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1、顾问原始提供模板IPD17市场和发布主计划模板说明:本文档的蓝色部分,是每个分标题的展开,请注意.MKT-Template-00.Market and Launch plan(master)市场和发布主计划模板-02.00.00Activity ID:活动号: Control Section文档控制Version版 本Date 日期Change and reason 更 改 及 原 因By 责任人V1.02001/07/01初版Initial Version融合公司实践经验Merge with 公司 practiceV1.12001/08/16明确、细化对照模板All more details

2、 clarifications to thetemplate双语化模板BilingualV2.02002-01-17CR:MKT-H-030-Correct the name of Market Strategy ;CR:MKT-I-032-Correct name of Market Plan Overview (Previously Executitive Overiew)-Fastpath;文字修改 Word modify;Project Manager: _ Project: _ 项目经理: _ 项目名称: _Project Phase / Decision Checkpoint:项目

3、阶段 / 决策评审点: X Concept 概念 X Develop 开 发 X Launch 发 布 Interim 临时 X Plan 计划 X Qualify 验证 X Life Cycle 生命周期Introduction:介绍:The objective of the Develop Market and Launch Plan Template is to provide a single source document for communication of detailed strategic and tactical plans. This template consist

4、s of a number of sections that together will form the Market and Launch Plan. 出台集成产品开发(IPD)流程市场模板的目的是在推行和使用提供IPD流程时,开展具体市场活动的战略层、战术层和操作性参考。作为唯一的文档来源,该模板是由一些具体的子模板构成的,统称为“市场计划与发布模板”(Market and Launch Plan template)。The Market Plan should be initiated during the Concept Phase of the IPD process and it

5、 becomes one of the components for business plan development. At the subsequent phases of the IPD process, the Market Plan should be updated and refined as information is collected along the process. The Market Plan turns into the Launch Plan that facilitates product announcement during the Launch P

6、hase. “市场计划与发布模板”开始于IPD流程的概念阶段,并且它是产品开发业务计划的组成部分,“市场计划与发布模板”必须在产品开发的其他阶段(计划、开发、验证阶段)随着信息的不断收集和明确而不断地进行更新和修正, 到了产品开发的发布阶段,产品的市场和发布计划转化为实际的操作 - 产品发布。The Market and Launch Plan comprises of different sections listed in the following list. The details of some sections are provided in separate templates

7、as referred in the following list. Although the final Launch Plan will consist of all the listed sections, different sections, however, are initiated at different phases of the IPD process. Also noted that certain sections should be updated throughout the process after their initiation. For instance

8、, during the Concept Phase a high-level Market Strategy and Goals is developed. However, a more detailed Market Strategy and Goals is needed to substantiate the detail project plan that is required for the Plan DCP. Table 1 provides an illustration on the relationships between the different Market a

9、nd Launch Plan sections and the IPD process phases. “市场计划与发布模板”由如下的一系列子模板构成,虽然在最后的发布阶段所有的子模板的活动都需完成,但是不同子模板的内容开始于产品开发的不同阶段,并且有些子模板内容自开始之后,需要在后续的阶段中不断地更新和完善。例如在概念阶段制定高层面的市场目标和策略,要在计划阶段进一步具体细化成项目计划,以便计划DCP会议的需要。表1给出了在IPD不同阶段,“市场计划与发布模板”不同子模板的对应关系。Section Listing:子模板清单:1.Market Plan Overview 1.市场计划总览2.

10、Guide to Market Requirements(Template 02. Guide to Market Requirements.lwp) This section documents the gathering of market requirements collected from all the different means. If the Market Management process is in place, the output of the Market Management process will serve as the key inputs for t

11、his section. The market requirement is interpreted and translated into market requirement specification that serves as the market requirement report for presentation purpose. (Notes:This template provides guidance and examples.This actual listing of market reruirements, along with other offering req

12、uirements from other domains,is contained in the E2E Offering Requirements template.)2.市场需求指导(Template 02.Guide to Market Requirements.lwp)这部分记录来自各个途径的市场需求,请直接引入“市场需求管理”子流程的输出,市场需求被解释和翻译为市场规格,供产品开发业务计划使用。3.Market Strategy and Goals(Template 03. Market Strategy and Goals.lwp)Market Strategy and Goals

13、 identify the strategy for marketing the product under development based on the inputs on the market requirement. 3.行销策略和目标(Template 03. Market Strategy and Goals.lwp)行销策略和目标确定产品的市场策略,以基于市场需求来开发产品。Introduction:介绍:The market strategy is a very important part of the market plan. In this section, expla

14、nations of how the product offering will be positioned into the marketplace. The key questions that must be answered in market strategy are: How does the product offering fit into the competitive market?, What is the plan to gain market share over the competition?, How will the product offering be d

15、ifferentiated amongst like products?, What value does the product add to the customers?, etc. 行销策略是市场计划的一个非常重要的组成部分。该部分会对产品如何在市场中定位做出说明。行销策略必须回答的关键问题有:“怎样使产品适应竞争市场?”,“从竞争对手手中抢夺市场份额的计划是什么样的?”,“与类似产品相比,本产品的卖点在哪里?”,“产品会给客户带来哪些价值?”,等等。The market goals are the measures that the product is targeted to ach

16、ieve. Usually, the measures are quantifiable such as revenue generation and market share increase. In some situation, the goals can also be more qualitative such as improve customer perception on 公司 products and establishing thought leadership position. With the qualitative goals, it is important al

17、so to include the methods on which the goals will be measures. 行销目标衡量产品目标达到的程度。通常,这种程度被量化为获得收益及增加市场份额。在有些情况下,这种目标也会表现得更加定性化,如提升客户对公司产品的认知程度并在他/她们的心目中建立市场领导的地位。对于定性化的目标,将对目标进行衡量的方法也加进来是很重要的。 Instruction:说明:In developing the market strategy and goals, the team membersshould discuss and create the Mark

18、et strategy and goals together based on their understanding of the existing market situation. 在制定市场策略和目标时,团队成员要根据他/她们对当前市场情形的了解,一齐讨论和制定行销策略和目标。During the Concept Phase, a market strategy and goals is created based on the market requirement. Due to the fact that only preliminary information is availa

19、ble at this phase, the market strategy is only an initial one based on available information. For the market goals, the team should obtain inputs from Sales Forecast (please see Template 09. Sales Forecast.lwp). The market strategy and goals should be updated through out the IPD process as more and

20、new information is collected. 在概念阶段,行销策略和目标是根据市场需求制定的。因为在此阶段只能获得一些初步的信息,所以此时的市场策略只是基于已有信息的初始策略。对于行销目标,要从销售预测(请见“IPD-AL-20010402-09 Template 09. 销售预测.lwp”)中获得输入。在整个IPD流程中,随着收集的新信息不断增加,要对市场策略和目标进行更新。During the Plan Phase, the team should take into consideration other sections of the Market Plan in upd

21、ating the market strategy and goals. Sections such as Market Environment, Product Overview and Positioning, Segment Profile and Target Market, Competitive Analysis and Pricing Strategy provide additional inputs to the market strategy and goals defined in the Concept Phase. The information also helps

22、 to validate the strategy and goals. 在计划阶段,团队要考虑市场计划的其他部分,对市场策略和目标进行升级。市场环境,产品概述和定位,市场细分简介和目标市场,竞争对手分析和定价策略都为在概念阶段定义的市场策略和目标提供了更多的输入。这些信息同时也有助于验证行销策略和目标。In designing the Launch Plan during the Qualify Phase, the market strategy and goals drive the design of the Launch Plan. The launch strategy is de

23、signed based on the market strategy and goals. Based on the market strategy and goals, the launch activities and deliverables are designed to achieve the strategy and goals. 在验证阶段设计发布计划时,市场策略和目标对发布计划的设计具有驱动作用。发布策略的设计是基于市场策略和目标的。根据市场策略和目标设计的发布活动和交付件是为了实现这些策略和目标。In determining the market strategy, the

24、 team should consider the following questions:在确定行销策略时,团队要考虑以下问题:1.How do you properly position offerings within competitive marketplace?1、如何在竞争市场正确定位产品?2.What value does the product add to the customers? From technical perspective: From benefit/value perspective: From attracting new customer perspe

25、ctive:2、产品给客户带来了哪些价值? 从技术的角度: 从收益的角度: 从吸引客户的角度:3.How will the product be differentiated amongst like products? (refer to the detail information contained in the Product overview & Positioning template)3、与类似产品相比,如何体现该产品的卖点?(请参考产品概述和定位模板详细内容)4.How to leverage the new products for competitive advantage

26、? (refer to the detail information contained in the Competitive Analysis template)4、如何充分利用新产品取得竞争性优势?(请参考竞争对手分析模板详细内容)5.How will the product position within existing 公司 product portfolio? 5、该产品在公司现有的产品组合中如何定位?6.What markets will the product focuses on? 6、该产品将重点针对哪些市场?7.What is the plan to gain marke

27、t share over the competition? 7、从竞争对手那里争夺市场份额的计划是什么?8.Will 公司 implement focused demand generation tactics for each target segments?Based on the target market strategy: Product strategy (advertising, exhibition, promotion) Competitive strategy (define different competitive strategy based on different

28、 competitors and different market regions) Business strategy 8、公司是否会分别对每个目标细分市场实行特定的需求生成策略? 针对目标市场的策略: 产品策略(广告、展览、宣传、推广) 竞争策略 (针对不同的竞争对手和不同的区域市场,制定不同的竞争策略) 商务策略9.What channels will be used to sell and distribute the product? Direct sales Channel Partnership 9、将使用哪些渠道对产品进行销售和分销? 直销平台 分销渠道 合作销售10.What

29、 is the sales target? Target market: Sales target:Segmented TargetYear xxYear xxYear xxYear xxTarget Market 1Sales revenueMarket ShareTarget Market nSales revenueMarket Share Strategic target: 10、行销目标 市场目标: 销售目标:细分目标xxxx年xxxx年xxxx年合计目标市场1销售收入市场份额目标市场n销售收入市场份额总体市场销售收入市场份额 战略目标: Examples例子The followin

30、gs are some example statements for market strategy and goals. The examples are for illustration purpose only. The market Strategy and Goals section should contain statements that cover most of the questions stated above.下面是市场策略和目标的一些例子。这些例子仅供说明和参考。市场策略和目标部分应该包括上述的大部分问题。It is proposed that Product X

31、will compete in two different marketplaces. It is intended to compete in the PC space with Pentium based machines running NT. It is also intended to compete in the workstation space with competitors workstations.X产品将在两个不同的市场进行竞争。在PC机市场它将与安装NT的奔腾机竞争。另外,它还将在工作站市场上与竞争对手的工作站竞争。 Workstation Brand - Products will be marketed by the sales representatives as built to order and targeted for the

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