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大学英语精读第三册Unit 6 words 2.docx

1、大学英语精读第三册Unit 6 words 2Unit 6 How do we deal with the drug problem. Target Group: Second-year Students . Teaching Objectives:In this unit, students will be able to 1 get general background information about the author and the text.2 identify the main idea of the passage.3 grasp 15 keywords in the pa

2、ssage.4 review the way of expressing the object and the usage of determinersIII. Teaching Procedure:1st Lesson: Warm-up & Reading Comprehension1 About the author:Gore Vidal (1925-) is a prolific American novelist, playwright and essayist; one of the greatest stylists of contemporary American prose.C

3、larence Page: Pulitzer Prize winner; columnist and member of the editorial board at the Chicago Tribune since 1984. Twice a week, he addresses, with passion and style, the social, economic and political issues affecting people in the United States such as crime, education, housing, hunger and bigotr

4、y.Charles Krauthammer: After graduating from Canadas McGill University, Charles studied political theory at Oxford and then went to Harvard Medical School. Trained as a neurologist and psychiatrist, he returned to political analysis, first as a senior editor at the New Republic and then as a syndica

5、ted columnist. A collection of his essays has been published, and he has won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary. The excerpt here is taken from an article he published in 1988.2. Background information Today, young people using ecstasy tablets semi-openly at parties is not a rare scene in some cities.

6、Among officially registered drug addicts, 70 per cent are under the age of 35. And the types of drugs they use are becoming more and more diverse. Many factors are involved such as teaching in schools, the role of neighborhood committees and non-government organizations (NGOs), mental health support

7、, family environment and media influence. The world needs a well-considered practical approach and coordinated efforts to make headway. The reality today is that in many places, young people have very limited access to knowledge about drugs although drug abuse and trafficking are spreading in these

8、areas. In large cities and relatively rich areas, many of the attempts we have seen so far, mainly represented by lectures or posters and short-term campaigns, are superficial. It is the governments duty to find ways to solve these problems. At the same time, parents and teachers should learn to imp

9、rove their communication skills and provide emotional support for their children or students. Young people should also be encouraged to seek counseling for emotional problems.2nd Lesson Grammar & Vocabulary1. Advocacy n. 拥护, 支持, 鼓吹例句:Advocacy of the abolition of slavery.废奴主义废除奴隶制的主张Advocacy of cause

10、s in court.辩护法庭中案件的辩护Advocacy of such a system of government.联邦主义这种政府体制的主张2. Analogy:类比To draw an analogy: make an analogy.例句:Our manager is fond of drawing analogies between business and football.3. BailBail out:1)to help a person or an organization that is having problems;2)to give money to a cour

11、t when sb. is allowed to stay out of prison3)to escape from an airplane by parachute4)to empty water from a boat using a small container4. Ban v.禁止, 剥夺权利 n.禁令, 禁止例句:A ban on the importation of drugs had been issued recently. 最近已经颁布了禁止进口毒品的法令。The protesters showed their defiance of the official ban o

12、n demonstrations. 抗议者藐视官方的示威禁令。There is a ban on smoking in the theatre. 这剧院内禁止吸烟。讲解:【词源解说】直接源自古英语的bannan,意为召唤,禁止。5. Deglamorize v. to play down / reduce the glorious color of sth / sb 例句:They deglamorize the image of the president by painting him a clown. The previous movie star is now deglamorized

13、 as a drunkard. 6. Impoverish v. to reduce to poverty例句Rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil.His life would have been greatly impoverished if he had not known that friend on internet.构词法Prisonimprison 监禁 Poseimpose 强加 Plantimplant 灌输7. Intoxicant n. a substance that makes people drunk例句:

14、She is his intoxicant, always enchanting him.I cant get used to drinks with intoxicant.Intoxicate v. a. to cause sb. to lose self-control as a result of the effects of a drug, a gas, or drinkb. to excite sb. greatly例句:He had drunk all night and was thoroughly intoxicated.I was intoxicated with the b

15、eauties of the scene.8Non-repressive way: a way of tackling a difficult problem by persuasion, and not by force or violence or by laws putting unreasonable limits on peoples freedomRepressive adj. harsh; severe例句:Her husband has a repressive tendency towards her social life.People condemned the repr

16、essive measures taken by Parliament.9Proponent: one who argues in support sth of Proponent of sth.例句:She was one of the proponents of the new motion.As a determined proponent of the policy, if was impossible for him to do that.10. Rationale n. the fundamental reasons for sth.; a logical basis the ra

17、tionale of a lesson 教学原理例句The Secretary of Interior explained the rationale behind the new rules for land use. 11. rebut: to show or say that something is not true; refute He completely rebutted the allegation.Rebuttal: (fml.) a refusal to accept that sth. is true, as in a debate12. Repeal v. to rev

18、oke, withdraw, or nullify (a law) officially or formallyExamples:The government has repealed the rule of banning crackers.That law has long been repealed. You are really out of date.13. reverseThe effects of the disease can only be reversed by a bone-marrow donation. The stock market reversed course

19、 and closed with a modest gain.Hes always taught me, but now the roles are reversed and I can teach him. 14. Sane:to keep sb. Sane: stop someone from worrying or becoming mentally ill例句Reading and talking are what kept him doubt ones sanity: to think that one might be mentally illto keep/los

20、e ones sanity: to remain/not remain in good mental health15. sentimenta belief or an attitude toward sth.popular sentiment: beliefs or attitudes that most people have例句The proposals take no account of the popular sentiment.My sentiments exactly.used for emphasizing that you agree with someone3rd Les

21、son: The Analysis of the Text Sentence Paraphrase1.Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost. Just make all drugs easy to buy and sell them without cost: for only the amount of money that is needed to make or get sth, without any profit being added on, e.g. The corporation (Hab

22、itat for Humanity) would erect simple, decent houses and sell them at cost.I dont believe those goods are sold at cost as theyve a cost/at what cost: used to say that it may not have been worth doing sth because so much has been lost or damaged as a result, e.g.He obtained a professors

23、hip in the end, but at a cost to his marriage. at the cost of sth, e.g.I dont think you should work so hard at the cost of your all costs/at any cost: used for saying that sth must be done, however difficult it is or however much damage it causes, e.g.We were instructed that the mans life

24、be saved at all costs.2. Dont say that marijuana is addictive and dangerous when it is neither, unlike “speed”, which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick.Dont exaggerate the harmful effect of marihuana. It is neither addictive nor dangerous, as is often descr

25、ibed. Differentiate it from “speed” and heroin, speed” causes death while heroin is difficult to stop using once a person is addicted to it.marijuana: the most widely used drug among young people. It is estimated that more than one out of ten of the population in the US have tried it. Many of the di

26、sputes about drug use center on this substance. Some people think that it is very dangerous while others consider it less harmful than alcohol and that people ought to be allowed to use it if they wish. Most people who have studied the subject think that marijuana is not as harmful as many other dru

27、gs, which are condensed, but that it is dangerous, therefore it is better not to encourage people to use marihuana.“speed”: a form of amphetamine, a stimulant (a drug that makes people feel more alert and awake) used by some doctors to help their patients lose weight, because it depresses the appeti

28、te. But the medical profession discourage this use. Amphetamines are addictive because they make people feel self-confident and able to stay awake for a long time and, gradually, users find they must have regular and ever-large doses, otherwise, they cannot work, study or go about their usual activi

29、ties. In time, some of them turn to a particularly dangerous form of amphetamine known as Methedrine, or “speed”.3.Ford the record, in have tried almost every drug and liked none, disproving the popular theory that a whiff of opium will enslave the mind.and I dont think a persons mind will be domina

30、ted by opium/ I dont agree that a person will become addicted to opium if he takes a small amount of it.for the record: declared openly and officially so as to make known ones disagreement, e.g.“For the record, ”said the Senator, “I think our effort to reduce crime is a failure.”For the record, I fi

31、nd parents are making a big mistake imposing their values on their children.a whiff of sth: (mainly literary) a small amount of sth or a slight sign or feeling of sth, e. g.a whiff of onion; a whiff of fear/danger/scandal/hypocrisy/successenslave the mind: to affect people to the extent that they wi

32、ll lose control over their own lives4. Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the United States was the creation of men who believed that each man has eh right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere with his neighbuors pursuit of happiness.While urging people not to take drugs and warning them o

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