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1、第三版大学英语1Unit4中南财经政法大学武汉学院外语系大学英语1(专科)课程教案Teaching Plan for College English (Book 1)Foreign Languages Department of Wuhan College, ZNUEL课程名称(Course Title)College English授课学时(Class Periods) 6授课单元或章节(Unit /Chapter) Unit 4 Turning Off TV: A Quiet Hour教学目的及要求( Objectives & Requirements)Students will be a

2、ble to:1. understand the main idea (The author of this article is raising his voice against TV, urging viewers to turn off their sets and enjoy a previous quiet hour, an hour without the distraction of TV.) and structure of the text;2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in Tex

3、t and learn how to use them in context;3. conduct a series of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.教学方法及方式(Methods & Means)Questions, explanation, analysis, sentence-making, oral practice and exercises 教学重点或难点(Key & Difficult Points)1. Key Words & expr

4、essions 1) activity, actually, barely, current, disturb, emotional, gap, imagination, invent, involve, neighborhood, prohibit, proposal, propose, rate, social, typical, worthwhile2) at first glance, bring together, come up with, grow up, in part2. Usage - Certain set expressions with or without the

5、article3. structure- 1) take a ride, pay a visit to, have / take a rest, have a talk, have a discussion on / about, take a last look2) subjunctive mood: with. / without.; propose / suggest that.; My proposal is that3) present perfect tense: It has been / is since.4. Discourse Analysis of the Story教学

6、进程或步骤(Procedures &Steps)Warm-up questions and group discussions ;1. Global reading: text organization, main information;2. Detailed reading: difficult sentences, language study;3. Post reading: useful expressions, reflections on the text;4. Check on homework;5. Further study and practice教学内容(Content

7、s)1. Warm-Up Questions Do you often watch TV? Why or why not? What are disadvantages of watching too much TV? What TV program(s) do you like best? Why?2. Global reading: Text organizationPart 1 (paras1): The author proposes that every evening, for 60 to 90 minutes, all television broadcasting in the

8、 U.S. be prohibited by law.Part 2 (paras2-5): The author mentions some problems caused by watching too much TV and suggests some activities to fill the time when turning off TV. Part 3 (paras6): People could have more fun if they turned off TV for one or two hours every day as they did in the past.3

9、. Detailed reading: difficult sentences analysis, language study and practice (See lecture notes);4. Usage: Certain set expressions with or without the article6. Structure: 1) take a ride, pay a visit to, have / take a rest, have a talk, have a discussion on / about, take a last look2) subjunctive m

10、ood: with. / without.; propose / suggest that.; My proposal is that3) present perfect tense: It has been / is since.7. Home reading: The New Toy 1) Main information; 2) Text organization; 3) Reflections on the text.课后作业(Assignments)1. Topic for writing: The Disadvantages of Watching TV2. Home readin

11、g : The New Toy3. Prepare Unit 5主要参考资料(References)Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Longman Group UK.Oxford Advanced English Dictionary. Oxford University PressCollege English (Third edition) Intensive Reading 1 Teachers Book新英汉词典.上海译文出版社章振邦主编.新编英语语法教程. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.张道真.现代英语

12、用法词典. 上海:上海译文出版社, 1983.备 注(Notes) 任课教师签名:Lecture NotesBefore Reading: Warm-Up Questions1. Do you often watch TV? Why or why not?2. What TV program(s) do you like best? Why?3. What are disadvantages of watching too much TV?Introductory RemarksTelevision, since its first prevalence over radio in the 1

13、950s, has played a more and more important role in peoples lives. As a matter of fact, it has become so much a part of human life that a modern world without television is unimaginable. Some people even say that life without television is not worth living. But some, on the other hand, argue against

14、TV. They think TV is taking up too much of a persons time and making him lazy, not to mention its harmful influence upon him. The author of this article, for example, is raising his voice against TV, urging viewers to turn off their sets and enjoy a precious quiet hour, an hour without the distracti

15、on of TV. This article was first published in Newsweek in 1976. Introductory Questions1. Some worthwhile programs are mentioned in the Editors Note. What are they? Can you cite some of them?(News, educational programs for children, plays, movies, concerts, etc.)2. What does Mayer suggest in his arti

16、cle?(He suggests that TV broadcasting be prohibited for an hour or so in the evening.)3. During that quiet hour, what might the family do without the distraction of TV?(They might sit around together and talk to one another.)4. What would be the immediate result if the family members could use that

17、quiet hour to discuss their problem?(They would get to know each other better and to like each other better.)5. What other activities could families pursue besides such conversations?(They could take a ride to see the sunset or take a walk to see the neighborhood.)6. What would happen if the family

18、could spend the quiet hour reading books?(A more literate new generation would appear.)7. What does the author suggest as an alternative to silent reading?(He suggests reading good stories aloud.)8. What good effects, according to Mayer, might be produced on TV programs is his proposal were accepted

19、?(TV networks would be forced to come up with better shows.)9. How did Americans use to spend their spare time before TV came to control their lives?(They used to spend spare time partly with radio; also with reading, learning, talking, playing games.)10. What do you think of Mayers suggestion? Will

20、 it be accepted or not? Why or why not?(His suggestion sounds reasonable but hard to be put into practice. No one will give up something which has become so much a part of his lifenot even for an hour.)Part Division of the TextPartLinesMain Idea11 3The author proposes that every evening, for 60 to 9

21、0 minutes, all television broadcasting in the U.S. be prohibited by law.24 28The author mentions some problems caused by watching too much TV and suggests some activities to fill the time when turning off TV.329 42People could have more fun if they turned off TV for one or two hours every day as the

22、y did in the past.Further Understanding of the TextFor Part 11. True or False JudgmentDirection: The following True / False exercise is designed to help the students to obtain a general idea of the text. The students are expected to repeat a statement if it is true, and to correct the statement if i

23、t is false.1) The author feels that the amount of time his countrymen spend on watching TV is too much. (T)2) The author proposes to stop the television broadcasting on evening news in the United States. (F)The author proposes to stop the television broadcasting right after the early evening news in

24、 the United States.3) The time suggested by the author to turn off the TV is 90 minutes.(F)The time suggested by the author to turn off the TV is 60 to 90 minutes.2. Multiple ChoiceWhat functions does the first paragraph serve? A ) Introduction B ) Describing the proposal in detail C ) Explaining wh

25、y the author put forward his proposalKey: AFor Part 21. ScanningDiscussion: Read the text and summarize the benefits of turning off TV for an hour.People could1) communicate with each other better2) find more active entertainments3) read books so that they are well-educated4) read stories aloud5) wa

26、tch the sunset6) see the neighborhood7) might come up with better programs2. Blank FillingDirections: Find specific details to support the following argument.ArgumentI would like to propose that all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited for sixty to ninety minutes by laws.Suppor

27、t ILess family communications were resulted from the distraction of TV.Support IIFamilies could discover more active pastimes rather than just sit rooted in front of TV.Support IIIWith free time and no TV, child and adults would be better-educated by means of reading.Support IVAs an alternative to s

28、ilent reading, reading good stories aloud can bring family closer and also force TV networks come up with quality programs.ConclusionAn hour without the distraction of TV is not radical at all.For Part 3Questions1. Why does the author think that it might be radical to Americans at the first glance?2

29、. How long has the TV controlled the Americans life?3. What is the purpose of the example in the last paragraph?Language Study & Difficulties ExplanationLead In1. spend time doing2. free time: spare time3. worthwhile: adj. that is worth the time, effort, etc.; needed; valuable 值得花时间等的;有价值的(句子中作表语,定语

30、或宾语补足语)a worthwhile experiment, a worthwhile bookA visit to London will always be worthwhile.So few movies are worthwhile nowadays.I bought some worthwhile books last term.I think it worthwhile to ask him to join the club.It is worthwhile to do/ doing somethingIt is worthwhile reading the book.worth

31、 值., 作表语形容词,其后必须接宾语, 表示 价钱,代价,该词不能作定语.The bike is worth 300 Yuan.当worth后接动名词作宾语时,表被动意义.His suggestion is worth considering.如: a. It is not worth more than 2.b. It is not worth the paper it is printed on.(这还不值印刷的纸钱。)c. The book is well worth reading. (worth后接动名词,用主动表被动)d. It is worthwhile to come all the way to see the scenic spot.worthy: 意为值得,配得上的, 可以与介词of搭配, 后接宾语.His behavior is worthy of great praise.注: worthy of接动名词作宾语时多用被动词态.His suggestion is worthy of being considered.worthy 作表语, 还可以接不定式She is not worthy to

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