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1、因果型说明文范文以因果为话题写篇作文因果型说明文范文以因果为话题写篇作文 日落星归,周而复始;夏商秦汉,历史轮回;历史悠悠,望三国争霸,刀枪剑影;长河涌浪,观 _,文笔了得;怎缺得一份勇气? 读三国,品“天下大势,合久必分,分久必合”总望不了一个人,那就是“谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭”的周公谨。此人文韬武略,高人一等,是孙权手下的得意大将,最后却落了个气绝身亡,吐血而死。一声“既生瑜,何生亮?”何其悲壮,包含了多少嫉妒与仇恨。周瑜的死,实在可惜,他是个人才,可却承受不住诸葛亮的激将之词,后人用“小肚鸡肠”来评价他,却怎知一个心胸狭窄的人能有如此大将风度?周瑜并不缺少宽广的心胸,他缺少的是坚定的心理承

2、受。人人言他“有勇有谋”。可是,连小小的言语攻击都承受不了,怎么能谈得上有勇气呢? 在当今社会中,自然没有了战争,没有了腥风血雨,我想大概也不会有人落了个周郎的下场。可是竞争还是十分激烈的。且不说市场经营国企、私企竞争激烈,就连身处学校的我们也面临着一次次“战争”。失败了,大呼一声“江山辈有人才出,长江后浪推前浪旧萎靡不前,甘拜下风。试问:将来踏入社会,又怎么承受众多挫折呢? 人人都羡慕比尔盖茨的伟大成就,嫉妒他的财富。可是,谁的人生是一帆风顺的呢?比尔盖茨在创业初期不知经受了多少难以想象的失败和磨难,可他承受了这一切,每一次失败,就当作一个新的开始,最终成为世界首富,我觉着,他更是世上少有的

3、勇敢者。世人往往只看到了成功者的荣耀,却忘却了创造成功的酸。 望历史,看今朝,哪一个成功者不是从苦难中熬过?像李后主那样国破了,人也跟着亡,能行吗? 承受是一种勇气,更是一种可贵的精神。 承受 痛苦 人们常说,天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。人生的道路不可能永远一帆风顺,人生的天空不可能永远阳光灿烂。人生是坎坷的,是曲折的,坎坷与曲折如一把达摩克利斯之剑,谁也不清楚它在什么时间会降临在我们的头上,但我们不可能因担心、惧怕而止步不前,我们必须笑迎一切,昂首阔步,走过去。 人生在世,谨小慎微,胆小怕事,就会畏缩不前。“一片树叶落下,都怕砸破脑袋”,人们这样嘲笑那些胆小怕事,维维诺诺的人。面对坎坷,面对

4、挫折,我们要挺起胸,昂起头,笑迎人生的一切苦难。 笑迎苦难,不意味着我们可以掉以轻心,任性蛮干。在人生的历程中,我们必须举轻若重,又要举重若轻。也就是在战略上重视敌人,在战术上藐视敌人,这是毛老爷子早就教导过我们的。 面对人生,面对未来,我们必须慎重,必须认真对待,充分考虑一切问题,认真做好工作的每一个环节,周密细致制订我们的计划,慎重确定我们的一切应对措施,预防任何坎坷的到来,任何挫折的降临,这样,事到临头,我们才不至于手忙脚乱、茫然失措。 一旦真正坎坷来了,挫折到了,我们大可不必以为天塌下来了,世界的末日到了。任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船。笑迎一切挑战,面对一切挫折,将风浪与挫折抛在身后,闯过去

5、,走过去,前面必定阳光灿烂,前面必定是坦荡如砥。 如果我们在坎坷、挫折面前,不能从容面对,坦然处事;不能从诸如考试失利,竞争失利,恋爱失败,亲友失和,面子失落中解脱出来,不小心打破一个鸡蛋,都会产生失去一个养鸡场的痛苦,这样的话,我们就会被小小的坎坷绊倒,被轻轻的挫折击垮。 我们曾经学过“纪昌学射”的故事。纪昌为学射,为提高射箭技艺,从早到晚,盯着一只跳蚤看。结果,蚤子慢慢如拳大了,如面盆大了,如车轮大了,最后竟如山一样大了。 同样道理,我们若一直盯着坎坷,盯着挫折,看不到光明,看不到前途,走不出心理的阴影,那么,坎坷与挫折就会放大,就会山一样的压倒我们。 举轻若重,我们慎重地对待一切。 举重

6、若轻,我们轻松地面对世界。 一个人,时时将脚印背在身上,自己会被压垮倒下;将脚印丢在身后,昂首走过去,这才是正常的人生! 英文说明文模板,从比较对照、分类、特征、因果、人物描写、地点描写、物体描写分别讲解,最后附上常用的句型。 说明文是对事情的发生、发展、结果、特征、性质、状态、功能等进行解释、介绍、阐述的一种文体。这类文章的目的和性质是客观地介绍、解释事物,使读者获得知识和信息,并不需要发表主张、做出证明。一般说来,知识简介,商品介绍,旅游指南,科技读物,工作总结,实验报告,教材辅导等均属说明文之列。 写说明文,可以按时间、空间、结构、逻辑顺序来写,也可以采取举例、比较、对比、分类、分析、说

7、明、叙述等方法。 1.比较对照 比较对照有两种,一是逐点比较,二是整块比较,即AB交错或先A后B: 1)逐点比较:多数人认为这种AB交错的方式可以避免行文的单调沉闷,对比的效果更鲜明突出。如: There are basic differences between largeand small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly throughpersonal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established “policies” ,“channels” of

8、organization, and fairly strict procedure. In the smallenterprise you have immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can seethe effect of your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organizationyou are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is ofbeing a Ja

9、ck-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is ofbeing the man who knows more and more about less and less. 2) 整块比较 It is easy to be a winner. A winner canshow his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate hisvictory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonel

10、y. Unlikewinners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to facedefeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. Theycan not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but theymust be posed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no on

11、e to sharetheir sadness. 2.分类 分类是人类认识客观世界的重要手段之一,也是描写事物、解释观点最有效的方式之一。通过将一事物分类,可使复杂事物变得清晰明了,便于作者阐述自己的观点。 分类段落的各类排列要条理,可采用从主要到次要,从次要到主要,从多到少或从少到多等方式排列,亦可平行排列。如: 1) As far as political views are concerned, people fall into threecategories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to

12、sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people.These people are infavor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem to idealistic. Thethird type is the moderate people. The moderates keep everything withinreasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion,

13、most people seem to belong to this group. 本段采用平行排列的方式,按人的政治观点分为三类:保守、自由和温和。 2) These are several reasons why I decidedtom attend Bingston University . First of all, the tuition is reasonable.Secondly, the university has a deferred payment plan., which lessons the loadof peasant families like mine. A

14、nother reason is that Bingston has the finestteachers in its graduate program. My chief reason, however, is Bingstonsprogram in agriculture, my chosen field, which is recognized as the leader inthis area. 该段采用主次排列的方式,分析了作者决定上Bingston大学的原因。 3) Aording to Mr. Li, the fifteenstudents of his cLASS fall

15、into three groups. Seven of them work hard and studywell. They always get good marks in examinations and are often praised by theteachers. Li calls them “good students”. The monitor, the secretary of theYouth League, and the captain of the cLASS volleyball team, are quick infinding out what their fe

16、llow students are interested in or what they should doas a collective. They always organize proper activities at the proper time. SoLi calls them “good organizers”. Four other students are very kind to theircLASSmates, always ready to lend them a helping hand. They help to clean thecLASSroom and the

17、 corridor even when they are not on duty. Li says that theyare “ good rades”. “What about yourself?” someone asks him. “Im a group bymy self a good observer”. 该段不同于以上两段,不是先分类再解释,而是先说明其特点,然后定义分类。虽分类并不科学,却达到了其幽默之目的。 3.特征 例证指具体说明人或事物特点、本质及其规律的方法。所用例子需有代表性、典型性。例证型段落的写作方式多为先提出主题再列举事例。在事例之前一般有For example或

18、For instance。例证后面,根据情况还可以加上结论句。如: In order to prevent non-smokers from beingaffected, measures must be taken to reduce the chances of smoking. A lot ofwork can be done concerning this. For example, in some public places, such asin the theatres and cinemas, smoking should be forbidden. Even on the tr

19、ain orplane people should not be allowed to smoke. Doctors, teachers and governmentleaders should take the lead not to smoke. Above all, the harmfulness anddangers caused by smoking should be made known to all through newspapers,broadcast, or TV programs. Also the growing of tobao and the production

20、 ofcigarettes should not be encouraged. If these measures can be taken, we caneffectively reduce the chances of smoking. 4 因果 因果是两个事物之间的关系。一些说明文,议论文通过分析因果关系说明一个中心思想。如不能把因果关系解释清楚,文章将无法说明任何主题。 因果型段落的扩展模式有两种,一是分类编法,另一个是连环编排法。如果只讨论成因或只讨论结果,细节比较简单,只需按其重要性或其逻辑顺序进行编排。分类编排法指先讨论原因,然后讨论结果;或先讨论结果,后讨论原因。 1)分类编排

21、法: Music is my chief hobby. When I listen tomusic, good things happen to me. If I am lonely or homesick, I listen to popmusic. The quick rhythm, the strong beats of drums lift my sprits. If I amfamiliar with a song, I will sing alone with it and my depression disappears.When I am bored or very tired

22、, I listen to Mozart. His music makes me feelalive. Music also reminds me of home. Before I came to college, my sisters andI would listen to music and sing songs together and cheer us. Now I enjoylistening to music and singing with my roommates because their smiles make meremember the happy times wi

23、th my family. For me, music is an excellent escape,and without it, I wouldnt be so happy。 2) 连环编排法是先讨论一组因果,再一组因果,再一组因果,形成一个锁链。当因果紧密相连,前一果为后一果之因时,经常使用这种方式。 Students shouldnt stay up so late. Becauseof the pressure of examinations, many students burn night candles. The nextday, they have to get enough

24、 sleep. As a result, many of them get sleepy inClASs. They couldnt catch what the teacher says. Not having studied theirlessons well, they find it difficult to make good performance in examinations.So, it is not worthwhile to stay up late if you want to study well. 5.人物描写 人物描写包括外部特征、性格特征、思想状态、行为语言等,

25、用于表现人物精神面貌、披露人物内心活动、揭示人物性格变化,借以突出作品主题思想。如: My sister is a boyish girl. She has shortand straight hair like a boys. She likes white, black and grey colors, as mostboys do. She never cares for shirts, stockings but loves jackets and jeans.Sometimes she wears a mens suit and leather shores as if she we

26、re a gentleman.Basketball and football are her favorite sports. She also enjoys watchingboxing. She always shouts and cheers excitedly when she is watching a footballmatch. When she is with her friends, she always says Ladies first” to othergirls. The most interesting thing is that she has been mist

27、aken for a boy manytimes. And she is pleased with that. She always says that she should be a boy. 第一句作者明确表示他眼中的妹妹是个男孩子气十足的小姑娘。这样读者大都会在心中勾画出一种从长相、穿着到言谈举止都特男孩化的女孩。下文作者正是通过穿着、外貌和性格等方面向读者展现一个活生生的人物形象。 6.地点描写 地点描写指用生动形象的语言对某一地点、某一环境进行具体逼真的描绘,使读者如临其境、如睹其物。地点描写的对象可大可小,在可以为城市、国家,小可是一间教室,一个房间。 地点描写自然按空间顺序排列,

28、作者应立足于一个出发点,由远及近,由近到远,从里到外,从外到里,由左到右,或由右到左进行描写,顺序不可混乱,否则读者会迷失方向。如下面一段作者从大门开始,由外向里逐步介绍学校的布置,读者如同跟着作者参观了一所校园。 Now I will show you around our school. Itis one of the largest middle schools in the city. When you step into the gate,you will see a beautiful flower bed before you. In the middle of the flow

29、er bedthere is a fountain with many colored flowers around it. If you walk along theschool road, you will e to the playground, on each side of which are rows oftrees. We often read books under the trees. On the right of the playground aretwo ClASsroom buildings. On the left is the newly-built four-s

30、toryed building.Im lucky to study here. I love my school very much. 7.物体描写 描写物体时应侧重物的形状、规格大小、颜色和功能。任何一段文字都应有叙述的中心,对物的描写也不例外。同样,主题句也应反映出作者对所要描写物体的看法、态度。如: The first thing I notice in the bridesroom is the beautiful curtain. This curtain is patchwork in design, and is sewnout of squares of materials o

31、f different colors like white, light green, brownand orange. It is made of silk, trimmed with delicate braids. It is about sixfeet long and hangs from a wooden rail. The curtain matches perfectly with thedark wooden rail and furniture in the room. 通过主题句可以看出作者想向读者描写的是一幅漂亮的窗帘。 1表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this 2)The reasons for this are as follows 3)The reason for this is obvious 4)The reason for this is not far to seek 5)The reason for this is that 6)We have good reason to believe that 2表示好处 1)It has the following advantages 2)It does us a lot of goo

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