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最新人教新目标七下Unit6 Im watching TV导学案.docx

1、最新人教新目标七下Unit6 Im watching TV导学案Unit6 Im watching TV?主备人: 吴晓红 审核人学习目标1. 学会谈论人们正在做的事。 2. 描述日常生活中人们正在做的事情,培养能就发生的事情做谈论的能力。重点难点1. 掌握动词-ing形式。 2. 学会运用现在进行时。Period 1 Section A( 1a1c)学习目标1. 会读背下列单词:newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just2. 会运用下列短语:talk on the phone, go to the movies, make soup, read a new

2、spaper, use the computer, wash clothes3. 重点句型: -What are you doing? - Im watching TV. -Whats he doing? -Hes using the computer.学习重点1. 现在进行时的构成:主语+be(am, is, are)+动词的现在分词 2. 动词现在分词的构成:见P1133. 熟练现在进行时的用法,会谈论人们正在干什么。学习过程 一、检查预习(一)把下列动词变成现在分词do_ watch_ eat_ read_ play_have_ dance_ come_ shop_ begin_sit_

3、put_ get_ swim_ run_ (二)翻译下列短语1. doing homework 2. watching TV 3. cleaning 4. exercising 5. listening to a CD 6. 做汤 7. talking on the phone 8 . 看报纸 9.洗衣服 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 认真观察1a图片,完成1a。 2. 认真听录音,完成1b。3. 大声朗读并背诵1c中的小对话,并且结对编对话练习。(二)合作探究1. “talking on the phone ” on 介词的意思是“ ”2. 现在进行时:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进

4、行或发生的动作,也可以表当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。常用的时间状语有现在 ,看 ,听 , 此刻at the moment等3.动词现在分词的构成规律总结:1) 一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加 。2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词 。3) 重读闭音节单词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母 。三、达标检测一用所给动词的适当时态形式填空:1. I _ (watch) TV now.2. Look! The boy _ (swim) in the river.3. What time _ your brother_(do) his homework every evening?4. Dont t

5、alk! Your father is sleep.5. He with his family eatdinner now.6. Look! The students playon the playground.7. Its 3:45 in the afternoon now. We havea meeting.8. He usually goto school in his Dads car.9. The boy not dohis homework on weekends.10. My father often watchTV in the evening. 二选择填空.( )1. -_a

6、re the girls talking about? -They are talking about the new TV play.A. when B. what C. why D. where( )2. She is TV in the room. A. looking B. looking at C. seeing D. watching( )3. Look! They _ games over there. A. play B. is play C. is playing D. are playing( )4. One of the boys sitting near the doo

7、r. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )5. Jodie and her sister_ now.A. is sing B. are sing C. is singing D. are singing课后反思Period 2 Section A( 2a2d)学习目标1. 进一步巩固现在进行时构成及其动词的现在分词的写法。2、本课重点词汇;movie、 just 、go to the movie ,eat out。学习重点现在进行时构成及其动词的现在分词的写法学习过程一、检查预习看电影 只是,恰好 有点 出去吃饭 电视节目 没事 我很乐意 六点半 碰面 和我一起吃晚饭 再见

8、 ,待会见 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 阅读2a 的内容,放录音让学生跟读,完成2a 2. 再听录音,根据你听到的内容,完成2b3. 小组对话,完成2c。 4. 大声朗读并背诵2d中的对话,然后做结对练习。(二)合作探究1. want 想要 (1)后跟名词.want sth; (2)后跟to + 动词原形, 即want to do sth 想要做某事; (3)后跟宾语加动词不定式, 即 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事2. sound 系动词“听起来”后跟形容词作表语,“that sounds + 形容词” 这一句型常用于口语中,用于对别人的提议建议表示自己的看

9、法. 如:-Do you want to learn English?-That sounds great。3. lets do sth 为提建议的祈使句“让某人做某事”其肯定回答为Ok. All right. Yes , lets 否定回答为Sorry, I 如:-Lets play basketball. -Ok. 4. 用英语打电话的表示方法(1)Hello!意思是“喂”。听到电话铃响,外国人习惯拿起话筒,先向对方说Hello!并告诉自己的电话号码。(2)This is Sam.意思是“我是山姆”。在打电话时,介绍自己时一般不用I am,而是This is。(3)Is that Bill

10、? 该句意思是“你是比尔吗?”。在打电话时,询问对方是谁时不用Are you ?,而用 Is that?或者Whos that?。三、达标检测一用所给动词的适当时态形式填空1. What are you doing now? I _(clean) the windows.2. -Are you _ (make) a cake? -Yes, we _. (be)3. OK. I am _ (come) now. 4. Is she _ (listen) to the teacher?5. Miss Brown is _ (stand) near a tree.6. I like _ (swim)

11、 very much.7. Its time _ (play) football.8. Miss Li wants _ (eat) some rice and two eggs.9. Look at the picture. The children _ (fly) kites.10. The twins can _ (not speak) French.(二)完成下列对话。A: Hello, is Tina there ? B: No, she _.A: Where is she ? B: She is _ home.A: Whats she _ now? B: She is _ TV.A:

12、 _she want to go to the movies? B: That_ good. This TV _ is boring.课后反思Period 3 Section A( Grammar focus3c)学习目标1. 理解并背诵Grammar Focus中的内容 2. 学习巩固现在进行时。3. 本课重点词汇:house、 drink、 tea、 tomorrow、drink tea.学习重点1. 学习巩固现在进行时。 2. 掌握一般疑问句及其简单答语。学习过程 一、检查预习:下列句子均有一处错误,请改正。1. Lilei is do his homework in the class

13、room. 2. Is your father swiming in the river? 3. Who running with you? 4. He is speak some English now. 5. Look! he watching TV in the room. 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 自读grammar focus的句子,总结现在进行时用法。2. 阅读3a,学生运用提示问题,完成3a的任务,连词成句。3. 阅读3b核对答案,全班大声朗读。4. 阅读3c,小组合作做练习。(二)合作探究1. 现在进行时结构形式:be (am/is/are)+v.-ing。肯定

14、句: 主语+ be + v.-ing + 其他。 否定句: 主语+ be + not + v.-ing +其他。一般疑问句:Be+主语+ v.-ing +其他。 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ be +主语+ v.-ing +其他。三、达标检测(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Listen! Who _ (sing) in the room?2. _ you _ (do) your homework?3. Look! The woman _ (wear) an old skirt, she wants _ (buy) a new one.4. Jim, what _ you _ (do) in the classroom now?5.

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