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1、浙江省杭州市大关中学学年第二学期九年级阶段性测试杭州市大关中学2018学年第二学期阶段性测试九年级 英语 试题卷命卷人WXF 审卷人CFM第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats the womans ticket number?A. Car 10 Seat 12A B. Car 11. Seat 10A C. Car 11,

2、 Seat 12A2. What did the boy use to be like?A. He used to be shy. B. He used to be friendly. C. He used to be outgoing.3. How will the man go to New York?A. By car. B. By plane. C. By train.4. Why was the man surprised at the game?A. Because the Lion Team lost.B. Because the Lion Team won.C. Because

3、 one player got hurt.5. How long will Mr. Black stay in Hangzhou?A. For three days. B. For five days. C. For seven days.第二节 听较长对话和独白,回答问题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)听下面2段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。现在,你有15秒

4、钟的时间阅读这三个小题。6. What did the woman think of her job at the supermarket?A. Tiring. B. Exciting. C. Boring.7. How many jobs did the woman do beforeA. 1. B. 2. C. 3.8. What does the woman want to be?A. A traveler. B. A guide. C.A dishwasher.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。9. Why does the man ta

5、lk to the woman?A. To ask about her holiday.B. To ask about hotels.C. To ask about the city.10. What does the man want to do in the city?A. To see some places of interest.B. To visit friends.C. To do business.11. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Old friends. B. Strangers. C. Travel

6、er and guide. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至15四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题,独白连续两遍。12. Why was the girl named Alice?A. Because of a movie. B. Because of a book. C. Because of a song.13. Whats the date today?A. September 10th . B. September 3rd. C. September 1st. 14. How long has Alices father worked in China?A. For only

7、 a year. B. For nearly three years. C. For over four years.15. What does Alices father hope Alice could do?A. See some places of interest.B. Study Chinese.C. Call up her grandparents. 第2部分 阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)第1节 阅读下列短文(图表),从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选出最佳选项。ARead the following poems.1. Stopped by Woods on

8、a Snowy Evening -By Robert FrostWhose woods these are I think I know,His house is in the village though.He will not see me stopping here,To watch his woods to fill up snow.My little horse must think it queer(奇怪的),To stop without a farmhouse near.Between the woods and frozen lake,The darkest evening

9、of the year.He gives his harness(马具)bells a shake,To ask if there is some mistake.The only other sounds the sweep,Of easy wind and downy flake(雪片).The woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.2. Hope is the Thing with F

10、eathers -By Emily DickinsonHope is the thing with feathersThat perches(栖息) in the soulAnd sings the tune without the woodsAnd never stops at allAnd sweetest in the gale(狂风)is hearedAnd sore must be the stormThat could abash(使局促不安)the little birdThat kept so many warmIve heared it in the chilliest(最寒

11、冷的)land And on the strongest seaYet, never, in extremityIt asked a crumb(少许)of me16. In poem, the story probably happened in ?A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter17. From paragraph 2 of Poem 1, we can imagine . A. a man ridding a horse is near a farmhouse in the darkB. a man and a horse are betwe

12、en the woods and frozen lakeC. a horse is looking at a man strangely on the darkest eveningD. a horse is standing between the woods and frozen lake alone18. Poem 2 mainly describes . A. hope B. a bird C. nature D. a horse BIm Alfred. I was born with a problem in my backbone and mobility(行走能力)was a b

13、ig challenge for me, but thanks to my teachers and friends, my school life was excellent.My friends and I used to sit together and have lots of fun. Whenever we got a free period, we used to start shouting or play games. I took part in all competitions, such as poetry writing, story writing, paintin

14、g and all activities on Teachers Day or somebodys birthday and had much fun.My English teacher was very tall. The moment she entered the class, we would all sit quietly and open the books. She would encourage me by giving me important assignments and also morning news to read during the assembly. Sh

15、e would come down and listen to my English debate, which made me participate in all debate competitions.The same was true of my biology and science teacher. She was very nice and sweet. She would always give me extra information on the biology project. I could not go to the lab for practicals(lesson

16、s or exams in science, cooking, etc. in which you have to do or make something yourself rather than write or read about it), so she would bring down the lab and help me with the biology and science practicals and would give me excellent marks.My friends made me monitor and the naughty boys listened

17、to me. My friends used to help me with my notes when I was absent. My teachers always gave me important project work and I felt proud when they patted me on the back after I finished it quickly and correctly. I was never shouted at or scolded by any of my friends or teachers.Today I often see the te

18、rrible punishments given to students on TVs. I feel very sad.I really want to express my love and thanks to all my wonderful teachers and friends, without whom my school life would not have been so excellent and unforgettable. I really pray to God that catch child in the world is blessed with caring

19、 teachers and friends.19. Alfreds problem on his backborn .A. made him have fewer friends than othersB. prevented him from enjoying an excellent school lifeC. made him feel down all the time in his lifeD. made it impossible for him to move quickly20. How many Alfreds teachers are mentioned in the pa

20、ssage?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.21. The underlined part “patted me on the back”is the closest in meaning to “ ”.A. scolded and hit me B. touched my backbone C. encouraged and praised me D. made me calm down22. By writing the passage, Alfred mainly aims to .A. express his thanks to his teache

21、rs and friendsB. tell us how lucky he isC. get understanding and care from many peopleD. show us his great school achievementsC Its Friday evening. My daughters 3 and 9, sign(叹息)when I gentlely take the iPads away from their laps. One by one, our screens are turned off. We light the candles and sit

22、down to have a big meal. Most people in our lives know they will not be able to contact us by using computer or mobile phones for 24 hours. And so it has gone, every week for three years. We call it our “Technology Shabbat(科技安息日)”which lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. I first under

23、stood the importance of disconnecting in 2008, when my father was told that he had got brain cancer. Some days he would have only one good hour, and I wasnt willing to be disturbed when I was with him, so Id turn off my mobile phone. Soon after, encouraged by Nationsl Day of Unplugging(全国断网断电口) on M

24、arch 1st , my husband and I decided to unplug for one full day every week. During our “Technology Shabbat(科技安息日)”, time slows. Our Saturdays now feel like mini-vacations. We drive our car or ride our bike. We, with our kids, work in the garden, play board games and cook meals. I feel more balanced.

25、I feel like a better mother, wife and person. Keeping a balance between the good and the bad of technology is my lasting state. The technology weve created makes it possible for us to share knowledge and take in carious ideas all over the world. But the technology also take something away from us. W

26、hen we stay up late at night linking from website or sending messages or e-mailing, we click again, and again, and again until weve overloaded. When we rush into the time full of high technology, its necessary for us to pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go off. I will alwa

27、ys remember the most important thing in my family: “Technology Shabbat”.23. When is “Technology Shabbat” in the writers family?A. Only on Sunday.B. From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.C. Only on Friday.D. From sunset on Saturday to sunset on Sunday.24. The writers family have “Technology Sha

28、bbat” every week mainly because they hope to .A. save money B. enjoy life together C. stay away from others D. follow National Day of unpluging25. What do the writers family not do during their “Technology Shabbat” ?A. They drive their car or ride bikes for mini-vacations.B. They light the candles a

29、nd sit down to have a big meal.C. They work in the garden, play board games and cook meals.D. They stay up late at night linking from website to website.26. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. Every family must have “Technology Shabbat”.B. A woman should learn to be a good mother or wife.C. Peopl

30、e need to stay away from technology properly.D. People had better not send messages, e-mail or chat online.D Why are dogs our best friends? Maybe because they can understand our words much better than we thought, according to a study in Hungary. It found that dogs understand not only what we say, bu

31、t also how we say it. “The results were very exciting and very surprising.”said the researcher Attila Andies, from Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest. For the study, the researchers first trained 13 dogs for months. The dogs had to sit quietly inside machine, so that the researchers could check their activities. Then the researcher put headphones on dogs and played peoples voice to them. There were four different voices. Some were positive words, such as “well done”, or neutral(不带感情色彩的)words like “however”. The words were also

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