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1、商务英语复习资料Unit111周五期末考试内容由三大块构成:PPT(复习资料)+新编剑桥商务英语(中级)练习册+各阅读材料期末考试样卷Section One Communication skills 30%(15 小题, 每题2分,取自课件)Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate terms1. The recruitment process involves job analysis, sourcing, selection and _.2. The basics of proper business dining etique

2、tte include seating, eating and drinking, _and conversation. Section Two Theoretical knowledge 20% (各10小题,共20题,每题1分,取自课件)Part A Translate the following terms in bold from English into Chinese.1. China has become one of the worlds leading manufacturing bases and leading suppliers of labor-intensive p

3、roducts_.2. The level of Chinas foreign exchange_ reserves is much larger, so there is great potential for much larger outbound FDI_ or acquisitions abroad.Part B Translate the following terms from Chinese into English.1. 贸易逆差2. 互联网+3. Section Three Business Reading 30%(阅读4-5篇 共30小题,每题1分,文章内容与商务活动有关

4、,取自练习册及阅读材料)Part A Directions: read the passage below about advertising. Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D.(取自新编剑桥商务英语(中级)练习册(第三版)Page 24)Part BPart CPart D Section Four Business Writing 20% Directions:Read the information and use the framework below to write a report(取自新编剑桥商务英

5、语(中级)练习册(第三版)Page 23).PPT(复习资料)Unit 1 Top Companies and GlobalizationBusiness Theory1. What is a Company? Acompanyis anassociationor collection of individuals, whethernatural persons,legal persons, or a mixture of both, who share a common purpose and unite in order to focus their varioustalents and

6、organize their collectively available skills or resources to achieve specific, declaredgoals.All companies excluding non-profit organizations are benefit driving.A Company Should be Unique!A company is different from others because it has its unique corporate culture.The person who organizes and man

7、ages an enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk, is called an entrepreneur. It is entrepreneurship that involves in the process of designing, launching and running a new business. Similar Wordsfirm business corporation multinational conglomerate dot-com subsi

8、diary affiliate Ltd./Co. VS company of unlimited liabilityRelative Wordsheadquarters branch department CEO: chief executive manager managing director 总经理/常务董事chairman of the board board of directorsPhrase Collocationrun/set up a companyjoin a company: become an employee a company goes bust/bankruptc

9、ompany policyCommon Types of Business limited-liability company(责任有限公司)unlimited company(责任无限公司)listed company(上市公司)domestic enterprise(内资企业)foreign-owned/invested enterprise(外企)overseas-funded enterprise(海外投资企业)state-owned enterprise(国企)private enterprise/business(私企)(Sino-foreign)joint venture(中外合

10、资)2. What Does Globalization Mean?The term “globalization” was first used in a scholarly fashion in 1967.Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and mutual sharing, and other aspects ofculture. It comes together with econ

11、omic integration(经济一体化).3. Four Aspects of Globalization tradeandtransactionscapitalandinvestment movementsmigrationand movement of peoplethe dissemination ofknowledge4. What are Important Marks in the History of Globalization?The Silk Road/the rise of maritime European empires/multinational enterpr

12、ises and international trade/bilateral, multinational and international cooperation and organization: WTO, EU, TPP/the Internet has brought communities across the globe closer together through instant communication.5. What is SWOT Analysis?SWOT analysis, also called SWOT matrix, is a structuredplann

13、ingmethod used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threatsinvolved in aprojector in abusiness. Fortune 500 and Transnational CorporationsThe most famous companies in the world are included inFortune Global 500 list, also known asGlobal 500, which is an annual ranking of the top

14、500corporations worldwide as measured byrevenue. The list is compiled and published annually byFortunemagazine, anAmerican business magazine, published globally byTime Inc. In 2015, the top 10 companies:Walmart(沃尔玛), Sinopec(中石化)Dutch Shell(荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司) China National Petroleum Corporation(中国石油天然气集团公

15、司) ExxonMobil(埃克森美孚), BP(英国石油公司) State Grid Corporation of China(中国国家电网公司)Volkswagen(大众集团公司), Toyota Motor(丰田汽车) Glencore(嘉能可-全球大宗商品交易巨头)6. What are Transnational Corporations/Multinational Companies? A multinational corporation or multinational company, is an organization that owns or controls prod

16、uction of goods or services in one or more countries other than their home country.It can also be referred as aninternational corporation, a transnationalcorporation, or a stateless corporation. 7. How to Make a Presentation?Step A: Introducing the presentationUseful expressions: Good morning and th

17、anks for coming/Today Id like to tell you aboutStep B: Explaining the structure of the presentationUseful expressions: If you have any questions, Ill be happy to answer them at the end/Then Ill give you an overview of/In my brief presentation well begin by looking atStep C: Presenting the first part

18、Useful expressions: Here you can see/First of all theres/and finally theres.Step D: Presenting the second part Useful expressions: OK, lets move on to look at/One thing Id like to point out is/Take a look at this chartStep E: Presenting the third partStep F: Ending the presentationUseful expressions

19、: Are there any questions/ So that brings me to the end of the presentation/Thanks for listeningUnit 2 Starting a BusinessBusiness Theory1. WTO(originated from GATT-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) is a place where member governments go, to try to sort out the trade problems they face with ea

20、ch other. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the worlds trading nations.But the WTO is not just about liberalizing trade, and in some circumstances its rules support maintaining trade barriers for example to protect consumers, prevent the spread of disease or p

21、rotect the environment.2. WTO Benefits1. This system helps promote peace.2. Disputes are handled constructively.3. Rules make life easier for all.4. Free trade cuts the cost of living.5. It provides more choices of products and qualities. 6. Trade raises incomes.7. Trade stimulates economic growth.8

22、. The basic principles make life more efficient.9. Governments are shielded from lobbying.10. The system encourages good government.3. What is Anti-dumping Agreement?If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market, it is said to be “dumping”

23、the product. The WTO Agreement does not regulate the actions of companies engaged in dumping. Its focus is on how governments can or cannot react to dumping it disciplines anti-dumping actions, and it is often called the “Anti-dumping Agreement”. Types of BusinessSole trader you are self-employed an

24、d set up the business on your own.Partnership you are self-employed and start the business with another person. You are both equally liable.Franchise you buy a license to trade under the name of the franchiser and you benefit from the franchisers expertise.Internet start-up you start a business onli

25、ne like Taobao C2C shop with small investment.Internal venture you may undertake part of a business in a company. Its highly motivated at Haier. Unit 3 AdvertisingBusiness Theory1. When did people begin to trade? Clear evidence of trading over long distances dates back at least 9,000 years.2. How di

26、d ancient people trade? People trade because they dont have everything they need. Trade can make everyone better off. 3. Why do countries trade? Countries trade with each other when, on their own, they do not have the resources, or capacity to satisfy their own needs and wants. Trade comes from divi

27、sion of labor and specialization. Division of labor makes trade possible and specialization can generate further benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity.4.What is comparative advantage?The theory ofcomparative advantageis an economic theory about the workgains from tradefor individuals, fir

28、ms, or nations that arise from differences in theirfactor endowments(要素禀赋)ortechnological progress. If anagent(经济学中一般人的抽象) can produce a good at a lower relativeopportunity cost, he has comparative advantage in producing this good. Factors are what can be used in production like land, capital and la

29、bor, etc. Endowments are the quality and quantity of something.David Ricardo(in 1817) realized that absolute advantage(by Adam Smith) was a limited case. Countries without absolute advantage can get gains by trading products they have comparative advantage in producing.5. What products and services

30、does a country tend to trade with others? Each country tends to trade with others products and services in which they have comparative advantages. Comparative advantages come from factor endowments and technological is an importa

31、nt part of marketing. It aims to make people aware of a product or service and favorably incline towards it. A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by advertising widely. It can build the consumers brand preference and loyalty, thus increasing the value of the product. Advertising is helpful to build the brand, increase the value of its goodwill and win the confidence of consumer.Useful expressions 1. The advertisement is used to promote这广告是促销2. The target customers of the advertisement are 这广告的目标客是 is obvious that 很显然 creative ideas 有创意的想

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