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1、北京大学英语考试真题卷82022年北京大学英语考试真题卷(8)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Shanghai has a larger population than _ in China. Aany other city Ball the cities Cevery city Dany cities 2._ or not, you are going to face him one day. AIf you like it BWhether you like it CH

2、owever you like it. D Whether do you like it 3.The hopes, goals, fears and desires _ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. Aalter Bshift Ctransfer Dvary 4.The way she talks is simply intolerable. He objects _ like a child. Ato be treated Bto treat Cto being treated Dto treatin

3、g 5.Some diseases are _ by certain water animals. Atransplanted Btransformed Ctransported Dtransmitted 6.It seldom rains heavily in our region nowadays, _ Adoes it B isnt Cdoesnt it Dwill it 7.It is our _ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. Aconsistent Bcontinuous Cconsiderate

4、Dcontinual 8.The manager lost his _ just because his secretary was ten minutes late. Amood Btemper Cmind Dpassion 9.Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you _ the new carpet. Acrash Bpollute Cspot Dstain 10.Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills a

5、re still Ablank Bhollow Cvacant Dbare 11.They are twins and look very _ . It is not easy to tell one from the other. Asame Balike Clike Dlikely 12.People living in that busy street complain of the traffic noises which _ them at night. Adisturb Bprevent Cannoy Dinterfere 13.I warned him time and agai

6、n not to lounge about () all day long, but he took no _ of it. Aconcern Bnotice C attention Dregard 14.Without my glasses, I cant hardly _ what has been written in the letter. Amake for Bmake out Cmake up Dmake over 15.He was born in Japan but was _ in China by an old couple. Abrought out Bbrought u

7、p C brought in Dbrought through 16.He had deceived a great many people but the young woman _ him at first sight. Asaw into Blooked into C saw through Dlooked through 17.Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work _ all their time. Atakes away Btakes over Ctakes in Dtakes up 18.His lectures

8、 _ a fairly wide scope and I cant sum up what he says in a few sentences. Acover Bconvey Cconsider Dspecify 19.Can you give me a light for my cigarette I have _ my matches. Agot out of Bgot rid of Cgot away with Drun out of 20.The novel ended happily, and the young couple were married in the _ Afina

9、l B closing C end Dconclusion 21.There was a heavy fog, and the two ships on the horizon were barely _-. Asensible B passable Cvisible Dvariable 22.1 was almost totally at a loss, but then an idea suddenly _ to me. Aoccurred Bhappened Cappeared Dstarted 23.There is no _ in going to the cinema now as

10、 the film has already started. A reason B cause C motive D point 24.The landlady told him to leave because he hadnt paid his _ Abill Bfee Cfare Drent 25.It is difficult to express it in _of science. Awords Bterms Cexpressions Dvocabulary 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.假设你是一家三星级酒店的客户服务部经理,为了提高服

11、务质量,草拟一封客户意见征询信。内容包括: 1) 感谢他对酒店多年的信任, 2) 说明这封征询信的目的,并希望配合; 3) 询问对酒店的印象,诸如:大堂接待,餐厅服务,客房服务等; 4) 询问有何建议; 5) 对于合作表示感谢。 2.Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages. Its hard to imagine a time when people werent concerned with taking care of their appearance and their bodies. Perhaps these p

12、ractices started when Adam first took a bath and combed his hair before going on a date with Eve. Or maybe they began when Eve put on some herbal makeup to make herself more beautiful. No matter where they started, grooming and personal hygiene have become an important part of everyones daily routin

13、e. You might think that all modem societies would have the same grooming and personal hygiene practices. After all, doesnt everybody take baths Most people do recognize the need for hygiene, which is the basis for cleanliness and healthand a good way to keep ones friends. Grooming practices include

14、all the little things people do to make themselves look their best, such as combing their hair and putting on makeup. However, while most modern people agree that these things are important, people in different cultures take care of themselves in different ways. 3.When you are preparing for your col

15、lege adventures abroad, its easy enough to make sure you get all the right forms filled out, have your passport ready, your bags packed, and your text books waiting for you at the other end, but how do you prepare for the adjustment to a new place Especially, how to survive culture shock 4.事由:为庆祝三八国

16、际妇女节,学校特组织全校女教职工到人民公园赏花,现以学校工会的名义写一封通知,希望所有的女教职工能准时于2007年3月7日下午1点在学校大门口统一坐11路公共汽车前往。请要求参加此次活动女教职工于3月6日早上10点到工会办公室报名,以便安排晚餐。 写信时间:2007年3月4日 Words for reference: 国际妇女节:International Womens Day 工会:the Labor Union 5.U我时常收到好心的编辑寄来的电脑报刊,面对那些每个字都认识、就是看不懂的天书,心想,这不是给文盲寄报刊吗 说来惭愧,别说上网,我连打字都不会,几次走近电脑,几次又离开它,它一点

17、儿也不让我感到亲近。我怕一切机器,怕那些键子,那个蹦来蹦去的鼠标。让我感到安慰的是,白岩松写稿子也是手写。他说,笔尖触着纸的感觉是种享受。我有同感,也找到了一个说法儿。/U可到了1999年,我不能心安理得了。那天给师母送稿子,手写的,又有点儿乱。师母说:“没关系,我在电脑上打出来。”“您 ”师母说:“是啊,我70岁学的。”惊得我一下子没了话。出了门,第100次下决心,该学电脑了。 6.To see the object as in itself it really is, has been justly said to be the aim of all true criticism what

18、 ever; and in aesthetic criticism the first step towards seeing ones object as it really is, is to know ones own impression as it really is. to discriminate it, to realize it distinctly. The objects with which aesthetic criticism deals-music, poetry, artistic and accomplished forms of human life-are

19、 indeed receptacles of so many powers or forces: they possess like the products of nature, so many virtues or qualities. UWhat is this song or picture, this engaging personality presented in life or in a book, to me What effect does it really produce on me Does it give me pleasure And if so, what so

20、rt or degree of pleasure How is my nature modified by its presence, and under its influence /U UThe answers to these questions are the original facts with which the aesthetic critic has to dm and ,as in the study of light, of morals, of number, one must realize such primary data for ones self, or no

21、t at all./U UAnd he who experiences these impressions strongly, and drives directly at the discrimination and analysis of them, has no need to trouble himself with the abstract question what beauty is in itself, or what its exact relation to truth or experience metaphysical questions, as unprofitabl

22、e as metaphysical questions elsewhere./U UHe may pass them all by as being, answerable or not, of no interest to him./U 7.I Nowadays, there have been many debates on the relationship between the teacher and the student in university. Some people claim that since students pay much for their education

23、, teachers should provide them with service, Since everyone who uses service is a customer, teachers are here to serve their customers, the students. While others believe that treating students like customers undermines their education. What is your opinion Write art essay of about 400 words entitle

24、d:/IB Dont Treat Students as Customers/BI In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a sum

25、mary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR./I 8.It has been more than six months since we had the opportunity to service your car, and weve mis

26、sed you. So, we are inviting you to bring your car into our shop for a free inspection and adjustment. We hope that you will accept our offer. We have set aside the hours between 8:00 A. M. and 1: 00 P. M. , Monday through Friday for your convenience. 9._ (从艺术家的角度来看), the picture is well designed. 1

27、0.So _(受伤严重) in the accident that he had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. 11._ (根据记录证实), Chinas human rights situation has been steadily improving over the years. 12.Peoples _ (对这些摩天大楼群的态度) vary widely. 13.Mikes father _ (被释放出狱). 14.发信人:张力 内容:1邀请孙青去上海大剧院观看星期六的俄罗斯国家芭蕾舞团的演出; 2给他留下一张入场券,演出于7点15

28、分开始; 3请孙青回信告知是否能来。 写信日期:2013-11-8 15.All readers wishing to use materials from the Librarys collections must first obtain a User Card and must present it when asking for materials from the book stacks (书库) or other non-public areas, or upon request of the Library staff member. The User Card may be r

29、equired for entry into certain reading rooms. It is a violation (违反) of Federal Law and punishable if there occurs steal or willfully damage or destroy of Library books or other Library facilities. 16.回信人:孙青 内容:感谢并接受张力的邀请。约好7点在大剧院门口碰头。 写信日期:2013-11-9 17.Through peoples whole life, it is impossible f

30、or them to succeed all the time without any failure. Some people learn a lot from their failure. Some people went to pieces with the blow of failure. What is your idea about the failure IWrite a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:/I BIS FAILURE A BAD THING /B In the first part, state your opinion. In the second part, give specific reasons for your opinion. In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural c

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