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1、英语二真题单词笔12015英语二真题单词笔记Section 1contemporary/kntmprr/CET4 TEM4 1.ADJContemporarythings are modern and relate to the present time. 当代的例:She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.她为惠特尼休斯敦等人创作大量当代音乐作品。 2.ADJContemporarypeople or things were alive or happened at the same time

2、 as something else you are talking about. 同时代的例:.drawing upon official records and the reports of contemporary witnesses.借助官方记录以及当时目击者的证言。 3.N-COUNTSomeonescontemporaryis a person who is or was alive at the same time as them. 同时代的人例:Like most of my contemporaries, I grew up in a vastly different wor

3、ld.像我同时代的大多数人一样,我在一个非常不同的世界里长大。prospect/prspkt/CET4 TEM4(prospecting,prospected,prospects) 1.N-VARIf there is someprospectofsomething happening, there is a possibility that it will happen. 可能性; 前景例:Unfortunately, there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered.遗憾的是,几乎没有可能看到这些重大问题得到解答

4、。The prospects for peace in the countrys eight-year civil war are becoming brighter.在该国的8年内战中,和平的前景正变得越来越光明。 2.N-SINGA particularprospectis something that you expect or know is going to happen. 将要发生的事例:There was a mixed reaction to the prospect of having new neighbours.对于将要有新邻居这件事有多种反应。 3.N-PLURALSo

5、meonesprospectsare their chances of being successful, especially in their career. 成功的机会; 前途例:I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects.我选择到国外工作,以增进我的事业成功的机会。 4.V-IWhen peopleprospect foroil, gold, or some other valuable substance, they look for it in the ground or under the sea. 勘探例:He h

6、ad prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal.他在世界各地探过矿,从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦。virtually/vtl/CET4 TEM4 1.ADVYou can usevirtuallyto indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true. 事实上例:Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges

7、.事实上所有的烹饪都是在烧煤的炉灶上完成的。fiddle with o 1.口语玩弄,摸弄:Its so annoying,the way she keeps fiddling about with her hair.她不停地摸弄头 发的样子真令人讨厌。o 2.胡乱修理;摆弄,拨弄(机器部件)o 3.口语对(某事)做手脚:Someones been fiddling with the accounts,theres some money missing.有人对账目做了手脚,少了一些款子。plug/pl/CET4 TEM4(plugging,plugged,plugs) 1.N-COUNTApl

8、ugon a piece of electrical equipment is a small plastic object with two or three metal pins that fit into the holes of an electric outlet and connects the equipment to the electricity supply. 插头例:I used to go around and take every plug out at night.过去我常在夜里巡视一番,拔掉所有的插头。 2.N-COUNTAplugis an electric o

9、utlet. 插座例:Then Bob spotted the problem - the plug in the wall hadnt been switched on.然后鲍勃发现了问题墙上的插座没有打开。 3.N-COUNTAplugis a thick, circular piece of rubber or plastic that you use to block the hole in a bathtub or sink when it is filled with water. (浴缸、洗涤槽的) 塞子例:She put the plug in the sink and fil

10、led it with cold water.她用塞子塞住水池,并将其注满冷水。 4.N-COUNTAplugis a small, round piece of wood, plastic, or wax that is used to block holes. (木头、塑料或腊制的) 塞子例:A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.那个钻孔里已经塞上了塞子。 5.V-TIf youpluga hole, you block it with something. 堵; 塞例:Crews are working to plug a major oi

11、l leak.机组人员正在努力堵一个漏油的大洞。 6.V-TIf someoneplugsa commercial product, especially a book or a film, they praise it in order to encourage people to buy it or see it because they have an interest in it doing well. 大力宣传 (商品,尤为图书或电影)例:We did not want people on the show who are purely interested in plugging

12、a book or film.我们不想让那种纯粹只对宣传某书籍或电影感兴趣的人上节目。 7.N-COUNTPlugis also a noun. 大力宣传例:Lets do this show tonight and itll be a great plug, a great promotion.让我们今晚进行这场演出吧。这将会是一场盛大而绝妙的宣传。 8.PHRASEIf someone in a position of powerpulls the plug ona project oronsomeones activities, they use their power to stop

13、them from continuing. (利用权力) 终止 (方案或活动)例:The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.银行有权终止该项目。plug into 把(电器)插头插入;接通universal/junvsl/CET4 TEM4 1.ADJSomething that isuniversalrelates to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular group or society. 全世界的; 普遍的例:The insurance industry

14、 has produced its own proposals for universal health care.保险业为全民保健提出了自己的建议。The desire to look attractive is universal.爱美之心人皆有之。 2.ADJSomething that isuniversalaffects or relates to every part of the world or the universe. 全世界的; 普遍存在的例:.universal diseases.世界性的疾病。armor/m/CET6 TEM4seearmourarmour/m/CET

15、6 TEM4 1.N-UNCOUNTIn former times,armourwas special metal clothing that soldiers wore for protection in battle. 盔甲例:.knights in armour.身穿盔甲的骑士们。 2.N-UNCOUNTArmourconsists of tanks and other military vehicles used in battle. 装甲部队例:U.S. Army troops and armour blocked access to the main palace grounds.

16、美国陆军部队和装甲部队阻断了进入主殿庭院的通道。 3.N-UNCOUNTArmouris a hard, usually metal, covering that protects a vehicle against attack. (车辆的) 护甲例:.a formidable warhead that can penetrate the armour of most tanks.一种很有威力的、能穿透大多数坦克护甲的弹头。approach/prt/CET4 TEM4(approaching,approached,approaches) 1.V-T/V-IWhen youapproachso

17、mething, you get closer to it. 走近例:He didnt approach the front door at once.他没有立即走近前门。When I approached, they grew silent.当我走近时,他们变得沉默了。 2.N-COUNTApproachis also a noun. 走近例:At their approach the little boy ran away and hid.当他们走近时,那个小男孩跑开了并藏了起来。 3.V-TIf youapproachsomeoneaboutsomething, you speak to

18、 them about it for the first time, often making an offer or request. 与接洽例:When Brown approached me about the job, my first reaction was of disbelief.当布朗为这份工作找我时,我的第一反应是不相信。He approached me to create and design the restaurant.他来找我创办并设计那家餐馆。 4.N-COUNTApproachis also a noun. 接洽例:There had already been

19、approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group.已经有一些对整个集团感兴趣的买主来接洽了。 5.V-TWhen youapproacha task, problem, or situation in a particular way, you deal with it or think about it in that way. 处理例:The Bank has approached the issue in a practical way.该银行已经务实地处理了这个问题。 6.V-IAs a future time or

20、 eventapproaches, it gradually gets nearer as time passes. 临近例:As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.秋天渐近,花园里的植物与色调发生了变化。 7.N-SINGApproachis also a noun. 临近例:.the festive spirit that permeated the house with the approach of Christmas.随着圣诞节的临近而弥漫在这所房子里的节日气氛。 8.V-TAs youap

21、proacha future time or event, time passes so that you get gradually nearer to it. 逐渐接近 (某时间或事件)例:There is a need for understanding and cooperation as we approach the summit.在我们即将参加峰会之际需要理解与合作。 9.V-TIf somethingapproachesa particular level or state, it almost reaches that level or state. 几乎达到 (某水平或状态

22、)例:Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost ten years.石油价格已几乎达到近十年来的最高水平。 10.N-COUNTAnapproachtoa place is a road, path, or other route that leads to it. 路径例:The path serves as an approach to the boathouse.这条小路是通向那个船库的一条路径。 11.N-COUNTYourapproachtoa task, problem, or situation is th

23、e way you deal with it or think about it. 方式例:We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。executive/zkjtv/CET4 TEM4 1.N-COUNTAnexecutiveis someone who is employed by a business at a senior level. Executives decide what the business should do, and ensure that it

24、is done. 执行总监例 advertising executive.一位广告执行总监。 2.ADJTheexecutivesections and tasks of an organization are concerned with the making of decisions and with ensuring that decisions are carried out. 执行的例:A successful job search needs to be as well organized as any other executive task.一次成功的寻职要像任何其他执

25、行任务一样精心安排。 3.ADJExecutivegoods are expensive products designed or intended for executives and other people at a similar social or economic level. 高级的例 executive briefcase.一个高级公文包。 4.N-SINGTheexecutivecommittee or board of an organization is a committee within that organization that has the autho

26、rity to make decisions and ensures that these decisions are carried out. 执行委员会例:They opted to put an executive committee in charge of the project rather than a single person.他们选择由一个执行委员会而非个人来负责这个项目。 5.N-SINGThe executiveis the part of the government of a country that is concerned with carrying out d

27、ecisions or orders, as opposed to the part that makes laws or the part that deals with criminals. (政府的) 行政部门例:The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be、行政和司法应该彼此分立。mental/mntl/CET4 TEM4 1.ADJMentalmeans relating to the process of thinking. 智力的例:The intellectual e

28、nvironment has a significant influence on the mental development of the children.知识环境对孩子智力的发展有着重大的影响。 2.ADV智力地 mentally例:I think you are mentally tired.我觉得你的头脑累了。 3.ADJMentalmeans relating to the state or the health of a persons mind. 心理上的例:The mental state that had created her psychosis was no long

29、er present.导致她精神错乱的那种心理状态已经不见了。 4.ADV心理上地 mentally例 inmate who is mentally disturbed.一个心理不正常的病人。 5.ADJAmentalact is one that involves only thinking and not physical action. 在头脑中进行的例:Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping.外出购物时练习一下心算。 6.ADV在头脑中进行地 mentally例:This technique will help p

30、eople mentally organize information.这个技术会帮助人们在头脑里组织信息。coach/kt/CET4 TEM4(coaching,coached,coaches) 1.N-COUNTAcoachis someone who trains a person or team of people in a particular sport. 教练例:Tony Woodcock has joined the team as coach.托尼伍德科克已经作为教练加入了队伍。 2.N-COUNTAcoachis a person who is in charge of a sports team. (体育队的) 领队例:.the womens football coach at Rowan University.罗恩大学女子足球队的领队。 3.N-COUNTAcoachis someone who gives people special teaching in a particular subject, especially in order to prepare them for an examination. (针对某科目,尤指进行考前指导的) 辅导员例:Wha

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