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大学体验英语扩展教程3练习翻译 1.docx

1、大学体验英语扩展教程3练习翻译 1Unit31Dont worry !This is a simple enough question and have plenty of reasons to help you to refuse him .不用当心,这是个简单不过的问题,我有足够的理由帮你拒绝他。2.These are so marry different opinions that it is necessary for us to take a look at what our textbook says about it.不同意见如此之多,我们有必要去看一下。3.Having no

2、money to take a bus , he had to make his way to the market on foot .因为没钱坐公交车,他不得不步行到市场上去。4.Voters claim that it is necessary that the president should have a thought about the will of people while making decisions.选民宣称总统在作出决定是必须考虑民众的意愿。5.Under the old marriage system , she became his wife before she

3、 had a chance to get to know him.在旧的婚姻制度下,她还没有机会了解他就成了他的老婆。6.I will not advise you to read that book,because,in the first place ,it is much too difficult and,in the second place,it is rather dull .我建议你们不去读那本书。因为首先他太难了,其次它有点枯燥。7.We are faced with an exceptionally difficult situation. 我们正面临格外艰难的局面。8.

4、Scientific discoveries should be applied to industrial production as soon as possible.科学的发明应当及时应用到工业生产上去。9The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.那辆汽车及时停下来,避免了一场车祸。10. It doesnt make sense to dig the natural resources up, use them once,and then throw them into the environment as p

5、ollutants.把自然资源挖掘出来,用一次,然后把他们作为污染物有扔回环境中,这样做一点意义都没有。Unit21.Winning this large amount of money in the lottery allowed her to live out a lot of the things she had only dreamed of doing before. 买彩票赢得这一大笔钱使的她能够实现许多她过去只有做梦是才敢想的事情。2.We have succeeded in speeding up our production in the last few months ow

6、ing to the introduction of the new technology.由于引起了新的技术,在最近几个月中,我们成功的提高了生产速度。3.You should be able to put your rich experience in electronics to effective use in your new job.你应该能够把你在电子学方面的丰富经验好好地运用到你的新工作当中去。4.I did mention the address but Im not sure if it registered with him , since he looked a lit

7、tle bit absent-minded at the time .我确实提到了地址,但因为他当时看上去有点心不在焉,所以我不敢肯定他是否记住了。5.Im sorry .I didnt mean to make you feel so embarrassed . I promise Ill never bring up that matter again.很抱歉,我不是有意令你如此尴尬的。我保证以后再也不提这件事了。6. “Will I ever be as good a singer as Mariah Carey?” “Perhaps,but you still have a long

8、way to go before that day comes.”“我会成为像玛利亚凯利那样好的歌手吗?”7. If I read the situation correctly, we should have reached an agreement on the contract by the end of the week .要是我对形势的理解是对的话,那么到本周末,我们就应该能就合同达成协议了。8. This community had given much help to him ,so he felt he should contribute something to it . 这

9、个社区曾给过他不少帮助,所以他觉得他应该为这个社区出些力。9. I blew out the candles on my birthday cake and wished that my granny would recover from her illness and live to 100.我吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,并祝愿奶奶回复健康,活到一百岁。10. I need some time to think it out.I just dont want to make any rash decisions and get myself into a mess.我需要点时间仔细考虑一下。 我

10、只是不想仓促决定,结果把事情弄得一团糟。Unit31.The Chinese home appliance market was once flooded by imported goods.中国的家电市场一度被洋货充斥。2.Nowadays ,home-made brands have dominated most of the domestic market by their impressive quality and favorable price .现在,国产品牌以优良的质量和优惠的价格占领了大部分国内市场。3Our company offers three colors in fi

11、ve different models for you to choose from .我公司提供五种型号各三种颜色供你选择。4. Whether the company would launch a new campaign for market promotion remains unknown. 公司是否会发起一次新的市场促销活动尚未知晓。5.Our target for this year has been achieved through the joint effort of all our employees.在全体员工的共同努力下,我们今年的目标已经实现。6. The Quee

12、n always consults her advisers before making a speech to the Parliament .女王总是和她的顾问们磋商研究后才向国会发表演说。7. Some parents risk everything to send their kids to Western countries for education .However this doesnt work on every individual kid.一些父母不惜一切代价送孩子去西方接受教育,但并非每个孩子都适合这么做。8. Ha had a difficult time devel

13、oping his business these years.No matter how hard he tried,he always failed.这些年他的业务扩展很不顺利,不管他多努力,总是失败。9. Thanks to the new technology,substitutes for rubber can be made from petroleum.由于有了新技术 ,可从石油中提炼橡胶的替代品。10. Delicate plants,must be protected from cold wind and frost .娇弱的植物必须加以保护免受风霜的侵害。Unit41.It

14、was noisy in the restaurant to the point where we couldnt hear each other clearly at all.餐馆里吵闹得我们根本听不清楚彼此说话的声音。2.It is easy to see that something must be going wrong with their experiment.他们的试验一定有什么地方不对劲,这是显而易见的。3.According to the investigation by the police ,the gun went off by accident.据警方调查,枪是意外走

15、火的。4.Nobody could promise that similar hideous things wouldnt happen again.谁也不能保证类似的可恶事情不会在发生。5.There is no reason for us to deny the bright side of the economic reform.我们没有理由否认经济改革光明的一面。6. I am blessed with an opportunity of furthering my education abroad.我有幸得到了一个去海外学习深造的机会。7. Many Elderly people a

16、nd young children succumbed to colds and the flu that winter .老人和孩子在那年冬天死于感冒与流感。8His heroic deeds deserve admiration from all the people.他的英雄行为值得所有人的尊崇。9. We feel so thankful for your sparing no time and energy to help us.我们十分感激您不余遗力的帮助。10. The authorities concerned are withholding all details about

17、 the accident and its cause .有关部门拒绝透漏有关事故及其起因的细节。Unit51.People often say that women are discriminated against.But in our company,it is just the other way round.人们经常说女性受到歧视,在我们公司情况恰恰相反。2You should avoid making the same mistake no difference to the result of the game.你应该尽量避免再犯同样的错误。3. Whether he parti

18、cipates or not will make no difference to the result of the game. 他参赛与否对比赛结果都不会有什么影响了。4. I simply couldnt work up the never to put forward the request to him.我就是没有勇气向他提出这个要求。5.He embarked on his political career when he was only a 20-year-old student studying overseas.他20岁在海外留学时就开始了 他的政治生涯。6. In ord

19、er to survive ,you have to live life with a purpose.为了生存,你必须有明确的生活目标。7. Incomes continue to climb with drives him forward throughout his life.学位证书越多,收入就会攀升。8. His hunger for knowledge is what drives him forward throughout his life.对知识的渴求是他的生活动力。9. Returning to school brings new dimensions to his lif

20、e.重返学校学习给他的生活增添了新的内容。10. There was just no way for him to explain away what he had done.他丝毫没有办法解释清楚自己的行为。Unit61.Sophia fell in love with the young cowboy the first time she saw him .索菲亚第一次看到那个年轻的牛仔就爱上了他。2I enjoy the opportunity to experience different cultures and to meet many new and interesting fr

21、iends .我很喜欢有机会体验不同的文化并且结识许多有趣的朋友。3It is rule observed by modern society that aged should retire at a certain age to make room for the young .老人到一定年龄就退休以给年轻人腾出位置,是当今社会遵循的规则。4.We ventured out into the African jungle with nothing more than a pack on our backs.我们背着一只包就到非洲丛林中去探险了。5.You cant take his word

22、 literally; there must be some implied meaning behind it.你可不能按照字面意思理解他的话,他肯定话中有话。6. He ran several red lights and was in an accident due to his driving after drinking .由于酒后驾车,他连闯几个红灯,吃了车祸。7. He vowed to himself that some day he would realize his dream of becoming a famous scientist.他对自己发誓,总有一天他要实现成为

23、知名科学家的梦想。8. He decided to buy the apartment ,despite the high cost of residing in such an elegant area.他决定买这所公寓,尽管居住在这样一个高级住宅区费用很高。9. As soon as I arrived in Shanghai, one of the biggest commercial and financial centers in China, I was captivated by its glamour.我已到达上海中国最大的商贸金融中心之一,就被这座城市的魅力所吸引。10. O

24、n arriving in Tibet, you should spend time talking with the local people ,tasting the special food ,visiting the Buddhist temples to get a feel of its culture.初到西藏,应花时间去与当地人交谈,品尝特色食物,参观佛教寺庙,以感受器灿烂的文化。Unit71.I struggle so hard that he had to let go of my arm.我拼命地挣扎,于是他是好放开了我的胳膊。2.This selfish idea do

25、esnt fit into the theme of our times .这种自私自利的思想与我们时代的主旋律格格不入。3.The child is so small that he has trouble holding the big rubber ball while walking .XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我孩子太小,很难一边走,一边抱着那只大皮球。4.A lot of firefighters and firefighting equipment were sent into the burning forest area. Soon the fire was brou

26、ght under control.大批消防人员和设备调入了着火的林区,火情很快得到了控制。5.We grieve for the loss of such a talented young scientist at such an early age.我们为失去这样的年轻有为的科学家而感到悲哀。6.I would prefer that you not believe what they say.我希望你不要相信他们的话。7. Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.无论在什么情况下中国都不首

27、先使用核武器。8. It is wise for parent not to interfere too much with what their children do.家长们不对孩子们 的行为多加干涉是明智的。9. The economic crisis speeded up the collapse of this government.这场经济危机加快了该届政府的垮台。10. The Gulf War refers to the war between Iraq and the allies headed by the United States in early 1990s.海湾战争

28、指的是20世纪90年代初伊拉克与以美国为首的盟国之间的战争。Unit81.The reason why I would not like to from any kind relationship with them is that I perceive them as dishonest. 我不想跟他们建立任何形式 的联系,其原因是我感到他们不诚实。2.In order to distinguish himself from everybody else in his class , Stephen is anxious to achieve brilliance.为了使自己在班上出类拔萃,

29、史蒂芬渴望能表现出众。3.The sales manager and the production director accused each other at the meeting this morning and exchanged sharp words.在今天的会上,销售经理和生产主任相互指责,并恶语相加。4.You are fully justified in providing all the materials related to the case, for only in this way can you avoid further losses.你完全有理由提供一切与这个

30、案件有关的材料,只有这样你才能避免进一步的损失。5.The young couple have woven what they saw and heard in the countryside into a moving story.这对年轻夫妇吧他们在乡村的所见所闻编织成了一个动人的故事。6. In the bright sunlight ,the snow-covered summit stood out against the blue sky.在明媚的阳光里,白雪皑皑的山峰在蓝天的衬托下十分夺目。7. The prime minister held that cultural exch

31、anges make for the mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries.首相认为文化交流有助于两国人民的相互了解。8. The authors love for nature found full expression in the essay.这篇文章充分展示了作者热爱大自然的挚情。9. All the members on the board pledged themselves not to leak the information.懂事会所有成员都保证未经允许不得披露这个消息。10. The ideal we hold is that our earth will be free of conflicts both locally and globally.我们的理想是地球上不再有任何区域性或全球性冲突。

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