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1、HND宏观微观经济学报告窗体顶端(一)移动电话市场被认为是一个寡头垄断 - 这种市场结构的两个特点是什么?1。设置价格:寡头垄断是价格的接受者而不是价格制定者。2。寡头垄断的显着特点是相互依存,寡头垄断是典型的少数几个大公司组成。每个企业都如此之大,其行为影响市场条件。因此竞争的企业将意识到一个企业的市场行动,并会作出适当的反应。这意味着,在考虑市场行动,公司必须考虑到所有相互竞争的公司和企业的对策可能出现的反应。它是非常像一个国际象棋或池,其中一名球员必须预见到的全序列,确定如何实现他的目标的移动和对策的游戏。例如,考虑价格下降的寡头垄断不妨估计,竞争的企业也将降低其价格,并可能引发一场毁灭


3、一)(二)进入寡头垄断市场的障碍,在寡头垄断行业的价格据称过度的粘性(c)如何竞争力的产业成为寡头垄断。(d)为何寡头同意设置其初始价格时,(e)如何正式勾结是用来建立生产配额。如果这个移动电话公司的边际成本曲线转向MC 2 MC3向上,它会:(一)减少输出从第三季度至第二季度和提高价格从P3到P4的(二)降低输出从第一季度和提高价格从P4到第二季度。小五(三)不改变其价格或输出(D)关闭。在这个“弯折的需求曲线”模式,移动电话公司的看法它作为面临的需求曲线:(一)线性“扭结”所有价格需求曲线AD2(二)线性“扭结”需求曲线D1D1所有的价格。(C)(D)“扭结”非线性需求曲线D1cD2。非线


5、he公司和行业是同义的。(四)描述你所选择的市场结构,和适当的图援助在它的价格和产量的行为。一个公司经营的竞争对手很多,但仍然有一些对价格的控制是一个纯粹的数量调节器和一个寡头垄断的成员。完全竞争的公司。如果许多新的企业进入垄断竞争的市场,如移动电话市场。公司已经在这个市场面临的需求曲线左移,成为更多的价格弹性,成为直,少的收入弹性。公司已经在这个市场面临的需求曲线会向右移动,越来越少的价格弹性,并变得陡峭,更多的收入弹性。向上移动,以反映较高的生产成本。这种垄断竞争者的总成本等于0cbQ面积,0deQ + DCBE,0paQ - cpab,上述所有。如果这种垄断的竞争者生产Q单位,P MC。

6、先生,总收入的MC - 总成本的最大化,MSB海安,上述所有。(五)利润将有发挥理查德布兰森在吸引移动电话市场有何两个角色呢?记得原来的“移动”手机 - 亲切地昵称为“砖”?今天的手机是如此的远离那些早期的开拓者,这是很难记住这不是很久以前,只有时髦的手等野兽!在使用手机的增长已经发生了戏剧性 - 现在有2亿美元的全球移动电话用户。2006年3月,有3.19亿条短信在英国发送人对人 - ,同比增长24,为2005年同期。在世界范围内,235亿条短信被发送人对人在2006年第一季度。市场准入。利润上升SED其他生产者的信号,市场内。在竞争性市场,在市场供应和价格下载的压力上升的预期。处女创造了世

7、界各地300多个品牌的公司,雇用约50,000人,在30个国家和地区。在2009年的全球品牌收入超过115亿美元英镑(约180亿美元)。财务投资。维珍是一个知名的风险投资机构,是世界上最认可和尊重的品牌之一。设想在1970年由理查德布兰森,维珍集团已经成长非常成功的企业在从移动电话到运输,旅游,金融服务,媒体,音乐和健身等行业。因此,留存利润保持最重要的金融公司进行新的投资项目资本金来源。(六)分析两个公司的目标利润最大化的替代品。满意最大化的行为可能会被替换令人满意的 - 即成绩设置最低可接受的水平。国内和国际的股票和债券市场可能会发挥重要的作用,在监测的经理在公司的表现 - 当企业表现欠佳

8、对其他企业在市场的表现,有可能对股价的下调压力,提高了其竞争对手公司的一个有争议的收购威胁。一个公司可能会在压力下降低价格给消费者,如果已取得了大量的利润,并可能会选择这样做,以阻止竞争委员会的调查,或改善与客户的形象。此外,该公司可能具有较高的工资报酬的工人为了停止工业行动。销售收入Maximisation这个目标最初是由鲍莫尔(1959年)的工作。鲍莫尔的研究主要集中在经理控制企业的行为 - 经理采取的一天到一天的决定是由股东离婚(企业老板)。鲍莫尔认为年薪和其他津贴可能会更紧密地与相关的总销售收入,而不是底线利润。另一种观点提出,威廉姆森(1963年),是谁建的基础上,管理的满意度(实用

9、)的概念模型。这可以提高成功提高销售收入。总收入最大化时,边际收益=零。一个企业的股东可能引入约束管理者的价格和产量决策 - 这是制约销售收入最大化。他们可能会推出一个最低利润约束,旨在巩固其股份的市场估值,并保持股息(公司的利润份额)。限价通过降低价格的水平,这将迫使任何进入该行业的新企业的经营亏损,公司可能采取掠夺性定价政策。这将使公司,以维持在市场的垄断地位。(七)讨论什么影响的总成本,平均成本和边际成本曲线在短期内坚定的形状。(i) The mobile phone market is believed to be an oligopoly what are two character

10、istics of this market structure?1. Ability to set price: Oligopolies are price setters rather than price takers.2. The distinctive feature of an oligopoly is interdependence.Oligopolies are typically composed of a few large firms. Each firm is so large that its actions affect market conditions. Ther

11、efore the competing firms will be aware of a firms market actions and will respond appropriately. This means that in contemplating a market action, a firm must take into consideration the possible reactions of all competing firms and the firms countermoves. It is very much like a game of chess or po

12、ol in which a player must anticipate a whole sequence of moves and countermoves in determining how to achieve his objectives. For example, an oligopoly considering a price reduction may wish to estimate the likelihood that competing firms would also lower their prices and possibly trigger a ruinous

13、price war. Or if the firm is considering a price increase, it may want to know whether other firms will also increase prices or hold existing prices constant. This high degree of interdependence and need to be aware of what the other guy is doing or might do is to be contrasted with lack of interdep

14、endence in other market structures. In a Mobile Phone market there is zero interdependence because no firm is large enough to affect market price. All firms in a mobile phone market are price takers, information which they robotically follow in maximizing profits. In a monopoly there are no competit

15、ors to be concerned about. In a monopolistically competitive market each firms effects on market conditions is so negligible as to be safely ignored by competitors.(ii) Illustrate with an appropriate diagram and describe the price and output behaviour that may be seen in an oligopolistic market stru

16、cture.The kinked-demand-curve model was developed in the 1930s in part to help explain:(a) barriers to entry into oligopoly markets.(b) the allegedly excessive stickiness of prices in oligopolistic industries.(c) how competitive industries become oligopolies.(d) why oligopolies agree when setting th

17、eir initial prices.(e) how formal collusion is used to establish output quotas.If this mobile phone companys marginal cost curve shifted upward from MC 2 MC3, it would:(a) reduce output from Q3 to Q2 and increase price from P3 to P4.(b) reduce output from Q2 to Q1 and increase price from P4 to P5.(c

18、) not change its price or output.(d) shut down.In this kinked-demand curve model, the mobile phone company views the demand curve it faces as the:(a) linear kinked demand curve aD2 for all prices.(b) linear kinked demand curve D1D1 for all prices.(c) nonlinear kinked demand curve D1cD2.(d) nonlinear

19、 kinked demand curve acD1.(iii) Choose another market structure and suggest two characteristics of this market structure.A monopoly is a market structure in which a single supplier produces and sells the product. If there is a single seller in a certain industry and there are no close substitutes fo

20、r the goods being produced, then the market structure is that of a pure monopoly. Sometimes, there are many sellers in an industry and/or there exist many close substitutes for the goods being produced, but nevertheless firms retain some market power. This is called, whereas in oligopoly the main th

21、eoretical framework revolves around firms strategic interactions.1. Price Discrimination: A monopolist can change the price and quality of the product. He sells more quantities charging less price against the product in a highly elastic market and sells less quantities charging high price in a less

22、elastic market.2. Single seller: In a monopoly there is one seller of the good who produces all the output.the firm and the industry are synonymous.(iv) For your chosen market structure and with the aid of an appropriate diagram describe the price and output behaviour in it.A firm operating with a l

23、ot of competitors but which still has some control over price is a pure quantity adjuster and member of an oligopoly. Purely competitive firm. If numerous new firms enter a monopolistically-competitive market, like mobile market. The demand curves facing the firms already in that market will shift t

24、o the left and become more price elastic and become straighter and less income elastic. The demand curves facing the firms already in that market will shift to the right and become less price elastic and become steeper and more income elastic. And shift upward to reflect higher production costs. Tot

25、al cost for this monopolistic competitor equals area 0cbQ、 0deQ + dcbe、 0paQ cpab、 All of the above.If this monopolistic competitor produces Q units,P MC. So MR = MC、 total revenue - total cost is maximized、 MSB MSC、 All of the above.(v) What two roles would profit have played in attracting Richard

26、Branson to the mobile telephone market?Remember the original mobile phone - affectionately nicknamed the brick? Todays mobiles are so far removed from those early pioneers that it is difficult to remember that it was not that long ago when only the trendy had such beasts to hand!The growth in the us

27、e of mobile phones has been dramatic - there are now 2 billion users of mobile phones worldwide. In March 2006, there were 3.19 billion text messages sent person to person in the UK - up by 24% for the same period in 2005. Worldwide, 235 billion text messages were sent person to person in the first

28、quarter of 2006. 1、 Market entry. Rising profits sed signals to other producer within a market. In contestable markets, a rise in market supply and download pressure on prices would be expected. Virgin has created more than 300 branded companies worldwide, employing approximately 50,000 people, in 3

29、0 countries. Global branded revenues in 2009 exceeded 11.5 billion (approx. US$18 billion).2、 Finance for investment. Virgin is a leading branded venture capital organisation and is one of the worlds most recognised and respected brands. Conceived in 1970 by Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin Group has

30、 gone on to grow very successful businesses in sectors ranging from mobile telephony to transportation, travel, financial services, media, music and fitness. So retained profits remain the most important source of finance for companies undertaking new capital investment projects.(vi) Analyse two alt

31、ernatives to profit maximisation as a goal of the firm.SatisficingMaximising behaviour may be replaced by satisficing - I.e. setting minimum acceptable levels of achievement. The domestic and international Equity and Bond markets may play an important role in monitoring the performance of managers i

32、n a company - when companies are under-performing set against the performance of other businesses in a market, there may be downward pressure on the share price, raising the threat of a contested takeover bid by a rival firm. A firm may be under pressure to reduce prices to consumers if it has made large profits and may choose to do this in order to stop an investigation by the Competition Commission or to improve its image with customers.Alternatively, the firm may r

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