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1、考研英语综合试题Part I. Vocabulary (20 marks)Section OneDirections: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 marks) 1. Don was forced to _ that Jasons recollection of the canoe trip was much more accurate than his version. a. concedeb. secedec. succeedd. recede2. When the local grower

2、 decided to _ the shoots from the small container, prolific flowers resulted! a. anticipateb. emancipatec. reciprocated. intercept3. At least one _ was liberated from the dense jungles after a violent abduction by kidnappers.a. perceptiveb. receptivec. captived. interactive4. She remains the sort of

3、 woman who has_ all happiness for herself and who lives only for a principle. a. resignedb. abdicatedc. renouncedd. surrendered5. I dont think these flowers are _ to New England. At least Ive never seen them.a. ingenuousb. existentc. indigenousd. exigent6. He _ his breakfast and rushed for the train

4、.a. ingestedb. swallowedc. devotedd. supped7. He stood at the ships stern watching the shore _ from view.a. retrogradeb. retreatc. receded. retract8. He _no bones about stating his opinions and criticizing others.a. hadb. wentc. wantedd. made9. We should not_ the pioneering work done by these early

5、astronomers.a. disparageb. dispelc. displayd. dispassionate10. She wanted to join the expedition but I frightened her_.a. offb. intoc. awayd. over11. We decided to_ our journey at Washington before traveling to Vancouver.a. stopb. makec. restd. break12. What does the cost of converting the present b

6、uilding _?a. run out of b. run out onc. run overd. run out at13. He said he had been badly dealt _.a. inb. byc. outd. with14. Language-learning is a(n)_ in itself, quite apart from the social advantage it gives you. a. endb. objectc. goald. purpose15. Thanks for the invitation, Ill _ you up on that

7、sometimes.a. acceptb. goc. taked. bring16. The professor became so forceful, so _ in his expression of opinions that students began to leave his course. a. dormantb. crediblec. dogmaticd. lucid17. The doctor ordered the patient to_ all solid foot for at least 24 hours.a. keep upb. keep onc. keep ind

8、. keep off18. Property is_ if it is deliberately damaged or destroyed by someone.a. vandalizedb. vanquishedc. hurtd. vacillated19. You can say a place is _ if it is as full as it is possible to be.a. packed inb. packed outc. packed offd. packed up20. When you ask or wonder what someone is _, you wan

9、t him or her to explain more clearly what he or she is suggesting or what he or she actually means. a. getting inb. getting acrossc. getting atd. getting alongSection TwoDirections: In each of the following sentences, there is one italicized word. Write down its Chinese equivalent in the answer shee

10、t. (10 marks)1. Salience is basically a function of the operation of the reflexive awareness involved in language use.2. Nothing could soothe her lacerated feelings.3. Well-educated people are even prepared to mutilate their own language to accomplish the tasks that belong to the frame of meaning of

11、 activity at hand.4. The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdown of the Victorian social structure.5. Over and over again I cited instances, pointed out flaws, kept hammering away without let-up.6. Education, to have any meaning beyond the purpose of creating well-informed dunces, mu

12、st elicit from the pupil what is latent in every human being.7. I regained my composure and managed to say that I thought she was right.8. New York even prides itself on being a holdout.9. A high grade is supposed to certify competence in physics.10. Like others who fall through the cracks of their

13、parents makeshift plans a week with relatives, a day at the playground they hang out.11. It would be foolhardy to sell now.12. Perhaps its the teachers fault if the students are apathetic.13. Many species have been extirpated from those areas.14. It was, in the words of the judge, a malevolent act w

14、hich must be severely punished.15. Our investigation is still pending.16. It is scandalous that the public should be treated in this way.17. He has got himself into a bit of tangle financially.18. Various devices were employed by traders to circumvent the import restrictions.19. The minister was fru

15、stratingly equivocal on the issue.20. Susan did not like the paintings at the show because they were too farout for her.Part II. Reading Comprehension (50 marks)Section OneDirections: Read the following passages and choose the best answer to complete each statement. Write down your answers on the an

16、swer sheet. (3 points each)Passage ATwo techniques have recently been developed to simplify research and reduce the number of nonhuman primates needed in studies of certain complex hormonal reactions. One technique involves the culturing of primate pituitary cells and the cells of certain human tumo

17、rs. In the other, animal oviduct tissue is transplanted under the skin of laboratory primates. Both culturing techniques complement existing methods of studying intact animals.With an in vitro culturing technique, researchers are deciphering how biochemical agents regulate the secretion of prolactin

18、, the pituitary hormone that promotes milk production. The cultured cells survive for as long as a month, and they do not require serum, a commonly used culture ingredient that can influence cellular function and confound study results. One primate pituitary gland may yield enough cells for as many

19、as 72 culture dishes, which otherwise would require as many animals.The other technique allows scientists to monitor cellular differentiation in the reproductive tracts of female monkeys. While falling short of the long-sought goal of developing an in vitro model of the female reproductive system, t

20、he next-best alternative was achieved. The method involves transplanting oviduct tissue to an easily accessible site under the skin, where the grafted cells behave exactly as if they were in their normal environment. In about 80 percent of the grafts, blood vessels in surrounding abdominal skin grow

21、 into and begin nourishing the oviduct tissue. Otherwise, the tissue is largely isolated, walled off by the surrounding skin. A cyst forms that shrinks and swells in tandem with stages of the menstrual cycle. With about 80 percent of the grafts reestablishing themselves in the new site, a single mon

22、key may bear as many as 20 miniature oviducts that are easily accessible for study. Because samples are removed with a simple procedure requiring only local anesthesia, scientists can track changes in oviduct cells over short intervals. In contrast, repeated analysis of cellular changes within the o

23、viduct itself would require abdominal surgery every time a sample was taken a procedure that the animals could not tolerate.Scientists are using the grafting technique to study chlamydia infections, a leading cause of infertility among women. By infecting oviduct tissues transplanted into the abdomi

24、nal skin of rhesus monkeys, researchers hope to determine how the bacteria cause pelvic inflammatory disease and lesions that obstruct the oviduct. Such research could eventually lead to the development of antibodies to the infectious agent and a strategy for producing a chlamydia vaccine.1. This pa

25、ssage deals primarily witha. reproductive organs of nonhuman primatesb. diseases of the pituitary glandsc. in vitro studies of pituitary hormonesd. techniques for studying hormonal reactions2. According to the passage, the primary benefit of the new research is that a. scientists can study the pitui

26、tary gland for the first timeb. the procedures are simpler and require fewer laboratory animalsc. researchers were able to discover prolactind. an in vitro model of the reproductive system was developed3. All of the following are true of the transplantation technique EXCEPT a. It permits scientists

27、to monitor changes frequently.b. The transplanted cells grow as they would in their normal site.c. The transplanted cells can be easily grown in vitro.d. The transplant operation is usually successful.4. According to the passage, chlamydia causes infertility in women bya. causing tissue changes whic

28、h block the oviductb. shrinking and swelling tissues in conjunction with the menstrual cyclec. allowing skin tissue to encyst reproductive tissued. necessitating abdominal surgery to remove damaged tissue5. It can be inferred from the passage that an in vitro model of the female reproductive system

29、is a. currently available but prohibitively expensiveb. currently available and widely usedc. theoretically possible but of no real scientific valued. theoretically possible but as yet technically impossiblePassage BHumans are the only animals that laugh and weep, for humans are the only animals tha

30、t are struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be. We weep at what exceeds our expectations in serious matters; we laugh at what disappoints our expectations in trifles. We shed tears from sympathy with real and necessary distress; as we burst into laughter from want

31、 of sympathy with that which is unreasonable and unnecessary. Tears are the natural and involuntary response of the mind overcome by some sudden and violent emotions. Laughter is the same sort of convulsive and involuntary movement, occasioned by mere surprise or contrast.The serious is the stress which the mind lays upon the expectation of a given order of events and the weight attached to them. When this stress is increased beyond its usual intensity and strains the feelings by the violent opposition of good and bad, it becomes the tragic. Th

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