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写作翻译 课堂笔记整理.docx

1、写作翻译 课堂笔记整理写作翻译1. 没有很多的父母能够负担得起孩子上私立学校的高昂的学费。Not many parents can afford the expensive private schools for their children.2. 到海外留学不仅仅有益于个人的成长更能促进来自不同文化的交流。Study abroad can not only benefit ones growth, but it can also better the communication among various cultures.3. 在城市里,能够获得更多的就业机会,更好的发展前景,因此大量的农

2、村人口流动到城市。More job opportunities and promising future are available in cities, so a large number of people in rural areas move there.4. 与过去相比,更大比例的孩子肥胖,原因在于缺乏运动,饮食不当。A much larger proportion of children suffer obesity than in the past due to lack of physical exercise and a bad diet.5. 政府应该为市民提供公共服务,包

3、括良好的交通,健全的医疗,更好的就业机会。The government should offer a wide range of public services to citizens, including convenient transportation, well-developed medical care and more access to jobs.6. 为了改善生活条件与孩子提供更好的教育,人们抓住各种机会赚钱养家糊口。To improve the living conditions and supply better education, people catch every

4、 opportunity to earn a living and support their family.7. 大学教育让学生学习各种知识与技能,同时能够塑造学生积极人生观与世界观。College education enables students to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills as well as shape their positive perspectives towards the life and world.8. 幸福有几个基本因素,其中最重要的是人际关系,其次分别是工作与财富。A number of main

5、 factors can bring about happiness. Among those, the most important is relationship, followed by work and wealth.9. 良好的人际关系能够让人觉得生活更有意义,而好工作同样可以激励人们对生活更乐观。Harmonious relationship can enable people to feel the life is more meaningful, while a high-salary can encourage people to be more positive about

6、 the life.10. 我认为,要面对生活中潜在的问题,良好的生活态度极为重要。I am convinced that a positive attitude matters a lot if we want to deal with the possible dangerous in our lives.11. 对自己充分了解,也同样重要,因为这会决定我们的幸福观念。Also, a full understanding of us plays an equally important role, which will decide how we define happiness.12.

7、幸福与否取决于我们对生活的期待与态度,事关个人兴趣与爱好。Whether people feel themselves happy or not depends on their expectations and attitude towards life. Its a question of personal interest and preference.13. 学生的能力,兴趣与未来的期待差异很大,因此教师应该在教学的过程中做出自己的选择与判断。Students vary considerably in their ability, interest and exception towa

8、rds the future, so teachers should make their own choices and judgments in teaching.14. 人类过度利用自然资源,很大程度上导致了环境不断恶化,自然灾难频繁发生。Human beings overuse of natural resources contributes a lot to the worsening environment and the frequent appearance of natural disasters.15. 在许多社会里,老年人增多导致劳动力结构恶化,影响到整个社会的生产力。I

9、n a number of societies, the increasing number of old people engenders the aging labor structuring undermining the productivity of the whole society as a whole.16. 青少年犯罪率不断上升,主要在于家庭与学校教育的失败以及媒体对暴力行为的宣扬。Crime rates for teenagers are increasing which can be attributed to the failures of the family and

10、 school education and the medias publicity about violence.17. 如何抑制失业率上升,维持社会的稳定,人们有不同的看法。Peoples ideas vary considerably about how to curb the unemployment rate and maintain the stability of societies.18. 到海外旅游,可以增进对不同文化的理解,从而扩展个人的视野。Overseas trips can enhance understanding of alien cultures and bro

11、aden your horizon.19. 从外国进口太多的产品,增加对外国的依赖,不利于本国产业的发展。Too many products increase depence on foreign countries which undermines the development of domestic industry.20. 贫富差距加大,主要原因是,在资本市场中,富有的人能迅速地积累大量的财富。The widening between poor and rich which can be attributed to rich rapidly accumulating a large a

12、mount of wealth in the capital market.21. 传统的课堂教学能够让学生接触到各种观点,培养他们的思考能力。People can acquire a large amount of newly information from the Internet, which can enable them to have a understanding about society.22. 人们能在网络里获得大量最新信息,这样可以让他们更好了解社会。People can acquire a large amount of newly information from

13、the Internet, which can enable them to have a understanding about society.23. 在日益全球化的世界里,与外国交流已经不可避免,如果不懂外语就有可能产生交流障碍,不利于贸易与文化交流。In the increasing global world, it is unavoidable to communicate with foreign language are not well mastered, which has a negative impact on exchange of trade and culture.

14、不可否认的是,有一些学生在学习语言的过程中需要比别人更多的努力,而效果似乎也不太明显。It is undeniable that some students have to make more efforts to learn languages than others, but the effect seems not so obvious.24. 文化交流有助于不同民族意识到彼此的差异,进而更好地认识自己。Culture communication helps various people realize their differences and thus,have better und

15、erstanding of themselves.25. 语言的差异以为着文化的多样性,也意味着发展的更多可能性。The differences of languages mean cultural diversity,signitying more potentials for development. 26.产品贸易给人们的生活带来更多的选择,进而提高生活的质量。Trade bring more choices to human life and contributes to be higher quality of life.26. 旅游业的发展会创造诸多就业机会,带来消费,推动地方经济

16、的发展。The progress of travel industry can bring a number of benefits,including more job opportunities,higher consumption and better local economy.27. 良好的教育能提供机会,让学生学习各种知识与技能,也可以培养他们得团队合作精神。High-quality education enables students to have access to a wide range of knowledge and skills as well as their s

17、ense of team-work.28. 到国外留学的学生发觉,不了解当地文化往往不利于他们适应环境,专心学习。Students who study abroad lack of understanding of local culture are detrimental to adapting to new surroundings and concentration on study.29. 只专注于学习考试课程而不注重培养艺术品味,会让学生缺乏想象力与创造力。If students only focas on texts rather than cultivate artistic t

18、aste that they will lack creativity.30. 在现代社会,人们可以随意地到处生活或工作,这对人际关系有着极大负面影响。In modern society, people can choose any place they prefer to live on work, which will do extreme harm to interpersonal relationship.31. 文化冲击让留学生无法适应新的生活环境,产生严重心理压力,对生活焦虑不安。Cultural shock leads to students inability to adapt

19、 to the shortage environment, serve mental stress and anxiety about the life.32. 在日益全球化的世界里,前所未有的文化交流造成了文化间的差异不断减少。In the increasingly global world, the unprecedented cultural communication gives rise to the decrease in differences among various cultures33. 就业市场日趋紧张导致众多大学毕业生无法就业,进一步引发各种社会问题。The tigh

20、t job market results in the failure to get employed for a large number of students and, hence, a variety of social problems.1. 现代社会的犯罪来源于各种因素;其中,人们过多暴露于犯罪的节目或影片应该是最重要的因素。2. Crimes in current society can be attributed to a number of factors. Among these, on the top of the list is that people are over

21、 exposed to the crime programs or films.3. 近年来,越来越多的人更愿意缩短工作时间,而不是一再得加班。In recent years, an increasing number of people prefer to cut their working hours rather than work for extra shifts.4. 为了追求自己的事业,许多年轻人会专注于工作,让自己适应不断变化的环境。To pursue ones own career, a large number of young adults are dedicated to

22、 their work and adapt to the changing environment. 5. 年轻人只有在经历了种种挫折之后,才能培养分析问题的能力,最终具备解决实际问题能力。The younger generation should experience all types of setbacks before they can foster the ability to analyze problems and, eventually, own the capability of coping with the practical issues.6. 在利益的驱动下,人们往往

23、忽视精神追求,而以物质所得为最重要的事。Motivated by interests, people tend to neglect the spiritual pursuit. Instead, they consider material gains to be the top priority. Rather, they are convinced that what matters most is material gains.7. 可以很确定的是,在当前经济萧条的状况下,就业市场日趋紧张。It is reasonable to assume that, under the circu

24、mstance, job market is prone to be tighter than ever before.8. 大多数人确信,教育能够改变命运。但现实中,会有更多的问题需要面对The majority are convinced that education can change ones destiny. However, in reality, much more problems have been handled.9. 国内外的贸易引发竞争,使各种品牌的产品质量,降低价格。the competition triggered by the trade at home and

25、 abroad conatributes to the higher the quality and lower the price of various products经济迅速发展,主要在于消费蓬勃发展,因为人们往往花更多的钱在日常用品与其它奢侈品上。The advance of economy can be attributed to the booming consumption since people tend to spend more money on their daily necessity and other luxuries.10. 消费品的需求日益增长,这就意味着更大

26、程度上利用自然资源,污染就更加严重了。The growing demand of consumer goods means the larger extend of exploitation of national resources with much worsening pollution.11. 普通人竭尽全力赚更多的钱养家糊口。这加剧了生活压力,导致诸多心理问题。Average people have to make every effort to earn more money to support themselves and their family. This will inc

27、rease the stress in their life and, hence, contribute to a lot of mental problems.12. 生活方式简单一些可以让我们生活得更好,对生活积极乐观,而环境问题也可以很大程度上得以解决。A simple way of life can allow us to live a better life with a positive perspective, while the environmental problem can be relieved to a large extent.产品满足人们的需求,人们就会把这个信

28、息传递给熟悉的人,甚至是超市里的陌生人。If a product can satisfy demands of people,they will communicate this information to anyone they are famitiar with,and even the strangers.有证据表明,消费者往往会被误导购买广为宣称的产品,这些产品却名不副实。There is evidence that consumers tend to be misled to purchase those products that are widely publicized,bu

29、t fail to live up to their promises.我们都知道广告的重要作用在于能够提供信息给目标消费者,事实上,宣传能够吸引消费者的注意力和兴趣,这是销售的第一步。As we know,the advertisements are considered to play a key role in providing information to target consumers,Indeed,more publicity will attract the attension and interest if the pubic,which is the best step

30、of sales.广告能塑造消费者的口味,因为广告往往以生动形象的方式展现宣传的产品。Also,advertisements can shape the tast of ordinary people for the reason that they deliberately present their products in a fashionable and vivid way.作为消费者或生产商,我们要是能够恰当利用广告,就能更好实现我们的目标,找到满意的产品或将产品销售出去。If we,consumers or manufactures,can make proper use of a

31、dvertisements,we can better realize our goals of finding the satisfying products or selling what can be offered.生存成为最紧迫的问题,因为他们无法赚钱养活自己。事实上,许多人不得不向父母求助,尽管他们离开校园很多年。The survival becomes an urgent issue since they cannot earn a living on their own. In fact,lots of them have to turn to their parents fo

32、r help even after they have been a way from the campus for several years.失业的人往往会因找不到工作而充满挫折感,这会对他们的信心以及对生活与社会的想法产生不良影响。The unemployed tend to suffer frustration from the failure to acquire a job,which will have a negative effect on their confidence and perspective about their life and the society.据说,失业的人日益增多会导致犯罪率上升,威胁到社会的稳定。It is said that the soaring number of people who cannot be employed contributes to the growing crime rate,which will endanger the stability

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