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1、八年级英语下册unit2单元教案副本八年级下学期英语第二单元教案Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. I.Analysis of the teaching material本单元主要围绕“Volunteer and Charity”这两个相关话题展开,在offer help的这一系列活动中学习应用一系列动词短语或句型。Section A主要是基础语言应用,Section B在Section A的基础上进一步拓展和延伸,尤其是阅读篇目能大大提高学生阅读文章的技能和技巧。II.Teaching Aims学生学会一些表达“向别人提供帮助”的动词短语,

2、并学会使用“I will”,“I would like”等句型,向别人提供帮助。单词advertisement, fix, repair, pleasure, blind, deaf, shut, carry, specially, fetch hunger, homeless, cheer, clean-up, sign, establish, major, commitment, elementary, veterinarian, coach, similar, call-in, strategy, disabled, organization, unable, support, appr

3、eciate, donation, part of speech, pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, donate, Jimmy, Sally词组clean up, cheer up, give out, put off, set up, think up, take after, fix up, give away, put up, hand out, work out, at once熟练使用下列日常用语:1)I hope to work outside. 2)Id like to help homeless people. 3)You

4、could help to clean up the city parks. 4)You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. 5)She volunteer there once a week to help kids learn to read. 6)She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.III.Teaching Important and Difficult points掌握“语言知识”中动词短语的用

5、法学会使用帮助人的基本句型使用语言目标提供帮助语法:动副词短语和动介词的使用IV.Teaching PeriodsPeriod1: Section A 1a -2dPeriod2:Section A 3a -4cPeriod3: Section B 1a-1ePeriod4: Section B 2a -2ePeriod5:Section B 3a-3bV.Teaching Procedures Period I: Section A 1a -2d1.Analysis of the teaching material该部分有三个模块:第一个模块围绕 ways in which you coul

6、d help people这个话题展开叙述( 1a),听力(1b),口语( 1c)训练;第二个模块围绕 Talk about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day 进行听力( 2a, 2b),口语( 2c)训练;第三个模块是关于志愿活动的角色表演对话。2.Teaching Aims 1)学习使用与“volunteer and charity”有关的单词和短语,能正确运用这些单词的短语表达目标语言。 2)能针对所听内容搜集和处理听力任务所要求的相关信息,并能旧话题进行对话。 3.Teaching Difficult and Important Po

7、ints 能准确理解不定式的功能意义,并能正确运用不定式初步描述话题情境 4.Teaching Procedures Step1.(Lead-in):展示几张需要帮助的人或事的图片。(如:sick people,homeless children,dirty park,hunger)通过图片让学生充分展开想像力,针对每一幅图片进行描述,激起学生的同情心和对以下内容的兴趣 Step2.(Presentation and practice) What can you do to help sick people? I could visit them in the hospital Id like

8、 to buy them some flowers I hope to cheer them up让学生给出不同的回答,强调Id like to,hope to,volunteer to,could和其他动词的搭配。老师不断强化句型,让学生有个模式进行训练.Step3. 1a, 1c, 2c让学生根据内容对话,引出volunteer,work outside,cheer up,help sb. with sth,give out,clean up,in the 1aospital并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。(若有学生不明白,老师可先示范一次。)Step4 1b, 2a,2b听力练习,学生根据

9、录音内容完成1b,2a and 2b。重放一遍录音内容,学生跟读。学生通过听力练习,进一步熟悉本课的目标语言。Step5 2d学生自由朗读对话,再分角色朗读对话安排同声翻译游戏,让学生将对话翻译出来讲解对话中的重点词汇,短语及句型Step6 Homework预习3a整理这一部分所学的短语 Period II: Section A 3a-4c1.Analysis of the teaching material该部分有三个模块:第一个模块是关于volunteers的一个阅读材料,训练形式为阅读( 3a),阅读练习(3b),单词短语练习( 3c);第三个模块为Grammar Focus是对Sect

10、ion A 重点句型的整理,在以练习的方式进行巩固。2.Teaching Aims进一步熟悉与“volunteer and charity”话题相关的词汇和句型,并能根据提示写出简单的句子。能理解动词不定式的功能意义,并能初步使用动词不定时完成适当的任务。3.Teaching Important and difficult points动词不定式的理解和使用重点词组的使用和理解4.Teaching ProceduresStep1:Lead in 通过谈论志愿者活动,复习前期所学的目标语言,导入本节课话题Step2:Reading 通过层层深入的任务型阅读,引导学生完成对3a文本的学习,提取和处

11、理相关信息,提高阅读技能,并初步认识和理解动词不定式。讨论就volunteer为话题写作文的方法。Step3:Grammar Focus 师生共同完成对单元语法知识的学习,明确其功能意义及用法。Give out food, give out the money, put up signs, put off my plan, hand put notices, come up with some ideas, cheer up the sick children, clean up the city parks, give up several hours, care for animals,

12、care for them, cheer them up1)动词之后加介词或副词构成短语,表达一种特定的含义,及物动词短语须接宾语,不及物的动词短语则不需要接宾语。2)及物动词短语所带的宾语的位置: A.名词作宾语时,对于“动词加副词”的动词短语,名词既可以放在动词短语之后,也可以放在动词短语中间。对于“动词加介词”的动词短语,名词放于介词之后。B.代词作宾语时,对于“动词加副词”的动词短语,代词放于动词短语之间,对于“动词加介词”的动词短语,代词放于介词之后。Step4:Practice 完成4a,4b,4c的训练任务,在实践运用中巩固所学目标语言及语法。Step5:Self Check 检

13、查学生对Section A的主要语言点的掌握情况。Step6:Homework 复习巩固Section A所学的动词短语,并加以实践运用。 Period III(Section B 1a-1e)1.Analysis of the teaching material该部分有二个模块:第一模块是词汇的学习( 1a)与运用(1b);第二个模块以听力训练形式强化第一模块中所学词汇( 1c, 1d)和口语训练( 1e)2.Teaching Aims学习使用与“volunteer and charity”话题相关的词汇短语,如:run out of, take after, fix up, give aw

14、ay等等。能针对所听内容记录所需信息,并能就所听内容进行对话。3.Teaching Important and Difficult Points掌握与话题相关的重点词汇,学会使用课本目标语言谈论话题在听的过程中准确获取信息。4.Teaching ProceduresStep1:lead in 师生一起复习Section A中的动词短语,进一步明确动词短语的用法。Check the homework. Review the phrasal verbs learned in Section A and talk about the usage of the phrasal verbs. Step2

15、:Presentation 利用图片引导学生学习新的动词短语,准确理解其意义及用法,并丰富话题词汇。Ask the students to look to look at the pictures and learn the following phrasal verbs: run out of, take after, fix up, give away.Step3:Practice 通过1a,1b的训练,进一步理解,巩固和运用新学的动词短语,充实语言知识,提高语言技能。Step4:Listening 通过1c,1d的听力练习,学生进一步感知话题情境,并提升其听的技能技巧。Listen to

16、 the recording the first time and do the exercises. Then listen to it again and try to read after it.Step5:Pair Work 通过1e的对话练习进一步理解巩固听力内容,同时提升学生的口头表达能力。Ask students to role-play the conversation.Step6:HomeworkDo a survey about your classmates and friendsvolunteering after school. Make a note using t

17、he target language you learned in this unit.Write a passage about Jimmys volunteering, using the information in 1c and 1d. Period IV(Section B 2a-2e)1.Analysis of the teaching material该部分有两个模块:第一个模块围绕中心展开阅读( 2a,2b) a volunteers work 并再次强化了第一模块中的词汇学习,第二模块仍就这一话题以小组活动形式进行口语训练(2e)。2.Teaching Aims学习使用与“v

18、olunteering and charity”话题相关的词汇和句型能使用略读,查读的阅读策略获取文段中的信息,并完成相应的阅读任务。能就“trained animals”这一话题与同伴进行交流和讨论。3.Teaching Important and Difficult Points学习使用两种阅读策略完成相应的阅读任务。文中较难理解及重点词汇,短语和句型。4.Teaching ProceduresStep1:Lead in 就“如何感谢帮助我们的人”这一话题展开师生,生生之间的谈话,并引入课时“Ill Send you a photo of lucky”这一阅读文章。Step2:Readin

19、g 引导学生运用适当的阅读策略展开阅读训练,完成2b的阅读任务。Point out the leaning strategy: Understanding Parts of Speech. Explain the strategy and make sure the students can understand it well.Then let the students use the learning strategy to read the letter individually,silently, and very carefully. Try to understand the le

20、tter well.进一步提取文本的细节信息,完成true or false的阅读任务,把握文段主题,熟悉文本意义。依据本课对阅读策略的训练要求,完成2c,2d,2e的训练任务。解析文段中重点,难点词汇,短语及句型。Ask the students to read the letter again, find some key words and sentences. In pairs or in groups they discuss firstly. After that the teacher should emphasize something important and diffic

21、ult.Set upLucky makes a big difference to my life.Help sb. OutGet, bring, take, carryBe able to Because of Step3:Self Check 综合训练语言技能,拓展运用目标语言,提高语用能力。Step4:Homework:以“Helping others is happy”为题,写一篇英文短文。 Period V(Section B 3a-self-check)1.Analysis of the teaching material该部分有两个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练;第二个模块

22、以某一志愿者的活动为内容进行写作练习。2.Teaching Aims通过讨论各种志愿工作,激活思维,选择自己喜爱的志愿者工作类型。运用所学话题语言写一份书信或电子邮件。能运用适当的学习策略完成对本单元的词汇的积累及运用。3.Teaching Important and Difficult Points完成本单元所要求的写作任务。运用适当的策略完成本单元只是与技能的自我检测。自主完成关于志愿者话题的写作任务。4.Teaching ProceduresStep1:Revision 学生在小组内交流各自的作业,互评,互助修改上一节课课后的写作。Ask the students to check th

23、eir writing in groups. And they should correct their mistakes individually. Then the best article in each group can be presented to the class.Step2:Presentation 与学生谈论自己志愿者工作的选择意向及相关看法,引入本课时的语言实践学习。Write some kinds of volunteer work on the blackboard and talk to the students. Step3:Writing 学生就志愿者工作的选

24、择意向展开小组讨论,激活话题语言,为下一节的写作做好准备。学生综合运用语言,各自完成3b关于志愿者工作的写作,并在小组内交流,提升其综合语言的运用能力和合作交往的能力。Step4:Self Check 完成对本单元重点词汇的检测和对功能语言的实践运用。The students complete the phrasal verbs in Part 1 individually firstly, then check the answers together. The answers are various. The teacher should ask them to make a list o

25、f phrasal verbs in groups.The students complete the passage in Part 2 individually and check the answers together .Then ask the students to read the short passage themselves.Step5:Homework 对课堂学习内容的进一步巩固、延伸,让学生将所学的目标语言转化为语言的实践运用能力。Write a report about your best friends volunteer job.(at least 6o words)

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