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1、人教修订版高一英语Unit6Goodmanners全单元教案新部编本1教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校内容 教学目标一、知识技能1.重点词汇apologise, expression, interrupt, terribly, complete, fault, forgive, introduce, impression, behave, unfold, custom, pray, serve, raise, provide, support, stare, disabled.2.重点词组go over, mean to , be

2、surprised, apologise for, drink to someones health, take a sip, stare at.3.重点句型introduce sb. to is polite ot do sth.Although.Dont start smoking before a dinner is finished.4.交际用语道歉与致谢Excuse me. Forgive me. Im (very/so/terribly)sorry. Thats all right. / Thats OK/ No problem.I apologise for. Oh,

3、 well, thats lifeIm sorry. I didnt mean to .Oops. Sorry about that.Thank you. Its beautiful.5.语法难点定语从句,学习限制定语从句和非限制定语从句。二、情感目标通过本单元的听说读写综合教学,使学生了解西方文明中的饭桌礼仪,培养文明就餐的良好风尚;使他们在学习英语的同时学习如何与人交往,提高自己的礼仪修养,增进跨文化理解以及跨文化交际的能力;同时掌握好本单元表达感谢和道歉的用语,并运用于交际。学习好本单元的语法项目-限制定语从句和非限制定语从句,掌握其异同。熟悉感谢信的书写语言和格式,学写一封感谢信。教学

4、示例(一)I. Teaching about good table manners.2.Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expressions used withinII. Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /multimedia education softwareIII. Grammar: The Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

5、.IV. Teaching steps:1. Warming up:1. Ask the students to work in pairs. Tell the Ss to look at the pictures in the book and practise the short conversations, using the phrases.2. T says: Today we talk about good table manners. In fact, good manners are basically as set of behaviours that people may

6、reasonably expect.3. Group work A Ask Ss to imagine the situation in the pictures and describe how they would react when something like this happens in China.4. Group work B: let the Ss work in groups, and talk about or enumerate good manner or bad manner (just like jump the queue, spit anywhere, le

7、ave around the dirty, etc.) in the model society. Let them describe the situation or act in out in class. (or show some pictures, let Ss talk about the following action)2. Listening1. T says: We will listen to a dialogue between manner.2. let Ss close the book and listen to the tape for the first ti

8、me.3. ask Ss to open their book and read the exercise.4. let them listen to the tape a second time and then fill in the blank.5. if it seems difficult for the Ss to grasp what is being said, you may have to play the tape one or two more times.6. check the answer with the class.7. get Ss finish the l

9、istening exercise in page1153.Speakings1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and consider the following three situations.2. Ask them to read each situation carefully and make sure that they all understand it.3. Get Ss to make up a short dialogue, to solve each specific small problem smoothly and in a polite ma

10、nner.4. if time is enough, let some Ss act out their dialogue in class.5. let Ss finish the exercise(talking) in page 116教学示例(二)I. Teaching aims :1.reading comprehension2.Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expressions used withinII. Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /m

11、ultimedia education softwareIII. Grammar: the Attributive ClauseIV. Teaching steps:1. Pre-reading: let Ss work in pair and then fill in the blank in book. encourage Ss to give, more than one answer, elaborate and discuss differences of opinion. check the answer with Ss.2.ReadingT ask Ss: What do you

12、 think about the table manners ? ( table manners are how to lay the table ;how to use forks and knives; how to behave at the table; how to eat; how to toast and drink) T says: today we will learn a passage about table manners in western dinner party. and then T teacher Ss new words. Well, let the Ss

13、 read the text carefully and finish the exercise 2 in page 39. let the Ss read the passage again and finish the exercise 3 in page 39. play the tape and let them follow it, paying attention to the intonation.3. Language points1Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Knowing them 是v.-ing短语作

14、主语,这种做主语的v.-ing又叫动名词,在句子中可用作主语或宾语。Swimming in winter is a healthy sport.Crossing the Atlantic by plane takes only a few hours nowadays.动名词的一般被动态也可作主语Being elected chairman is a great honour to him.2. Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use forks and knives, how to toast and

15、how to behave at the table.比如,良好的餐桌礼仪就是意味着在就餐时怎样使用餐具,怎样祝酒,以及怎样表现得有礼貌。Mean是常用词,主要有两个意思。作打算、有.意图、意欲解,后接名(代)词、不定式、从句、表示主语的主观愿望,不接动名词。Anybody could see he meant no harm.I mean to go and nothing is going to stop me.I had meant to leave on Monday, but have stayed on.作意思是、意味着解,后接名(代)词、动名词或从句。What do you me

16、an by acting like this?What does this word mean?I mean the red one, not the green one.Revolution means liberating the productive forces.This means we have to wait another week.本句中的mean表示意味着,后接动名词做宾语。3. Its polite to finish eating everything on your plate, so dont take more food than you need.句子中to f

17、inish eating everything on your plate是句子的主语。当不定式作主语时常用it做形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末。It is difficult to travel in that forest.It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.It is not an easy thing to master a foreign language.4. When drinking to s0meoned health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should

18、 not touch.你为别人的健康祝酒时,要举起酒杯,但不要碰杯。Drink to sb./ drink sb./ drink to ones health / drink ones health都可以表示为.健康干杯,但有to比较正式。I drink your good health.We drank to each others health for most of the evening.5. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once, but westerners usua

19、lly take only a sip.在中国一些地方的祝酒习俗是立刻将杯中酒饮尽,而西方人通常只是呷一点。To finish the drink at once 是不定式做表语,不定式做表语时,句子主语通常是名词或词组,或是all, what引导的从句。6. Although good manners always make you look good, you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with friends or family.虽然有礼貌总是使你显得有教养,但在同朋友和家人吃饭时,就不必

20、担心这些礼节。Although 或though是从属连词,引导让步状语从句,表示虽然。We were not tired although (though) we had worked all day.Although (though) he is young, he knows a lot.注意: 按照英语习惯,although(though)不能与but连用,如不可说:Although (though).but.。但为了加强前后两句的对比意义,在主句前可以加上yet。Although(though)he is young, he knows a lot.4. Post-reading1.

21、finish the exercise1 and exercise4 in the book and check the answer with Ss.2. finish the following exercise.(slide show)找出下列句子中错误的一处1. Knowing them will help you make good impression.A B C D2. There are two pair of large knives and forks on the table. A B C D3. Dinner starts a small dish, which is

22、often called a starter. A B C D4. When drunk to each others health, we raise our glasses, but the glasses should not touch. A B C D5. For drinking during a dinner, the best advices is never to drink too much. A B C D6. Zhengzhou is the city in that he was born and brought up. A B C DKeys: CBAACA教案示例

23、(三)I. Teaching aims1.learn the grammar: the Attributive clause.2.Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expressions used withinII. Teaching aids: tape recorder /slide show/ computer /multimedia education softwareIII. Grammar: the Attributive clause.IV. Teaching steps:1.Language study-word

24、study1et Ss read through the exercise and make sure what they will to do , and then check the answers in the class.let Ss read the words and phrases and their meaning loudly let Ss finish the exercises1 and exercises 2 (vocabulary) in page116-117 (SB)2.Grammar-The Attributive Clauselet Ss compare th

25、ese sentences, find out some difference between them.1 请比较下面的定语从句The girl who stood in the corner just now is my younger sisterMary Smith,who is in the corner, wants to meet youHes the man who lives next doorIn the class there are ten students,who speak English very well2 T deal with the grammar (sl

26、ide show)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别定语从句分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,归纳起来,二者有以下几点不同:一、作用不同限制性定语从句与先行词的关系非常密切,是先行词不可缺少的定语,它所修饰的词代表一个(些)或一类特定的人或物如果删去,全句的意思就会变得不明确。而非限制性定语从句在意义上是先行词的一个附加修饰语,对先行词只起进一步补充说明的作用;若把它去掉,全句意思仍然清楚。例如:The girl who stood in the corner just now is my younger sister刚才站在角落里的那个姑娘是我的妹妹。Mary Smith,who is

27、 in the corner, wants to meet you玛丽史密斯在那个角落里,她想见你。第一个例句中的定语从句指明作为主语的姑娘不是任何一个,而是在角落的那个。如果去掉定语从句,表达的意思就不明确。第二个例句已经表明主语是谁,定语从句只不过是补充说明一点情况而已。若去掉从句,句子意思仍然完整。二、形式不同非限制性定语从句与先行词之间通常有逗号而限制性定语从句与先行词之间则无逗号。例如:Hes the man who lives next door他就是住在隔壁的那个人。(从句不可少,从句前无逗号。)His wife,whom you met at my house,is a tea

28、cher他的妻子是一位老师,你在我家曾见过她。(从句可有可无,从句前有逗号。)三、含义不同限制性定语从句有涉他性;非限制性定语从句有唯一性。例如:In the class there are ten students who speak English very well这个班上有十名英语说得好的学生。(暗示班上不只是十个学生。)In the class there are ten students,who speak English very well这个班上有十名学生,他们英语说得很好。(非限制性定语从句,表明班上只有十个学生。)四、 译法不同在把限制性定语从句译成汉语时,通常在从句的末尾

29、加的字,放在它所修饰名词的前边。而在把非限制性定语从句译成汉语时,一般译成一个单独的句子。请看下面例句:The film that we saw yesterday was very interesting我们昨天看的电影非常有趣。Beijing,which is the capital of China,is a very beautiful city北京是中国的首都,它是一座非常美丽的城市3. Practice (slide show)用who, whom, which完成下列句子1. A young man, _ I did not know, asked me to give you

30、the message.2. The Changjiang River, on _ another big dam will be built, is going to produce more electricity for the areas along it.3. The man in the black coat, _ used to be our headmaster, has just come back form Egypt.4. The old tree in Jingshan Park, from _ Emperor(皇帝) Chongzhen hanged himself,

31、 was cut down in the 1960s.5. The Hope Project, _ started any years ago, has helped a large number of children in poor areas go back to school.6.Those foreign teachers, most of _ have never been to China before, are enjoying their work here very much.7. On the train from Beijing to Dalian we met a Japanese, _ spoke wonderful Ch

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