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1、最新原创外研版七年级英语下册精品全册教案及教学反思114页七年级英语下册教案Module 1 Lost and foundModule 1教案Unit 1 Lost and found一教学目标:语言知识目标:掌握词汇:基准目标 whose , lose ,find , mine, yours , hers, be careful with , on ,phone, leave, plane, why, hundred, hundreds of , look for , thousand, strange, boat, duck, pig选择目标:crayon, eraser , glove

2、, wallet, watch, first of all, lost and found box, tape, purple , from now on , here is /are., camera, mobile phone, lost and found office, in a hurry, taxi , airport, saugage.Key structure: this? Its mine Is this .yours? Are these . yours?2.掌握目标语言:lost and found 技能目标:.能利用所学内容达到对失物招领的对话文章的听

3、说读写情感态度与价值观:培养学生助人为乐,拾金不昧的高尚品格。学习策略:通过用英语与同伴谈论丢失的物品或寻找失主。过程与方法:bottom-up approachtape recording, videos, OHP二重点与难点1.名词性物主代词2.名词性物主代词和形容性物主代词的差异3元音字母a在单词中的读音三教材与学情分析 四教学过程Teachers activityStudents activityTeachingsteps1.Warming up1. Take out items out of your schoolbag, and put them on your desk. Use

4、 them to review and teach the new vocabulary( match the words from the box with the pictures1. Try to pronounce them correctly.2. Match the words with pictures.2. Listening Listen and answer the questions Is the football Tonys ?Are the crayons Bettys ?1 Students ask and answer questions i

5、n pairs.3.Listening Ask the student to listen the tape, then ask them to read after the tape.Ask them to read in pairsAsk them to practice in pairsShow the main points in the dialogue Try to match the people with their thingsRead in pairs .4.Out put1show some things or pictures ,show the sentences o

6、n the blackboard. 2 Ask Ss to answer the questions 3 Ask Ss to do dialogues with their partners.1.pracitice in pairs. 2 Ask and answer in pairs.5.FeedbackUse some things around you to present the dialogue in pairs 6 complete the passageShow the short paragraph, ask students to read and fill.Fill in

7、the blanks then check with partners . 8.HomeworkHomework: listen and read the dialogueRecite the words and expressions.教学反思:本课活动的设计层级性强,能依照语言的学习规律,帮助学生系统的进行知识的构建,对技能的训练也是由简到繁,先输入后产出。Unit 2 Are they yours?Teaching modelReading and writing. Teaching method Top-down approach Teaching aims1. To get info

8、rmation from the reading material about the Lost and Found Office in New York City. 2. To write something about the Lost and Found.Teaching Objectives Key vocabulary: camera, phone, mobile phone, lost and found office, in a hurry, leave, plane, taxi, why, airport, hundred, hundreds of, look for, tho

9、usand, strange, boat, duck, pig, sausageTeaching aidsRecorder, OHP, videoTeaching StepsStep 1 Warming-upPreparation1)教师先简单用英语介绍本班的一些情况,然后要求学生分两人小组就School life话题进行对话,也可以给出以下问题要求学生对话:Do you like your school?How many lessons do you have each day?How do you get to school?两人小组活动后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。对演示认真

10、又基本无语言错误的学生给予奖励。2)教师说:下面有几位同学,他们也就School life 进行了交谈。他们谈了什么呢?1Look and listen. Then repeat.1)教师说:请同学们听第一段对话,然后回答:How many lessons does Gu Ming have each day?以下三段对话的教学方式与上相同,教学中使用的参考用题如下:What time is the recess?Whats Gu Mings favourite lesson?What does Ms Wang teach?2)学生答完问题后,要求他们跟读四段对话的录音。3)学生跟读完对话后,

11、教师组织两人小组操练这些对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。第2、3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。教学反思:本课教学环节环环相扣,坡度不大。所以,绝大部分学生能达成学习目标。Unit 3 Language in useTeaching modelRevision and application Teaching method Formal and interactive practice Teaching aims1. Function: Finding out what belongs to whom2. Structure: Possessive pronouns3. Around t

12、he world: The Internet lost and found4. Task: Acting out a sketch in the lost and found officeTeaching Objectives Key structures: Are these crayons yours?Whose bag is this?Its mine.Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, handoutsTeaching StepsPreparation教师指出,前两个单元主要学习了School life这一话题的语言,现在要求学生两人一组就这一话题对话,并

13、给出例子:A: Hello, B.B: Hello, A.A: Can I ask you some questions about school?B: Sure.A: How many.?B: .两人小组回答后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。教师说:有一位学生Susan 也对她的朋友谈了她的学校生活。他们谈了些什么呢?1Listen and say. Susan talks to her friend. Listen to what they say and repeat.1)教师说:请同学们听下面的对话,然后回答:Is Susans class big? How many stud

14、ents are there in her class?2)学生听一遍对话录音,然后回答上列问题。3)学生带着以下问题听第二遍对话录音:Does Susan like her class?Are Susans teachers nice?How does Susan go to school?Is it a long journey from Susans home to her school?学生回答完以上问题后,跟读对话录音一遍。学生跟读完对话后,教师组织两人小组操练这些对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。2Listen to what Sam (a student in America) sa

15、ys and fill in the gaps.教师说:有一位学生叫Sam ,他介绍了自己的情况。他说了些什么呢?请学生们听下面一段独白并回答问题:What is Sams favourite lesson?学生回答问题后,要求他们听第二遍独白并填空。3Write sentences about your school life and Sams school life.在教这一小节时,教师可以先要求学生口头造句,然后再笔头造句。第4小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。教学反思:本节课帮助学生系统的进行知识的构建,对技能的训练也是由简到繁,先输入后产出。教学环节环环相扣,坡度不大。所以,绝

16、大部分学生能达成学习目标。Module 2 What can you do Unit 1 I can play the piano.Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method Bottom-up approach to listeningTeaching aimsTo understand the using can and cant.Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: play, tennis, piano, ride, club, term, board, would like, wel

17、l, all, thats all, worry, worry about, teach, then2. Key structures: 1) I can .2) I cant .3) Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, videoTeaching StepsPreparation1)教师在黑板上画一台电话或在讲台上放一台电话机,问学生:Whats this ?问一些学生:Whats your telephone number ?回答后,教师说明,本模块是学习打电话情景中的常用语,并在黑板中心上

18、方写出本模块和本单元标题。1Look and listen. Then repeat.1)教师边做一些动作边向学生说明:Im doing. 然后解释 “am (is , are ) + v-ing ” 形式表示的意思。教师对学生说:A和B 在交谈。他们在谈什么呢?请听下面一段对话并回答下面的问题:What is Gu Ming doing?以下三段对话的教学方式与上相同。教学中使用的参考用题如下:What is Wei Gang doing?What is Feifei doing?What is As mother doing ?学生答完问题后,要求他们跟读四段对话的录音。学生跟读完对话后,

19、教师组织两人小组活动操练这些对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。本节学完后,接学第4小节内容。第4小节内容的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。第2、3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。教学反思:本课由于活动的内容和形式较多,学生充分思考和相互交流的时间还不够,因此,在反馈阶段学生的发言显得不是很踊跃Unit 2 I can run really fast.Teaching modelReading and writing. Teaching method Top-down approach Teaching aims1. To get information from the reading

20、material. 2. To know which monitor the students would like to be for your class.3. To write something about the monitor you would like to be.Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: monitor, start, get on well with sb. ready, ready to do sth. promise, fast, fit, just, ball, game, team, best, score, ti

21、dy, sure, everybody, just like, beautiful, fly, kite, swim.2. Key structures: can / cantTeaching aidsRecorder, OHP, videoTeaching StepsPreparation 教师进教室后问几个学生:What are you doing?教师组织两人小组活动,按以下范例对话:A: What are you doing?B: Im. A: What is. doing?B: He/She is. 两人小组活动后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。评价后接学本单元第2小节。2P

22、ronunciation.1)教师边做动作或画简笔画边教词语skip, long jump, swim, exercise, draw, run;2)让学生跟读本小节B部分内容学音标。3)让学生跟读本小节A部分内容并小幅度地做相应的动作。4)接教第1小节内容。第3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。教学反思:本课反馈阶段学生的发言显得不是很踊跃。说明我的学生的思维能力还有待开发和拓展。我会在今后的教学中继续努力,不断提高自己的教学水平。Unit 3 Language in useTeaching modelRevision and application Teaching method F

23、ormal and interactive practice Teaching aims1. Function Finding out what people can do; asking and answering about abilities2. Structure can / cant3. Around the world : Languages4. Task: Making a poster for a club.Teaching Objectives Key structures : I can play the piano.She can dance really well.We

24、 can teach you Chinese!Can you cook?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, handoutsTeaching StepsPreparation教师设置打电话情景,与几个学生打电话交谈。教师组织两人小组活动,按以下范例对话:A: Hello, 6382318.B: Hello. This is. Is.there?A: No, hes / shes not. Hes / Shes doing . B: I see. Can I leave a message?A: Yes.B: Can

25、 you. ?A: . 两人活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。教师说: Susan和Sarah在打电话, 电话的内容是什么呢? 由此导入到本单元第1小节的学习。1Read and find.1)教师要求学生翻开书,阅读本节材料, 并回答下列问题:Is Susan busy?What is Susans father/mother/brother doing?What is Susan doing?要求学生按阅读材料内容, 从方框内的词中选择合适的词填空。教师组织两人小组活动操练对话。两人小组活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。第3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。教

26、学反思:本课活动的设计层级性强,能依照语言的学习规律,帮助学生系统的进行知识的构建,对技能的训练也是由简到繁,先输入后产出。教学环节环环相扣,坡度不大。所以,绝大部分学生能达成学习目标。英语(新标准)初中一年级下册Module 3 Plans 教案设计一、教材内容分析 本模块围绕“计划”这个话题展开,在让学生学会 be going to 表达的同时学会合理安排生活和制定学习计划,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1能够正确使用下列词汇:buy, check, do, have, stay, get up, go to, revise for, a party, a pia

27、no lesson, a picnic, my email, my test, some clothes, because, look forward to, do some sightseeing, enjoy the sun and the sea, like foreign culture, stay in a hotel, take the plane2. 能够正确使用下列句型:Im going to check my email. Youre going to come, too.Bettys going to buy some clothes. Were going to list

28、en to some music.Theyre going to have a picnic. What are you going to do? Is he going to get up early? Are they going to go sightseeing?3. 能够正确使用 be going to 表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或有意做某事。(二)语言技能目标1能够听懂对计划的陈述。2能够描述自己的计划。3能够读懂有关文章,掌握文章的大意。4能够把新知识迁移到实际生活中来,结合例文用 be going to 写作。(三)情感态度目标通过介绍自己的活动计划,解决学生生活中缺少计划

29、性的问题;通过询问他人周末计划情况,培养学生关心他人的好习惯。三、教学重点难点(一)重点1重点词汇:动词短语。2重点句型:be going to, because3话题:Plans(二)难点词汇与句型在听说读写四方面的多重输出。笔头叙述自己或他人的计划。四、课时安排第一课时 Unit 1第二课时 Unit 2 (Activities 1,2,3,4&5)第三课时 Unit 3 (Activities 1&2, Around the world) &Workbook第四课时 Writing (U1 Activity 7, U2 Activities 6&7, U3 Activities 3&4)

30、五、教学过程设计Period 1Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?一、教材分析本单元要求学生掌握有关出游的动词短语,通过讨论周末要做的事情,学习用be going to结构表达自己打算或计划要做的事。内容主要以对话的形式出现,由于是本模块的第一单元,只需做好正确的输入准备,不要求学生对句型所有人称的使用进行熟练掌握。二、教学目标(一)知识目标1词汇:全体学生能正确认读、听懂、理解相关的动词短语,90%左右的学生能正确拼写:plan check my email have a piano lesson have a picnic get up early go to a partyrevise for ones test stay in bed do ones homework buy some clothes play table tennis listen to music2 句型:be going to+动词原形,表达一般将来时。多数学生能够听懂、理解、说出下列关于“将来做某事”的句型:What are you going to do

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