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孙子兵法 策略规划和行销策略的应用.docx

1、孙子兵法 策略规划和行销策略的应用孙子兵法SUN TZUS ART OF WAR:策略规划的应用行销策略的应用Applications to Strategic Planning & MarketingWee Chow Hou, Ph.D.National University of SingaporeTHREE CHINESE CLASSICS THAT JAPANESE CEOs READ日本总裁所看的中国名著1、Sun Tzus Art of War 孙子兵法2、Annals of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义3、Journey to the West 西游记4、The

2、 Water Margin? 水浒传SWOT ANALYSIS 评估之必要He who has a thorough knowledge of the enemy and himself is bound to win in all battles. He who knows himself but not the enemy has only an even chance of winning. He who knows not the enemy and himself is bound to perish in all battles.知彼知己者,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼

3、,不知己,每战必殆。Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory will not be threatened.Know the terrain, know the weather, and your victory will be complete.知彼知己,胜乃不殆;知天知地,胜乃不穷。USE OF INITIATIVE 创意If the situation is one of victory, the general must fight even though the ruler may have issued orders not

4、to engage.If the situation is one of defeat. the general must not fight even though the ruler may have issued orders to do so.故战道必胜,主曰:无战,必战可也;战道不胜,主曰:必战,无战可也。如果根据战场实情确有必胜把握,即使国君命令不让打,也可以坚决去打;如果根据战场实情不能取胜,即使国君命令打,也可以不打。ACHIEVING RELATIVE SUPERIORITY相对优势的取得1、 Where are the points of contact?(LOCATION

5、)接触点何在?(位置)2、 How many are there? (NUMBER)多少个接触点?(数量)3、 What is the sequence of contact?(ORDER)接触点的次序如何?(顺序)4、 Relative importance of the contact points. (WEIGHTAGE)接触点的相对重要性?(比重)5、 How to achieve relative superiority? (ADVANTAGE)如何取得相对优势?(优势)6、 Possibility of changing contact points? (creativity)改变

6、接触点的可能性。(创意)7、 Amount &Type of skills needed? (RESOURCES)所需要的技能及种类。(资源)ADVANTAGE OF BEING FIRST首先抵达的优势Generally, those who reach and occupy the battleground early will have time to rest and wait for the enemy.Those who arrive at the battleground late will have to rush into action when they are alrea

7、dy tired and exhausted. 凡先处战地而待敌者佚,后处战地而趋战者劳。凡先到达战场等待敌人就从容、主动,后到达战场而仓促应战的就疲劳、被动。SHAPING AND FLEXIBILITY变化无穷Just as water shapes itself according to the ground, an army should manage its victory in accordance with the situation of the enemy.Just as water has no constant shape, so in warfare there are

8、 no fixed rules and conditions.水因地而制流,兵因地而制胜。故兵无常势,水无常形。水因地形的高低而制约它奔流的方向,用兵要根据敌情而决定取胜的方针。所以,用兵作战没有固定不变的方式方法,就像水没有固定的形态一样。AVOIDANCE OF PROTRACTED CAMPAIGNS忌讳持久战When the army engages in protracted campaigns, the resources of the state will be impoverished. 久暴师则国用不足。军队长期在外作战,会使国家财政发生困难。MIMENTUM 顺势When

9、torrential water pushes boulders, it is because of momentum.激水之流,至于漂石者,势也;湍急的流水,飞快地奔流,以致能漂移石块,这是由于水势强大的缘故。TIMING 时机When the strike of the falcon breaks the body of its prey, it is because of correct timing.鸷鸟之疾,至于毁折者,节也。凶猛的飞鸟,以飞快的速度搏击,以致能捕杀鸟兽,这是由于节奏恰当的关系。NEED FOR UNITY 团结的重要性If the army is confused

10、and suspicious, the neighbouring stares will surely create trouble. This is like the saying: “A confused army provides victory for the enemy.”三军既惑且疑,则诸侯难至矣,是谓乱军引胜。军队既迷惑又疑虑,各诸侯国乘隙进攻的灾难就会临头,这就是所谓自己扰乱自己而导致敌人的胜利。ON READINESS AND DEFENCE 准备与防守 In the conduct of war, one must not rely on the enemys failur

11、e to come, but on ones readiness to engage him; one must not rely on the enemys failure to attack, but on ones ability to build an invincible defence.故用兵之法,无恃其不来,恃吾有以待也;无恃其不攻,事物有所不可攻也。所以用兵的法则,不要寄希望于敌人不会来,而要依靠自己严阵以待,充分准备;不要寄希望于敌人不会进攻,而要依靠自己有使敌人无法攻破的力量。SURPRISES THROUGH SPEED 速战之惊奇Speed is the essence

12、 of war. Capitalise on the unexpected routes; and attack those places that he does not take precautions.兵之情主速,乘人之不及,由不虞之道,攻其所不戒也。用兵的意旨就是要迅速,乘敌人措手不及的时机,走敌人意料不到的道路,攻击敌人没有戒备的地方。CHOOSING BATTLEGROUNDS 战场选择1、 Areas in which you have distinctive advantages.对你特别有利的地方2、 Areas ignored by the enemy.敌人(竞争者)忽略的

13、地方3、 Understanding the characteristics of the battleground.了解战地的特征ON INTELLIGENCE 情报The reason why the enlightened ruler and the wise general are able to conquer the enemy whenever they lead the army, and to achieve victories that surpass those of others is because of foreknowledge.故明君贤将,所以动而胜人。成功出于

14、众者,先知也。This foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits nor from the gods; nor by inductive thinking, nor by deductive calculations. It can only be obtained from men (and women) who have knowledge on the enemys situation.先知者不可取与鬼神,不可象于事,不可验于度,必取于人,知敌之情者也。要事先了解情况,不可用祈求鬼神的方法去取得,不可用相似的事情作类比推测吉凶,也不可用观

15、察日月星辰运行位置去验证,一定要从了解敌情的人那里去获得。INFORMATION GATHERING(ESPIOMAGE) 情报获取1、 Local Agents 因间- Ordinary people recruited from the enemys country.是指利用敌国乡里的普通人做间谍。2、 Inside Agents 内间- Enemys officials whom we used.是指收买敌国的官吏做间谍。3、 Double Agents 反间- Enemys spies recruited by us.是指收买或利用地方派来的间谍为我效力。4、 Doomed Agent

16、s 死间- Own spies who are fed with fabricated information to deceive the enemy.是指故意散布假情况,让我方间谍知道而传给地方,敌人上当后往往将其处死。5、 Living Agents 生间- Own spies who returned.是指派往敌方侦察后,能活着回来报告敌情的人。DETAILED PLANNING 周密计划With careful and detail planning, one can win;With careless and less detailed planning, one cannot w

17、in.How much more certain is defeat if one does not plan at all!From the way planning is done beforehand, we can predict victory or defeat.多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算乎!吾以此观之,胜负见矣。计算周密,胜利条件多的,就可能取胜,计算不周,得胜条件少,就不能胜敌,何况根本不计算,没有获胜的条件呢!我们从这些方面来考察,谁胜谁负就可以预见了。THE ART OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 策略规划1、 Detailed Planning 详细的计

18、划2、 Market Intelligence 市场情报3、 Choice of Battleground 战地选择4、 Swiftness in Execution 迅速的执行5、 Adaptability in Maneuvers 顺应性能6、 Creation of Strategic Advantages 创造有利的局势与条件7、 Attack (in open competition) 进攻(如必要作战)WHY IS IT POSSIBLE? 理由何在?1、 Training 训练2、 Discipline 纪律3、 Moral cause 道德原因4、 Mutual depende

19、nce 互相依赖5、 Deadly enemy 凶狠的敌人6、 Focus on heart, not mind 注重心,不重脑THE NEED TO ATTACK 进攻之道Invincibility in defence depends on ones efforts, while the opportunity of victory depends on the enemy.It follows that those skilled in warfare can make themselves invincible, but cannot cause the enemy to be vul

20、nerable. 不可胜在己,可胜在敌。故善战者,能为不可胜,不能使敌之可胜。不会被敌人战胜,主动权在自己;可能战胜敌人,在于敌人有可乘之隙。所以善于用兵打仗的人,能使自己不被战胜而不能使敌人一定被我所胜。FAKERY 欺骗In the beginning of battle, be as shy as a young maiden (virgin girl) to entice the enemy and lower his defences.When the battle progresses, be as swift as a hare so as to catch the unprep

21、aredness of the enemy.是故始如处女,敌人开户,后如脱兔,敌不及居。所以,战争开始要像处女那样沉静,不露声色,使敌人放松戒备。战争展开之后,要像脱兔一样迅速行动,使敌人来不及抗拒。ILLUSIONS 迷惑Therefore, when capable, feign incapability; when active, feign inactivity.When near to the objective, feign that you are far away; when far away, make it appear that you are near.故能而示之不能,

22、用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近。常常是能攻,装作不能攻;要打,装作不想打;要向近处行动,却装作向远处行动;要向远处行动,却装作向近处行动。PERFECTING DECEPTION 诡计之道To feign confusion, one must possess discipline;To feign cowardice, one must possess courage;To feign weakness, one must possess superiority of forces.乱生于治,怯生于勇,弱生于强。示敌混乱,战前必须有严格的训练;示敌怯懦,战前必须有勇敢的素质;示敌弱小,

23、战前必须有强大的兵力。ENFORCED HUMILITY 将之声誉Therefore, the victories won by a master of war never gain him reputation for wisdom or courage.故善战者之胜也,无智名,无勇功。所以,这些所谓善于打仗的人所取得的胜利,既没有智谋的名声,也没有勇武的战功。THE TREASURED GENERAL 将之道义Therefore, the general who advances without seeking personal fame and glory, who retreats w

24、ithout fear of being punished, but whose main concern is for the welfare of the people and the interests of the sovereign, (he) is the precious gem of the state.故进不求名,退不避罪,唯人是保而利合于主,国之宝也。所以进不求名誉,退不避惩罚,只知道保护民众,符合于国君的根本利益,这样的将帅才算是国家最宝贵的人才。TEAM EFFECTIVENESS: 团队效率THE MILITARY EXPERIENCE 军事的经验1、 Instant

25、aneous response 即刻反应2、 Unselfish 不自私3、 Sacrificial 牺牲性4、 Submission to higher level goals 服从更高层的目标DICTATE, NOT DICTATED 掌握而不被控制Therefore, those who are skilled in warfare will always bring the enemy to where they want to fight, and not brought there by the enemy.故善战者,致人而不致于人。所以,善于指挥作战的人,能调动敌人而不被敌人所调

26、动。STRATEGY 策略(Goals, objectives and plans)(目的,目标,规划)STRUCTURE 结构(Organization) (组织)BEHAVIOUR 行为(Results, outcome)(成绩,结果)ON ORGANISATION 组织凡治众如治寡,分数也;To manage a large force in combat is similar to that of a small force. It is a matter of organization.要做到管理人数多的军队像管理人数少的军队一样,这是组织编制的问题。To control a lar

27、ge force in combat is similar to that of a small force. It is a matter of formations and signals.斗众如斗寡,形名是也;要做到指挥人数众多的军队作战像指挥人数少的军队一样,这是通讯、指挥的问题。Order and disorder depends on organization.治乱,数也。“治乱”是组织指挥的问题。RELATIVE SUPERIORITY AT THE POINT OF CONTACT接触之时的相对优势The enemy must not know where I intend t

28、o attack. For if he does not know where I intend to attack, he must defend in many place. The more places he defends, the more scattered are his forces, and the weaker is his force at any one point.无所与占之地不可知;不可知,则敌所备者多;敌所备者多,则无所与战者,寡矣。我军所要进攻的地方敌人不得而知,不得而知,它就要处处防备;敌人防备的地方越多,那么同我军当面作战的敌人就有限了。POSSIBILI

29、TY FOR NICHING 相对,并非绝对的优势The strength of an army does not depend on large forces. Do not advance basing on sheer number.兵非益多也,惟无武进兵力不在于愈多愈好,不要轻敌冒进。空挡的可能性Thus, I say that victory can be created. For even if the enemy has a large force, I can prevent him from engaging me.故曰:胜可为之。敌虽众,可使无斗。AREAS IGNORED

30、 BY THE ENEMY 敌人忽视之处To be certain to succeed in what you attack is to attack a place where the enemy does not defend or where its defence is weak; To be certain to hold what you defend is to defend a place where the enemy does not attack or where the defence is invulnerable to attacks.攻而必取者,攻其所不守也;守

31、而不固者,守其所不攻也。进攻而必然得手的,是因为攻击的是敌人不防守或防守不严的地方;防守必然稳固的,是因为扼守的是敌人不进攻或不易攻破的地方。BAITS 引诱By enticing the enemy with some baits, one can make him come on his own accord.能使敌人自至者,利之也;能使敌人自己来上钩的,是以利引诱的结果。Offer the enemys a bait to lure him; when he is in disorder, strike him.利而诱之,乱而取之。对贪利的敌人给以小利,去引诱它;对处在混乱状态的敌人,要乘机去攻取它。

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