但

21、愿从中可找到你们所好.Enclosed are three copies of our catalog,from which we hope you will find your preference(s).Put the following sentences into Chinese1.Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised,Im afraid that we have to adjust the prices of our products accordingly由于原材料价格上涨,咱们恐怕不得不对产品价格作相应调节.

22、2.To conclude this business,you need to lower your price at least by 3%.为过成这笔交易,你方应至少减价3%.3.We find it difficult to fill your order at the prices indicated in your letter because of the high cost of raw materials.由于原材料成本高昂,咱们难以按你方来信所示价格满足订货.4.You said yesterday that the price was $ 60/mt,CIF Brussel

23、s.您昨天说价格是每公吨60美元布鲁塞尔到岸价.5.Your price is $ 500/mt,twice of the other countries.你们价格是每公吨500美元,为其她国家两倍.6.Your quoted price is out of line with the prevailing level. That is why we feel confident that our suggestion of three percent off your present one is workable.你方报价与市价有差别,因此咱们相信建议减价3%是可行.7.Your orde

24、r no.123 was confirmed by our fax of September 15,subject to arrival of credit within 15 days from the date. The 15-day period having expired on October 1st without our receipt of your L/C or hearing any further advice from you. Please let us know when the required L/C opened.你方第123号订单咱们已经于9月15日传真确认

25、,条件是你方信用证必要在15日内开到我方,15天期限已经在10月1日到期,但依然没有收到信用证,也没有听到你们任何消息.请告知信用证是何时开出.8.We can safely say for sure that our prices quite realistic. Other suppliers cannot possibly under-quote us if their goods are as good as ours in quality.可以必定地说我方价格是相称合理,质量与我方产品相似供货商不也许报比我方低价格.9.Business is impossible unless yo

26、u lower the price by 2%.你方必要降价2%,否则没有成交也许.10.You would be delighted to know that since 1960 we have been one of the main importers of raw materials for and petrochemical manufacturers. Now we are interested in the following items. 想必贵公司当欣于懂得,自从1960年以来,我司即为塑料和石油化学物品制造商原料重要进口商。当前我司需要下列产品.1.现随函附上我方销货合同

27、第HN768号一式两份,请查收。如审查无误,请会签后退回1份。答案:Enclosed is our Sales Contract No. HN768 in duplicate. If you find everything in order,please sign and return one copy.2.通过长时间断断续续谈判,咱们当前终于达到了合同。答案:Through lengthy and on-and-off negotiations we now finally have reached an agreement.3.咱们销售产品是以货样为原则,而不是凭过去任何一批供货质量。答案

28、: We sell goods according to the sales sample,not the quality of any previous supplies.4.我以为这不会有问题。生产部门会有办法。答案: I dont think that would be a problem. The production department will come up with something. come up with sth. 找到,提出 She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增长销量新办法。come up f

29、or sth. 做某人申请人 He comes up for election next e up for discussion 提出讨论come up to sth. 达到(某种水平) The water comes up to my neck. His performance didnt come up to his usual standards. 你体现没有达到平时水平。5.如果贵公司能供应所需型号和品质货品,咱们将定期开出大量定期订单。答案: If you can supply goods of the type and quality required,we may place r

30、egular orders for large quantities.6.咱们从别家制造商购买价格是每袋2500美元,倘若贵公司能提供更低价格,我司便能订购4000袋。答案: If you can supply at a price lower than US2500 per bag at which we are buying from another manufacturer,we can place an order for 4000 bags.7.如果贵方可提供新开发那种重海绵,对咱们协助会很大。答案: It would be quite helpful if you could su

31、pply us your newly developed heavy-weight sponge.8.迟迟未回答您6月8日信,请接受咱们道歉。咱们运用一种月时间收集必须资料,来回答您问题。答案:Please accept our apology for the delay in replying to your letter of June 8. It took us a month to collect the data necessary to answer your questions.1.你方若能把价格降到2150港币,也许能成交。Business is possible if you can lower the price to HK 2150.2.我无法把价格降到你提出限度,我建议咱们与否各让一半呢?I don,t think I can cut our price to that extent you required. Shall I suggest that we meet each

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