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1、课堂笔记1课堂笔记552818444一、一种运用目的(一)长的变短输入类:长句拆分为短句子,局部给分。输出类:写作。短的变长One man is rather depressed/upset/down, while the other man looks pretty delighted.(1) 低级词汇换高级词汇(2) 简单句复合句(3) 用独立主格结构二、两种表达方式(一)时态1.时态的嬗变是考点暗示事情变化,有新的观点、现象出现。重要考点词:used to(1) used to在阅读文中出现,尤其是在首段,往往暗示从第二段开始文章的走向会发生变化全文主旨改变。Review 因主体或客体变

2、化而意义迁移学生+review:复习Professor+review:评审、审查Journalist+review:评论Make a realityaccess to sth:进入/获得(2) 答案中间出现used to往往都是干扰项;若要成为正确答案,必须原文出现时态和事件对应变化的两部分情节。The town is not really short of moneyThe townfolks used to be poor2.完成时引起的考点完成时引导虚拟语气,是高频考点、难点。(1)对现在的虚拟从句:bewere, dodid主句:will/can/maywould/could/migh

3、tIf I were a bird, I could never fly high.Were I a bird, I couldI could never fly high were I a bird.(2)对过去的虚拟从句:were/washad beenDidhad done主句:would/could/shouldwould/could/should+have done/beenIf he had come, I would have seen(说的反话)Had he come, I would haveI would have seen XM had he come毛的5.For ex

4、ample, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell /how able an underprivileged youngster might have been (原型化:how nice you are/had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.=if he had grown(3)对将来的虚拟,阅读中往往用来提出一个即将讨论的事实(如果你去注意,你就会发现这个事实),便于我们抓全文主题从句:if it rains, I wi

5、ll stay at homeDo/doeswere to do, should doIf it were to rain, I would stay主句:will/can/maywould/could/might3.非谓语(1)分词结构现在分词:doing sth,主动、进行,往往作定语或状语。A girl (who is)wearing a red skirt is my student.This girl is my student, wearing a smile on her face.过去分词: done,被动、完成being done: 正在被做(2)动名词结构Doing sth

6、作主、宾、表、同介宾:介词+doing(隐性关系补充完整)小综合:独立主格结构doing 形式:当两句话主语不同时,则采用独立主格结构She goes shopping, and I pay the bill.She goes shopping, I paying the bill.主谓宾,形式主语+分词结构翻译题中,独立主格性的分词结构一般要还原为一句话来表达。But, for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills, all oth

7、er factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not.Since+时间/表示时间的句子(过去时),主句是完成时自从=ever sinceI have not seen you since we parted.Since+一般性的句子,由于、既然。make difference=be important=matter=workwith 引导的独立主格结构She goes shopping, with me paying the bill.主谓宾,with+逻辑主语+分词结构One man is rat

8、her depressed, with the other man looking Two men are seated on a boat, and they are eating and throwing rubbish into the lake.A hotpot is placed in this drawing/cartoon, and with many cultures being boiled in itis placed stands/sits/lies(3)不定式不定式在翻译中,若很短(3-4个单词),不作为采分点;若很长(5个单词以上),作为独立采分点 acc

9、omplish this time-consuming and energy-killing task.(二)语态1.在作文首句描写整体图片意义时,通常主动表被动。2.在作文的末段提出建议时,主动换被动In a word, I suggest that.In a word, it is suggested that our government (should) take measures to 三、三种从句(一)定语从句When当跟在表示时间概念的先行词后,则引导定语从句,翻译为“的时候”,“在那个时候”I cant never forget -the day( when we were t

10、ogether.) -the story when you told me last time.(状语从句)。1多对一聚合结构n+定语(定从1)+定从2+定从3,若多个定从都修饰先行词;或称为1拖2,1拖3方法:当定从很长时,需要拆分。(1) 短的定从前置到先行词前;(2) 剩下的长的定从,断句,独立表达成为一句话,关系词要还原为先行词。.stepladders carry labels several inches long /标签上面警告着that warn, among other things, that you might - surprise! - fall off.(3)但是,当

11、遇到定语从句群中出现双重否定时,原则上不得拆分,必须联合翻译。 一般负负为正,翻译为“凡是都”(4)以分词结构表现出来的省略性的定语从句,翻译时,视为定语翻译,若短,则前置;若长,则后置独立翻译。Turn to sb for sth:向xx寻求(Which are )facing many people today是很困难的问题,这些问题都是我们所面对的A face BSb face sth:sb面对sthSth face sb:sb面对sth2.先后嵌套性定从N+定语(定从1)+定从2+定从3后面一个定从修饰前面最近的一个名词Behaviorists suggest that the chi

12、ld who grows up in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacitywill experience greater intellectual development.Capacity能力,容量处理方法:(1) 识别先后嵌套的从句群,两个关系比较紧密的从句进行整合,尽量满足整合后能够前置;(2) 前置后的从句-主语+谓语部分(即此步完成主干翻译)(3) 剩余的定语从句后置,通常转换为状语从句,独立翻译(转译法),而/因为这些刺激发展了3.带插入分隔性质的内置定语从句I (who want

13、 to marry you) love you.若看见在主和谓出现较长的定语从句,我们可以先跳过不看,连接主谓,整体理解。Identity:身份,身份的认同(文化)IdentifyIdentifiableIdentify withThe coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers/ who are already questioning the heavy pe

14、rsonal sacrifices (which are)involved in climbing Japans rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.已经限制了年轻人的机会,这些年轻人已经置疑了为了攀爬严厉的社会阶梯从而获得所作出的牺牲。A involve B: A 含有BMy suggestions involve some.My suggestions involving(=about) human health are very good.A is involved in B: 涉及到、牵连到.Creating a “European

15、 identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.创造需要策略,而这种认同尊重不同的文化传统,而这些文化传统构成了During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work

16、 and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realities.所改变,这些家庭曾经能够依靠确保经济安全。Count onRely on Center onRest onConcentrate onDepend onFocus on4.用as引导的特殊定语从句提分(1)两个搭档词,行文中间爱分隔such_ work very wellWhichasRequirement:要求、需要Inquire:咨询、调查 y intoEnquire:Acquire

17、:获得 d ability习得性能力, an acquired company:收购 Acquisition(2)两个开头句,写作中间经常用首段首句开头:As is vividly depicted/portrayed in the drawing, a hotpot stands.尾段首句用于总结上文:As has been discussed above, it is suggested that.阅读中的as +be +adj of sth句型。对于sth来说很adjAssumption:信念underlies all :隐藏作为基础Aimlessness has hardly been

18、 typical of .对于来说,其典型特点是(二)名词性从句1.同位语从句重要人物、机构名词要求翻译,不得出现中文错误。Freud: 弗洛伊德,心理学Darwin:达尔文Adam Smith:亚当 史密斯Greenspan: 格林斯潘Aristotle: 亚里士多德Socrates:苏格拉底Plato:柏拉图I like this method that works.UnconsciousSubconscious:潜意识Preconscious:前意识REM:Rapid Eye Movement-dreaming(1)一般性同从(2)有的时候,同位语可以放在介宾结构中,其是Be capab

19、le of doing sth代替be able to do sth(3)两个并列性同从One argument (which is)used to support the idea (that employment will continue to be the dominant form of work, and that employment will eventually become available for all who want it,) is that working time will continue to fall.一种用于支持的论调是工作时间下降,其中一种论调是,另

20、外一种是.(4)前后两个对照性同从苹果往地上掉而不往天上飞的这个事实,问题,即关于of A,B and C当ABC为同级概念时,则of管三者。the taste of apples, pears and bananas.当A为BC的上义概念时,(上义词:更加宏观、具有概括性的词),那么,BC为of A的例子,理解为“像,例如”. BC为ofA的同位语The taste of fruits, apples and pears.即关于太空更大的成果,像The sun, the moon and the planetThe sun, the moon and the earthTransform:变

21、形Transfer:迁移、转移Transmit:发射形义记忆:(1) 看整体形状,局部组合,不拼,不读,迅速推进。(2) 1.5h完成目标量,停止(3) 复习2-3;(4) 第二天复习(5) 周末小复习(6) 月末大复习counterpart拼读记忆:Leverage小专题:同从和定语从句对立统一关系(1) 当同位语和定语从句都较短时,可以都前置翻译,即中文层面体现不出是同是定。The comment that we make on Xusong about his music becomes popular now.The comment that Xusongs music resembl

22、es Jays becomes popular now.(2)当二者较长时,统一右行(往句末放),单独翻译,但要注意连接。定从:Attend to照料热烈欢迎代表出席华府论坛,他们是的专家。后置的定语从句翻译:主干+,+代词(有歧义时用“这些+先行词”)Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.一致性情感一致性,and ?. ?= ,but ?. ?=

23、Put a tighter hold on their purse.realisticeffect:n影响,v实现my plan effected.产生一种影响;其大致是说翻译中的指示代词一律不得照翻,it, they, he, those, such,必须还原为具体指代物。后置同位语从句的翻译:主干:+同从 ,即同从小结同从的常用词:听到的:rumor, news,greement看到的:fact, sign, message想到的:proposition(前设),notion, awarenessSwine2.主语从句三种引导词That+句子:陈述结构Whether+句子:一般疑问语序Wh

24、ether you will come is not decided.W-h-+句子:特殊疑问语序what you will eat is not decided.(1)从句前置Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.At the cost of以为代价Driving force=im

25、petus多个主语从句前置时,先翻译出来,注意语序,+“这”+谓语成分validHow well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used, and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.取决于我们解释信息所使用的技能和智慧。(2)主语从句后置,形式主语It is adj+that/whether/

26、how+主语从句It is adj转换为短语,It is important that,重要的是,Mosta majority of当回事Furthermore,it is obvious that the strength of a countrys economy is directly bound up with=closed tied up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technolo

27、gists of all kinds.ManualPen, gunTake sth for granted.想当然认为sthTake it for granted that+从句:The second, by Joshua Greenberg, takes a more empirical approach to universality/ identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many languages /which are considered to represent biases that result f

28、rom cognitive constraintsBut in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force/ through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the w

29、ord.(隐性关系)According to the first paragraph, peer pressure often emerges asA a supplement to the social cureD a cause of undesirable behaviors(三)状语从句1.时间状语从句as:作为 +nas:当,由于,随着(1)not+_和强调句型搞合伙=untilThe newspaper did not becomeuntil 19th century.Not until 19th century did the newspaper become(2)when找替身

30、表示当the minute=the second=the moment+时状从句immediately+从句=as soon as+从句一就(2) long和before搞排序long before+时间/表示时间的句子=long agoWe knew each other long before I knew you.before long=soon=shortly引导一般将来时The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.这种想法早在人们意识到语言有可能多么丰富之前就扎根于欧洲.建议信的结尾用语:I hope this issue will be able to resolved before long.2.条件状语(1)only 和if 搞组合only if:强调版的if=just if=onl

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