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1、译林版初中英语八年级上册期末复习Units58各单元知识点归纳整理译林版初中英语八年级上册期末复习Units5-8各单元知识点归纳整理译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit5 Wild animals【重点短语】序号ChineseEnglish1写一个有关.的报告write a report on2走出家门go outside home3第一次for the first time4成长为.grow into5在刚开始at the very beginning6一直到up to7吃竹笋和叶子eat bamboo shoots and leaves8在野外生存下来survive in the wild9

2、在将来in the future10为皮毛/乐趣杀死它kill it for its fur/ kill for fun11砍伐树木和森林cut down trees and forests12无处容身have nowhere to live13取走take away14鼓励某人做.encourage sb to do.15采取下列行动take the following actions16沿着另一条路跑run the other way17穿够热带雨林walk through a rainforest18保护野生动物protect wild animals19动物的饲养feeding of

3、the animals20攻击人attack people21从水中逮鱼catch fish from the water22踩到.上step on .23像一家人一样生活live as a family24群居live in family groups25用它们的骨头制药make medicine from their bones26有好的视力、听力、嗅觉have good eyesight, hearing, smell27失去生存空间loss of living areas28用兽皮制成的衣服clothes made of animal fur29穿上身上看上去很可爱look lovel

4、y on.30丧生lose ones life31继续建路continue to build roads32有合适的住所(家)have suitable homes33开出新农田make new farmland34赚很多钱make a lot of money35训练动物train animals36美丽的黑白花动物beautiful black and white animals37每次at a time38变得越来越小get smaller and smaller39不断抢占土地keep taking the land40为了帮助做点事do sth to help41直立行走walk u

5、pright42走来走去move around43在白天in the daytime44看海豚表演see a dolphin show45感到害怕feel frightened46处在危险中be in danger47让自然保护区更大make reserves bigger48把小熊猫单独留下leave baby giant pandas on their own49两个整天two whole days50别的什么人someone else【重点句型】1.Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.令人

6、悲哀的是,大熊猫要在野外生存下来非常困难。2.At four months, she weighed about 10 kilograms and she started to go outside her home for the first time.四个月大时,她的体重大约为10公斤。她开始第一次走出家门。3.At the very beginning, baby giant pandas spend a lot of drinking their mums milk for up to14 hours a day.最初,小熊猫花费很多时间喝它们母亲的奶时间达14小时。4.Mothers

7、 often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.母熊猫常常把小熊猫独自留下两个整天。5.We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.我们可采取下列行动保护大熊猫。6.The clothes look lovely on me.它们穿在我身上很好看。7.Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmlands. 由于它们的生活区正在

8、变成农田,它们的数目正在变得越来越少。8.If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.如果农民们一直抢占农田,大熊猫将无处容身。9.Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves. 鼓励农民们离开大熊猫保护区。10.If we continue to build roads, they wont have suitable homes.如果我们继续建路,它们将不会有适合居住的家。11.If I dont buy them, someone

9、else will buy them.就算我不买她们,别的什么人也会买。12.They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones.它们处于危险中是因为人们喜爱它们的毛皮并用它们的骨头制药。13.Live as a family unit baby tigers are 2-3 years old.像一家人一样生活在一起直到小老虎2-3岁。14.If elephants are thirsty, they walk till they find a river.如果大象口渴的话,它

10、们一直走到能找到河流为止。15.If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away.如果人们发现独自的小熊猫,他们常常会把它们带走。16.If hunters catch agiant panda, they will kill it for its fur.如果猎人们捉到大熊猫,他们将杀掉它以获取毛皮。17.We called her XiWang.我们把她叫做“希望”。18.When Xi Wang was 20months old, she had to look after herself because h

11、er mother hadanother baby.当希望20个月时,它不得不自己照应自己,因为它的母亲又生了一个婴儿。单词拓展1die vi死dead adj死的death n死,死亡2mean vt意思是,意味着meaning n意思meaningful adj有意义的meaningless adj无意义的3born adj出生的birth n出生4beginning n开始,起初begin vtvi开始5sadly adv令人遗憾地;伤心地sad adj伤心的,难过的sadness n伤心,悲伤6mainly adv主要地,大部分main adj主要的7danger n危险dangero

12、us adj危险的8action n行动;行为act vt& vi行动,表演active adj积极的,活跃的actively adv积极地,活跃地9closed adj关闭的close vtvi关,关闭close adj紧密的,亲密的closely adv紧密地10lost adj迷路的,迷失的lose vt遗失,失去11hunter n猎人hunt vt& vi打猎,猎杀12living n生存,生计living adj活的,现存的live vi居住,生活13illness n疾病ill adj生病的14slowly adv缓慢地slow adj缓慢的重点短语1live in the wi

13、ld生活在野外2havetake pity on wild animals 同情野生动物3at four months old 在四个月大时4weigh over 35 kilograms 重达35公斤多5for the first time第一次6in the beginning一开始7learn to look after oneself 学会照顾自己8live on a special kind of bamboo 以一种特殊的竹子为生9as a result因此10in danger处境危险11take action right away 马上采取行动12build more pand

14、a reserves建造更多的熊猫自然保护区13make laws to protect pandas制定法律保护大熊猫14at birth出生时,诞生时15work out easy Maths problems算出简单的数学问题16with the help of their mouth and ears借助于它们的嘴巴和耳朵17get lost迷路18be dangerous to humans对人类有危险19lose their lives丧失他们的生命20in the daytime在白天重点句型1So could you please not eat them?(P56)句意:所以

15、请你不要吃掉它们好吗?Could you please?意为“请你好吗?”,其中Could不表示过去,只表示比can更有礼貌的请求,属非正式请求,语气较委婉;please之后要接动词原形,其否定形式是在please之后加not,即Could you please not?其肯定回答常用SureCertainlyof course,Id love to其否定回答常用Sorry如:一Could you please teach me how to swim?请你教我如何游泳好吗?一Certainly当然可以。一Could you please open the window?请你打开窗户好吗?一S

16、orry, I cant open it because the windows are locked on the train对不起,我打不开,因为火车上的窗户都锁上了。 Could you please not talk loudly in class?请你不要在课堂上大声说话好吗?2As a result, pandas may not have a place to live in or food to eat(P58)句意为:因此,大熊猫可能无处生存,无以为食。此处的动词不定式to live和to eat在句中作后置定语,分别修饰名词a place和food。当动词不定式或动词不定式

17、短语作定语时,要放在被修饰词之后。如:He was the last one to come他是最后一个来的。Do you have anything to talk about?你有什么要谈的吗?另外,句中的as a result意为“因此”,单独使用。后面一般用逗号隔开,作为一个最终结果,不能连接两个句子。as a result of意为“由于”,后面接名词或名词性短语。如: He worked hard at his studyAs a result,he passed the exam easily他在学业上很努力,因此,他顺利地通过了考试。 He was late as a resu

18、lt of the heavy snow由于大雪他迟到了。3The horse is standing with its eyes closed(P61)句意:马闭着眼睛站着。这句话用了with的复合结构在句中作伴随状语。该结构的形式为:with+sbsth+形容词。另外,这句话中的closed是形容词,意为“关闭的”其反义词为open,意为“开着的”。如: He likes sleeping with the windows closed他喜欢关着窗户睡觉。 She went out with the door open yesterday她昨天出去时门开着。4Yes,but sometim

19、es they forget where to find the food(P62)句意:是的,但有时它们会忘记到哪里去找食物。这句话的主语是they,谓语是forget,宾语是whereto find the food。这里的宾语用的是“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,该结构可以与宾语从句进行互相转换,即由简单句变成主从复合句。如: I dont know what to do我不知道做什么。 Can you tell me how to get there?:Can you tell me how I can get there?你能告诉我怎样到那儿吗?5Otherwise,there may

20、be no bears left in the world(P67)句意:否则世界上可能不会有熊了。此句话用了句式“there beleft”相当于haveleft,表示“剩下某物”,left是leave的过去分词,此处为形容词,修饰名词或不定代词时常后置。如:Theres nothing left in the fridge冰箱里什么东西也没有了。The farmers had almost nothing left in the field after the rainstorm暴风雨过后农民田里的庄稼几乎什么都没有剩下。语法点拨情态动词may的用法当我们要表达“某人可能做某事”或“将来某

21、事可能会发生”时,就可以用情态动词may。如:You may be right你可能是对的。He is away on businessHe may not come to the party this evening他出差了,可能不会来参加今晚的聚会。1may是情态动词,无人称和数的变化,在句中不能单独作谓语,必须与其后的动词原形一起充当句子的谓语。如: Mary may know the answer to the question玛丽可能知道这个问题的答案。2may表示“可能”时,通常只用于肯定句和否定句中,相当于possibly,perhaps或maybe。如: They may go

22、 to the Great Wan next week他们可能下周去长城。 He may not be at home tonight今晚他可能不在家。3may还可以用在疑问句中表示“请求”或用在肯定句中表示许可。如: May I come in?我可以进来吗? You may go to the cinema this evening你今晚可以去看电影。4在回答may表示请求的一般疑问句时,肯定回答用Yes,主语+cancertainlyof course,否定回答用No,主语+mustntcant如: May I use your bike?我可以用一下你的自行车吗?一Yesof cour

23、seHere you are当然可以,给你。一MayI play computer games now?我现在可以玩电脑游戏吗?一Noyou cantYou must finish your homework first不,不可以。你必须先完成家庭作业。动词不定式作宾语1概念当句子中已经有谓语动词,而我们又要表达不止一个动作的概念时,其余的动词可以用非谓语形式表达。动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,其基本形式是“to+动词原形”,否定形式是“not to+动词原形”。如: He wants to play football after class他想课后踢足球。 The teacher tol

24、d me not to be late again老师叫我不要再迟到。2用法 (1)动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,不受主语的人称和谓语动词时态变化的影响。在句中不能单独作谓语,但仍然保留动词的特点。它可以有自己的宾语和状语,不定式及其宾语或状语构成不定式短语。如: We must try to do well in every subject我们必须尽力学好每一门学科。 My mother told me not to play football in the street妈妈让我不要在街上踢足球。 (2)动词不定式作主语动词不定式可作句子的主语,作主语时有时用it作形式主语,将动词不定式放在

25、谓语之后。如要说明动词不定式的动作是谁做的,可在不定式前加一个介词for构成的短语。如: To learn aforeign language is not easy=Its not easy to learn a foreign language学习一门外语并不容易。 Its important for us to learn English well我们学好英语很重要。 (3)动词不定式作宾语动词不定式在句中常作谓语动词的宾语,这一类谓语动词常见的有:如:I decided to visit my grandparents this weekend我决定这个周末去看望爷爷奶奶。有时动词不定

26、式可以和疑问词一起充当谓语动词的宾语。如:He doesnt know what to do next他不知道下一步该做什么。译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit 6 Birdwatching【重点短语】1. take part in 参加 2. all year round 一年到头3. for a short stay 为了短暂的停留4. in order to 为了,以便5. lead to 导致6. less and less 越来越少7. keep doing sth. 保持(做某事)8. once a year 一年一次9. invite . to 邀请去10. write down

27、记下,写下11. take photos 照相12. advise sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事13. different kinds of 多种多样的14. not only . but also 不仅而且15. all over the world 全世界16. take . with 随身带着 17. bird show 鸟展18. application form 申请表19. date of birth 出生日期20. free time 空闲时间21.provide . for 为提供【重点句型】1. Many birds live in Zhalong all y

28、ear round,whilesome go there only for a short stay.许多鸟长年生活在扎龙,而有些鸟只是去那儿作短暂的停留。2. Most birds are active in the daytime, so you can easily watch them there.大部分的鸟白天活跃,因此你可以轻而易举地在那里观察它们。3. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.有些人想减少湿地面积,以便为农场和房屋挪出更大的地方。4. Take a notebook with youin order towrite down what you see.随身带上一本笔记本,以便记下你看见的东西。5. We should protect the wetlandsnot onlybecause they are home to many plants, birds and animals,but also

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