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1、阅读精讲+精练1长难句初级演练长难句初级演练Round 1第一组【例句1】And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the plays,but to look at Anne Hathaways Cottage, Shakespeares birthplace and the other sights.【例句翻译】靠游客谋生的市民,游客来到小镇不是为了看戏,而是想看看安妮海瑟薇的房舍、莎士比亚的出生地和其他的风景点。【例句分析】本句虽短,但是包含定语从句who large

2、ly live off the tourists 修饰the townsfolk,而该定语从句的宾语the tourists的后面又跟了另一个定语从句。注意,不能把not to see the plays的主语看作是the townsfolk,这里not to see the plays只是作为插入语。【词语点拨】 largely 意为“在很大程度上,主要地”。He owed his successlargelyto the support of his wife. 他的成功在很大程度上应归于妻子的支持。 live off 有两个意思,分别是“住在外”或“靠生活”。The family use

3、d tolive offthe small pocket of land they owned. 这家人过去靠着自家的一小块土地过日子。Some college students have chosen tolive offthe campus. 有些学生选择住在校外。【例句2】It is the playgoers, the RSC(皇家莎士比亚戏剧公司) contends, who bring in much of the towns revenue because they spend the night (some of them four or five nights) pourin

4、g cash into the hotels and restaurants.【例句翻译】皇家莎士比亚戏剧公司说,游客给小镇带来了很大一部分收入,因为他们过夜(有些人甚至住上四五夜),把大把的钱花在旅馆和餐馆。【例句分析】这是一个主从复合句。句中含有who引导的定语从句修饰the playgoers;同时,又含有because引导的原因状语从句。 the RSCcontends是插入语,使句子更加地道本土化。本句的正常语序是The RSC contends it is the playgoers。【词语点拨】 contend v. 竞争;奋争;主张;声明contend with 对付The d

5、efensecontendedthat the evidence was inadmissible.被告方声称证据是不可接受的。I had tocontend withlong lines before I could get a taxi at the airport. 我在机场必须排着长队才上了一出租车。Hilary Clinton maycontendin the 2008 presidential race against a Republican. 希拉里克里顿会在2008年的总统选举中与一位共和党人一争高下。bring in 引进;带来;生产How much did the sid

6、elinebringthe farmer family in last year? 去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?The salebroughtus in over $1, 000. 那笔买卖使我们赚了一千多美元。第二组【例句1】Surely were stillbetter offthan those whowear rags and sleep on the streets or invacantbuildings,butthere is a growing resistance to this consuming society which is especially affecti

7、ng the youth today with their computers, i-pads, designer clothes and mobile phones.【例句翻译】当然,我们比那些穿着破衣烂衫、睡在大街上或者空置的大楼里的人的生活要好得多,但是现在的年轻人特别容易受到电脑、i-pad随身听、名牌服装和移动电话等的影响,所以越来越多的人开始抵制这种消费社会。【例句分析】全句的主干是一个由but连接的并列句,第一个分句中含有than引导的比较状语从句,修饰better off。第二个分句的主句是there be,其后是which引导的定语从句,修饰前面的society。【词语点拨】

8、 well off adj.富有的;走运的(better off 是well off的比较级)Jack has just bought another new car, so he must be verywell off.杰克刚又买了一辆新车,所以他一定很富裕。 vacant adj. 空虚的;空的;There are somevacantoffices on the third floor.三楼有几间空闲的办公室。【例句2】In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a students w

9、riting skills and found that how well children spell is tied to how well they can write.【例句翻译】在最近的一个研究中,贝尔宁格了解了拼写在一个学生的写作技巧中扮演着什么角色,并且发现孩子拼写的好坏与写作的好坏是有联系的。【例句分析】本句包含多个宾语从句,what role spelling plays作looked at 的宾语;that how well children spell作found 的宾语,在本句中how well children spell又作该宾语从句的主语,换句话说,就是宾语从句中

10、又包含了一个主语从句,how well they can write作 is tied to 的宾语。【词语点拨】 play a role in 在中起作用,扮演角色Farmingplays an important rolein the countrys economy.农业对该国经济起着重要作用。Heplayed a rolein the play, which made his mother happy.他在剧中扮演了一个角色,这让他的妈妈很开心。 tie n.领带,联系 vt.(用带、绳、线等)系,栓has/have close ties with 与有密切联系The firmhas

11、close tieswithan American corporation.这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。It took him a long time totiethe horse to the tree.他花费了很长时间才把马拴在了树上。Round 2第一组【例句1】Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (the amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather c

12、hanges in that biomass(生物量)over time.【例句翻译】他们的方法并不是要评估特定海域鱼种的实际生物量,而是评估在这一段时间内生物量的变化。【例句分析】这是一个简单句,但是有两个宾语,一是toestimatethe actual biomass of fish species in particular parts of the ocean,二是changes in that biomass over time。第二个宾语用了省略结构,完整的应该是to estimate changes in that biomass。【词语点拨】 rather adv. 宁愿;有

13、点,相当Idratherstay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。He isratherlazy. 他相当懒。有时rather在句中表示转折,或者对前文进行纠正。There are five,rathersix, persons killed in the traffic accident. 在这场车祸中,应该是6人死亡,而不是5人。【例句2】The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because they have been lo

14、oking back only a relatively short time into the past.【例句翻译】这种概念是,人们没有能够发觉海洋中所发生的巨大变化,因为他们只是关注了过去相对短暂的一段时间里所发生的情况。【例句分析】本句主干为:The notion is sth. 其中包含了 that引导的表语从句people have failed to detect the massive changes,而表语从句中又包含which引导的定语从句修饰changes,后半个句子是because引导的原因状语从句。【词语点拨】 detect v. 察觉, 发现, 侦查, 探测She

15、was surprised todetecthatred behind his smile. 她吃惊地觉察到他的笑容背后竟然藏着仇恨。The dentist coulddetectno sign of decay in her teeth. 牙医在她的牙齿上找不到蛀蚀的迹象。The policemandetectedthe presence of the criminal in the hall. 警察感觉罪犯就在大厅里。第二组【例句1】This crocodile moves very quicklywhenit seessomethingit considers to be food,an

16、dfrom time to timea crocodile hassnatchedsomeonebeforehe or she is evenaware that the crocodile is there.【例句翻译】当这种鳄鱼看到某个东西并认为是食物的时候,它就会迅速行动,就这样时常捕获那些还未来得及察觉到鳄鱼的人。【例句分析】整个句子的主干是and连接的两个并列分句。第一分句中含有when引导的时间状语从句,而状语从句也是复合句,包含一个省略了引导词that的定语从句,来修饰something。而第二分句中含有before引导的时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中形容词aware后接that

17、引导的宾语从句。【词语点拨】 from time to time adv. 有时;不时The temper gets the best of himfrom time to time.他有时控制不住脾气。 snatchn.抢夺v.夺取;抓住;抓取(粗暴、不礼貌,强调动作)The thief made asnatchat the womans purse.小偷试图抢夺那女的钱包。Hesnatchedup his gun and fired.他突然拿起枪来射击。【例句2】It so happened that in this village there were many shoemakers w

18、ho were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes and even at times when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldiers shoes.【例句翻译】碰巧在这个村庄有很多的鞋匠花很多钱去买鞋钉,并且甚至有时他们花高价也并不总能够买到他们想要的东西,因为在那个国家急需

19、士兵的鞋。【例句分析】本句包含一个it作形式主语的主语从句,真正主语是that in this village there were many;在该主语从句中who were spending a lot of money是定语从句,修饰先行词shoemakers;when they paid high prices是定语从句修饰先行词 times; what they wanted作动词get 的宾语。【词语点拨】 It (so) happens that碰巧,偶然 happen to do sth 碰巧It so happenedthatI had no money with me.不巧我

20、身上没带钱。Do youhappen toknow whats on after the news?你知道新闻之后是什么节目吗? demand n.需要,需求 vt. (强烈)要求 (后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,should+do,should 可以省略)Thedemandfor natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for thefuture of mankind.对于未来的人类,对自然资源的需求正成为一个日益严峻的问题。When your childdemandsthat you (should) buy

21、 something, explain why you really dont want to buy it.当孩子要求你买东西时,要向他解释为什么你不想买。Round 3第一组【例句1】Many things make people think artists are weird. But the weirdest may be this: artists only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.【例句翻译】许多事情让人们觉得艺术家是怪人,而最古怪的事情也许

22、就是:艺术家的唯一工作就是探索情感,而他们所关注的却又是那些令人不快的情感。【例句分析】本句相对来说,比较好理解,是两个简单句。但是要注意句子中比较不明显的从句的存在,即think后的宾语从句artists are weird,以及the ones 后的定语从句that feel bad,翻译和理解的时候都要注意。【词语点拨】 explore v.考究;探索;探讨Scientists have been known toexplorein this region of the earth. 科学家们一直在考察这一地域。We mustexploreall the possibilities fo

23、r the solution of the problem. 我们必须探讨解决这个问题的所有可能性。 focus n.焦点 v. 重视;关注Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became thefocusof attention when he entered the office.他由于服装奇特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。You must try tofocusyour mindonwork and study.你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上。【例句2】Media reports said that the House

24、would meet and discuss a surveyors report which recommends lawmakers move out from the Big Ben for repairs costing up to one billion pounds, while the Daily Telegraph said that another proposal might be to sell to Russian or Chinese developers for about 500 million pounds. 【例句翻译】媒体报道说议院将开会讨论一份检测官的报告

25、,这份报告建议立法者搬出去,以便对大本钟进行维修,花费达10亿英镑,而每日电讯报则称另一个建议是以5亿英镑的价格卖给俄罗斯或中国的开发者。【例句分析】本句包含两个宾语从句,that the House would meet and discuss 作Media reportssaid的宾语;that another proposal might be作the Daily Telegraph said的宾语。同时,第一个宾语从句中又包含一个which引导的定语从句,修饰report。【词语点拨】 recommend vt. 推荐, 介绍;劝告,建议Irecommendthis booktoany

26、one with an interest in art.我把这本书推荐给对艺术感兴趣的人。They haverecommendedthat the site (should) be closed and repaired.他们已经提出关闭这个遗址并进行维修的建议。 up to 达到;直到;该由;Up tonow, Ive understand everything the teachers said.到现在,我已经理解了老师所讲的全部内容。Itsup toyou to find out what your goals really are.你真正的目标是什么只能由你来决定。 proposal

27、n.建议,提议 (后面从句一般用虚拟语气,should+do, should可省略)He made aproposalthat the meeting (should) be postponed.他提议会议延期。第二组【例句1】The researcherssaid that among the problems with some earlier studies is thatthey often failedto take into accountthatthose people most at risk for skin cancer - people with fair skin an

28、d freckles (雀斑), for example - are more likely to use sunscreen.【例句翻译】研究人员说早期的研究有一些问题,其中一个就是他们没能考虑到有皮肤癌危险的人皮肤白皙且有雀斑的人更可能使用防晒霜。【例句分析】本句中 that among the problems作said 的宾语;that they often failed to是表语从句,表语从句中又含有一个宾语从句,that those people most at risk作take into account 的宾语。【词语点拨】 take sth into account / t

29、ake account of sth 考虑到,把考虑进去One musttake the audience into accountwhen making speeches.演讲时要考虑听众。The companytakes account ofenvironmental issues wherever possible.只要有可能,这家公司都会考虑到环境问题。 at risk (from/ of ) 有危险If we go to war, innocent lives will be putat risk.如果我们发动战争,无辜的生命就会受到威胁。The water level has ri

30、sen so high in several places that many homes areat risk fromflooding.一些地方水位升高,很多房子都有被洪水淹没的危险。 【例句2】Fansused tobe crazy about a specific film, but now the public tends to base its consumption on the interest of celebrity attached toany given product.【例句翻译】粉丝过去会为一部具体的电影而疯狂,但是现在,公众的消费倾向于建立在对名人的兴趣上,这些名

31、人与某种指定的产品有联系。【例句分析】本句是并列连词 but 连接的表转折含义的并列句,attached to作后置定语修饰celebrity。【词语点拨】 used to 过去经常,表示过去的习惯动作或状态,后接动词原形。其否定式为:used(n)t to/ didnt use to;be/get used to 习惯于,其中的 to 是介词,后接名词或动名词。如:His uncleused tolivein Paris.他的叔叔过去一直住在巴黎。Nancyusednt /didnt use toeatso many sweet things.南希过去不常吃那么多的甜食。Youused to playbasketball, usedn

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