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1、大学英语听力5原文15课大学英语5听力 上海外语教育出版社 lesson 1partA problems facing foreign students Today Id like to talk about some of the problems that students face when they follow a cource of study through the medium of English-if English is not their mother tongue.The problems can be divided into three broad categor

2、ies: psychological ,cultural and linguistic. The first two categories mainly affect those who come to study in Britain from Asia and Africa.Ill come to comment only briefy on these two categories and then spend most of the time looking at linguistic difficulties which apply to everyone. some of the

3、common psychological problems really involve fear of unknown: for example,whether ones academic studies will be too difficult.Looking at the cultural problems,we can see that some of them are very practical nature, for example , arranging satisfactory accommodation.Others are less easy to define.The

4、 largest category seems to be linguistic. lets look at this in some details.Most students,in their own countries,will have little opportunity to practise using English.Where foreign learners first have the opportunity to speak to an English-speaking person then may have a shockthey often have great

5、difficulty in understanding!Ill just mention three of the possible reasons for this. First, it seems to students that English people speak very quickly . Second,they speak with a variety of accents.Third, different styles of speech are used.For all of these reasons students will have difficulty,main

6、ly because they lack everyday practice in listening to English people speaking English. What can a student do then to overcome these difficulties?Obviously,attend English class and, if a language laboratory is available,use it as much as possible.He should also listen to programs in English on the r

7、adio and TV.Perhaps most important of all,he should take every opportunity to meet and speak with native English-speaking people.In addition,the student probably has difficulty in speaking English fluently.The advice here will seem difficult to follow but its necessary.Firstly, he must simplify what

8、 he wants to say so that he can express himself reasonably clearly.Secondly,he must try to think in English, not translate from his mother tongue.This will begin to take place only when his use of English becomes automatic.Using a language laboratory and listening to English as mush as possible will

9、 help.I:question:1.what does the lecture mainly disscuss? d2.what kind of students is the speaker referring to? b 3. why do students have difficulties in understanding English speech?,according to the speaker, can foreign students learn to speak English fluently?b5.which of the followong state

10、ments can be inferes from the passage?cPart C At the age of 64 and having only a 1937 diploma from an apprentice training school,I decided to enroll in an new weekend college program at Findley College in Ohio-now the University of Findley. The result is I was granted dual B.A.diploma in 1985 at the

11、 age of 69.My degrees are in business adminstration and information systems analysis, which means computers. My excuse for going to college at that age was to find what i did right in business for 33 years.The second reason was to prove to myself that i was an A student-which i accomplished by makin

12、g the deans list the second semester.Because the dean of the college knew that i expected to be treated like any other student. we both laughed about the professor who rushed into the deans office and explained,i have a trustee of the college in my class! what do i do? when the dean told me about it

13、, my response was,i hope you told him to fail me if i didnt do the work. the dean replied,that is exactly what i told him.the deans list : 学院院长公布的优秀学生名单trustee:董事question: 1. when did the speaker receive his diplomas?a2.the speaker received two B.A.degrees after a five-year study at a college. what

14、subjects are these degrees in?d3.what was one of the reasons why the speaker went to college?c4.why did the professor feel so nervous when he found the speaker sitting in his class as one of his students?b5.what is the main lesson to be drawn from the passage?bLesson2PART AAmerican Marriage Customs

15、People in the U.S.,when they attain legal age and meet certain medical requirements,are free to choose their own mates. Once a couple has decided to get married, the man customarily gives the girl a diamond ring. The use of ring comes from the ancient custom of using a ring to settle an important ag

16、reement. When the wedding day is decided upon, the girl sends out wedding announcements or friends and relatives. The then send wedding gifts to the girls home.On the wedding day it is supposed to be bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. Another ole custom that peopl

17、e believe will bring good luck to the marriage is for the bride to wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.Before the wedding day the groom always chooses a best man, a good friend to help him and stand beside him during the wedding ceremony.the custom of having abe

18、st manis thought to have come from ancent times when a strong friend helped the groom escape from the brides father.When a couple marries, the groom gives his bride a wedding ring. Many marriages are double ring ceremonies -that is, the bride and the groom exchange rings. The wedding ring is customa

19、rily a simple plain gold band. The roundness of the ring symbolizes eternity and announces that the couple is united for life. The wedding ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand. People believe that a vein from the third finger runs directly to the heart.Near the end of the recepition, wh

20、ich is offered by the brides the parents,the bride throws her bouquet flowers to the unwed bridemaids. The luckly girl who catches it is supposed to be the next in the group to the married. As the bride and the groom leave for their honeymoon, the guests all throw confetti on them. This id a symbol

21、of joy and happiness.I答案1-5c b a c c II 答案“FFFFTPART CIn many homes, divorce is caused by the battle between the understand the problem, one must remember the mordern American woman is freed. During childhood and adolescence, the American girl is given freedom and education which is equal t

22、o a boys. after completing school, she is able to get a job and support herself. She doesnt have to marry for finanical security. She considers herself an independent, self-sufficient person. She wants a husband whom she can respect, but she doesnt want to be dominated by him. She want a democratic

23、household in which she has a voice in making decisions. When a husband and wife are able to share decision making, their marriage is probably closer, stronger, and more satisfying. Otherwise, the couple is likely to wind up in the divorce court.When a couple gets divorced, the court usually requires

24、 the man to pay his former wife a monthly sum of money. If the couple has children,they usually remain with the mother, and the father is expected to pay for their support.Although divorced is quite common in the united states,80 percent of those who get divorced remarry. The remarriages allow thous

25、ands of people, especially children, to enjoy family life again, but at the same time many troubles have arisen. A well-known American joke tells of a wife calling to her second husand,Quick, John! Come here and help me! Your children and my children are beating up our children!答案:1-5dbcbdLesson 3PA

26、RT A Telephone message for Mr Drawson9:00Amanda Mr Dawsons office.Jenny oh,its Jenny . can you give Mr Dawson a message? I wont be in till Friday. Ive got the flu. I saw the doctor this morning.Amanda OK, jenny. Ill pass the massage on. I hope youll feel better soon,9:40Amanda Mr Dawsons office. can

27、 i help you ? Mr Watkins may i speak to Mr Dawsons ,please?Amanda Im afaid hes away in business. hell be back tomorrow. can i take a message?Mr Watkins Please. its Tom Datkins here. look. i cant make the meeting on Tuesday afternoon. something importants come up. ill ring Peter on Wednessday.11:30Am

28、anda hello, godfrey. what can i do for you?Godfrey Mr Dawson isnt here, is he? Amanda No, not till tomorrow.Godfrey Ah . its just that i want friday off. you see. my grandmother died yesterday. ill have to go to the funeral.Amanda Oh, i am sorry. how old was she?Godfrey 92.12:15Amanda Mr Dawsons off

29、ice.Salesman can you put me to through to Mr Dawson?Amanda Im afraid he isnt here today. would you like to leave a message?Salesman Oh, right, wadleys garage here. its about his new car. it isnt ready yet. theres a strike at he factory today.2:10Amanda Good afternoon. Mr Dawsons office.Miss Dobson G

30、ood afternoon. this is Juliet Dobson from western Video Syetems. Mr Dawsons at the trade fair in Lyon, isnt he?Amanda yes. thats right. he should be here tomorrow.Miss Dobson well, cam you give him this message first thing in the morning? Im afraid we must cancel our last order. the customers have c

31、hanged their minds again!3:20Amanda Good afternoon. Mr Dawsons office.Mr Gonzalez hello, this is Miguel Gonzalez speaking. is Peter there?Amanda No,im afraid hes away on business today. can i pass on a message .Senor Gonzalez?Mr Gonzalez yes, i may be in London from 21st to 25st. i want to see Peter then, if possible. its about the agency in Mexico.4:35Amanda Mr Dawsons office.Mrs Ellis My names Samantha Ellis. can you get Mr Dawson to phone me as soon as he gets back from Lyon? it really is very urgent.4:55Amanda Mr Dawsons office.Mr Berry Ah, Miss Hayward. this is Charles Berry.A

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