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1、高中英语人教版必修1教案Unit4Earthquakes教学设计教案 教学准备 1. 教学目标 Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to go over useful new words and expressions.2. Have the students review the grammar:the Attributive Clause introduced by which, that, who, whom and whose.Ability aims:1. Develop the students ability to use the importa

2、nt language points.2. Enable the students to learn to use which, that, who, whom and whose correctly.Emotional aims:1. Encourage the students to listen to English more and form the good habit of listening to the English news on the radio and watch the news on CCTV International so as to learn Englis

3、h well.2. Strengthen the students sense of group cooperation.2. 教学重点/难点 教学重点Get the students to review and consolidate what they have learned in this unit.教学难点Get the students to turn what they have learned into their ability.3. 教学用具 课件4. 标签 Unit 4 Earthquakes 教学过程 Step 1 Revision1. Check the homewo

4、rkexercises.2. Dictate some usefulnew words and expressions in this unit.Step 2 Lead-inTell the students:Up tonow, we have finished Unit 4. Have you learned and grasped all in this unit?Turn to Page 32. You can check yourself by filling in the blanks in the partSumming Up.Step 3 Summing UpFive minut

5、es for thestudents to sum up by themselves. Then check and explain something wherenecessary.Suggested answers:Write down what you havelearned about earthquakes.We have learned basicknowledge about earthquakes, how to protect oneself and help others in anearthquake.From this unit you havealso learned

6、useful verbs:shake,rise, crack, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, rescue, organize, bury,judge, honor, prepareuseful nouns:shake,well, rise, crack, pond, pipe, burst, canal, steam, dirt, ruin, survivor,brick, dam, steel, shock, quake, electricity, disaster, army, coal, mine,shelter, percent, spee

7、ch, judge, honor, Europeother expressions:rightaway, at an end, dig out, a(great)number of, give out, thousands ofnew grammar item:theAttributive Clause introduced by which, that, who, whom and whoseStep 4 Word andexpression exercisesShow the exercises onthe screen or give out exercise papers.1. Com

8、plete thefollowing sentences with the proper forms of the words and expressions givenbelow.shakehonorpercentburstpreparerescueinjuredestroyshockjudgeruininstead ofa(great)number ofat an enddig out 1)He was_for his courage in battle.2)Will you helpme_ for the get-together of the old classmates?3)The

9、fire_all my books.4)Thehouse_ as the heavy truck went past.5)“Sixty_of the pupils are boys” means that of every hundred pupils, sixty are boys.6)They_ outlaughing.7)There were twopeople_ in the car accident.8)We cant_what he really meant by doing so till we know all the circumstances.9)If you are bu

10、sy at thevery time, let me do it_ you.10)The Second World Warwas_ in 1945.11)After the earthquake,all the tall buildings were_.12)She was_at the news of her mothers death.13)They_ aboy from drowning.14)They_the treasures hidden under the earth.15)Thereare_ people there.2. Choose the bestanswers:1)Se

11、eing the buildingwas falling down, the people in it ran out_.A. right nowB. right then C. right awayD. right out2)The rescue teamnoticed a lot of people_ under fallen houses.A. trappedB. trappingC. to trapD. to be trapped3)He likes to makefriends so much that_ he goes he becomes a friend of many peo

12、ple.A. at the placeB. whereC. somewhereD. everywhere4)The factoryproduces_ steel every day, burning_ coal.A. many; manyB. hundreds of tons of;very muchC. much; hundreds oftonsD. hundreds of tons of;a large number of5)The days when peoplecouldnt say what they want to say are_ forever.A. lostB. missin

13、gC. goingD. gone6)While playing footballYang Yong had his leg broken and was taken to hospital_.A. by our carB. by carC. in carD. on bike7)Today we feelproud_ our school.A. of B. withC. for D. in8)The new roadis_ and_ my hometown.A. 35 meters wide; 500meters awayB. wide 35 meters; away500 metersC. 3

14、5 meters wide; 500meters away fromD. wide 35 meters; 500meters away from9)He spent themoney_ by his parents buying a large house.A. leaving B. left C.remaining D. remained10)The man_the box down and_ down for a rest.A. lay; lay B.lied; laidC. lay; laid D.laid; layFirst get the studentsto do the exer

15、cises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give themexplanations where necessary.Suggested answers:1. 1)honored 2)prepare3)destroyed4)shook5)percent6)burst 7)injured8)judge9)instead of10)at an end11)destroyed/in ruins/ruined12)shocked13)rescued14)dug out15)a(great)number of2. 1)C2)A3)D4)B5)D

16、6)B7)A8)C9)B10)DStep 5 GrammarexercisesShow the exercises onthe screen or give out exercise papers.1. Fill in the blanks,using which, that, who, whom and whose.1)Theforce_ causes everything to fall towards the ground is calledgravity.2)A friend_helps you in time of need is a friend indeed.3)Do you k

17、now thegirl_ parents are teachers in our school?4)Thewoman_ I spoke to just now is my English teacher.5)He saw ahouse_ windows were all broken.6)Everything_can be done today mustnt be done tomorrow.7)Can you think ofanyone_ could look after him?8)This is the besthotel_ I know.9)The man_I saw told me

18、 to come back today.10)Those_want to go to the Great Wall write down your names here.11)He talked a lot aboutthe teachers and the schools_ he had visited.12)The ninthlesson_ we are learning is the most difficult in Book One.13)MountBlanc,_ they visited last month, is the highest mountain inEurope.14

19、)We know all theteachers_ work in our school.15)The housein_ Lu Xun once lived is a museum now.16)Thehouse_ Lu Xun once lived in is a museum now.17)You can take anyroom_ you like.18)He showed amachine_ parts are too small to be seen.2. Translate thefollowing sentences, using attributive clauses.1)抢劫

20、她的人已经被逮捕了。2)我见到的那个姑娘叫我今天回来。3)这是我所知道的最好的旅馆。4)这些是你订购的书。5)我不认识那个名字叫王洪的人。First get the studentsto do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanationswhere necessary.Suggested answers:1. 1)which/that2)who/that3)whose4)(whom/that/who)5)whose6)that7)that8)who/that9)(that/wh

21、om/who)10)who11)that12)(that)13)which14)that/who15)which16)(which/that)17)(that)18)whose2. 1)The man who/thatrobbed her has been arrested.2)Thegirl(whom/that/who)I saw told me to come back today.3)Thats the besthotel(that)I know.4)These are thebooks(which/that)you ordered.5)I dont know the manwhose

22、name is Wang Hong.Step 6 ProjectTell the students:By nowyou know that earthquakes are terrible natural disasters and that China isunlucky enough to have a lot of them. However, people can find hope for abright future even after a bad earthquake. The city of Tangshan gave us anexample.1. Discussion:W

23、ork ingroups of four. Discuss what things you have learned about earthquakes.(We have learned basicknowledge about earthquakes, how to protect oneself and help others in anearthquake. )2. Imagination:Imagineyour group live in a city that has been hit by an earthquake. Your group isgiven the job to b

24、uild a new city.3. Planning:What willneed to be done? What things must be done first and what things can be donelater? Discuss and make a list.(Students discuss ingroups while the teacher gets around the classroom and helps them to deal withany problems they may have. )Suggested answer key forthe pr

25、oject:(This is one of many possible orders. )1)How to plan for futuredisasters.2)How to make newbuildings safer.3)How to teach childrenabout earthquake safety.4)How to rescue thosestill trapped in the ruins.5)How to take care ofthe survivors.6)How to organizeshelters for survivors.7)Where to putinfo

26、rmation for survivors and their families.8)What to do with theruins.9)What to do with the buildingsthat survived the quake.10)How to repairbuildings that survived the quake.11)Where to get money tobuild again.12)Where to find peopleto help rebuild.13)How to honor thosekilled in the quake.14)How to h

27、onor therescue workers.4. Choose one thing fromyour groups list to discuss with other groups. Write down your ideas.(After the studentsdiscussed several minutes, the teacher checks their answers with the wholeclass. )Step 7 Learning tipEncourage students tolisten to English more. Tell them:In order

28、to learn a language well, you shoulddo a lot of practice, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. Onlywhen we understand what is said to us can we have a conversation with somebody.So listening to English is very important. In your spare time, you shouldlisten to the English news on the

29、radio or watch the news on CCTVInternational. You will not only get a lot of information about what ishappening around the world, but also improve your listening and learn moreEnglish words and expressions. At the same time, you will improve theirpronunciation and intonation.Step 8 Assessment1. Checking yourself(onPage 68 in the Workbook)First get the studentsto think about these questions individually. Then they can discuss in groupssharing their experience. The teacher can join in and give them advice andsuggestions where necessary.2. Testing assessmentShow the

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