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1、学案M9U1全Module9 Unit1 Other countries, other cultures Period Word study 上课时间 Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Explanations to some useful words and expressions1. countless adj. _ v. count 点,数 count three _计算,把算在内(include)认为,信为 count it an honor to do. _有价值,认为重要 Every second counts._Count on _- count in _2.

2、rank n. 等级,(尤指)军阶,军衔 first/ top rank _ (高)社会阶层(级别) people of all ranks _ 行,列 Vt. 把分等,给评级 rank sb. as _ 比 级别高A colonel ranks a captain. _ vi. 列为rank next to _rank second _3. historic 历史上有名的,有历史意义的 历史名城_ a historic spot_historical 历史上的 a historical event _ 与历史有关的 史学研究_4. seek ones fortune _ seek _, _努

3、力做_fortune u. 运气 c. 财富,财产发财 _ build up a fortune _碰运气_tell sbs fortune _5. settlement n. _ settler n. _ settle v. 安排,整理; 安放,安顿;使定居;使平静;解决,结束(争端)settle down to ones work _ settle down to dinner _ settle down to write an article _6. little more than _= no more than回忆: more than not more than less than

4、 no less than not less than rather than other than 7. absolute adj. 绝对的,不受限制的 无限权力_ 独立的,确实的 an absolute fact _ 彻底的,完全的 a absolute lie _Absolutely adv. 绝对地,完全地,当然Can we leave a little early? - _.8. content adj. 满意的,满足的比较级,最高级_ _对满意_ 情愿做_ n. 内容,目录(常用contents) 容纳的东西/ 容量,含量 v. 使满意,满足We should never _ _

5、_ book knowledge only. 切不可满足仅仅有书本知识9. owe vt. 欠owe sb sth =owe sth to sb 欠某人某物应该把归功于I owe the landlord one hundred dollars.=I owe one hundred dollars to the landlord.我欠房东(landlord)100美元.She owes her success to good luck. 她把她的成功归功于运气好.I owe _ my parents.A. that I have B. what I have C. that I have to

6、 D. what I have to Owing to=_ =_=_因为,由于10. equip vt. (equipped; equipping)装备,配备,装束,使作好准备,使具备equipment(n) equipforbe equipped for _equipwithbe equipped with_The traveler was well equippedThe seamen equipped a ship_ voyage.The soldiers were equipped _the latest weapons._(许多先进的设备)has been introduced to

7、 teaching method.11. thrill n. 兴奋,激动,紧张感 thriller _ v. 使激动,使毛骨悚然 颤动 The film _ _ _. 使观众很激动。12. originally origin _the origin of civilization _争吵的起因_the origin of life on earth _ by origin_original adj. 原始的,最初的;新颖的,非抄袭的;原创的,原作品的an original edition _ an original idea_ the original picture_original n.

8、the original 原作,原文 originality n. 独创性,新颖13. considering prep./conj. 考虑到,就而言The boy did well _ _ _.考虑到具体情况The boy did well _ _ _ _studied so little. 就他学得很少而言consider doing _ / to do _/ as _considerable_ considerate_ consideration 将考虑进去_ Period welcome to the unit 上课时间 Aims and requirements: read a tr

9、avel brochure about Canada and a magazine article about an aspect of Australian culture listen to a conversation about travel plans talk about issues related to travel and phone up a travel agent plan and write a travel itinerary make a flip chart about an aspect of Chinese cultureProcedures:Step 1

10、Brainstorming At the beginning of this period, lets enjoy some pictures first. When you catch sight of them, which country comes into your mind first?Step 2 Sharing informationWork in groups of four and discuss the four pictures on page1 Step3: Discussion:1. What is culture? What about the relations

11、hip between culture and language? 2. What role do you think culture teaching play in language teaching?Step4: Homework:1. Do the homewort in Workbook2. Prepare the Reading part.Period M9Unit1 Reading(1) 上课时间 【预习与检测】 一、 预习指导:阅读文章Canadaland of the maple tree, 了解加拿大及其特征。如其地理位置,人口,语言,历史,主要城市及其各自主要特征。 二、

12、 预习检测: 1. Answer the questions of the text on P2, Part A 2. Read the text quickly to know the structure of the text and try to fill in the form. The summary of the textMain idea of the passagePart 1Paragraph 1Part 2Paragraph 2Part 3Paragraph 3Part 4Paragraph 4-7Part 5Paragraph 8Part 6Paragraph 9Part

13、 7Paragraph 10Part 8Paragraph 11【课堂互动探究】1. Go through the reading strategy and do detailed reading to sort out useful information.Category(类别)DescriptionPopulationLocationSizeGeographyLandscapeHistorySymbol2. Complete the following form about the main features about four major cities.MajorcitiesToro

14、ntoMontrealVancouverEdmontonOther interest【课后巩固练习】1. Finish off the exercises on P4-5 (students book)2. Period M9Unit1 Reading(2) 上课时间 【预习检测】 1. Read the text again and try to underline some useful phrases and structures 2. 预习检测:翻译下列短语并在课文中划下来 second only to_ be abundant in _ (3) as well as _ (4) fo

15、r short _ (5) be lost to_ (6) in addition to _ (7) go perfectly with_【课堂互动探究与练习】Period Reading &Project (Language point)1. Second to意为“仅次于”second to none 不次于任何人/物next to 贴近,仅次于;几乎superior to 比-强;优于-junior/senior to _close to 靠近,接近;几乎,差点儿. Our city has an area of 20,000 square kilometers, second only

16、 to the largest city(仅次于我省最大的城市)in our province.He is such a good player that he is_. (无人能比.)_ music, he loves tennis best. (除了音乐,他最喜欢网球。).This employee _the former in ability. (这个雇员比上个强。)He _ me by two years. (他比我小两岁。)He is _ in the car accident.(他差点儿丧生于车祸中)border n. 边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境 v. 与.接壤, 接近Ch

17、ina _Russia and many other countries. Jordan holds a key position, _both Israel and Iraq.You cannot cross the_ line without a passport. abundant: adj.丰富的, 充裕的, 丰富, 盛产, 富于 be abundant in This lake _fish. We have _ time to go there. This autumn, farmers had a abundant harvest._4 majority用法 in the majo

18、rity 占多数, 拥有多数by a bare majority 以勉强的多数票(当选或通过)carry gain the majority赢得多数票the majority 多数人,大部分人(多与the连用)注:当the majority 强调整体时,使用单数动词,若强调的是团体中的每一个分子,则动词用复数)He won_: the vote was seven to five.他以两票多数获胜:票数是七比五。_that smoking is harmful to health.(大多数医生认为)5 .be lost in 1) 消失在中 2) 陷入(沉思等);被所吸引 3) 在中迷路,迷失

19、在be lost to 失去,没有eg. The ship was _the hurricane.(消失在风暴中) eg.The opportunity _him.(他没有机会了) 1 _ to the British, Quebec was originally colonized by France.A Being lost B To lose C Lost D Losing 2 _ himself in thought, he didnt notice what happened around him. A Being lost B Lost C Losing D Having lost

20、 3._ in thought, he didnt notice what happened around him.A Being lost B Lost C Losing D Having lost6. Because of this, Montreal has a wonderful mix of Old World(P2 L27)因为这一点,蒙特利尔是旧世界(欧洲)和新世界(北美)的完美组合。 because of = owing to = on account of =due to =as a result of 由于的原因,因为 1)He was unable to go to wo

21、rk owingto the fall from his horse. 2)_ my work and so on, I dont get up much to the club. 3)He was not allowed to take the senior course _ his youth.7. In addition to除之外(还有)=besides In addition 另外,此外(还)apart from (1)=besides (2)=except forOther than =but, except eg.Mr. Smith has a flat in London_ a

22、 villa in France.Mr. Zhou is popular with his students because he really cares for his students _ his years of experience as a teacher. _ , there was a crop failure in many provinces. _ that , all goes well. There is nobody here _ me.8.It is like an underground city, covering an area of more than 20

23、 acres.(P3 L40) 埃德蒙顿购物中心象一个地下城市,占地面积相当于20亩。cover 覆盖,铺(反:expose)掩盖,掩饰,藏匿占据(时间,空间)包括,涉及走过(路程)看过页书够付(开支等), 弥补(损失)对.进行新闻采访,报道 ( n.) 盖子,封面 - How about the book you are reading ? - Good indeed. It _ many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers9 consist v. Consist of

24、由.组成, 包括Consist with( 与.)一致Consist in 存在于The beauty of the picture_its balance of colors.这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。A university_teachers, administrators and students.大学由教师,行政人员和学生组成。The information _his account.消息与他的叙述相符合。10.shape n. 形状, 形态, 外形, 模样 v. 定形,使.成形,塑造Athletes must stay in shape. 运动员一定要保持身体健康。The scul

25、ptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。The dress was shaped to her figure. 这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping ones character.童年经历在形成人的性格方面起重要作用。相关短语in no shape (or form) 决不, 完全不, 一点也不in shape

26、 在形状上, 在外型上in the shape of 以.的形状形式, 作为get put sth. into shape 使成一定形状be in bad shape 情况还处于混乱状态; 健康情况不佳give shape to 使成形; 表达, 使.具体条理化keep . in shape 使.保持原形in good shape 完整无损, 处于良好状态, 健康情况良好Step 3 Important sentences:1. With all of these attractions, you can see why, in 1996, the UN named Canada the best country in the world to live in! (P3) 了解了加拿大的这些引人之处,你就能明白为何联合国于1996年将加拿大命名为世界上最适宜居住的国家了!with复合结构: 它的构成是:“with 宾语 宾语补足语”。宾语由代词、名词、名词词组充当,宾补由分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词等充当。在with复合结构中,宾语和宾补之间形成逻辑上的主谓关系。当这种主谓

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