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全国名校高三大联考 英语.docx

1、全国名校高三大联考 英语全国名校2020年高三1月大联考英 语本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ATa Obrehts Favorite Novels

2、 Tea Obrehts new novel, Inland, tells the stories of an outlaw crossing the American West and a homesteader awaiting the return of her husband. Below, she recommends other novels shaped by place.The Meadow James Galvin (1992).Galvin narrows his novels focus to a river in south-eastern Wyoming, the s

3、ite of three generations struggle and achievements. I often find myself reading each sentence twice, just to enjoy the unexpected twists of Galvins prose(散文). What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours Helen Oyeyemi (2016).Everything about this story collection delights and puzzles the soul, in a way of experie

4、ncing the terrifying fairy tale for the first time. Each story feels like working around you in a kind of harmony you cant even begin to comprehend until the final line.Orange World Karen Russell (2019).Every new book of Russells instantly takes its previous books place as my favorite. Place, in eac

5、h of these time-jumping, world-warping stories which unfold a map of place both real and imagined provides physical, social, and emotional pressures on both character and reader.The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison (1970).Morrisons novel remains my favorite, possibly owing to the particular feelings produce

6、d by its place and personhood, and its suggestion that how you experience the world is governed by age, race, and whether or not one grows up loved. 21. Who does I refer to in the text? A. James Galvin. B. Karen Russell. C. Tea Obreht. D. Toni Morrison.22. What kind of book is What Is Not Yours Is N

7、ot Yours? A. A fairy tale. B. A biography. C. A love story. D. A prose.23. What do the four novels have in common? A. They have similar plots. B. They are shaped by place. C. They have the same background. D. They are written by Tea Obreht.B There is something endlessly delightful about going to a c

8、omfortable, public place and having perfect strangers bring you a meal makes all the more delicious by the fact that you do not have to cook it. Yet this is not an article in praise of restaurants but in praise ofnotgoing to restaurants, of refusing to make them as the option for hanging out with fr

9、iends. Instead of always heading to a favorite local restaurant, Im increasingly an advocate of hosting people at home. The first thing to realize is that hospitality(待客) doesnt have to be complicated. It need not be expensive or pretty. It doesnt require special china or flowers or candles or a tab

10、lecloth. You dont have to change your clothes. Basic tidiness is nice, of course, though the better the friendship, the lower the standard.Youare the attraction here. Your home is just a setting.You know your friends. You know their habits and expectations. And you know yourself and what feels comfo

11、rtable for having people over. And speaking of the group chat, casual hospitality should not involve formal invitations or much advance notice. A menu is unnecessary. Forget multiple courses. Forget a wine pairing. Do you have some beers in your fridge? Maybe some chips and dip, or some cheese and c

12、rackers? Great! Thats enough. The easiest way to do low-key hosting is to make it a lazy. That open-ended timeline and the intimacy(亲密) of home hospitality are what matters here more than the expense. Inviting friends to our homes invites them into our lives in a way that going out to eat cant repli

13、cate(复制). Its an expression of trust, not only an opportunity for shared entertainment. And we need such friendships, desperately. We need to be in each others lives, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to be in each others homes.24. Which of the following is needed for home hospitality? A. Fo

14、rmal clothes. B. Multiple courses. C. Close friendship. D. High-class china.25. What does the underlined part make it a lazy in paragraph 3 probably mean? A. Prepare casually. B. Invite lazy friends. C. Make the environment lively. D. Have a complete rest.26. Why does the author advocate hosting fri

15、ends at home? A. To express each others trust. B. To provide opportunity for entertainment. C. To reduce the high cost for dinner. D. To show the beautiful house decorations.27. What is the best title for the text? A. Restaurants: the Wonderful, Full Stop B. The Art of Inviting Friends Home for Dinn

16、er C. Hospitality: the Key to Permanent Friendship D. Tips for Making Your Home Party AttractiveCThe relationship many of us have with nature is characterized by our attitude toward insects. Ugh! Yuk! Theres a bug. Step on it! It seems that ladybugs and butterflies are the only insects that escape t

17、he all-bugs-are-beastly attitude.Hostility(敌意) and fear are universally the products of ignorance, and our hatred to insects is no exception. One cannot deny that insects are a nuisance when their bites become sore and a threat when they transmit disease, but, viewed without emotional influence, eve

18、n poisonous insects are beautiful.From having studied their fossilized remains, we know that insects have lived on the earth for nearly 400 million years. Today we find them abundantly everywhere we look. Insects have been discovered on the snow of the polar caps and the peaks of high mountains.Bees

19、, wasps, ants and termites have complex societies in which different members are specialized for feeding, defense and reproduction. The life of a worker honeybee is even separated into successive occupations: during the first three weeks the young worker attends the queen and her eggs, cleans out th

20、e hive, cools it by wing-fanning at the entrance, and attacks or walls in intruders. Only after this period is the graduate allowed to leave the hive and search for nectar and pollen(花粉).Add to such behavior the fact that some ants use leaf fragments as spoons in which to carry soft food back to the

21、ir nest, and one is tempted to describe insects as intelligent and begin to make comparisons between insect and human societies.It saddens me that people deny themselves the simple pleasure of appreciating the elegance of even the more common insects. Only a moment with a hand lens(放大镜) is required

22、to discover a new world of design and beauty.28. What is most peoples attitude toward ladybugs and butterflies? A. Negative. B. Enjoyable. C. Annoyed. D. Careless.29. Why are most people fearful of insects? A. They are so intelligent. B. All of them are poisonous. C. They prevent disease. D. People

23、are ignorant of them.30. What do we know about the worker honeybees? A. They can only search for nectar and pollen for three weeks. B. They are intelligent enough to carry soft food to their nest. C. They have lived on the earth for a short period of time. D. They are charged with different responsi

24、bilities in their life. 31. What is the text mainly about? A. The beauty of nature. B. The appreciation of insects.C. The history of insects. D. The complex society of insects.DStudents across the country entered a competition in the hopes of winning a trip to NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center where

25、 they would spend two days working with scientists and astronauts. Finalists were announced recently for the Optimus Prime themed NASA competition and the public was voting for their favorite projects.Students who took part in the competition, called Optimus Prime Spinoff Promotion and Research Chal

26、lenge or OPSPARC, worked individually or in small groups to investigate NASA and Spinoff technology and how it could be used in everyday scenarios. For the age group of grades nine through 12, there were eight finalists competing for the publics vote.The competition encouraged those who entered and

27、others who were following the competition to use social media to generate support for their favorite projects. The goal was to encourage students to engage and recognize the importance of social media. The particular team NASA referred to in its statement is a group of three black girls who entered

28、the competition from Banneker Academic High School in Washington, D.C. The girls created a water filtration(过滤) system for students who dont have access to clean drinking water in public schools. Their final project included a video of the filtration system at work, successfully drawing out impuriti

29、es in the water to make it cleaner for consumption.Public voting does not determine the winners of OPSPARC. The winners are chosen based on their scores from the rubricwhich is scored by a panel of NASA judges. Public voting is a secondary factor that the judges may consider when choosing the winner

30、s, the NASA spokesperson told Newsweek. NASA continues to support outreach and education for all Americans, and encourages all of our children to reach for the stars, said the NASA statement.32. What do we know about the competition in the passage?A. The winners could find a job in NASA.B. The winne

31、rs were determined by public voting.C. The participants should gain support from social media.D. Eight finalists were all voted to be winners.33. What is the purpose of OPSPARC program?A. To find ways to put space technology into daily use.B. To strengthen teacher-student relationships.C. To sharpen

32、 students communication skills.D. To keep students from contacting social media.34. What is the three girls invention intended for?A. Companies profiting from purifying water. B. The NASA judges grading their product.C. Astronauts working in space. D. Students lacking clean drink water. 35. What is the most important factor when choosing the winners?A. Scores given by NASA judges. B. Benefits made from their products

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