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1、PET精讲班讲义教师Unit 1 Explorer一、 Vocabulary-1What can you find at the bottom of the sea?海底 the bottom of the sea 珊瑚coral 船只残骸shipwreck 古代的城市ancient cities 地点/场所site 定居地点settlements 住所habitation 遗迹remains 人类human How to explore the bottom of the ocean?探险家explorer 潜水艇 submarine发送现场照片send live pictures控制con

2、trol 想象imagine imagination imaginative The four oceans:太平洋-the Pacific (Ocean) 大西洋-the Atlantic (Ocean) 印度洋-the Indian Ocean 北冰洋-the Arctic OceanBreak and memorize:船只残骸 ship wreck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 古代的 an cient _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 定居地点 se ttle ment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 住所 ha bi ta

3、 tion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _遗迹 re mains _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 人类 hu man _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 探险 ex plore _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 潜水艇 sub ma rine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 控制 con trol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 想象 i ma gine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4、_ _ _ 想象力 i ma gi na tion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 太平的 pa ci fic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 大西洋 at lan tic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 北极的 arc tic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 二、 ReadingA. Skim the text for these questions:1、Where is Dr. Ballard from? 2、What is he

5、famous for? 3、What does he use to explore the bottom of the sea?B. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct (A) or incorrect (B).1、There are a hundred shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea 2、The remains of Titanic have been in the sea for 3800 years.3、Dr. Ballard goes into the sea in a sma

6、ll submarine.4、He wants to find different types of fish and coral.5、Some people used to live where there is water now. 6、Dr. Ballard is doing some research (研究) about the site. 7、Dr. Ballard is trying to set up an underwater museum although there is less history than in the museums on land. 8、People

7、 all over the world can go to the underwater museum to take some pictures. 9、Dr. Ballard likes putting pictures on the Internet.C. Answer the questions below. 1、The text is trying to_. A. tell us how to explore the sea. B. tell us the history of Titanic. C. introduce us an explorer to the readers. D

8、. show us human being can live in the water2、What kind of TV programs is Dr. Ballard likely to enjoy? A. water sports like sailing B. quiz shows about fish and coral C. cartoons D. documentaries about human habitation 3、What are the advantages and disadvantages of Dr. Ballards job?4、Do you want to b

9、e an explorer, and why?三、 GrammarHe watches TV everyday 时态:_ 结构:_ 用法:_He watched TV yesterday. 时态:_ 结构:_ 用法:_He is watching TV now. 时态:_ 结构:_ 用法:_ 用watch 的适当形式填空:时态: 一般现在时态 现在进行时态 一般过去时态结构: _ _ _-She _ TV everyday but I _ (not) watch TV very often. _ she _ TV everyday? Yes, she _. No, she _.She _ (n

10、ot) watch TV everyday.He _ TV now but his parents _ (not) at the moment. _ he _ TV now? Yes, he is/No, he isnt.He _ (not) TV now. They _ TV last night._ they _ TV last night? Yes, they _. No, they _.They _ (not) TV last night. 常用不规则动词过去式变法:Base form Past simple become _begin _blow _break _bring _bui

11、ld _buy _can _catch _choose _come _cost _Base form Past simple cut _do _drink _drive _eat _fall _feel _fight _find _fly _forget _get _give _go _grow _have _hear _hit _hold _hurt _keep _know _leave _let _lose _make _meet _pay _put _read _ride _ring _run _say _see _sell _send _sing _sink _sit _sleep _

12、speak _spend _stand _steal _swim _take _teach _tell _think _understand _wake _wear _win _write _Translating:1、 人们经常在海底发现人类居住地的遗迹。People usually find remains of human habitation at the bottom of the sea. 2、 罗伯特总是用一艘潜水艇去探索水下世界。Robert always uses a submarine to explore the underwater world. 3、 20年前,有位探

13、险家在北大西洋海底发现了泰坦尼克号的残骸。20 years ago, an explorer found the shipwreck of Titanic at the bottom of the North Atlantic.4、在2000年,他去了黑海,在那里他发现了古老的人类居住地。In 2000, he went to the Black Sea, where he found ancient human settlement. 5、 他现在正在为另一个想法儿工作。Now,he is working on another idea. 6、 他现在正在为建设世界上第一个海底博物馆而努力。

14、He is working for the worlds first underwater museum. Complete the exercise on page 7四、 Vocabulary-2A famous emigration(迁徙):the Oregon Trail 俄勒冈小道 迁徙/移民 emigrate emigration 世纪century 欧洲Europe 欧洲人Europeans 农田farmland 移居者settler 山脉mountains 路途journey 西部电影western 当地土着的native 攻击attack 极其地extremely 长度len

15、gth 马车wagon 光着脚barefoot 温度气温temperature 包括including 死于疾病die from illness 意外/事故accident 轮子wheel 开枪/射击gunshot 迷人的 fascinating 下沉 sink Break and memorize:迁徙 e mi gra te _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _世纪 cen tury _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 欧洲 Eu ro pe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

16、 _ _ _ 山脉 moun tain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 路途 jour ney _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 土着的 na tive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 攻击 a tta ck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 极其地 ex treme ly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 马车 wa gon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 温度 tem pe ra ture _ _ _ _

17、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 包括 in clu ding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 事故 ac ci dent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 射击 gun shot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 迷人的 fa sci na ting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 五、ReadingA. Skim the text for these questions:1、How many states did the Oregon Trail go th

18、rough? 2、How long is the trail? 3、How long did the journey take along the Oregon Trail? 4、How many people die on the trail?B. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct (A) or incorrect (B).1、In the 19th century, a lot of people went to America from Europe to have an adventure. 2、Many peop

19、le preferred the lifestyle in the countryside so they left big cities. 3、They fond a lot of farmland so they were called farmers. 4、Everyone could find gold in California. 5、The journey always took a year. 6、American Indians killed thousands of white people. 7、The settlers helped the Native American

20、s. 8、The journey was really hard.9、They had wagons so they didnt have to walk.10、The wagons were not enough to carry everyone. 11、The weather was so hot that they walked barefoot. 12、50 thousand people were killed.13、People were killed in different ways on the trail. C. Answer the questions below. 1

21、、What is the text mainly about? A. American Indians were helpful. B. There were much gold in California. C. The Oregon Trail was very difficult. D. Some information about the Oregon Trail. 2、If you are going to take a journey like the Oregon Trail, what will you take with you?Translating: 在19世纪,有很多欧

22、洲人迁徙到了美国,由于他们在大城市里找不到工作,所以去西部寻找农田。这些人被称为移居者。路途是极其的艰难。在西部电影中,我们经常看到白人杀死很多的移居者。由于马车不够而且有些人没有鞋穿,所以很多人都光着脚走路。有的人死于疾病,也有的人死于意外的开枪射击。 _Finish the task on Page 9 六、 Listening (5c)A. Listen again and complete the summary (5d).B. Listen and complete the blanks.Karen: Hi Mark. How are you?Mark: Fine, thanks. Im studying hard at the moment.Im reading about the settlers on the Oregon Trail. Its really interesting.Karen: So what kind of things are you reading about?Mark: Well, for example, the story of the settlers on the Oregon Trail. It was a really difficult journey. It

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