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洪恩环境英语高级篇 Part1.docx

1、洪恩环境英语高级篇 Part1洪恩环境英语高级篇第一册LESSON 1 ITS NOT BAD, BUT I THINK IT NEEDS MORE WORK 这盘带还可以,但我想再做点儿修改SCENE ONE: THE EDITING ROOM第一幕:编辑室CHRIS: Im Chris Bloom,hoping you have more of everything you want this spring.克丽丝:我是克丽丝?布鲁姆,希望你在这个春天心想事成。 Thanks for looking at my work, Jake. 谢谢你来看我的工作,杰克。Jake : Im glad

2、 to help ,Chris . People helped me when I was just an assistant. Besides, youre an old friend.杰克:我很乐意帮你,克丽丝。当我还是个副手时,别人也帮助我。再说,你还是我的老朋友呢。CHRIS: Before you say anything , remember youre watching my first interview.克丽丝:在你发表任何意见这前,记住你看的是我第一次做的采访。Jake: Thats ok. Most new reporters dont do very well on t

3、heir first try.杰克: 没关系的。大多数新记者在他们第一次做节目时都做的不是太好。CHRIS: What do you mean? Could you be more specific?克丽丝:你是什么意思?你能说的具体些吗?Jake: Most television viewers dont have much patience.They want faster interviews. They want more action,more questions,moreanswers,more pictures. 杰克:大多数电视观众不是很有耐心。他们想要更多的行动,更多的问题,

4、更多的答案,更多的画面。CHRIS: Do you think my interviewer is boring ?克丽丝:你觉得我的采访很乏味吗?Jake: I dont think all of it is boring.杰克: 我觉得不是所有的部分都乏味。CHRIS: You just think half of it is boring.克丽丝:你只觉得一半的内容是无聊的。Jake: I think some of it is boring . But I also think some of it is great, really interesting.杰克: 我觉得有一些无聊,但

5、是有些内容很棒,真的很有趣。CHRIS: Which part do you think is interesting?克丽丝:你觉得哪一部分有趣呢?Jake: What are you doing?杰克: 你在做什么?CHRIS: Im eating my lunch.克丽丝:我在吃午饭。Jake: Its only 10 oclock in the morning. Most people eat breakfast now.杰克: 现在才上午点,很多人现在还在吃早饭呢。CHRIS: Well , I wont eat all of it now.克丽丝:噢,现在我不会吃完的。CHRIS:

6、 Do you want a piece of cake?克丽丝:你想要一块蛋糕吗?Jake: No, thanks.杰克: 不,谢谢。CHRIS: You can have half of my sandwich. Ill eat more lunch later. At lunchtime.克丽丝:你可以吃一半我的三明治。我一会儿再吃些午饭。在午餐时间。Jake: Thanks, really. I dont want any of it. Its too early in the morning for me to eat. And its definitely too early fo

7、r a salami sandwich.杰克: 谢谢,真的。我一点儿也不想吃,太早了,我吃不下。现在吃意大利香肠三明治实在是太早了。CHRIS: Sorry , I eat when Im nervous. Please, Jake . I need your help on this。克丽丝:对不起,我紧张时就得吃点东西。求你了,杰克,我需要你的帮助。Jake: Dont be nervous. Im trying to help you. You should have seen my first tape. It was terrible . It was so bad, they co

8、uldnt even use it.杰克: 别紧张,我正尽力帮你。你应该看看我的第一盘带子,糟透了,它太差了,他们甚至没有用它。CHRIS: Not even part of it?克丽丝:一点儿也没用?Jake : No. All of it was terrible.杰克: 是的,整个都糟透了。CHRIS: Look, I know that youre busy and you probably dont have time for me ,but克丽丝:我知道你很忙,很有可能没有时间帮我,但是.Jake: I have to admit, Im pretty busy. The new

9、 owner wants me to get better ratings. Id like to have more time for so many things.杰克:我得承认,我的确很忙,新老板希望我赢得更高的收视率,我希望有更多的时间多做些事情。CHRIS: Please go over my tape with me one more time and tell me how I can make it better?克丽丝:请跟我一起再看一遍带子,告诉我怎么做才能做得更好,行吗?Jake: Sure, but first you have to do one thing.杰克;当

10、然,但首先你得做件事。CHRIS: Anything.克丽丝:什么都行。Jake: Get rid of that sandwich. I cant stand it when people eat in the editing room.杰克:把你的三明治拿走,我无法忍受有人在编辑室吃东西。CHRIS: Its gone.克丽丝:没了Jake : Explain once more what you were trying to do.杰克: 再解释一遍你想要做的事情。CHRIS: My assignment for school was to interview people about

11、their lives. So I thought it would be interesting to ask people what1s missing in their lives. What would make their lives better. And I just asked anyone who walked by. Should I play it now?克丽丝:我的“学校作业”是去学校采访他们在生活中失去了什么一定很有意思,什么能让他们的生活变得更好。我采访了所有的过路人,我现在能播放吗?Jake: Sure.杰克:当然SCENE TWO: OUTSIDE THE S

12、TUDIO第二幕: 演播室外CHRIS: Hello , this is Chris Bloom. Today is the first day of spring . Its a time when people feel energetic. They have a new outlook on life. We decided to find out what people want out of their lives this spring.克丽丝:你好,我是克丽丝?布鲁姆。今天是立春的日子,也是让人感到充满了新的憧憬。我们决定要找出今春人们对生活有什么期盼。Mike: More t

13、ime. I definitely want to find more time.迈克: 更多的时间,我就是需要更多的时间。Steven: More money and fewer financial problems.史蒂文:更多的钱,少一些经济困难。Rita: More love in my life. Thats what I want .丽塔: 生命中有更多的爱,这就是我想要的。Terry: More friends.特瑞: 更多的朋友。Roger: More clothes ,more money, and fewer arguments.罗杰: 更多的衣服,更多的钱,少点儿争吵。D

14、etective Modine: Less crime and more parking places.摩丁侦探:少点儿犯罪,多点儿停车场。Terry: Less pressure and more time to enjoy life.特瑞: 少点儿压力,多些时间享受生活。Chris: But the answer most people gave was time . More people want more time to accomplish their goals and enjoy their lives. Im Chris Bloom, hoping you have more

15、 of everything you want this spring.克丽丝:但大部分人的答案是时间,更多的人希望有更多的时间去实现他们的目标,享受生活。我是克丽丝?布鲁姆,希望你在这个春天心想事成。SCENE THREE: THE EDITING ROOM第三幕:编辑室Jake : Its not bad, but I think it needs more work.The problem is that its not news.We would never use it on the air . You need to find a real news story.杰克:不错,但是我

16、觉得你需要再做点儿修改。问题是那些都不是新闻。我们从不播映这样的节目,你需要去打一个真正的新闻材料。Chris: Like what?克丽丝:比如?Jake: Come on , Ill show you . I just heard that someone wants to take over part of the Stamford Nature Center and turn it into apartment buildings.杰克:来,我来告诉你。我刚听说有人想接管斯坦福德自然中心的部分土地,并把它改建军为公寓。Chris: Oh, no. Boy , thats a story

17、 ! can I bring my camera?克丽丝: 哦,天啊!这真是个好题材。我能带上摄像机吗?Jake: Sue.杰克: 当然。LESSON 2 DO YOU LIKE TO LIVE DANGEROUSLY,RITA?你愿意过刺激点的生活吗,丽塔?SCENE ONE : THE STUDIO第一幕: 演播室Rita: Hows my favorite cameraman? Oh,my back.丽塔: 我最喜欢的摄影师,你怎么样? 噢,我的背。Mike: Those tapes were too heavy for you.迈克: 那些带子对你来说太重了。Rita: A few y

18、ears ago, I could carry twenty tapes if I wanted.丽塔:几年前,如果我愿意,我可以拿二十盘带子。Mike: We all get older.迈克:我们都老了。Rita:You know, Mike, I never thought it would come this fast. I just cant believe its tie for me to retire . How did I get so old so fast?丽塔:你知道,迈克,我没想到会老得这么快,我只是不相信我就该退休了。我怎么会一下子这么老啦?Mike: Most p

19、eople dont retire at your age. You look great.迈克:大多数像你这个年龄的人都不退休。你看起来很不错。Rita:I feel great , In fact, I feel marvelous.瑞丽:我感觉不错。事实上,我感觉好极了。ike: So, why are you retiring?迈克: 那你为什么要退休呢?Rita: I love my job. I love being a makeup artist.But I always promised myself I would start a new life when I reache

20、d this age.丽塔: 我热爱我的工作,我喜欢做化妆师。但是我总是承诺自己,当我到了这个年纪我要开始一种新的生活。Mike: I think thats terrific. There are so many things you can do with your life.Youre still young enough to enjoy yourself.迈克:我觉得那太好了。你生活中有那么多的事可以做,你还年轻,好好享受生活吧。Rita: You bet I am. And there are a lot of things I can still do pretty well .

21、i can still play tennis beautifully.瑞塔: 的确如此,而且还有很多事情我能做的很好。我打网球依然打的非常漂亮。Mike: Ive seen you. Youre a wonderful tennis player.迈克: 我看过,你是个很棒的球手。Rita: Im a very good swimmer .I can ski fairly well too.丽塔: 我游泳游的很好 ,滑雪滑得也相当不错。Mike: And you dance gracefully.迈克: 而且你跳舞跳得很优雅。Rita: Gracefully? Thats a word fo

22、r an old lady, Mike.丽塔: 优雅?这是用在老太太身上的词,迈克。Mike: Excuse me . Youre a hot dancer.迈克: 对不起,你的舞跳得很火爆。Rita: Thats more like it . Im not going to retire and sit around in a rocking chair, I can tell you that.丽塔: 这还差不多,我不会退休去坐在一把摇椅上,我也保证。Mike: What are those?迈克: 那些是什么?Rita: These are videos from all over th

23、e world. I can live any where I want now . I can do anything I want .丽塔: 这些是世界各地的录像带,现在我可以住在世界上任何一个地方,我可以做任何我想做的事情。Mike: You have a whole new life in front of you.迈克: 呈现在你面前的是一种全新的生活。Rita: Thats true. I want you to do me a favor.丽塔: 没错,我想请你帮个忙。Mike:Sure.迈克: 当然Rita: I dont have time to watch all thes

24、e tapes.I cant even carry all of them. Can you edit these onto a shorter tape? I want to show them to Terry so we can decide where I should go.丽塔: 我没时间把所有的录像带看完,我甚至拿不动它们。你能把它们编辑成短一点儿的带子吗?我想给特瑞看看,这样我们好决定去哪里。Mike: Terry?迈克:特瑞Rita: My new boyfriend.丽塔:我新男朋友。Mike: I want to meet this Terry.迈克:我想见见这个特瑞.R

25、ita: Hes a nice person. Youll like him. Hes an editor and hes been doing some work on the mystery program, “murder at midnight”.丽塔:他是个很好的人,你会喜欢他的。他是个编辑,一直在编辑一个悬念剧午夜凶杀。Mike: Any friend of yours is a friend of mine.迈克: 你的朋友就是我的朋友。Rita: Thanks, Mike Hey , look at all these places I can go. Singapore, G

26、rand Turk Island, the Bahamas, Italy, Mexico丽塔: 谢谢,迈克,嘿,看看所有我能去的地方新加坡、格兰特岛、巴哈马、意大利、墨西哥.SCENE TWO: THE EDITING ROOMMike:Rita, these tapes are fabulous.迈克:丽塔,这些带子太棒了。This tape is about Grand Turk Island. This may be the spot where Christopher Columbus reached America.这盘是格兰特岛的,这里也许是克里斯托弗.哥伦布到达美洲的地点. Lo

27、ok at that beautiful beach! You could live comfortably here and never have another worry. 看看那些美丽的海滩!你可以舒坦的住在这儿,不再有任何的烦恼。 A lot of tourists arrive in Grand Turk Island every week. They come here to relax. and have a good time. 每周有很多旅游者来格兰特岛。他们来这里放松,度过一段美好的时光。But the best thing here is the scuba divin

28、g .If you like to dive, this is the place for you. 但是这里最好玩的是深海潜水,如果你喜欢潜水,这是个好地方。 Look at her . Shes so graceful. Doesnt she swim beautifully? Do you like to live dangerously, Rita? 看,她多优雅啊。她游得不是很美吗?你愿意生活的刺激点儿吗,瑞塔? Well ,it can be dangerous under water. Dont touch that. Itll hurt you 。 噢,水下可能有危险,别碰它,

29、它会伤着你。The scuba divers love the water here at Grand Turk,but theyre also careful about what they touch and where they swim.深海潜水者喜欢格兰特的海水,但是同时他们游泳时对碰到的东西和游泳的地方也是很小心的。 Ive been to Grand Turk,Rita. Youd love it for a year or two. But it might be too quiet for you. There are no nightclubs. No discothequ

30、es.Watch this next tape if you want something fun!我去过格兰特,丽塔。你会喜欢呆在那儿一两年。但是那儿对你来说可能太静了,那里没有夜总会,没有“迪斯科舞厅”。如果你想来点儿有意思的,看看下边儿的带子。LESSONWERE EXPERIENCING THCHNICAL DIFFECULTIES. 我们正遇到技术上的难题SCENE ONE: THE EDITING ROOM第一幕: 编辑室Mike:Grand Turk Island may be too quiet for you, Rita.If you want more excitement, heres Singapore.迈克:格兰特岛对你来说可能太静了,丽塔。如果你想要更多的刺激,那就来看看新加坡吧。 Th

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