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1、复数练习题加答案 复数练习题加答案 例 计算 ?; ?; ? 分析:根据复数加、减法运算法则进行运算。 解:i?6?i. 2?i?7?7i. i?11i. 确定向量所表示的复数 例 如图,平行四边形OABC,顶点O、A、C分别 表示0,3?2i,?2?4i,试求: AO所表示的复数,BC所表示的复数. 对角线CA所表示的复数 对角线OB所表示的复数及OB的长度 分析:要求某个向量对应的复数,只要找出所求的向量的始点和终点。或者用向量的相等直接给出所求的结论 解:AO?OA ?AO所表示的复数为?3?2i ?BC?AO, ?BC所表示的复数为?3?2i CA?OA?OC, ?CA所表示的复数为?

2、5?2i 对角线OB?OA?AB?OA?OC,它所对应的复数为 ?1?6i |OB|?622?37 求正方形的第四个顶点对应的复数 例 复数z1?1?2i,z2?2?i,z3?1?2i,它们在复平面上的对应点是一个正 方形的三个顶点,求这个正方形的第四个顶点对应的复数。 分析1:利用AD?BC或者AB?DC求点D对应的复数。 解法1:设复数z1,z2,z3所对应的点分别为A、B、C,正方形的第四个顶点D对应 的复数为x?yi则 AD?OD?OA? ?i BC?OC?OB1?3i AD?BC, ?i?1?3i. ?x?1?1 ?y?2?3?x?2?y?1 ? 解得? 故点D对应的复数2?i. 分

3、析2:利用正方形的性质,对角钱相等且互相平分,相对顶点连线段的 中点重合,即利用正方形的两条对角线交点是其对称中心求解 解法2:设复数z1,z2,z3所对应的点分别为A、B、C,正方形的第四个顶点D对应 的复数为x?yi 因为点A与点C关于原点对称,所以原点O为正方形的中心 点O也是B与D点的中点,于是由?0 x?2,y?1. 故D对应的复数为2?i. 小结:解题1一定要善于发现问题中可能被利用的条件,寻找最佳的解题方法,解法2利用正方形是如C对称固形,解题思路较巧 根据条件求参数的值 例 已知z1?a2?3?i,z2?a?1?i分别对应向量, OZ1,OZ2,若向量Z2Z1对应的复数为纯虚数

4、,求a的值 分析:Z2Z1对应的复数为纯虚数,利用复数减法先求出Z2Z1对应的复数,再利用复数为纯虚数的条件求解即得 解:设向量Z2Z1对应复数z Z2Z1?OZ1?OZ2 z?z1?z2?a2?3?i?a2?1?i ?i ?i 20?a?a?2?0z 为纯虚数, ? 即?0a?a?6?0 a?1. 求复数的轨迹方程 例 z?r,求2z?3?4i对应的点的轨迹方程 解:?2z?3?4i,则2z3?4i. 又z?r,故有2z?2r. ?2r ?对应点的轨迹是以3?4i为圆心,2r为半径的圆 小结:由减法的几何意义知z?z1表示复平面上两点z,z1间的距离 当z?z1?r,表示复数z对应的点的轨迹

5、是以z1对应的点为圆心,半径为r的圆 当z?z1?z?z2,表示以复数z1,z2的对应点为端点的线段的垂直平分线 求复数的最大值与最小值 例 设复数满足z?4?3i?2?2?z?4?3i,求z的最大值和最小值 分析:仔细地观察、分析等式z?4?3i?2?2?z?4?3i,实质是一实数等式,由其特点,根据实数的性质知若a?a,则a?0,因此已知等式可化为z?4?3i?2?0 解:由已知等式得z?2?0 即z?2?0,它表示的以点P为圆心,半径R?2的圆面 如图可知z?OQ时,z有最大值OP?R?5?2?7;z?OM时z有最小值OP?R?5?2?3 小结:求复数的模的最值常常根据其几何意义,利用图

6、形直观来解 名词的数 一。单向选择题 1. Have you got _? I want to write a letter. A. any paperB. papers C. any papers D. a paper . Have you seen such big _? A. a tomato B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatos . They got much _ from those books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories . There are a lot of _ down there b

7、ut hardly any _. A. sheeps, people B. sheep, people C. sheeps, peoples D. sheep, peoples . What can I do for you? - Id like two _. A. bottle of orange B. bottle of orangesC. bottles of orangeD. bottles of oranges . Several _ are talking under the tree. And their _ are swimming in the lake. A. woman,

8、 childrenB. woman, childC. women, children D. women, child . Uncle Wang bought two _ yesterday. A. watchs B. watches C. watch D. watched . Tom has made _ with Jim. A. a friend B. friendsC. friendD. some friends . What can I do for you? Id like two _. A. box of appleB. boxes of applesC. box of apples

9、 D. boxes of apple 10. Let me give you _. A. an adviceB. some advice C. advices D. the advice 11. He has spent a great _ of money on his new house. A. deal B. many C. number D. piece 12. I only realized age when I found I had _. A. much great hair B. a little great hair C. a few grey hairs D. some g

10、rey hair 13. That farmer has many _ on his farm. A. geeesB. goosen C. gooses D. geese 14. When we saw his face, we knew _ was sad. A. some news B. the news C. a newsD. news 15. The dentist didnt tell me how many _ I should pay for pulling out the tooth. A. money B. dollars C. funds D. moneies 16. Be

11、fore we moved in the new house we bought many _. A. furnituresB. furniture C. pieces of furniture D. equipments 17. His friend lost _ nylon stockings yesterday morning. A. two B. a C. a couple of D. a pair of 18. My family raise a lot of _, including two _. A. cattles, cows B. cows, cattle C. cattle

12、, cows D. cow, cattles 19. All the _ are made of _, not plastics. A. glass, glass B. glasses, glass C. glass, glasses D. glasses, glasses 0. A group of _ are eating _ and_ at the foot of the hill. A. sheep, grass, leaves B. sheeps, grasses, leaves C. sheep, grass, leaf D. sheeps, grass, leaf1. About

13、0 _ of the population in our country _ on farms. A. percent, lives B. percents, lives C. percent, liveD. percents, live 2. The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons. A. were, was B. was, wasC. was, were D. were, was 3. My fathers _ is grey, but my moth

14、er has a few grey _. A. hair, hairB. hairs, hairs C. hairs, hair D. hair, hairs 4. -How many _ does a cow have? - Four. A. stomaches B. stomachC. stomachs D. stomachies 5. Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble. A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advice 6. The _ of buildings a

15、re covered with lots of _. A. roofs, leaves B. rooves, leafs C. roof, leafD. roofs, leafs 7. As is known to us all, _ travels much faster than_. A. lights, sounds B. light, soundC. sound, lightD. sounds, lights 8. -What would you like, sir? - _. A. Two cups of coffees B. Two coffees C. Two cup of co

16、ffeeD. Two cups coffee 9. These _ want to be _ when they grow up. A. girl-students, woman doctorsB. girl-student, woman doctors C. girls-students, women doctors D. girl-students, women doctors 0. What _! Where did you get them? A. a big fish B. big fish C. a piece of fish D. a piece of big fish 1. I

17、 saw _ running about at the foot of the mountain. A. a cattle B. two cattlesC. much cattle D. a head of cattle 2. _! Lets go climbing! A. What a fine weatherB. How fine weatherC. What a fine dayD. How fine day 3. Thanks for giving me _ I wanted. A. the information B. an informationC. the information

18、s D. information 二。填入所给单词的正确形式。 1. I have two . 2. There are many here. 3. I received a lot of Christmas. There are many. Those are enjoying the suise. . A few are drawing on the wall. . . The 10. Yangtze River in one of the longest in China. 三。写出下列单词的复数形式。 match _foot_half _ fish _wish _fox_ piano

19、_ glass_ cattle _ story_ radio_ scarf_ party_ life _photo_ leaf _ boy _ box _ goose_ mouse_ sheep _ shop _ city_ hero _ German_ zoo _ deer _man_ Negro_ baby_ woman_ thief_ tooth_ child_ Chinese_ wife _ policeman_ Japanese_ brush_ tomato_ knife_ factory_ wolf _ monkey_ bamboo _ map _ stomach_ ox_ gir

20、l student _ pencil-box _ man doctor _ woman teacher _ 一、选择题 3i 1复数等于 1i A12iB12iC2iD2i 答案:C 3i42i解析:2i.故选C. 21i 32i32i 2复数 23i23i A0 B C2iD2i 答案:D 32i32i13i13i解析:ii2i. 1323i23i13 z2 3已知z是纯虚数,z等于 1i A2i Bi CiD2i 答案:D 解析:由题意得zai. z22ai, 21i 则a20,a2.有z2i,故选D.若fx3x2x1,则f A2i B0 C2iD答案:B 解析:依题意,fi3i2i1i1

21、i10,选择B. 2i 5复数z在复平面内对应的点位于 1i A第一象限 B第二象限 C第三象限 D第四象限 答案:D 2i13 解析:zi,它对应的点在第四象限,故选D. 1i22 2ib 6表示为abi ia 11 AB CD. 22 答案:A 2ib解析:12i,把它表示为abi的形式,则2,故选A. ia 2 7设i是虚数单位,复数ztan45isin60,则z等于 13i B.3i471D.44答案:B 31 解析:ztan45isin601i,z23i,故选B. 24 83i在复平面内对应的直线的倾斜角为 A. B625 D.6答案:D 35 3i对应的点为,所求直线的斜率为,则倾

22、斜角为,故选D. 36 abi 9设a、b、c、dR,若 cdi Abcad0Bbcad0 Cbcad0Dbcad0 答案:C abiacbdbcadbcad 解析:因为i,所以由题意有0?bcad0. cdicdcdcdcd 1 10已知复数z12i,那么 z55i551255答案:D 525512D.i5B. 1 12i121 i.故选D. z12i1455 解析:由z12i知z12i,于是 z11已知复数z13bi,z212i是实数,则实数b的值为 z2 1 A BC0 D. 6 答案:A z13bii解析:是实数,则实数b的值为6,故选A. z212i512设z是复数,表示满足zn1的

23、最小正整数n,则对虚数单位i, A B CD答案:B 解析:表示in1的最小正整数n,因i4k1,显然n4,即4.故选B. 13 13若z,且4a0x4a1x3a2x2a3xa4,则a2等于 2213 AiB333i 22C633iD333i 答案:B 4r 解析:Tr1Crr,x由4r2得r2, 1322 a2C2i)6i对应的点位于 A第一象限B第二象限 C第三象限D第四象限 答案:B 解析:ABC为锐角三角形, AB90,B90A, cosBsinA,sinBcosA, cosBsinA0,sinBcosA0, z对应的点在第二象限 2bi 15如果复数的实部和虚部互为相反数,那么b等于

24、 12i 22 C D2 33 答案:C 2bi解析: 512i 5522b4b2由b553 13 16设函数fx55x410x310x25x1,则f的值为 22 1331Ai B.i 2222131iD222答案:C 解析:f5 1313 f)5 2222 13 5 221313 i. 2222 17若i是虚数单位,则满足2qpi的实数p,q一共有 A1对 B2对 C3对 D4对 答案:D 22pqq,?p0,?p0,222 解析:由qpi得2pqiqpi,所以?解得?或? ?2pqp.?q0,?q1, ?p2或?1 q?2, ?p2, 或?1 q?2 因此满足条件的实数p,q一共有4对 总

25、结评述:本题主要考查复数的基本运算,解答复数问题的基本策略是将复数问题转化为实数问题来解决,解答中要特 1 别注意不要出现漏解现象,如由2pqp应得到p0或q2 2x20 18已知6的展开式中,不含x的项是,那么正数p的值是 xp27 A1 B C D答案:C 20412 解析:由题意得:C62,求得p3.故选C. p27 总结评述:本题考查二项式定理的展开式,注意搭配展开式中不含x的项,即找常数项 19复数zlgi在复平面内对应的点位于 A第一象限 B第二象限 C第三象限 D第四象限 答案:C 解析:本题考查复数与复平面上的点之间的关系,复数与复平面上的点是一一对应的关系,即zabi,与复平

26、面上的 点Z对应,由zlgi知: alg0,又2x2x122110; 0,即b0.应为第三象限的点,故选C. 20设复数zi在映射f下的象为复数z的共轭复数与i的积,若复数在映射f下的象为12i,则相应的为 AB22i C2i D2i 答案:A 解析:令abi,a,bR,则aii, 映射f下的象为aiiai12i. b11,?b0,?解得?2. ?a2.?a2.? 第卷 二、填空题1已知z是复数,i是虚数单位,若z2i,则z_. 答案:1i 2i 解析:z2i,z1i. 1i22若复数z满足z1i,则其共轭复数z_. 答案:i 1i2解析:zi, 1izi. 23若复数z1429i,z269i,其中i是虚数单位,则复数i的实部为_ 答案:20 解析:ii202i,故i的实部为20. 1ai 24在复平面内,复数对应的点位于虚轴上,则a_

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