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1、规章制度英语翻译规章制度英语翻译【篇一:英文翻译版质量管理制度及职责】 赫克力士上海技术中心项目 质量管理制度及职责 shanghai hercules technical center project quality management system and duties jiangsu jiangdu construction engineering co., ltd apr. 15, 2007 目录 table of contents 1、项目经理岗位职责 responsibility of project manager(pm)3 2、现场经理岗位职责:responsibility

2、of site manager 3、项目技术负责人岗位职责:responsibility of project technical principal.3 4、施工员岗位职责:responsibility of construction supervisor.4 5、技术员岗位职责:responsibility of technician.5 6、质检员岗位职责:responsibility of quality inspector.5 7、材料员岗位职责:responsibility of material purchaser7 8、资料员岗位职责:responsibility of doc

3、uments worker7 9、操作工人岗位职责responsibility of operation worker.8 10、现场质量管理制度field qc system.9 10.1、工程项目总承包责任制度general contracting system of the project.9 10.2 技术交底制度technical notice.15 10.3、材料进场检验制度 inspection for mobilized material.16 10.4、样板引路制度 standard reference sample.20 10.5、施工挂牌制度 detailed infor

4、mation for all construction works22 10.6、过程三检制度 tri-check system.24 10.7、质量否决制度quality rejection system28 10.8、成品保护制度product protection system. 31 10.9、工程质量评定、验收制度project quality assessment and approval system.33 10.10、竣工服务承诺制度as-built service warrant 36 11、 培训上岗制度 training before employment37 12、 工

5、程质量事故报告及调查制度report of quality defects and the investigation system.38 13、现场材料的存放与管理制度storage and management of the site material.39 14、现场设备的存放与管理制度site equipments inventory and management.42 1、项目经理岗位职责 responsibility of project manager(pm)1.1向公司经理负责,全面负责项目各项管理工作,是项目总负责人,接受公司各职能部门的监督和指导;responsible f

6、or general manager of jsjdcec, whose duty is managing the whole project, and is subject to the supervision and guidance of the functional department of the company. 1.2是项目质量和安全的第一责任人,对本工程的质量和安全全面负责,明确项目经理部各部门的质量和安全责任,并督促其履行职责;pm holds primary responsibility for the project, who is responsible for th

7、e overall quality and hse work. pm should clarify quality and hse responsibilities for different departments?, and supervise the implement of such duties. 1.3负责组织实施公司的质量体系文件,组织制定并实施项目质量管理措施及各分部分项工程质量检验评定;pm is responsible for organizing and implementing the qc system documents. organize the establis

8、hment and implementing of qc measures and the sub-departments? construction quality inspection and grading. 1.4履行公司质量体系文件规定的各项职责;fulfilling the duties delegated in company?s qc-related documents and measures. 1.5负责项目资金的全盘控制及运作;responsible for the capital flow and control 1.6全盘控制项目成本,定期组织项目成本的核算;resp

9、onsible for the overall project cost, and organize periodic accounting for project cost. 1.7负责分供方的选择、签约及参与工程承包合同的评审工作。responsible for the selection of and approval of suppliers, and attend review work of the contract. 2、现场经理岗位职责:responsibility of site manager 2.1协助项目经理搞好项目各项管理工作,对工程的质量、安全、进度、文明施工等进行

10、全盘控制;aiding pm to manage well the project, and responsible for the overall control of project?s quality, safety, progress and sound construction. 2.2负责与发包人、监理单位、设计人及上级行政主管部门的对接及有关协调工作;responsible for contacting and coordinating with package deliver, supervision company, designing engineer and the su

11、perior administrative department 2.3贯彻上级主管部门有关施工生产计划、指令、文件,主持编制月生产计划及资源需用计划,监督并督促有关部门实施;carry out superior managing department?s production plan, order relating to construction, preside monthly progress plan and required resource plan, supervise and urge the implement by related department. 2.4协助项目经

12、理搞好项目成本控制,主持项目成本核算工作;aid the pm to manage the cost control, and preside the accounting work of project cost. 2.5参与分供方的选择、签约及工程承包合同的评审工作;take part in the selection of and approval of suppliers, and attend review work of the contract. 2.6协助项目经理履行公司质量体系文件规定的各项职责;aid the pm to execute the duties delegat

13、ed in qc system documents.2.7协助项目经理组织实施公司的质量体系文件、组织制定并实施项目质量管理措施及各分部分项工程质量检验评定;aid the pm to organize and implement qc system documents , organize and implement qc measures and construction quality testing and grading required by the qc system document for different parts of the project. 2.8定期主持召开项目

14、经理部生产例会,定期组织并主持项目分包商及发包人指定分包商的项目协调会;preside routine production meeting periodically; organize and preside project coordinating meeting for subcontractors and client?s nominated subcontractors. 2.9主持重大安全方案的编制并组织重大安全事故的处理工作,定期组织项目安全检查;preside the establishment of important hse scheme, and organize the

15、 handling work for great hse hazards; organize periodic project safety inspection. 2.10组织并主持项目重大质量事故的处理工作,主持项目项目竣工验收;organize and preside the handling work of great quality defects; preside the completion and acceptance of the project. 2.11负责对内对外函件的批示,并检查其落实情况。site manager is responsible for approvi

16、ng and notifying internal and external correspondence, and check for the results. 3、项目技术负责人岗位职责:responsibility of project technical principal 3.1协助项目经理组织实施公司质量体系程序规定的各项职责,督促项目施工技术人员履行其质量职责coordinate pm to organize and implement the duties prescribed by qc system of the company, supervise and urge th

17、e construction technical to perform his delegated duty. 3.2组织编制施工组织设计及项目质量保证计划,负责组织编制特殊过程和专题施工方案及作业指导书,检查督促施工组织设计、项目质量保证计划的实施,参与分部分项工程质量检验评定;organize the construction organization design and project qc assurance plan, responsible for the schedule of special construction process and special execution

18、 plan guiding manual, check, supervise and urge the implement for designing construction organization, project quality assurance plan; attend the inspection and approval of different parts of the project. 3.3协助项目经理对项目质量进行控制、管理和督促;aid pm to control, manage and superintend the project qc. 3.4负责施工过程中质量

19、、技术问题的处理;handle quality and technical problems arising form the construction process. 3.5组织项目有关工程技术人员进行图纸会审、预审,参加工程的设计交底及图纸会审: organize related engineering staff to proceed shop drawing review; attend the handover of design of the project and the drawing review. 3.6协助项目经理指导、督促项目质量体系的运行,并组织项目质量体系文件的发

20、放修改、换版的管理控制;aid pm to direct, supervise and urge the operation of qc, and organize the issuing, revising of the project qc documents, and the management ofrevision. 3.7组织工程一般不合格品的评审、处理、制定纠正和预防措施并实施跟踪检查;organize the review and handle of common unqualified products, establish correction and protecting

21、 measures and carry out tracking check-up. 3.8组织对项目统计技术工作进行管理的控制;organize the management of accounting technical work of the project. 3.9组织科技推广应用及施工技术总结;organize the popularizing and application of technology and summarizing of the construction technology. 4、施工员岗位职责:responsibility of construction su

22、pervisor 4.1在项目执行经理及工程部经理的指导下,负责其所管辖范围的全面工作;under the guidance of pm operation manager and manager of engineering department, take responsibility for the overall work under his duty. 4.2负责按进度计划的要求合理安排各项工作;make reasonable plan for various parts in accordance with the progress schedule. 4.3监督工人严格按图纸、规

23、范、施工组织设计及施工方案的要求施工,负责实施工程测量及沉降观测工作,并做好相应的工程资料;supervise and urge the workers to carry out the construction strictly conforming drawings, specifications and construction organization design and execution plan, take responsibility for the project surveying and settling survey; prepare relevant enginee

24、ring material. 4.4负责协调各班组间的工作矛盾,及时向项目执行经理报告需协调矛盾的情况和进展情况;responsible for the work conflicts coordination between different group, report to pm in time issues which need coordination and the progress of coordination. 4.5根据进度要求,及时提供材料需用情况及使用部位;according to the progress schedule, submit material use in

25、stances and the position for its usage 4.6负责做好质量活动的质量记录,及时移交资料员及有关人员;responsible for qc record for quality-related activities. 4.7组织实施分项工程的安全措施,施工前向班组进行详细的安全技术交底;organize and implement safety measures for different parts, and handover safety measures to all groups before construction. 4.8参与组织工人学习安全操

26、作规程,教育督促工人按章作业;attend the organization of workers to learn safety operation procedure, instruct and urge workers to carry out in accordance with these measures. 4.8认真消除事故隐患,发生工伤事故时及时上报,保护现场,参加调查处理工作;eliminate faults which may cause defects, report in time when work-related injuries occur, protect th

27、e site, and participate the investigation and handling work. 5、技术员岗位职责:responsibility of technician 5.1参加图纸会审,做好会审记录,参与施工组织设计、施工方案的编制及特殊工程的【篇二:学校规章制度英语作文带翻译】 英语培训学校规章制度 div style=padding:10px 5px 0px 20px;margin:10px 0px 0px -15px; 1. 英语培训学校规章制度 2. 英语培训学校管理规章制度 3. 少儿英语培训学校教学管理规章制度 4. 英语培训学校教师管理规章制度

28、1、英语培训学校规章制度 一.本制度之制定旨在与学员共同促进培训期间正常有序的学习。学员应遵守本中心各种规章制度,积极参与学校和班级组织的英语活动。 二.尊师重教,谦虚好问,勤奋学习。 三.做好每堂课预习工作,上课前仔细检查是否携带所需的学习资料和作业,不带与学习无关的东西。 四.学习态度端正,上课仔细听讲,积极参与。同学之间互相帮助、共同提高。不准迟到早退,若因病因事不能上学,应及时请假。课后认真复习,逐步养成良好的学习习惯。 五.上课时间不能在课堂随意走动。不允许用手机和在教室内喝水吃东西。课间休息,严禁追逐推搡。 六.上课期间,学生不得随意离校,无故缺席。因病或有其他特殊情况要离校者,必

29、须用英文向校方写请假条,经批准后方可离校。事先有急事不能写请假条者要补写请假条,没办手续而缺课者做旷课处理,旷课累计两次者警告一次;旷课累计五次者,做自动退 学、弃学处理,学费不退。自由活动时间不允许外出,未经批准擅自外出者,负责自负。 七.学员必须按时认真完成作业。无正当理由不做作业者,要接受老师批评。屡教不改者,教师有权拒绝为其批改作业。 八.学员之间要团结友爱,互相帮助,互相谅解。学员之间严禁出现吵架、斗殴或其它不友好行为。有恶劣行径者,开除出校,学费不退。 九.学员必须爱护公物。损坏校内花草树木和公共设施者,照价赔偿;报纸杂志阅读后应放回原处;损坏或遗失公物,照价赔偿。恶意破坏者,开除

30、出校,学费不退。 十.教室内空调由班主任统一开关,彩电和vcd由上课老师负责开关,未经允许,禁止学员开关。节约水电,养成人走灯熄、随手关水的习惯。 十一.家长须知: 1、安全第一,配合中心做好学生的安全教育工作。上下课应由家长或专人接送,其间安全自己负责。 2、随时了解孩子的学习情况,督促检查孩子按时完成作业,并及时将您的意见反馈给本中心,以利于我们更好地教学。 3、因接送学生的车辆时间比较集中,请家长尽量将车停在外面的专用车位,谢谢理解和合作。 2、英语培训学校管理规章制度 一、总则 为树立安德鲁良好的企业形象,营造一个团结、有序、严谨、实干、高效的工作团队,创造更好的业绩,特制定以下各项有

31、关制度,适用于安德鲁每位员工。 教职工考勤与奖惩制度 一、员工考勤统计以打卡机为准。不得找别人代替打卡,每发现一次,学校将予以警告处分。警告处分累计达三次者,学校予以解聘;考勤记录统计结果将作为发放工资的依据之一。 二、学校员工不得迟到、早退和旷工。1、迟到:按每人次10元人民币处罚(重大交通事故,恶劣天气除外),迟到超过半小时者按旷工半天计算。 2、早退:未经批准早退不足半小时罚款10元,超半小时按旷工半日处理。 3、旷工:旷工半天扣发50元人民币;无故连续旷工3天,按自动离职处理。 三、请假应提前半天向部门主管请示,并将休假期间内与自己有关的工作向有关人员交代清楚,并留下联络方式; 四、根据学校的特点无特殊情况,概不准假。确因急事或生病而缺勤者,应于上班前半小时与学校取得联系,通过电话向部门主管请假。如本部门主管不在,可直接向校长请假,未经批准擅自休假者,按旷工处理。情节严重者,学校予以解聘。 五、上班时间玩游戏、睡觉等,发现一次扣10元。 六、与客户发生争吵给学校形象和声誉造成恶劣影响者,学校当即予以解聘。 七、奖励: 1、当月全勤且没有其他违纪现象者,奖励100元。 2、员工可以书面或口头形式向

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