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1、文学复习题Answers to Chapter 5A.BADAADBBAA CABCB.1 psychology 2. verse drama , con temporary 3. la ndmark. Lyrical ballads 4.roma ntic, moder nist 5. reformist 6. in dig nati on 7. work in g-class. Absurd 8. theAn gry You ng Men 9. Little 10. psycho-a nalysis 11. n ature 12. Shakespeare 13.action 14. n a

2、ture 15. beautyC.TTFFT FTTFT TTFTF FFTTFD.1George Bernard Shaw 2.John Galsworthy 3.William Butler Yeats 4. William ButlerYeats 5. William Butler Yeats 6. William Butler Yeats 7. T. S. Eliot 8. T.S. Eliot 9. T. S. Eliot 10. T.S. Eliot 11. T.S. Eliot 12. D.H.Lawre nee 13. D.H.Lawre nee14. D. H. Lawre

3、nee 15. James Joyce 16. James Joyce 17. James JoyceE.1.Modernism: It is a reacti on aga inst realism. It rejects rati on alism which is the theoretical base of realism; it excludes from its major con-cern the external, objective, material world, which is the on-ly creative source of realism; by advo

4、cat ing a free experime n- tati on on new forms and new techniques in literary creation, it casts away almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story, plot, character, chrono logical n arrati on, etc. , which are esse ntial to realism. Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and t

5、he theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base.2.Stream of Consciousness In Joyces opinion, the artist, who wants to reach the highest stage and to gain the in sights n ecessary for the creati on of dramatic art, should rise to the position of a godlike objectivi- ty; he should have the comple

6、te conscious control over the creative process and depersonalize his own emotion in the artistic creation. He should appear as an omni scie nt author and prese nt un spoke n materials directly from the psyche of the characters, or make the characters tell their own inner thoughts in monologues. This

7、 literary approach to the pre-se ntati on of psychological aspects of characters is usually termed as stream of con scious ness.G.1.Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. The major themes of the moder nist literature are the distorted, al

8、ie nated and ill re- lati on ships betwee n man and n ature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself. The modernist writers con- centrate more on the private than on the public, more on the subjective tha n on the objective. They are mainly concerned with the inner world of anin dividual.

9、Therefore, they pay more atte nti on to the psychic time tha n the chrono logical one. In their writ in gs, the past, the prese nt and the future are mixed together and exist at the same time in the con scious -n ess of an in dividual.2.The 20th century has witnessed a great achievement in Eng-ish p

10、oetry. The early poems of Pound and Eliot and Yeatss matured poetry marked the rise of modern poetry, which is, ina way, a revolution against the conventional ideas and forms of the Victorian poetry. The moder nist poets fight agai nst the roma ntic fuzz in ess and self- in dulged emoti on alism, ad

11、vocati ng new ideas in poetry writ ing such as to use the com mon speech, to create new rhythms as the expression of a new mood, to allow absolute freedom in choosing subjects, and to use hard, clear and precise images in poems.3.One feature of Shaws characterizati on is that he depicts one characte

12、r vividly at the expe nse of ano ther. Usually he would take an unconven ti onal character, a pers on of in sight and freedom, and impinge it upon a group of conventional social animals, so as to reveal stock no ti ons, prejudices and dish on -esties. Ano ther feature is that Shaws characters are th

13、e rep-rese ntatives of ideas, points of view, that shift and alter dur-ing the play, for Shaw is primarily in terested in doctri nes. In- vers ion is also employed in character portrayal to achieve comic effects. By prese nti ng a conven ti onal hero as a villa in, or a conven ti onal villa in as a

14、hero, Shaw intends to give a shock ing impressi on to his audie nee and challe nge the conven-ti onal way of thi nking.4.Shaws plays have plots, but they do not function by plots. The plot is usually the disregarded backb one to one long, un -broke n con versati on. It is the vitality of the talk th

15、at takes primacy over mere story. Action is reduced to minimum, while the dialogue and the in terplay of the mi nds of the char- acters main ta in the in terest of the audie nee. The forward mo-tion consists not in the unfolding of plot but in the operation of the spirit of discourse.5.The Man of Pr

16、operty is the first no vel of the Forsyte trilogies which tell the ups and dow ns of the Forsyte family from 1886 to 1926. The theme of this no vel is that of the predo minant possessive in sti net of the Forsytes and its effects upon the pers onal relati on ships of the family with the un derly ing

17、 as- sumpti on that huma n relati on ships of the con temporary En g-lish society are merely an exte nsion of property relati on ships.6.Yeats is con sidered to be one of the greatest poets in the En g-ish literature. He had a very long poetic career, stretching from the 1880s to the 1930s, and had

18、experieneed a slow painful change in his poetic creation, starting in the romantic tradition and finishing as a matured modernist poet. General-ly, his poetic career can be divided into three periods accord-ing to the contents and style of his poetry. As a young man in the last decades of the 19th c

19、en tury,Yeats started his poetic career in the romantic tradition. The major themes are usually Celtic lege nds, local folktales, or stories of the heroic age in Irish history. Many of his early poems have a dreamy qual-ity, expressing melancholy, passive and self-indulgent feel- ings. The Lake Isle

20、 of Inni sfree is just a popular represe n- tative of such poems. The first two decades of the 20th centu-ry were a period of transition to Yeats, during which his atti- tude towards politics, life and poetry experieneed a great change. Now Yeats began to write with realistic and con crete themes on

21、 a variety of subjects, study ing the profo und and complicated huma n problems, such as life, love, politics, and religion. Yeats reached the last stage of his poetic creation when he was over fifty. His concern has turned to the great subjects of dichotomy, such as, youth and age, love and war, vi

22、gor and wisdom, body and soul, and life and art. In this last period, Yeats has developed a tough, complex and sym-bolical style. In his famous poem, Sailing to Byzantium, Yeats explores the problems of death, love, old age and art.7.The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is Eliots most amaz- ing early

23、 achievement. It tells the meditati on of an agi ng young man over the bus in ess of propos ing marriage. The po-em is in a form of dramatic monologue, suggesting an ironic contrast between a pretended love song and a con fessi on of the speakers in capability of faci ng up to love and to life in a

24、sterile upper-class world. Prufrock, the protag onist of the poem, is n eurotic, self-importa nt, illogical and in capable of action. He is a kind of tragic figure caught in sense of defeat- ed idealism and tortured by un satisfied desires. The poem is inten sely an ti-roma ntic with visual images o

25、f hard objects and evasive hellish atmosphere.8.The Waste Land, Eliots most importa nt sin gle poem, has bee n regarded as a Ian dmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry, comparable to Wordsworths Lyrical Bal- lads. With bold technical innovations in versification and style, the poem not

26、 only presents apanorama of physical dis-order and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world, but also reflects the prevale nt mood of disillusi onment and despair of a whole post-war gen erati on.The poem is 433 lines long and is divided into five sect ions, which are not logically construct

27、ed or connected. Section I, The Burial of the Dead, deals chiefly with the theme of death in life. Section II, A Game of Chess, gives a rather detailed illustration of the sterile situation. Section III, The Fire Sermon, expresses a painful elegiac feeling by juxta- posing the vulgarity and shallown

28、ess of the modern with the beauty and simplicity of the past. In section IV, Death by Water, the drowned Phoenician Sailor is a symbol of futile worries over profit and loss, youth and age. In secti on V, What the Thun der Said, as the drought breaks and the thunder speaks, various elusive suggestio

29、ns of hopes are given; but despite the thunders advice to give, to sympathize, and to control, which projects the possibility of rege nera-ti on, the issue is left un certa in at the end.The Waste Land is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern civilization in which human life has lo

30、st its meaning, significance and purpose. The poem has devel-oped a whole set of historical, cultural and religious themes; but it is often regarded as being primarily a reflection of the 20th century peoples disillusionment and frustration in a sterile and futile society.H.1.T. S. Eliot is a great

31、modernist poet, an important verse dramatist and a great prose writer. Eliot had a long poetic ca- reer, which was gen erally divided into two periods. As a young man with bitter disillusi onment and with bold ness in the han dli ng of Ian guage, Eliot had explored in his early po-etry various aspec

32、ts of decay of culture in the modern West- ern world, express ing a sense of the dis in tegrati on of life. The most importa nt work of this period is The Waste Land. As Eliots most important single poem, it has been regarded as a Iandmark and a model of the 20th cen tury En glish poet- ry, comparab

33、le to Wordsworths Lyrical Ballads. With bold innovations in versification and style, the poem not only pre- sents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world, but also reflects the prevale nt mood of disillusi onment and despair of a whole post-war gen- erati o

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