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1、中职英语第六册Unit1教案教学文案中职英语第六册Unit1教案张家港中等专业学校备课笔记授课教师郭妍课程名称Unit1 授课类型New课题名称Warming-up / Listening and SpeakingA: I need to change my unhealthy lifeB: What plan do you suggest?授课时数Ten授课班级机械132授课地点汇丰楼授课时间教材分析This is the first period of Unit 1.the students have learned some words about how to ask for and

2、give advice.学情分析The students can use some simple sentences to ask for and give advice. In this class , they will learn more expressions.教学目标知识与技能目标1. Improve the ability of getting useful information through listening & reading.2. Use the useful expressions to ask for and give advice.方法与过程目标1. Maste

3、r new words and phrases to finish exercises. 2. Master the four basic sentence types.情感态度与价值观目标 Master the skills of asking for and give advice. 教学重点1. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.2. Language points教学难点Catch the useful information while listening to the dialogues.教学关键点Master

4、the important words and expressions in the dialogue.Enable the students to make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in this unit. 教学资源准备Students Book, Teachers Book and Exercise Book教学方法教法选择1.Warming up; 2. Presentation and practice; 3.Presentation ; 4. Practice ; 5. Post Task学法指导1. Co

5、mmunicative Teaching 2. Situation Teaching 3. Task Teaching 4. Teamwork Teaching 板书设计(或PPT设计)Unit One1. bored2. be tired of3. worried4. excited5. annoyed6. sad7. go on holiday8. have nothing to do9. fail the text10. go and get a coffee 张家港中等专业学校备课笔记教学环节教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Step One: Warm-upUse the words

6、in the box to describe their feelings.Ts can let the ss prepare before class and look at the pics to give us the proper answer.The higher your score is, the more changes you need to make. 在此互动的过程中,着重掌握学生对:Be of/ about 在生活中的用法。Be bored of Be worried aboutTs can ask questions like:Why are you bored to

7、day?Why are you worried about?Why are you sad ?提出有关主题的问题学生自主完成练习通过图片,导入主题,激发兴趣,启发学生思考,并为下一个活动做准备。帮助学生理清思路,克服畏难心里。Step Two:Listening& Speaking A听力练习初听精听训练学生听辨关键词的能力,提高学生对信息的理解、转换与推断的能力。训练学生从语流中辨识与捕捉细节信息的能力。Step Three:Listening& Speaking B3.Listen again and do the true or false exercises. 5.Complete t

8、he conversation with the sentences in the box,Listen and check the answers,Then practise the conversation with a partner.Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity 6. Situation I. Situation II. 听对话完成练习初听填空锻炼学生捕捉听力主要内容的能力。帮助学生熟悉并运用询问建议和提供建议的常用表达

9、方式。Step Four:Homework AssignmentCopy some useful expressions. Preview the passage in reading part. 课后巩固作业布置巩固Reading & WritingStep One: Passage A1.Read the passage and circle the best answer. 1.What is this passage mainly about? a.Making a living b.Saving money c.Making finance plans. 2.What is the

10、main idea of the last paragraph? a.You should figure out your financial situation first. b.You should make a detailed plan for saving money. c.You should take action to carry our your plan. 3.Where is the passage probably taken from ? a.A textbook on economics. b.A normal about earning a living. c.T

11、he financial section of a local newspaper.Passage A how to save money?Notes:1.Do you telling yourself that its not worth saving money if you dont have at least 1,000 yuan a month?你是不是对自己说,如果每个月存钱少于一千元就不值得存?Its worth doing sth意为做某事是值得的,例如:Its worth playing a visit to Hangzhou.杭州很值得一看。与worth 相关的矩形还有:(

12、sth) be worth doing=(sth) be worthy of being done=(sth) be worthy to be done上述短语都表示“某事值得去做”。例如:This book is worth reading.=This book is worthy of being read.=This book is worthy to be read. 这本书值得一看。2.Its a tiny amount that youll barely notice on a daily basis,but after a year,youll have saved severa

13、l hundred yuan.按一天来看,削减的这些开支看来微乎其微,但一年后,你可能已经节省了好几百元, A,barely是副词,意为几乎不,几乎没有。例如:I can barely hear his voice.我几乎听不到他的声音。B.daily是形容词,意为:每日的,日常的。例如The job requires me to make daily reports and thats a lot of paper work to do.该工作需要我做每日报告,这可意为着很多的文字工作。C,on a .basis意为在。的基础上,例如:On a daily/weekly/yearly bas

14、is 按照每天/每周/每年一次的标准3. Something thats often recommended for those who want to sort out their finances is to keep a spending and saving daily.给那些想要理清自己财务状况的人常提的一个建议就是写收支日记。A.该复合句中hats often recommended for those who want to sort out their finances是修饰先行词,something的定语从句,该从句中还包含了一个修饰先行词THOSE的定语从句who want

15、 to sort out their financesB.Recommend 是及物动词,意为推荐,赞许,例如: I went to a great restaurant yesterday and they served wonderful dishes,I strongly recommend the restaurant to you,昨天我去了家餐馆,他们家的菜很好吃,我强烈向你推荐。C,sort out 意为:(从。中)区分出来,辨别出来,酚类。例如:We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.我们必须把好的苹果与坏的苹果分开,4.Having a very clear goal in mind can make it much easier to save up.头脑中有一个非常明确的目标,可以使省钱变得更加容易。A.having a very clear goal是动名词

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