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1、新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book1Unit6b教案 新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book1-Unit6b教案 Unit6Book1Section B: Earn As You Learn? I. Teaching Objectives:1. Key words: soar; tremendous; relevant; claim; endure; illustrate; exhaust; relieve; convince; ensure; advanced 2. Key phrases: in spite of; be envious of; be in the/a minority;

2、a matter of doing sth.; relieve sb. of sth. ; look back.; as for; catch/get/have a glimpse of 3. Reading Skill: Understanding signal wordsII.Teaching Procedures:1. Warming-up Discuss in group some critical questions concerning the relationship between work and study. 2. Text learning 1) Reading skil

3、ls 2) New words 3) Practical phrases. 4) Text comprehension. 5) Structure analysis of the text 3. Assignment.III. Suggested Class Activities1) What part time jobs are suitable for undergraduates? 2) What are the advantages of studying full-time, if compared with working while studying? 3) How can st

4、udents strike a balance between work and study? (Tips: good time management; modest working hours; efficiency in work and study; good health.) 4) How do you feel about the students who work to pay their own tuition?IV. Assignments1. Finding out and underline the signal words in Paragraph 1 and 7 in

5、text B. 2. Complete the excises.Text learning I. Reading skills: Understanding signal wordsStep 1. Why signal words are needed? Signal words can be a valuable aid in predicting what is coming next; they can also help to identify the pattern the writer is using to get the point(s) across. Signal word

6、s may be found anywhere in a paragraph to show relations between sentence parts, between sentences, or even between paragraphs. Step 2. The types of signal words? a. Words that signal additional information b. Words that signals an example or explanation c. Words that signal a summary or conclusion

7、d. Words that signal a change of thought e. Words that signal comparison or contrast f. Words that signal a sequence or time order g. Words that signal cause, condition, or result h. Words that signal emphasis1II. New words1. soar vi. a. Increase to a high level (amount, level, value or volume) ? Th

8、e prices of houses have been soaring in recent years. 房价近几年一直在飞涨。 b. (birds) rise quickly into the air; (tress or building) are very tall eg: The lamp tower soars above the horizon. (spirits) soar means sb. start to feel very happy 2. absorb vt. a. accept changes, effects or costs and deal with them

9、 successfully ? The banks would be forced to absorb large losses. b. Take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around ? In order to grow, plants needs sunlight and absorb nutrients from the soil.植物需要阳光并从土壤 中吸收养分才能生长。 c. Interest sb. So much that they do not pay attention to

10、 other things ? be absorbed in sth. eg. The children were so absorbed in their game that nobody felt hungry. 3. tremendous a. a. You use tremendous to emphasize how strong a feeling or quality is, or how large an amount is ? That's a tremendous amount of information. 海量的信息。 ? There's tremend

11、ous tension between the local population and the government.当地居民与政府之 间关系非常紧张。 ? The success of the event requires tremendous effort on the part of many volunteers. b. You can describe someone or something as tremendous when you think they are very good or very impressive ? He was a tremendous person

12、. 4. relevant a. be relevant to directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered ? I don't think his remarks are relevant to our discussion. 我认为他的话不切我们的议题。 ? We have passed all relevant information on to the police. Antonym: irrelevant Relevant, relative, related ? relev

13、ant:有关的、切题的,往往表示与手头的事情或目前的状况有直接关系,尤指在逻辑 上有关系的,be relevant to. 与?有关的, relevant + n. (relevant details/information 有关 细节/信息) ? relative:相对的、比较的、较?而言的,relative + n. (relative comfort 比较舒适);也表示相 关的、有关系的、表关系的,be relative to ? related:在相互关系的、(与?)有关系的,be related to 可后接介词 to 引出相关事物. 4. relevant 5. claim vt.

14、 a. State that sth. is true, even though it has not been proved ? They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease. ? A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life. 一个自称是记者的人威胁要公开有关她的私生活的细节。 b. claim responsibility or claim credit 声称负责/邀功 n. a statement th

15、at sth. is true, even though it has not been proved. 6. endure vt. a. be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining2? Dreams of a beautiful life make it easier for a person to endure difficulties. b. If something endures, it continues to exist without any loss in quality

16、 or importance. ? Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.那种语言以某种方式保存下来,并继 续存在下去。 7. illustrate vt. a. be an example which shows that sth. is true or that a fact exists ? He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points. b. show sth. by using pictures, diagrams, lists of num

17、bers, etc ? The author gives us some diagrams to illustrate the production process. c. put pictures, photographs or diagrams into a book ? He has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs. 8. exhaust vt. a. use all of sth. ? We have exhausted all our material resources.我们已经耗尽了所有的物资。 b. m

18、ake sb.feel extremely tired ? Caring for young children can exhaust you physically and mentally. 照顾小孩子会让你感到身 心疲惫。 9. relieve vt. a. Make a problem less difficult or serious ? Drugs can relieve much of the pain.药物可以大大缓解疼痛。 ? Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.

19、b. Reduce sbs pain or unpleasant feelings relieve sb. of sth. ? Doing yoga daily will relieve you of stress without taking medication. 10. convince vt make sb. feel certain that sth. is true Convince, persuade ? convince 指用事实、证据、道理等说服对方,是对方相信某事。 主语可以是人,也可以是 事物。 Convince sb. 说服某人 Convince sb. that./c

20、onvince sb. of 使某人相信某事 Be convinced that. 相信 ? Persuade 表示“劝说,说服”,主语是人,而不能是事物。 Persuade sb. (not) to do sth. Persuade sb. into/ out of (doing) sth. Persuade sb. of sth. Persuade sb. (that) 11. ensure vt . Make certain that sth. Will happen properly ? My responsibility is to ensure that o students ch

21、eat on the exam. Ensure, assure, insure ? Ensure: 确保,保证 ensure+that clause/complex object ? Assure: 向?保证,使确信 assure sb./personal pronoun 确保(与 ensure 同义)主语可为事物 ? Insure: 投保 12. Advanced a. a. at a high academic level ? Advanced courses/students/3b. based on the most recent methods or ideas ? Advanced

22、 methods/system/design/technical skills/society/country c. being old ? sb. is of advanced years/is advanced in age d. at a late stage of development ? sth. is at an advanced stage/level/disease.III. Practical phrases1.Be in the/a minority ? 在地方议会里他们的政党只占少数。 Their party is only in the minority on the

23、 local council. spite of: ? In spite of the fact that we protested, they took him away. 虽然我们提出了抗议,但是他们还是 把他带走了。 Spite,despite,regardless of ? In spite of 表示客观无法阻止的现实、条件、要素,需要正确面对和处置。 In spite of +N./N.phrases,不能直接加句子 ? Despite 尽管,虽然,任凭 Despite+N./N.phrases/what-clauses ? Regardless of 不管不顾,主观上故

24、意忽视某种条件、因素、情况或他人建议 Regardless of+N./ what-clauses 3.As for ? As for salary, some workers could be looking at $100,000 or more a year.至于工资,有些工人期 望年薪 10 万美元或更多。 4. A matter of (doing) sth. ? 要减少校园作弊现象不单是进行严厉惩罚的问题。 Reducing cheating on campus is not just a matter of giving severe punishments. 5. Look b

25、ack ? 我总是回忆起在大学里度过的那段快乐时光。 I always look back on those happy days I spent at college. 6.Be envious of ? 他反复跟儿子说,不要羡慕别人的好运气。 He repeatedly told his son not to be envious of others good fortune. 7. Catch/get/have a glimpse of sth. ? 成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹女王的风采。 Thousands of people had gathered, hoping to cat

26、ch a glimpse of the Queen.IV. Functional patterns1. As sth. has soared / increased / declined / dropped / changed over ?, a frank and vigorous / heated debate is emerging over sth. else.“随着某种事物的急剧攀升/提高/下降/变化”,某种 现象成为热点话题。 (Para1,L1-2) ? 随着近 10 年人们生活水平的显著提高,是否要放弃高考到海外留学已经成为了热点话题。 As peoples living st

27、andard has greatly improved over the last decade, a heated debate is emerging over whether to give up College Entrance Examination and study abroad or not. 2. Sb. claims that ? Sb. else thinks / argues / asserts / believes / holds its more a matter of sb. simply not doing sth. 反驳某人的观点,强调某人做某事所存在的问题

28、(para2, L3) ? 有些学生声称自己没时间学习,我认为,倒不如说他们根本就没有把学习放在心上。 4Some students claim that they have no time to study. I think, its more a matter of them simply not putting their hearts into study. 3. The study shows / indicates / suggests / illustrates ?, the study also gives evidence / proves that ?某研究所提供的证据及结

29、果 (Para7,L1-7) ? 这项研究表明,大部分大学生希望通过勤工助学来付学费,减轻父母的负担。 研究还提供 证据证明,还有部分学生希望通过勤工助学为将来的工作积累经验。 The study indicates that a majority of college students are expected to take part-time jobs to pay for their college education and relieve their parents of financial burden. The study also gives evidence that so

30、me students hope to take part-time jobs to accumulate experience for future jobs.V. Text comprehension1. How did the author pay his university education cost? (Para. 1) Tips: earn as they learn; absorb the cost; their own university education 2. According to the author, what is the major reason for

31、many students not to pay their own tuition by themselves? (Para. 2) Tips: simply not wanting to pay or contribute 3. How did his peers react when they learned that the author worked to pay his own tuition? (Para. 2) Tips: look at me blankly; as though Id gone to the moon 4. What part-time jobs did t

32、he author do to cover his education costs? (Para. 3) Tips: 1. working as a day care provider 2. working as a tutor in a private school 3. helping deaf children 5. What is the purpose of the word “did” used in the first line of Para.4? (Para. 4) Tips: The word “did” is used here to signal emphasis. 6

33、. What does the author want to show with the example of the girl student from a wealthy family? (Paras. 4- 6) Tips: having to work and multitask; force you to prioritize; a skill she hadnt learned 7. According to the author, what is the actual cause of increased abuse of alcohol and drugs among many working students?

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