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1、定语从句关系代词关系副词非限制性定语从句定语从句(一)关系代词的用法一.定语从句的概念在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫 定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫 先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的词叫做 关系词。关系词有三个作用:1、引导定语从句;2、代替先行词;3、在定语从句中担当一个成分。 二、定语从句的关系词 引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词包括that, WhiCh, Who, Whom 禾口 whose,关系畐U词包括 where, When, Why 等。三、关系代词的用法关系代词指代人还是物在从句中的成分That人和物主语和宾语 :WhiCh

2、物主语和宾语先行词在从句中的作用或 成分关系词时间时间状语Whe n=Who人主语和宾语Whom人宾语Whose人和物定语部分特殊先行词的关系词选择in/on/during/at +WhiCh主语/宾语That/WhiCh地点 场合地点状语Where=in/on/a t + WhiCh主语/宾语That/WhiChReaSOn原因状语Why=for WhiCh(非限制性定语从句只能用for WhiCh)主语/宾语That/WhiChWay方式状语That/in Which/ 省略主语/宾语That/WhiChPOin t,situatio n, COn diti on, stage,casB地

3、点状语Where=in WhiCh主语/宾语That/WhiChMary likes music that is quiet and gen tie.玛丽喜欢轻柔的音乐。 (that 作主语)The coat (that) I PUt On the desk is blue. (that 作宾语)2.whichThe buildi ng WhiCh Sta nds n ear the train Stati On is a supermarket. (作主语)The film (WhiCh) We SaW last ni ght WaS Won derful. (作宾语)3.who指人在从句中

4、做主语或宾语, 作主语不可省略, 作宾语可省略。例如:The boys who arePiayi ng football are from CiaSS One.翻译: 4.Whom指人,在定语从句中充当宾语, 常用Who代替,可省略。例如:Mr. Li ng is just the manWhom I Want to see.翻译: 5.Whose通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语(1)He has a friend Whose father is a doctor.(2)I OnCe lived in a house Whose roof has falle n in.(3)The Ci

5、aSSroom Whose door is broke n Wiii Soon be repaired.(4)The CiaSSroom the door of WhiCh is broke n Wiii Soon be repaired.(5)Do you like the book Whose Cover is yel0W?(6)Do you Iike the book the color Of WhiCh is yellow?2.关系词只能用that的情况:a. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰, 或本身是序数词、基数词、形容词最高级时;例如: He WaS the first Per

6、Son that PaSSed the exam. 他是第一个通过考试的人。b. 被修饰的先行词为 all, any, much, many, everything, anything, none, the One 等不定代词时;例如:IS there anything that you Want to buy in the shop ?你在商店里有什么要买的东西吗?c.先行词被 the only, the Very, the same, the last, little, few 等词修饰时;例如:ThiS is the Same bike that I lost.这就是我丢的那辆自行车。d

7、.先行词里同时含有人和物时;例如:I Can remember well the PerS OnSand some PiCtUreS that I SaW in the room. 我能清楚记得我在那个房间所见到的人和一些照片。e.以who或WhiCh引导的特殊疑问句,为避免重复,只能用 that.例如:Who is the girl that is Crying ? 正在哭泣的那个女孩是谁?1.Do you know the man who is talki ng With our teacher?先行词是_,关系代词是 _,指(人/物),在定语从句中作 _语。2.ThiS is the d

8、octor whom I SaW yesterday.先行词是_,关系代词是 _,指(人/物),在定语从句中作 _语。3.Do you like the book whose color is blue?先行词是_,关系代词是 _,指(人/物),在定语从句中作 _语。4.1 Ve lost the Pen WhiCh I like best.先行词是,关系代词是,指(人/物),在定语从句中作语。5.The PerS On that telepho ned me is a reporter先行词是 _,关系代词是 _,指(人/物),在定语从句中作 _语。做题思路:1、首先要分清主句与从句; 2、

9、然后找出先行词3、分析从句中缺少什么成分; 4、再看先行词指人,还是指物;5、在此基础上,选定恰当的关系代词。1.The man is Sta nding there is my father.A. who B. whom C. WhiCh2.The girl coat is red is Wait ing at the gateA. who S B. whose C. that of which.3.That is the day l n ever forget.A. WhiCh B. On WhiCh C. i n WhiCh D. When4.Who WaS the man spoke

10、to you just now?A. who B. whom C. that5.It is the best film She has ever See n.A. that B. WhiCh C. Whe n6.China is a CoUntry has a Iong history.A. who B. WhiCh C. Where7.The boy I talked With just now is my best friend.A. who B. WhiCh C. Where8.We know JaCkie Cha n movies are Very popular With the y

11、oung.A. whose B. that C. who D. WhiCh9.He talked a lot about things and PerS OnS they remembered in the school.A. WhiCh B. that C. whom D. What10.The Pen he is Writ ing is mine.A. With WhiCh B. i n WhiCh C. On WhiCh D. by WhiCh填上适合的关系代词并指出在句子中作什么成分。1.The family had lost everythi ng in a big fire got

12、 much help from their frien ds.2.ThiS is the book you want.3.I OnCe lived in a house WindoW WaS broke n.4.The first thing you must do is to have a meal.5.The house We live in is Very old.6.Didn t you See the man I talked With just n?7.I m Waiting for the womanith you talked just now.8.The tow n in h

13、e lives is far from here.9 ThiS is the biggest buildi ng We have ever built in OUr school.10. ThiS is the SeCOnd school I USed to work at, and many StUdents there still haveCon tact With me.定语从句(二)-关系副词的用法一.概述定语从句中的关系副词是 Where , When和Why ,1.When指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语eg. I still remember the day When I firs

14、t Came to the school.2.Where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语eg. Shan ghai is the City Where I WaS born.3.Why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语eg. PIeaSe tell me the reas On Why you are late.其中Why的用法比较固定,通常先行词必须是the reason, When和Where的用法要求有两点, 第一,先行词分别表示时间和地点, 第二,一定要在从句中作状语, 否则即使先行词是指时间地点的也不能用 When和WhereO关系副词=介词+关系代词关系副词引导的从句可以由 介词+关系代

15、词”引导的从句替换why=for WhiCh Where=inat WhiCh when=inonduring WhiCh :1.The reasOn why/ for WhiCh he refused the inVitation is not clear.翻译: 2.1don k now the year Whe n/in WhiCh he Went to school.翻译: 3.Great Cha nges have take n place in the City in which./Where I WaS born. 翻译: 三.判断关系代词与关系副词的辨别:方法一:用关系代词,还

16、是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。 就必须要求用关系副词或者是介词加关系代词; 而及物动词后接宾语,如:ThiS is the village Where I Stayed last year.l n ever forget the days Whe n I WOrked together With you.方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分 (主、谓、宾、定、状代词/关系副词。IS this the museum the exhibiti On WaS held?IS this the museum you visited?A. Where B. that C. On WhiCh1

17、.That is the tow n he WaS born.A.which B. Where C. Whe n D. Why2.IS this the factory he WOrked tenyears ago?A. that B. Where C. WhiCh D. the one3.IS this the river I Can SWim ?A. WhiCh B. in WhiCh C. that D. the one4.I love PIaCeS the people are really frien dly.A. that B. WhiCh C. Where D. who5.It

18、there anyone in your class family is in the CoUn try?A. who B. whos C. WhiCh D. whose6.I Can n ever forget the day We WOrked together and the day A. Whe n; WhiCh B. which; Whe n C. what; that D. On which; Whe n7.ThiS is the reas On he did nt come to the meeti ng.A. i n WhiCh B. With WhiCh C. that D.

19、 for WhiCh8.The house I lived ten years ago has bee n pulled dow n.9.The house I lived in ten years ago has bee n pulled dow n.10.I don t know the reason_he looks Unhappy today. 考点一:关系代词 who,whom,whose 的选择:1.不及物动词后面无宾语,则要求用关系代词。 例),也能正确选择出关系We SPe nt together.ThiS is the man ofte n helps you.2.He is

20、 the StUde nt ComPoSiti OnWon the first prize.3.Don get close to the house roof is Un der repair.4.The PerS On With I shook hands is my teacher.考点二:关系代词和关系副词的选择:1. ThiS is the market you Can buy many things . ThiS is the market sells all kinds of thin gs.2.(1) There sone point We must in SiSt on.(2)

21、 She reached a Point She WaS SUPPOSed to make decisi OnS of her own.3.(1) I didn believe the reasOn he explained to me.(2) I didn believe the reason he Went there.4.It a job you are doing SOmething SeriOUS but interesting.It a job I dislike5.There WaS a time I hated to go to school. 非限制性定语从句ReViSi O

22、n定语从句(attributive CIaUSeS) 通常由关系代词或关系副词引出。常见的关系代词有 : (指物), ( 既可指人又可指物 ), 指人,在定语从句中作主语 或宾语), (指人,在定语从句中作宾语), (指人或物,作定语)等。关系副词有: (指时间), (指地点), (指原因)等。用适合的关系代词或副词填空1.1Sat next to a girl n ame WaS Dina.2.Stude nts do not make good USe of their time may fail their exams.3.David WaS One of the most helpfu

23、l StUde nts We ever had.4.We talk about poems and poets We like .5.Do you remember the day We left you in charge?6.Do you remember the day We SPe nt together?7.1dont know the reas On the house is so dirty.8.1dont believe the reas On he gave us.9.We lear n in a CIaSSroom Win dows are broke n .10.Yuey

24、a ng is the place I WaS born .非限制性定语从句定义定语从句分为限制性定语从句 (restrictive ) 和非限制性定语从句(non-restrictive) 两种。限制性定语从句紧跟先行词,与先行词之间一般不加逗号;非限制性定语从句与主句之间通常 用逗号分开。Non-restrictive attributive clauses:1.I m taking Weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, WhiCh are quite popular among young women here.2.It S the Same in Chi

25、na many people, some of whom are not OVerWeight at all, are always going on diet or taking Weight-loss pills, WhiCh are often dangerous.EXamPIe 11.HiS father, Who works in Beijing, Came back yesterday.2.Shan ghai, WhiCh is in EaSt Chin a, is develop ing rapidly.Con clusi On 1当先行词是地名、人名、世界上独一无二的事物或家庭

26、唯一成员时, 通常只用 定语从句修饰。ThiS is the house (which/ that )we bought last mon th. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。2.The house, WhiCh We bought last mon th, is Very nice.这房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。1. 从句与先行词关系密切,是先行词不可缺少的部分,如果去掉它,主句意思往往不明确。2.非限制性定语从句是对先行词的补充或说明 ,去掉它也 影响主句的意思。注意:非限制性定语从句,不可that引导非限制性定语从句考点归纳: as和WhiCh弓I导非限制性定语从句,代替整个主句。Ex

27、ample:1.AS every Onekno ws,Ch ina is a CoUntry With a Iong history.众所周知,中国是一个历史悠久的国家。2.She is a teacher, as is clear from her manner.她是个教师,这一点从她的举止可以清楚地看出。3.He missed the show, WhiCh WaS really a great pity.他错过了演出,这真是很大的遗憾。1.as和WhiCh在引导非限制性定语从句时 ,as和WhiCh可代替整个主句,相当于and this或andthato2.as和WhiCh引导非限制性定

28、语从句的不同之处在于:as 引导的定语从句可置于 ,而WhiCh引导的定语从句不可放在句首。as引导非限制性从句,常带有“正如”的意思。Alice received an in Vitati On from her boss, Came as a surprise.2.The Weather turned out to be Very good, WaS more tha n We could expect.3._ is expected, the England team won the football match.4._ We Can see, the smoke Came from t

29、he little dustbin.5.The air quality in the city, is show n in the report, has improved over the PaSt two mon ths.A. that B. it C. as D. WhatII.all / some/ of + whom / WhiCh 引导非限制性定语从句Example:He has told US many stories, all of WhiCh are about the famous Long Match.2. The StUde nts of Class 1, some o

30、f whom Came from JaPa n, Went CamP ing yesterday.Conclusion在非限制性定语从句中,一些表达数量或定位的数词或代词如 all/ some/ one/ both/neither/ none/ any either/ any等可与Of构成介词词组修饰限制先行词 ,此时先行词在其后的定语从句中作介词的宾语,关系代词不可用that。如先行词指人则用 ,如先行词指物则用 引导从句。1.The famous basketball star, comes from AmeriCa, Will ViSit OUr school soon.2.In tho

31、se days, She USed to go to Mr black,with She had a Won derful time.3.I bought a Car yesterday, cost me a lot.4.Xi an, I ViSited last year, is a nice old city.5.He will come to See me next July, he Won t be so busy.6.The school, I OnCe studied, WaS built thirty years ago.7.Joh n Said he d bee n work ing in the OffiCe for an hour, WaS true.8._ We all know, he is good at En g

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