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1、MTI真题英汉互译词汇短语MTI真题英汉互译词汇短语MTI真题英汉互译词汇短语(美)中期选举 (US) Midterm Election“苍蝇”“老虎”一起打 Eliminate both tigers and flies“高大上” Luxury,Large,Level up“光盘”行动 Clear Your Plate Campaign“南海行为准则” Code of Conduct in the South China Sea“一站式”办公 One Stop Civil Affairs Management第二语言习得概论 Understanding Second Language Acq

2、uisition红楼梦 The Story of the Stone儒林外史 The Scholars尚书 Book of Documents诗经 The Book of Songs泰晤士报 The Times新闻周刊 NewsweekAA制 Algebraic AverageB超 B-scan Ultrasonography埃博拉病毒 Ebola Virus艾条 Moxibustion艾滋病 AIDS安全检查 Security Check安全生产 Work Safety按揭贷款 Mortgage Loan奥斯卡奖提名影片 Oscar Prize Nominated Film办公室恋情 Off

3、ice Romance保税区 Bonded Area保险单 Insurance Policy保障性住房 Indemnificatory Housing暴力拆迁 Violent Demolition暴走 Go ballistic北美自由贸易协定 North American Free Trade Agreement比较心理学 Comparative Psychology变频器 Variable-frequency Drive标普500指数 S&P 500 Index博览会 Exposition不动产登记 Real Estate Registration不动产统一登记 Real Estate Un

4、iform Registration不记名投票 Secret Ballot不靠谱 Unreliable不可译性 Untranslatability布里斯班 Brisbane财税体系 Fiscal Revenue and Tax Sistribution System裁军会谈 Conference on Disarmament采用国际惯例 Adopting International Practice参赞 Counselor常住人口 Resident Population城市化 Urbanization城市通风廊道 Urban Ventilation Channel城市总体规划 Master U

5、rban Plan城镇化 Urbanization橙色预警 Orange Alert吃空饷 Freeloading持股者 Shareholder出口配额 Export Quotas初恋 First Love畜牧养殖 Animal Husbandry and Breeding船上交货 Free on Board创新驱动发展战略 Innovation Driven Development Strategy创新增长 Innovative Growth春运 The Spring Festival Transport Season存储地址 Memory Address错峰旅行 Staggered Tra

6、vel大部制 Large Department System大同社会 Great Harmony Society单程票 Single Journey Ticket单杠 Horizontal Bar党内民主 Inner-party Democracy登机牌 Boarding Pass敌人的增援部队 Enemy Reinforcement Unit地球村 Global Village地热 Radiant Floor Heating第三产业 Tertiary Industry点赞 Like电子客票 Electronic Ticket叠罗汉 Human Pyramid铤而走险 Risk Danger

7、in Desperation东南亚国家联盟 Association of Southeast Asian Nations动态对等 Dynamic Equivalence端午节 Dragon Boat Festival短消息服务业务 Short Message Service对等贸易 Counter Trade对口支援 Response Support对外贸易区 Response Trade Zones多难兴邦 Challenges Make a Nation Much Stronger多样化经济 Diversity of Economy多语语料库 Multilingual Corpus恶性通货

8、膨胀 Hyperinflation恶性循环 Vicious Cycle儿童福利 Child Welfare耳语传译 Whispering Interpreting二维码 2-dimensional Bar Code发行债券 Bond Issuance发挥想象力 Give the Rein to Imagination法律的实施 Law Implementation法治国家 Rechtsstaat翻译单位 Unit of Translation翻译方向 Direction of Translation翻译体 Translationese凡人皆有得意时 Every dog has his day反

9、“四风”运动 Anti Four Winds Movement反腐倡廉 Anti-corruption房产税征收 House Duty Expropriation房地产开发 Real Estate Development房地产市场 Real Estate Market飞机机组人员 Air Crew分配制度 Distribution System风险投资 Venture Capital风姿翩翩 Graceful bearing封山育林 Closing Hill for Afforestation峰会 Summit否极泰来,盛极而衰 After a storm comes a calm服务业 Te

10、rtiary Industry浮动汇率 Floating Exchange Rate付费网络直播 Paid Webcast附加费 Extra Charge改写 Rewrite刚性需求 Rigid Demand钢板 Steel Sheet港人治港,高度自治 Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy搞技术战争 High-Tech Warfare哥本哈根计划 Copenhagen Plan格林威治标准时间 Greenwich Mean Time个性奖学金 Individuality Scholarship各类市场

11、主体 All kinds of market entities更高、更快、更强 Faster,Higher,Stronger工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration工业综合实力 Comprehensive Industry Strength工艺精湛 Superior Craftsmanship公款吃喝 Banquet at Public Expenses公益文化活动 Nonprofit Cultural Programs关联理论 Relevance Theory关税税率 Customs Duty Rate关系网 Relative Network光盘行动

12、Clear Your Plate Campaign广场舞 Chinese Square Dance广东省广州中山路125弄34号201室 Room 201 , No.34, Lane 125, ZhongShan Road, Guangzhou, GuangDong规模效应 Scale Economy国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund国际经济新秩序 New International Economic Order国际空间站 International Space Station国际援助 International Aid国家安全部 Ministry of

13、State Security国家安全战略 State Security Strategy国家法制统一、尊严、权威 safeguard the unity, dignity and authority of the national legal system国民待遇 National Treatment国民生产总值 Gross National Product国内汇兑 Domestic Exchange国内机场 Domestic Airport国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product国事访问 State Visit国务院(中国) Sate Council国有企业 State-o

14、wned Enterprises国有资产监督管理委员会 State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commision of State Council过境免签 Visa Free过山车 Roller Coaster海上丝绸之路 Maritime Silk Road海淘 Overseas Online Shopping海洋权益 Maritime Rights and Interests喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子 Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk行李寄存处 Left-lugga

15、ge Office航站楼 Terminal Building好基友 Buddy耗油量 Fuel Consumption合同违约 Reneging the Contract和而不同 Harmony in Diversity和谐社会 Harmonious Society和谐宜居的现代化城市 Harmonious and Livable Modern City核电站 Nuclear Power Plant核心竞争力 Core Competencies黑客 Hacker宏观调控 Macro-economic Control宏观调控体系 Macro-economic Control System互联网

16、Internet互联网金融 Internet Finance护照 Passport华氏温度 Fahrenheit化境 Perfection化学需氧量 Chemical Oxygen Demand环境保护 Environmental Protection黄金地段 Golden Mile黄金周 Golden Week黄牛党 Ticket Scalpers黄牛票 Scalped Ticket汇票 Bill of Exchange火车票实名制 Real Name Ticket Booking System货币操纵国 Currency Manipulator机场巴士 Airport Bus机构改革 In

17、stitutional Reform机械制造 Machinery Manufacturing积极的财政政策 Active Fiscal Policy积土成山,风雨兴焉 The accumulation of the soil will become a hill where the rain and storm will be originated基层民主 Democracy At the Grassroots Level基础设施 Infrastructure集成电路 Integrated Circuit集体经济 Collective Economy计划免疫 Planned Immunizat

18、ion计算机辅助翻译 Computer Aided Translation技术转让 Technical Transformation加强宪法实施 Enhancement of Constitution Implementation家庭暴力 Domestic Violence家政服务 Household Management Service甲骨文 Oracle Bone Inscriptions甲午战争 Sino-Japanese War假酒 Adulterated Wine剪彩仪式 Ribbon-cutting Ceremony建筑垃圾 Construction Waste建筑装饰 Archi

19、tectural Decoration健康证明 Health Certificate交际翻译 Communicative Interpreting交替传译 Consecutive Interpreting胶原蛋白 Collagen街道妇女 Women in the Neighborhood节能减排 Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction借用 Take金边(柬埔寨首都) Phnum Penh (Capital of Kingdom of Cambodia)金融创新 Financial Innovation金砖五国 BRICS紧急出口 Emergenc

20、y Exit紧缩政策 Contractionary Policy经济普查 Economic Census经济全球化 Economic Globalization经济适用男 Budget Husband经济一体化 Economic Integration经贸领域 Economic and Trade Field净利润 Net Profit居民区 Residential Area居住证 Residence Permit鞠躬尽瘁 Be loyal and devoted to the last军备竞赛 Arms Race抗药性 Drug Resistance科教兴国战略和人才强国战略 The str

21、ategy of invigorating the country through science, technology and education and the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development可持续发展 Sustainable Development可行性报告 Feasibility Report可行性研究 Feasibility Study可靠度 Reliability可译性 Translatability

22、可再生能源发电装机容量 Renewable Energy Power Generation Installed Capacity空军基地 Air Base空气质量指数 Air Quality Index孔子 Confucius孔子学院 Confucius Institute控方证人 Witness for the Prosecution口碑 Public Praise跨国公司 Transnational Corporation拉住我的胳膊 Drag my arms来样加工 Processing with Given Materials蓝筹股 Blue Chips老龄化人口 The Aging

23、of the Population礼乐文化 Culture of The Ritual and Music礼仪之邦 A state of Ceremonies利基营销 Niche Marketing利率和汇率市场化 Marketization of Interest Rate and Exchange Rate联合国安理会 United Nations Security Council联合国贸发会议 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development廉政建设 Construction of A Clean and Honest Administ

24、ration量化宽松 Quantitative Easing流行歌曲排行榜 Ranking list for popular music流行音乐 Popular Music柳色青青 Green Willow落地签证 Visa upon Arrival旅游农业 Traveling of Agriculture律诗 Regulated Verse绿色国民经济 Green National Economy慢性病 Chronic Disease贸易逆差 Unfavorable Balance of Trade美国联邦调查局 Federal Bureau of Investigation美国梦 Amer

25、ican Dream免费孕前体检 Free Pre-pregnancy Check-up免税的 Duty-Free免税商店 Duty-Free Shop民生问题 Livelihood Issues民主监督 Democratic Supervision民族危机感 Sense of National Crisis目标管理 Management by Objective睦邻友好合作关系 The Good-neighborly Relations and Cooperation拿回扣 Get A Rebate耐用消耗品 Durable Consumables农村扶贫标准 Poverty Allevia

26、tion Standard in Rural Areas农业工程 Agricultural Engineering农业基础设施 Agricultural Infrastructure怒路症 Road Rage泡沫经济 Bubble Economy配音 Dubbing配字幕 Adding Subtitles of Motion Picture贫困线以下 Under the Poverty Line平等互利 Equality and Mutual Benefit平面设计 Graphic Design破产 Bankruptcy普惠制 Generalized System of Preference启

27、蒙运动 The Enlightenment气候变化南南合作基金 Climate change South South Cooperation Fund前瞻性战略产业 Prospective Strategic Industry潜规则 Implicit Rule倾销 Dumping情商 Emotional Quotient全国翻译资格考试 China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters全国人大常委会 Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress全国人民代表 The Nat

28、ional Peoples Congress全面战略伙伴关系 The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership群众路线 Mass Line群众路线教育实践活动 Mass Line Educational Practice让利空间 Interest Concessions Space人才流失 The Outflow of Talent人才外流 The Brain Drain人工智能 Artificial Intelligence人口覆盖率 Coverage Rate of the Population人民的精神文化生活 Peoples Spiritual Cultu

29、re Life人权法案 Bill of Rights人寿保险 Insurance on Life人造革 Artificial Leather融资 Financing儒家思想 Confucian Thought儒释道 Confucianism三公经费 The Three Public Consumptions三级跳远 Triple Jump森林蓄积量 Forest Stock Volume沙尘暴 Sand Duststorm山水画 Chinese Landscape Painting善与恶 Good and Evil商品经济 Commodity Economy上市公司 The Listed Co

30、mpany奢侈品牌 Luxury Brand社会保障制度 Social Security System社会的道德和心理底线 Moral and psychological bottom line of the society社会公平正义 Social fairness and justice社会核心价值体系 Social Core Value System申报个人财产 Declare Individual Assets生态旅游 Ecotourism生态文明 Ecocivilization生物圈 Biosphere声东击西 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west失联 Out of Contact十八届三中全会 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China石油输出国组织 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries实际利用外资 Actual Utilizati

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