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1、小学五年级英语上册教案集体备课1小学英语新课程标准教材英 语 教 案( 2019 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学 校: 年 级: 任 课 教 师: 英语教案 / 小学英语 / 小学五年级英语教案编订:XX文讯教育机构五年级英语上册教案集体备课1教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于小学五年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。小学五年级英语第一学期lesson1 课题1lesson1:fathers mother

2、s brothers and sisters 课时1课时 教学目标孩子们掌握并能充分运用家庭成员的词语, 培养学生对家庭的感情,增进对父母的爱。 教学重点 难点能运用older younger 并在原有基础上做“举一反三” 练习。并能运用重点句型: i have i dont have she is younger than me . 过程与方法通过游戏、示范等环节进行教学活动。 教学准备录音机 单词卡 通案个案 step 1:导入新课 greet the students with the familiar phrases . sing the song “ i love you ,you

3、love me .” step 2:新授 1、grandmother (奶奶或姥姥)、grandfather (爷爷或姥爷)学生拿出准备好的自己家庭的照片,解释这两个词都有双重的意思。用“吹气球”方式(声音由小到大)领读单词数遍。叫学生自己读最后告诉学生:everyone has two grandfathers and grandmothers . 2、重点句 认真看自己的照片,然后教师引出句子:i have father and mother. i dont have sisters and brothers . 此时可以让学生很容易的猜出意思。 i have (我有)i dont hav

4、e (我没有) 3 、游戏环节 让学生尽可能多的用第二部分的重点句做练习,以家庭成员为主,同时拓展为其他单词的操练。此环节可以把孩子们分为boy team and girl team ! 最后获胜组得到奖励,展示才艺。必要时可采取语言激励评价或肢体评价。 4、自由寻宝。 让学生一起读课文第二部分,从而自己发现重点句。bob is 20 years old . lynn is 8 . she is younger than bob . 同桌为一组自由练习比较级的句子。例如:i am taller than you. i am shorter than you . step 3:跟读。follow

5、 the tape sentence by sentence . step 4:结束课程。 布置给学生开放性作业,介绍自己的家庭,用学会的句型,写一个小短文,增进对父母的爱。 简短的英语歌曲亲切,引发学习兴趣。 对于自己的家庭照片小学生最感兴趣,易于学生接受。 学生猜出自己感兴趣的事情,很容易投入学习状态。 游戏更近一步激发兴趣,易于巩固新知。 利用已有的知识,进一步深化学习内容,达到再巩固。课堂新知当堂消化。 课堂检测一 孩子们掌握并能充分运用家庭成员的词语 二 能运用older younger 并在原有基础上做“举一反三”练习。并能运用重点句型: i have i dont have sh

6、e is younger than me . 教学反思 小学五年级英语第一学期lesson 2 教学内容:lesson 2:aunts, uncles and cousins掌握家庭成员词汇aunt uncle cousin 教学目标 : 知识目标:掌握家庭成员词汇aunt uncle cousin。 情感目标:让学生了解做任何事情前,都应想想他人的感受,学会关心别人,培养学生喜欢用英语交流的兴趣。 教学重难点: 能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型。 教学方法:通过情景创设,让学生理解句意,并在情景中学习单词,培养自主学习的能力,获得与同学交流的方法,在日常生活中正确使用以上词汇。 教

7、学准备:录音机、家庭成员图片 教学课时:一课时 教学过程: 一 、class opening and review 1、greeting : hello! how are you today? nice to meet you ! how is the weather? 2、song: “ the family in our house”. (选择学生喜欢的歌曲和儿歌,激发学生的学习兴趣) 3、game :play “letters”to review the words . 二 、new concepts family members:aunt uncle cousin. (一)、看图片,猜

8、单词。 例:my mothers sister ( aunt )(阿姨) 1. my fathers brother ( )( ) 2. my fathers father ( ) ( ) 3. my aunts son ( ) ( ) 4. my uncles daughter () ( ) (二)、提问 whats li mings aunts name? who is her husband? who is his wife? let the ss introduce li mings fathers sister and brother by themselves .prictice

9、with “cousin” . use the student book and audiotape , practice their listening . drawing : drawing your family and introduce the members of your family . (三)、改错: my uncle is tall than my aunt . my sister is older than my mother my cousin shorter than my aunt . 三 、class closing 四、板书设计 lesson 2 : aunts

10、, uncles and cousins aunt( mothers sister / fathers sister ) uncle( mothers brother / fathers brother) cousin (uncle s /aunt s child ) 课后反思: 小学五年级英语第一学期lesson3 课题lesson3 what do they look like?课时1课时 教学目标 1 知识目标:掌握并能简单运用四会单词glasses, gray; 句型 i am taller/shorter than _. 2 能力目标:能根据家庭成员的外貌特征展开简短的对话,并完成相

11、应的任务。通过对这个话题的学习和语言训练,能灵活运用在日常口语交际中。 3情感目标:通过对本课的学习,让学生体会到大家庭的温暖,并且去关心家庭中的老年人! 教学重点 难点教学重点:glasses, gray的用法,以及区分gray和green 的发音;学生会用比较级i am taller/shorter than _.介绍家庭成员的基本特征。 教学难点:动词have, wear在第三人称单数后面的用法和学生对家庭成员外貌的语言概括能力和参与运用能力。 教学准备word cards,radio,toys,computer,music, form,pictures 通案个案 1、greetings

12、: hello, boys and girls! how are you, today? i am fine, thank you. and you? 2、review: i feel happy today, so i want to sing a song “curly, straight, long and short” now, lets together! 3、demonstrate: (1) introduce: part one: teacher: i am very happy that we can have this english class together. firs

13、t, can you talk about me? how about my hair and my eyes? what colour is my hair? what colour are my eyes? students: teacher: good! my eyes are black. i have long, straight and black hair. (板书) ok, today, i invite my friends to our classroom. where are they? look here, who is she/he? what colour are

14、her eyes? students: her eyes are black. t: yes, she has black eyes. look! is her hair long and straight? what about her hair? ss: her hair is short and straight. t: she has short, straight and gray hair.(板书) say it, please!(注意“ay”的发音, spell “gray”, 盖住“ay”由学生去填空) who can spell it? look, what are thes

15、e? yes, these are glasses. she wears glasses. .(板书,领读glasses并强调wear除了有“穿”的意思,还有“戴”的意思,可以用口头造句举例给学生感受 oh, look at this grandfather! is his hair green? how about his hair and glasses? s: his hair is short, straight and gray. he wears glasses, too. t: yes! he has short, straight and gray hair. he wears

16、 glasses.(板书) practice one: (1) game: line game(one by one in a group) (2) oral practice: teacher: now, can you talk about your friends with your partner? volunteers, please! students: (practice) (3) listen and answer: teacher: oh, great! i also have many friends! but, my favourite friend is danny!

17、what does he look like? lets listen and find this question:( listen twice ) how many hairs does danny have? a. 1 hair b. 2 hairs c. 3 hair d. 3 hairs show dannys picture, answer the question. danny has 3 hairs part two: t: now, look at danny. he is 13 years old. i am 25 years old. so, he is younger

18、than me. i am older than danny. danny is young. i am old. danny is younger than me. i am older than danny. (板书) look “er”, how to read it? (强调“er”的发音) ok! look! danny is 1.3 meters tall. i am 1.65 meters tall. danny is short. i am tall. (板书) danny is shorter than me. i am taller than danny.(fill in

19、the blanks by students) (领读,同时强调er发音规律) who can make sentences with “i am shorter/taller than _.”or “she/he is shorter/taller than _.” practice two: now, let us play a game.(game: two circles) this group stand up, please. lets do it first. lets walk in a circle with the music. when the music is stop

20、, we should stop. then, the students in out circle first say: i am tall/short. you are short/tall. i am taller/shorter than you. last, the students inside the circle say it again! now, each group stand up, please! lets play, together! 4. look and listen: now, look at this picture of li mings family.

21、 lets listen and find the questions: ( with the tape ) (1). what colour is li mings grandmothers hair? (2). is li ming taller or shorter than his cousin? (3). how many people in his family wear glasses? ok, that is li mings family. here is the picture of my family! this is my _. he is _ years old. t

22、his is my _. he is _ years old. _ is older/shorter than _. my _ is _ metres tall. my _ is _ metres tall. _ is taller/shorter than _ . my _ has _, _ and _ hair. her eyes are _. my _ has _, _ and _ hair. his eyes are _. he wears glasses. ok, this is my family! how about your family? (ask one student,

23、she/he answer the questions) please, write it down in the forms. well done! now, two students do this pair work like us, one ask questions with the form, the other answer them and then write it down in the form. ok ? let s begin! talk about your family members: ( fill in the form, then talk about yo

24、ur family members with it and pictures in pairs.) who is this?how old is she/he ?how tall is she/he ? what about her/his hair? what colour are her/his eyes?does she/he wear glasses? 五、板书: lesson 3 what do they look like? i have long, straight and black hair. danny is young. i am old. she/he has _ /_

25、, _ and _ hair. danny is younger than me. she/he wears glasses. i am older than danny. 教学反思: 由歌曲导入,既能活跃课堂气氛,又能复习curly, straight, long and short 创设平等的学习气氛,不仅使自己很快融入到课堂氛围中,同时可以在这种情景中体现语法教学。引出第一人称的用法,同时学生也可以感知第一人称的用法 通过神秘的语气给学生创设一种情景,吸引学生,用陶瓷玩具引出第三人称单数的用法和本课的重点单词: gray 和 glasses 用学生感兴趣的游戏形式复习第一人称和第三人称单

26、数的用法 基础练习让学生扎实的掌握了介绍家人外貌的能力,这个环节可以是一个输出的环节 课文的的一部分处理为一个听力练习,同时是一个承上启下的环节,并且让学生感知hairs的用法,提起学生的注意力 通过我和danny的对比,创设语境,呈现语法知识;由旧知识引出新知识,找出发音规律和比较级的构成规律,学生自己找出规律,更容易印象深刻 造句是小学高年级英语的基本能力,这个环节只是一个最基础的学生练习,在练习中感悟语言 同心圆的游戏可以很形象的进行比较级的用法,给学生创设一种又有趣又能全体参与的语言实践活动,在活动运用语言 这个环节注重小学高年级的阅读和听力的培养,并且三个问题也综合了本课的重点词汇和

27、句型,也是一个总结复习的过程 设计意图:教师为例介绍自己的家庭成员的基本情况,可以给学生一个范文的作用 这是布置任务的过程,通过和一个学生的对话,不仅能使水平较高的学生规范语言,而且可以为全体学生提供可以模范的范例,这也是一个综合能力的练习 设计意图:最后的小组活动,给学生与学生之间交流的机会,既是巩固所学知识点的有效途径,又是学生能力输出的一种体现 小学五年级英语第一学期lesson 4 教学内容: lesson 4 do they work? 教学目标: 1说出并且灵活运用重点句型 what do they do ?how do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方

28、式。 2掌握句型 : he is a_ she is a _.学生须掌握表示职业的单词,如driver等。 3培养学生正确使用本课所学句型,来介绍人们的各种职业。 4在教学过程中培养学生的学习兴趣,并向学生渗透尊重父母的劳动,劳动最光荣的意识。 教学重点:充分掌握句子he is a_. she is a_. 教学难点:让学生感知主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加s 或加es 教学方法:利用本课重点句子和职业名称互相问答,并能简单介绍父母及家人的工作。 教具学具:单词卡片、课件 教学课时:一课时 教学过程: 一、复习 复习交通方式(bus,bicycle.)。利用如下的短语: drive a c

29、arride a bicycle take a bus walk。 二、新授 1交通方式:heshe goes to work _. 2职业名称:heshe is a _。 3. 相应的办公地点:heshe works in _. 三、活动练习 1对话练习:结成小组互相问答有关家庭成员的问题。例如: is this your _(家庭成员)? yesno,this is my _(家庭成员) does heshe work?yes,heshe is a _(职业) how does heshe go to work ? heshe goes to work _(交通方式)? 2利用单词卡操练职业: cashier,clerk,teacher,waitress。 3用英语描述家庭成员的职业及上班情况。 四、检测巩固 1利用活动手册做听力练习。 2请自告奋勇的学生向全班同学描述他们家庭成员的职业及上班情况,他们可能会用到以下句子: this is my _ hisher name is _. heshe is _years old . heshe is a _(职业). heshe works in a _(办公

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