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1、宇宙魔方已经苏醒The Tesseract has awakened.4它在一个渺小的世界里 人类的世界It is on a little world, a human world.5人类想利用其能量They would wield its power,6可只有我们的盟友会使用它 人类是痴心妄想but our ally knows itsworkings as they never will.7他将作为先锋He is ready to lead8而我们齐塔瑞人的大军则紧随其后and our force, our Chitauri, will follow.9给他一个地球A world will

2、 be his.10我们要全宇宙The universe, yours.11人类何力抵抗 只能等死And the humans,what can they do but burn?12全体人员注意All personnel,13已确认撤离the evacuation orderhas been confirmed.14联合暗能行动15情况有多糟How bad is it?16长官 最糟正是情况尚不明朗Thats the problem, sir. We dont know.17塞尔维格博士4小时前检测到宇宙魔方发出了一股能量Dr Selvig read an energy surgefrom

3、the Tesseract four hours ago.18宇航局没允许塞尔维格做测试NASA didnt authorise Selvigto go to test phase.19他没做测试 他当时根本不在He wasnt testing it.He wasnt even in the room.20是自动触发Spontaneous event.21宇宙魔方自行启动了It just turned itself on?22现在达到什么能级了Where are the energy levels now?23还在攀升塞尔维格不能关掉它我们只好下令撤离Climbing. When Selvig

4、 couldntshut it down, we ordered evac.24全员撤离还需多久How long to get everyone out?25半小时内应该能撤完Campus should be clearin the next half-hour.26再快点Do better.27长官 撤离或许是徒劳Sir, evacuation may be futile.28你要我喊大伙儿回去睡觉吗We should tell themto go back to sleep?29如果控制不住宇宙魔方的能量If we cant controlthe Tesseracts energy,30逃

5、多远可能都没用there may not bea minimum safe distance.31你去监督转移I need you to make sure32第二阶段所有原型机the Phase 2 prototypesare shipped out.33长官 现在还要顾及那个吗Sir, is that really a priority right now?34地球还照常转Until such time as the world ends,35我们就照常过we will act as thoughit intends to spin on.36搬走下面全部设备Clear out the t

6、ech below.37将第二阶段所有设备装车运走Every piece of Phase 2on a truck and gone.38遵命 长官Yes, sir.39跟我走With me.40博士 什么情况Talk to me, Doctor.41局长Director.42现在到底掌握了些什么Is there anything we know for certain?43宇宙魔方在淘气The Tesseract is misbehaving.44-你在说笑吗 -这一点也不好笑- Is that supposed to be funny?- No, its not funny at all.

7、45宇宙魔方开始活动 而且不听使唤The Tesseract is not onlyactive, shes behaving.46你试过切断电源了吧I assume you pulled the plug.47她自身就是能量源Shes an energy source.48我们关上电源 她又给打开了We turn off the power,she turns it back on.49要是她达到峰值能级If she reaches peak level.50我们不就在为此做准备吗 博士利用来自宇宙的能量We prepared for this, Doctor.Harnessing ener

8、gy from space.51我们还没那金刚钻But we dont have the harness.52我的测算还差的远呢My calculations are far from complete.53她在释放干扰和辐射And shes throwing offinterference, radiation.54没多大危害 只是低能级的伽马射线Nothing harmful,low levels of gamma radiation.55那也可能有危害That can be harmful.56巴顿探员呢Wheres Agent Barton?57老鹰The Hawk?58当然是窝在巢里

9、Up in his nest, as usual.59巴顿探员 请回答Agent Barton, report.60我给你这个任务I gave you this detail61是让你盯紧这里的情况so you could keepa close eye on things.62远点看得更清楚Well, I see better from a distance.63看到是什么激活了她吗Have you seen anythingthat might set this thing off?64博士 能量又激增了Doctor, its spiking again.65没有人进出No ones co

10、me or gone.66塞尔维格没问题And Selvigs clean.67没有与人接触或传递信息No contacts, no IMs.68如果有谁在搞鬼也不是我们这边的人 长官If there was any tampering,sir, it wasnt at this end.69什么意思At this end?70魔方不是通向宇宙另一端的门吗Yeah, the Cube is a doorway tothe other end of space, right?71门从两边都能开Doors open from both sides.72别急啊Not yet.73先生 请放下你的矛S

11、ir, please put down the spear.74你还有点灵气You have heart.75别拿走Please dont.76我还要用呢I still need that.77没必要把事情闹得更大了This doesnt have to get any messier.78当然有必要Of course it does.79我费尽周折 就是为了它Ive come too far for anything else.80我是来自阿斯加德的洛基I am Loki, of Asgard81我肩负光荣使命and I am burdened withglorious purpose.82

12、洛基Loki,83你是托尔他弟brother of Thor.84我们跟你们毫无纠葛We have no quarrel with your people.85蚂蚁也没去招惹靴子An ant has no quarrel with a boot.86你要踩死我们吗Are you planning to step on us?87其实我带来了佳音I come with glad tidings88我要给你们解脱of a world made free.89怎么解脱Free from what?90终结自由Freedom.91自由是人生的一大的骗局Freedom is lifes great li

13、e.92如果你能承认这一点 你的内心Once you accept that, in your heart,93就能获得安宁you will know peace.94你嘴上说安宁Yeah, you say peace,95我倒觉得你想挑起动乱I kind of think you mean the other thing.96头儿 弗瑞局长在拖延时间Sir, Director Fury is stalling.97这里就要爆炸了This place is about to blow98我们会被压在三十多米的石块之下and drop a hundred feet of rock on us.99他想害我们被活埋He means to bury u

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