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驯悍记 英语话剧剧本.docx

1、驯悍记 英语话剧剧本The Taming of the Shrewby William Shakespeare Katherina (Kate) Minola the shrew of the title Bianca sister of Katherina; the ingnue Baptista Minola father of Katherina and Bianca Petruchio suitor of Katherina Gremio elderly suitor of Bianca Lucentio suitor of Bianca (spends some of play di

2、sguised as Cambio, a Latin tutor) Hortensio suitor of Bianca and friend to Petruchio (spends some of the play disguised as Litio, a music tutor) Grumio servant of Petruchio Tranio servant of Lucentio (spends some of the play disguised as Lucentio) Biondello servant of Lucentio Vincentio father of Lu

3、centio A Widow wooed by Hortensio A Pedant pretends to be Vincentio A Haberdasher A Tailor Curtis servant of Petruchio20s-3min30s醉汉老婆: A pair of stocks, you rogue!蓝色衣服男士: Grim death, how foul and loathsome is thy visage. 仆人:Sirs, I will practice on this drunken man. (仆人与男士窃语) (抬起醉汉扔到床上)(俩仆人窃语)醉汉: Fo

4、r Gods sake, a pot of small ale!仆人1: Your honour仆人2:Your lordship醉汉:Call me not honour, nor lordship. Am I not Christopher Sly, old Slys son of Burton Heath?灰色衣服男士: Thou art a lord and nothing but a lord.仆人1: These fifteen years you have been in a dream.醉汉: These fifteen years! By my fay, a goodly n

5、ap! Upon my life I am a lord indeed!矮个子男士: Your doctors thought it good you hear a play and frame your mind to mirth and merriment.醉汉: Well, well see it.Baptista Minola :Gentlemen, importune me no farther For how I firmly am resolved you know- That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter Before I hav

6、e a husband for the elder.(Katherine闯进)Baptista Minola :If either of you both love Katherine. Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure.秃头男士: To cart her rather! Shes too rough for me!Katherine:I pray you, sir, it your will to make a stale of me among these mates?戴帽子男士: Mates maid? No mates

7、 for you Unless you were of gentler, milder mould.(Katherine大叫)戴帽子男士: From all such devils, good Lord deliver us!秃头男士: And me too, good Lord!3:20-6:30Baptista Minola :Bianca, get you in.妹妹在Baptista Minola 怀里哭)And let it not displease thee, good Bianca. For I will love thee neer the less, my girl.Kat

8、herine:(对Bianca)A pretty peat!Bianca:(对Katherine) Sister, content you in my discontent. (对Baptista Minola ) Sir, to your pleasure humbly I subscribe.蓝帽子男:Why will you mew her up, Signor Baptista, for this friend of hell?Baptista Minola :Gentlemen, content ye. I am resolved.(停顿一秒后对大女儿) Katherine, you

9、 may stay.Katherine:Why, and I trust I may go too, may I not? Ha!(生气进屋)两男子几乎同时:Well!Well!旁白小矮人:(跑过来)What a wretched state of affairs! Old Baptista will never give his consent to the marriage of the fair Bianca, not until a husband is found for Katherine. No consent, no dowry.(旁白小矮人拉上幕帘)Hortensio:My

10、good friend Petruchio! What happy gale blows you to Padua here from old Verona?(站在窗口说)Petruchio:Such wind as scatters young man through the world. Signor Hortensio, I come to wive it wealthily in Padua; If wealthily, then happily in Padua.(骑马说)Hortensio:I can, Petruchio, help thee to a wife. With we

11、alth enough, and young, and beauteous, brought up as best becomes a gentlewoman. Her only fault and that is faults enough- Is that she is intolerable crust, and shrewd and forward. I would not wed her for a mine of gold! Petruchio:Hortensio, peace. Thou knowst not golds effect. I will not sleep, Hor

12、tensio, till I see her Bianca(被Katherine拖着走):Good sister, wrong me not, nor wrong yourself, to make a bondmaid and a slave of me.(Katherine把Bianca的头压进水里)Baptista Minola (推开房门说):Why, how now dame, whence grows this insolence. (从房门口下来拉架对大女儿说)For shame, thou hilding of a devilish spirit, why does thou

13、wrong her that did neer wrong thee? (把小女儿拉到自己身后说)Bianca, get thee in.Katherine(对Baptista Minola 说,此时Bianca跑开):Nay, now I see. She is your treasure, she must have a husband, I must dance barefoot on her wedding day!(Baptista Minola 刚要说话被打断) Talk not to me, I will go sit and weep, till I can find occa

14、sion for revenge!(说完立刻走开)Baptista Minola 哭着自言自语:Was ever gentleman thus grieved as I? (继续哭两秒后望向大门口)But who comes here?Petruchio:(走过来说)I am a gentleman of Verona, sir. Petruchio is my name. Pray have you not a daughter called Katherine, fair and virtuous?Baptista Minola :I have a daughter, sir, calle

15、d Katherine. Petruchio:Signor Baptista, my business asketh haste, and everyday I cannot come to woo. Then tell me, if I get your daughters love, what dowry shall I have with her to wife?620 _930Baptista Minola : After my death, the one half of my lands, and in possession, twenty thousand of my crown

16、s. Petruchio:: Let covenants be therefore drawn between us. Baptista Minola : Ay, where the special thing is well obtained. That is, her love; for that is all in all. Petruchio: Why, that is nothing! (Katherine从窗户上扔东西砸Petruchio)Baptista Minola : Well mayst thou woo, and happy be thy speed! Be thou a

17、rmed for some unhappy words. Shall I send my daughter Kate to you? (上楼进屋)(Katherine从房间出来)Petruchio:: I pray you do, I will attend her herePetruchio: Good morrow, Kate, for thats your name, I hear. Katherine: Well have you heard , but something hard of hearing; they call me Katherine that do talk of

18、me. Petruchio:: You lie, in faith, for you are called plain Kate, and Bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst. But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, myself am moved to woo thee for a wife! (两人斗嘴并开始跳舞)Ka

19、therine: “Moved” in good time! Let him that moved you hither remove you hence! (跳舞)Petruchio: Come, come, you wasp, I faith, you are too angry. (也跳舞)Katherine: If I be waspish best beware my sting!Petruchio:: My remedy then is to pluck it out! Katherine: Ay, if the fool could find it where it lies.

20、Petruchio:: Who knows not where a was does wear his sting? In his tail. (拍Katherine屁股)Katherine: And so farewell! Petruchio:: Nay, come again. Good Kate, I am a gentleman. Katherine: That I will try! (打Petruchio耳光)Petruchio:: I swear I will cuff you if you strike again!Katherine: If you strike me, y

21、ou are no gentleman. (双手抱胸,骄傲的样子)Petruchio:: In sooth, you scape not so! (抱住Katherine)Katherine: Let me go! (挣脱,摔倒)Petruchio:: Why does the world report that Kate doth limp? O slandrous world! Kate like the hazel twig is straight and slender. O let me see thee walk. Thou dost not halt. Katherine: go

22、, fool!(本来面对着说话,此时转身)Petruchio: Am I not wise? Katherine: yes, keep you warm. Petruchio:Marry, so I mean, sweet Katherine, in thy bed. Now, Kate, I am a husband for your turn. (双手放在Katherine肩膀上)Petruchio: For I am he am born to tame you, Kate. And bring you from a wild Kate to Kate. Conformable as o

23、ther household Kates.9分20秒12分30秒(Baptista Minola 从屋子里走出来)Baptista Minola : Now, Signor Petruchio, how speed you with my daughter.Petruchio:How but well, sir? We have greed so well together. That upon Sunday is the wedding day!Katherine:Ill see thee hanged on Sunday first.Petruchio:(笑两声,贴着Baptista Mi

24、nola 的耳朵说悄悄话)ha ha, Tis bargained twixt us twain, being alone, That she shall still be crust in company. I tell you tis incredible to believe How much she loves me! O, the kindest Kate! She hung about my neck, and kiss on kiss. She vied so fast, That in a twink she won me to her love!(三人站在一起,Baptist

25、a Minola 把二人的手一起握在手里)Baptista Minola :I know not what to say, but give me your hands. God send you joy; Petruchio, tis a match.Petruchio:Provide the feast, father, and bid the guests: I will to Venice, Sunday comes apace. We will have rings and things, and fine array. And kiss me, Kate, we will be m

26、arried O Sunday.(Kate高傲的扬起头,Petruchio凑过来,用手把Kate的头转过来,捧着她的脸)(Kate跑走,Baptista Minola 和Petruchio一边笑,一边拥抱在一起)旁白小矮人:It was Sunday. The bride was ready, and everyone awaited the coming of the bridegroom. They waited, and they waited, and they waited.(在婚礼上,Petruchio没来)Katherine: I told you, I, he was a fr

27、antic fool, Now must the world point a poor Katherine and say, Lo, there is mad Petruchios wife, If it would please him come and marry her! Baptista Minola :Go, girl, I cannot blame thee now to weep, For such an injury would vex a saint. (Katherine在Baptista Minola 怀里哭)仆人:Master, Master, news, and su

28、ch news as you never heard of! Baptista Minola :Is he come?(Petruchio穿的便装来到婚礼上)Petruchio:Where is Kate? The morning wears, tis time we were in church.Baptista Minola :But thus I trust you will not marry her.Petruchio: Good smooth, even thus. To me shes married, not unto my clothes. But what a fool a

29、m I to chat with you, When I should bid good morrow to my bride, And seal the title with a lovely kiss!(亲吻Katherine)(二人一起进大厅,Katherine大步无礼走到座位上)Petruchio :Gentlemen and friends, I thank you for your pains. I know you think to dine with me today, But so it is, my haste doth call me hence.Baptista Min

30、ola : Ist possible you will away tonight?Petruchio:I must away before night come.(Katherine生气地敲桌子)半秃头的男人(脖子处有白色衣领):Let me entreat you to stay til after dinner.Petruchio: It cannot be.Katherine:Let me entreat you. Now if you love me, stay.(站起来)Petruchio: Grumio,my horse!12:20-15:30Katherine: Nay then

31、 do what thou canst, i will not go,nor tomorrow not till i please myself.Gentleman,forward to the bridal dinner.Petruchio: they shall go forward thy command.obey the bride,you that attend on her.go to the feast and carouse full measure to her maidenhead.but for my bonny kate. She mu

32、st with me i will be master of what is mine own(Petruchio把Katherine夹走了) Lucentio: Mistress,what is your opinion of your sister?Bianca: that being mad herself shes madly mated(骑马,坠马)旁白小矮人: Now,in petruchios house in verona. Servants are making ready for the arrival of the master and his wife.Petruchio: where be these knaves?

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