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1、冀教版小学英语三年级下册教案 Lesson 1教学设计 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写词汇:farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep 2. 能理解并口头运用句子:Whats this? Its a _. 3. 能唱本课歌曲。 (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。 (四)文化意识目标:知道一些西方国家农场及农场主与中国的不同。 二、教学重点: 1. 词汇:farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep 2. 句型:Whats this? Its a _. 三、教学难点:熟练而正确地拼写五

2、个单词。 四、教学过程: I. Warm up Greetings: Hello, Glad to see you again. How are you? What did you do on your holiday? (因为是开学后的第一节课,教师询问学生的假期情况,可允许他们用汉语回答,或英汉混用,这样可以活跃气氛,拉近距离,让学生以愉悦的心情进入下面的学习。) II. New Concept 1.T: Today lets go to a farm. (简单用汉语介绍一下西方国家的农场,体会中西方的差异) 观看教学光盘,思考 Whats on the farm? Watch again

3、, follow to read, introduce the new words. (教师用卡片或图片逐一介绍新词汇,并与句型结合。) Whats this? Its a _. farm-farmer work-worker drive-driver teach-teacher (让学生仔细观察四组词,从中发现一些规律:末尾加er 就成了从事这项工作的人。) pig, big, sit, six cow, how, now sheep, three, knee, feel (让学生试着读这些词,体会划线部分的发音,简单了解一些字母的发音及字母组合的拼读规则。) 1.T: What color

4、 is the pig/ cow/ sheep? S: Its _. T: black sheep 害群之马 1 T: What animal do you like? pig, cow or sheep, why? (学生可以用汉语回答为什么,这样使交流更真实更有意义,) 1.Listen to the song and follow to sing. (教师可以先教给学生各种动物不同的叫声,让学生模仿。) III. Practice 1. Point to the words:五张单词卡片贴到黑板上,男女生比赛,各派代表听老师指令,看谁最快指出来。 2. 猜字游戏:单词卡片设计成有立体效果

5、的,各队派代表,用手触摸卡片,其他学生问:Whats this? 该学生回答:Its a _. 最后在规定时间内,哪个队猜对的多即获胜。 3. Role-play: 学生四人一组,选择自己喜欢的动物头饰戴上,然后来到农场,自编自演,看哪个组演的最有创意。(此活动可允许有部分汉语) IV. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: write the five words. Sing the song. 板书设计: Lesson 1: On the Farm

6、farm. farmer. Whats this? Its a pig. cow. sheep. Lesson 2教学设计 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写词汇:cat, dog, chicken, duck. 2. 能理解并口头运用句子:Is this a _? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 3. 能唱本课歌曲。 (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。 二、教学重点: 1. 词汇:cat, dog, chicken, duck. 2. 句型:Is this a _? Yes, it is./ N

7、o, it isnt. 2 三、教学难点:熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流。 四、教学过程: I. Warm up Greetings and review. Whats this? Its a _.(farm, farmer, pig, cow, sheep) II. New Concept 1.T: Today lets go to a farm again.观看教学光盘, 思考What can you see on the farm? Watch again, follow to read, introduce the new words. (教师用卡片或图片逐一介绍新词汇,并与句型结合。)

8、 Whats this? Its a _. cat hat fat bat sat fat cat指“富人,有钱的人”。 dog hot pop hop top Love me, love my dog. “爱屋及乌”。 It rains cats and dogs. “倾盆大雨”。 chicken 鸡 chick 小鸡rooster 公鸡 hen 母鸡。 KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯塔基州炸鸡 duck desk door dog doctor 2. 教师在介绍后面的词汇时,可以加入句型,Is this a _? 如:学习dog 后,指着dog的图片,ask:

9、Is this a cat? No, it isnt. (follow to read) Is this a dog? Yes, it is. (follow to read) 3. T: What animal do you like? Why? (学生可以用汉语回答为什么,这样使交流更真实更有意义,) Listen to the song and follow to sing. III. Practice 4. 猜词游戏:拿东西遮挡住单词,然后一点一点地往外露,边做便问:Whats this? 看谁能猜对。 5. 猜谜语: T: Its our friend. It says “Woof!

10、 Woof!” What is it? T: It likes to eat fish. It says “ Meow! Meow!” What is it ? 6. 翻牌游戏:两人一组,卡片朝下,甲问:Is this a _? 乙答: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 7. Listen to the song and follow to sing. IV: Production 宠物秀:小组活动,学生们扮演自己喜欢的动物,摆出各种姿势,发出动听的叫声,用优美的语言介绍自己等,看哪一组表演的最好。 V. Homework 3 1. What do we learn fro

11、m this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: Read the text. Sing the song. write the four words. 板书设计: Lesson 2: Cats and Dogs Cat. dog. Whats this? Its a chicken. duck. Is this a _? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Lesson 3 教学设计 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写词汇:bird, fish, swim, fly, dan

12、ce and sing. 2. 能理解并口头运用句子:I can_. Can you _? Yes, I can./No, I cant. 3. 能唱本课歌谣。 (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。 二、教学重点: 1. 词汇:bird, fish, swim, fly, dance and sing. 2. 句型:I can_. Can you _? Yes, I can./No, I cant. 三、教学难点:熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流。 四、教学过程: I. Warm up Greetings and review. 1. 用动物卡片,先师生问

13、答Whats this? Its a _.然后两人组练习此句型。 2. 教师用东西遮盖住卡片,让学生猜是什么动物, S: Is this a _? T: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 4 然后指名学生来做小老师,由师生问答变为生生问答。 II. New Concept 1. 学生观看教学光盘,在情境中理解can 的含义,can, “能,会。” can cat cake cold cool (渗透拼读规则) 再次观看光盘,说一说你看到的人物各有什么本领? 教师用手偶,学生用头饰,用第一人称介绍:I can _. 然后先师生问答:Can you _? Yes, I can.

14、/ No, I cant. 接着生生问答:Can you _? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 2. Listen to the song and follow to chant. III. Practice 8. 看图片做动作,边做边说:I can_. 9. 双簧表演:两人一组,一个学生在前面演,另一个学生在后面说:I can_. 10. Pair work: I can_. Can you _? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. IV: Production 1. Make a survey.调查同学会做什么?Can you _? Yes, I can./

15、 No, I cant. 2. 动物辩论会:分男女生两队或小组之间比赛,各种动物畅谈自己的本领,运用句型:I can_. Can you _? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: Read the text. Sing the chant. write the six words. 板书设计: Lesson 3: Fish and Birds fish bird swim fly Can you

16、dance ? sing 5 Yes, I can. / No, I cant. Lesson 4 教学设计 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写词汇:horse, run. 能听懂、会说、认读词汇:rabbit, jump. 2. 能理解并口头运用句子:What animals can _? _ can _. Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。 二、教学重点: 1. 词汇:horse, run. 2. 句型:What animals can

17、_? _ can _. Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 三、教学难点:熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流,能区分I 与it 的不同用法。 四、教学过程: I. Warm up Greetings and review. 3. 用动物卡片,先师生问答Whats this? Its a _.然后学生两人组练习此句型。 4. 教师用东西遮盖住卡片,让学生猜是什么动物, S: Is this a _? T: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 然后指名学生来做小老师,由师生问答变为生生问答。 5. Pair work: Can you _? Ye

18、s, I can. / No, I cant. II. New Concept 3. 学生观看教学光盘,介绍词汇horse, rabbit, run, jump horse, hot, hair, hand, head run fun sun(渗透拼读规则) 4. Horses can run. What animals can run? Dogs can run. Pigs can run. Sheep can run. 6 Rabbits can jump. What animals can jump? Dogs can jump. Cats can jump. Pair work: Wh

19、at animals can _? _ can _. 5. T: A bird can fly. Can a horse fly? No, it cant. A fish can swim. Can a duck swim? Yes, it can. Pair work: Can a _ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. III. Practice 11. 看动物图片做动作,边做边说:A _ can _. 12. 双簧表演:两人一组,一个学生在前面演,另一个学生在后面说:A _ can _. 13. Pair work: What animals can _? _

20、can _. Can a _ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. IV: Production “动物导购员”招聘会:分男女生两队或小组之间比赛,教师给出范例让学生参考,两名招聘人员,两三种动物,对话如下: S1: Can a horse fly? S2: No, it cant. Horse: I can run. S1: Can a duck swim? S2: Yes, it can. Duck: Yes, I can swim. S1: I think the horse is good. S2: Ok! V. Homework 1. What do we l

21、earn from this lesson? 2. Do you have any questions? 3. homework: Read the text. Make the animal cards. 板书设计: Lesson 4: Horses and Rabbits What animals can run? rabbit Horses can run. jump Can a _ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. Lesson 5教学设计 7 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读和书写词汇:in, on, 能听懂、会说、认读词汇:

22、under 2. 能理解并口头运用句子:Where is the _? Its _ the _. (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。 二、教学重点: 1. 词汇:in, on, under 2. 句型:Where is the _? Its _ the _. 三、教学难点:熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流. 四、教学过程: I. Warm up Greetings and review. 6. 教师用东西遮盖住卡片,让学生猜是什么动物, T: Is this/it a _? S: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 然后指名学生来做小老

23、师,由师生问答变为生生问答。 7. Pair work: Can a _ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. II. New Concept 1. 学生观看教学光盘或图片,教师自制活动的教具等方式,介绍词汇in, on, under. T: Where is the cat/rabbit? Its in/ on/ under the box. 教师将准备的毛绒玩具放置于教室的不同地方,提问学生: T: Where is the monkey? S: Its in/on/under the desk/chair. 指名学生到前面来放置玩具,然后生生问答:Where is

24、 the _? Its _ the _. 2. Letters and sounds 学生跟着光盘读这些单词,尤其关注标注的字母的发音及规律,并试着想想学过的类似的单词,如: m: farm, arm, mother n: nine, nice, name 8 l: left, look, fly i: nice, hi, white III. Practice 14. 看图片,生生问答:Where is the _? Its _ the _. 15. Play a game: “Hide it”.请一名同学到门外,其他学生藏好一个东西,然后该生进入教室,其他学生问他:Where is the

25、 _? 该生猜:Its _ the _.看看谁能在最短的时间内猜对。 IV: Production Guessing game: S1: Whats in/on/under the box/desk/chair? S2: Its an animal. S1: Is it a _? S2: Yes, it is./No, it isnt. S1: Can it _? S2: Yes, it can./ No, it cant. S1: Oh, I see! Its a _. V. Homework 1. What do we learn from this lesson? 2. Do you h

26、ave any questions? 3. homework: Read the text. 板书设计: Lesson 5: Where? Where is the _? Its in / on/ under the _. Lesson 6 教学设计 一、教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:1. 学生能在图片和教师的帮助下听懂故事。 2. 学生能在图片和教师的帮助下读懂故事。 3. 学生能在图片和教师的帮助下表演故事。 (二)情感目标:乐于模仿,敢于开口。 (三)学习策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。 二、教学重点: 1. 学生能在图片和教师的帮助下听懂故事。 2. 学生能在图片和教师的帮助下读懂故

27、事。 三、教学难点:学生能在图片和教师的帮助下表演故事。 四、教学过程: 9 I. Greetings Talk about some films or stories about the animals. (说一说你看过的有关动物的电影或故事) II. Pre-reading (prepare to read) 1. Lead in: What animals do you like? Why? (你喜欢什么动物,为什么?) 2. Talk about the pictures. 讨论书中的图画,学生看图,能说出关于故事的哪些情况?在故事中会发生什么事 情?教师要鼓励学生推测故事的发展。 W

28、here is the rabbit in picture 1? Who can you see in picture 2? What is the farmer doing in picture 3? What animals can you see in picture4-9? What do they say? Where is the rabbit in picture 10? III. While-reading (read the story) 阅读前,教师提出一些任务,让学生带着任务去阅读,以体现阅读策略及阅读理解情况。 1.What happened with the rabbit? (兔子怎么了) 2. Who helps the rabbit? Please write in order. (请按顺序写出来) _, _, _ and _, _ and _. 3. What do they say ? _? (What happened?) _? (Can I help you?) IV. Post-reading (after reading) 1. 讨论故事:Do you like the story? Why? 2. 续编故事: What will happen next? (后面将会发生什么事呢?) 3. 表演故事 V. Homework 1. What

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