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180226 英语学习高级阅读材料 2.docx

1、180226 英语学习高级阅读材料 2哪种情感是你最想逃避的Which Emotion Do You Hide from the Most?哪种情感是你最想逃避的?Worry.担心。As Dushka Zapata says, worry is a useless emotion.正如萨帕塔所说,担心是无用的情绪。It does nothing but stress you out, and I hate that, so I hide from it.它起不了任何作用只能使你感到紧张,我很讨厌担心,所以这是我最想逃避的。Why hasnt Mom texted you back by now

2、?为什么妈妈至今还没回你短信?A million morbid images spill through my brain. What if she collapsed somewhere? What if she needs my help? What if shes been attacked by someone?成千上万张恐怖场景穿过我的脑袋。如果她在某处倒下了怎么办?如果她需要我的帮助怎么办?如果她被某个人袭击了怎么办?Shes fine, I assure myself.她很好,我反复告诉自己。More awful situations fill my head. Then she

3、 texts, Im by the door.接着,更多糟糕的场景出现在我的脑海里。之后她回我短信:“我在门口。”I breathe a sigh of relief.我叹出一口气。Fear.恐惧。Fear of losing the imperative people of my life, who truly matter to me.害怕失去生命中那些对我很重要的人。Ive already lost some of my dear ones in an abrupt manner. I dont have more mettle to bear losing someone again.

4、 Many times, I try to overlook it, but sometimes, my hands become moist if I hear about someones death.我已经由于突然的原因失去了一部分最亲的人。我没有办法再忍受失去其他亲人。很多次我试着去忽略它,但是有时当我听到某个亲人的死讯时我的整双手都湿透了。I dont really hide from my emotions. I acknowledge that I feel them, but I dont like feeling them. I know that emotions affe

5、ct my ability to process information and make a logical decisions, and I dont like this. I severely crush strong emotions that and hope they dont come out again.我从不逃避自己的情绪。我承认我可以感受到我的情绪,但我并不喜欢感受它们。我知道情绪会影响我的处理信息并作出符合逻辑的决定的能力,所以我不喜欢这样。我会强烈地克制自己的情绪,希望它们不会出现。But if I had to choose an emotion, I guess i

6、td have to be anger. Anger makes you do the stupidest things that you dont mean. I try very hard to curb my anger, and I try very hard to hold the furious words in. I try to wait until the feelings pass before talking about what the problem was.但如果要选一个情绪,我认为应该是愤怒吧。愤怒可以使你做出一些你并不想做的蠢事。我努力地抑制自己的愤怒,努力地克

7、制一些激烈的言辞。我努力地等待情绪消退后再去谈论问题所在。=时间再少,也要挤出来读书Reading is not just about learning a certain skill.读书,不光是去学习一门特定的技能。Nor is it just about learning how to create prettier combination of words.也不只是为了学习怎样让文字的组合更优美。Reading is a form of communication which is in a higher rank than mere conversation.读书,其实是一种比对话更

8、高级的交流方式。Many successful people have shared the same kind of wisdom that if you want to become a kind of person you should try your best to spend time with this kind of people.很多成功人士都曾分享这样一个经验:如果你想成为怎样的人,就尽量多和这样的人呆在一起。If you want to become someone with good manner, you should try to make friends with

9、 people who have good manner.如果你想成为一个有涵养的人,就尽力去交一些有涵养的朋友。If you want to become someone learned, you should try to stay in touch with learned people.如果你想成为一个博学的人,就应该去和博学的人交流。If you want to become someone successful, you surely should communicate with those who are actually successful.如果你想成为一个成功人士,那当然

10、应该多和真正成功的人交流。But unfortunately, outstanding people are usually far away from us. If you yourself are not outstanding enough, its almost impossible for you to reach them.但遗憾的是,优秀的人通常都很遥远,如果你自己不够优秀,那你几乎不可能触及他们。And this is what reading is for. A book is the embodiment of a great mind. Through reading y

11、ou can communicate with those great minds. And this kind of communication is beyond time and space.这就是读书的意义了,书是优秀灵魂的凝聚,通过读书,你能和这些伟大灵魂进行跨时空的交流。Reading can bring you out of the cage of your daily life. It shows you new opportunities that youve never seen.读书能让你跳出生活的桎梏,为你打开前所未有的可能。For a lot of people, t

12、his may be the only method to change their lives.对于很多人来说,这可能是他们唯一能改变人生的手段。No matter how busy you are, dont forget to spare some time to do it.不管你多么忙碌,都别忘了挤出时间来做这件事。If you dont find yourself time to read, youll eventually find yourself without any time to live the life that you want to live.如果你不花时间读书

13、,那你最终将没有时间过你自己的生活=请让自己值得拥有爱情If youre really longing for love, dont just wait for it to happen.如果你真的渴望爱情,就不要只是期待遇到谁。Make yourself deserving this love.去让自己变得值得拥有这份爱情吧。Dont just wait for someone to warm your heart every time you feel low.不要只是期待每次你失落的时候有人温暖你。Become someone who can warm others.去变成一个能温暖别人

14、的人吧。If you want something beautiful, the best way to get it is to make yourself deserving it.要得到一样美好的东西,最好的做法是让自己变得值得拥有它。Its all the same whether what you want is wealth or love or fame.不管是财富,还是爱情,亦或是名望,都是如此。No one likes a person who only asks for things.没有人喜欢一个只知道索取的人。And love is not an elixir.而爱情也

15、不是什么万灵药。True love is not illogical.真正的爱情并不是不合逻辑的。Its not irrational.它也不是非理性的。Its the resonance of two mature souls.它是两个成熟灵魂的心心相惜。So dont just wait for love to be handed to you. It doesnt come that way. True love comes from efforts.所以,不要渴求爱情从天而降,它不会的。正正的爱情,是奋斗与经营的结果。And only love like this can go far

16、.这样的爱,才会长久=美国最好的翻译学院给翻译新生的十条建议美国翻译及传译专业No.1 美国蒙特雷国际研究生院的十条新生建议,如何成为一个优秀的译员。对翻译感兴趣宝宝们可以收藏留用哦! 1. Read extensively, especially in your non-native language(s).广泛阅读,尤其是非母语内容。Read high quality newspapers (e.g. the New York Times, Wall Street Journal) EVERY DAY for at least a year.每天阅读高质量报纸(例如:纽约时报、华尔街日报)

17、且至少坚持一年。Read high quality news magazines (e.g. the Economist), cover to cover.逐页阅读高质量新闻杂志(例如:经济学人)Read your favorite topics in your non-native language(s).阅读感兴趣的非母语内容Read other well-written material that will help broaden your general knowledge.阅读能够扩展视野的优秀作品2. Watch the TV news and listen to radio n

18、ews and podcasts on current events in all working languages.观看多语时事新闻、收听多语新闻广播和音频节目。Dont just listen to news stories; analyze them.光听新闻故事是不够的,要学会分析。Keep abreast of current events and issues.跟上当前形势,及时了解信息。Record news programs and interviews so you can listen to them later.录制新闻节目和访谈内容以便重复收听。3. Strength

19、en your general knowledge of economics, history, the law, international politics, and scientific concepts and principles (in that order).依次强化自己在经济、历史、法律、国际政治、科学概念和原理方面的知识。Take college-level courses, review high school texts, etc.学习大学阶段课程,回顾中学课本等。Strengthen your knowledge in a specialized field (pref

20、erably in a technical field, such as computers).强化某个领域的专业知识(最好选择技术领域,如计算机方面)。4. Live in a country where your non-native language is spoken.在非母语国家生活。A stay of at least six months to a year is recommended.建议至少生活半年到一年时间。Live with and/or frequently interact with native speakers of your non-native langua

21、ge.与当地人生活在一起或者经常与当地人交流。Take content-related courses (e.g. macroeconomics, political science) in your non-native language (not just pure language courses).学习用当地语言讲授的课程(例如宏观经济、政治科学),不要只学习语言类课程。Work in a setting that requires high level use of your non-native language.在一家对当地语言能力水平要求很高的单位工作。5. Fine-tune

22、 your writing and research skills.提高写作技能和研究水平。Take challenging composition courses (not just creative writing courses, but classes in journalism, technical writing, etc.) so you can “speak” journalese, UNese, legalese, etc.学习有挑战的写作课程(如新闻写作、技术写作课程,而非创意写作课程),从而学会新闻用语、法律用语,甚至说官话等。Copy (by hand) section

23、s of textbooks and periodicals in your non-native language(s).手抄非母语课本和期刊中的内容。Make a note of unfamiliar or troublesome grammatical points and work towards mastering them.遇到不熟悉的或有难度的语法点要做笔记,并且要努力掌握。Practice proofreading.进行校对练习。6. Improve your public speaking skills.提高公开演讲的能力。Take rigorous speech cours

24、es.学习严谨的演讲课程。Practice writing and making presentations in front of other people in both your native and foreign language(s). (Have native speakers of your non-native language edit your speeches.)在他人面前使用母语和非母语进行写作练习并现场展示,吸取母语人士的修改意见。7. Hone your analytical skills.磨炼分析能力。Practice listening to speeches

25、 and orally summarizing the main points.尝试聆听演讲并口头归纳重点。Practice writing summaries of news articles.尝试撰写新闻文章的概要。Practice deciphering difficult texts (e.g. philosophy, law, etc.).尝试解读复杂文本(例如哲学、法律文本等)。Practice explaining complicated concepts understandably.尝试将复杂概念解释得通俗易懂。Identify resources for backgroun

26、d research (e.g. library, Internet, etc.).识别背景研究所需的各种资源(例如图书馆、互联网等)。8. Become computer savvy.精通计算机操作。Familiarize yourself with navigation and file management under current Windows operating systems (most of the software tools used in the localization industry today are not compatible with the Apple

27、operating system).在Windows操作系统下熟练浏览和管理文档(目前在本地化行业中使用的大部分软件工具与苹果操作系统不兼容)。Develop an understanding of the features Windows offers for multilingual processing, such as language-specific keyboard layouts, regional settings for units of measurement.了解Windows操作系统所包含的与多语言处理相关的功能,比如针对特定语言的键盘布局、计量单位的区域设置等。Le

28、arn to use advanced functions of Word, Excel, and other Microsoft Office applications in both your native and non-native languages.学习使用Word、Excel以及其它微软Office应用的高级功能,熟悉这些应用的双语界面。Become an expert in search engines and online research by using these tools on a daily basis.每天使用搜索引擎和在线检索工具,成为这方面的专家。9. Le

29、arn how to take care of yourself.学习如何照顾自己Eat sensibly, exercise regularly, and get sufficient sleep. These are all habits required of a good translator/interpreter.合理膳食、坚持锻炼,并保证充足的睡眠。这些都是一位优秀笔译员或口译员应该具备的良好习惯。10. Be prepared for lifelong learning.为终身学习最好准备Be patient. Bringing your language skills and

30、 analytical skills up to the level required of a professional translator or interpreter is not a task that can be accomplished in a few short years. Only with a lot of sustained hard work can anyone truly succeed in these challenging and exciting fields.=爱你所爱,行你所行,不负此生!On a bench in Regen s Park, Lo

31、ndon, on October 7, 1970, a young man studying for MBA degree at London Business School met an Irish girl who first arrived in London.1970年的10月7日,在伦敦摄政公园的一个长椅上,一位在伦敦商学院读MBA的小伙子,遇见了一位初到伦敦的爱尔兰姑娘。The young man was about to graduate from the business school and become a nine-to-fiver.男生马上要从商学院毕业,眼看着就要过上“朝九晚五”的生活了。As a matter of fact, he was going to become an engineer at Chrysler Corporation.事实上,他正要去汽车公司克莱斯勒做一名工程师。However, his life trajectory was about to

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