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1、物流英语课文正文第一单元 General Introduction to logistics 物流概论 Logistics is a unique global “pipeline” that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over.Coming into being with the advent

2、of civilization, logistics is anything but a newborn baby. However, when it comes to modern logistics,most professionals in the business consider it one of the most challenging and exciting jobs, invisible as it is.Modern logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and info

3、rmation that are of vital importance to customers and clients in various sectors of the economic society, which may include but by no means is limited to:Packaging warehousing material handling inventory transport forecasting strategic planning and customer service Packaging is the outer wrapping of

4、 a product. It is the intended purpose of the packaging to make a product readily sellable as well as to protect it against damage and prevent it from deterioration when in stock. Furthermore, packaging is often the most relevant element of a trademark and conduces to advertising or communication.Wa

5、rehousing is sometimes needed, and can be provided, to complement inbound and outbound transportation services. There are 4 distinct types of warehousing available, depending upon load content: for finished goods; for raw materials; for consumer fulfillment; and for vendor-managed inventory (VMI).Ma

6、terial handling is any kind of methods for moving material. Material can be moved directly by people lifting the items or using hand carts, slings and other handling accessories (manual lifting and handling). Material can also be moved by people using machines such as cranes, forklift trucks, and ot

7、her lifting fixtures (mechanical lifting).Inventory is a detailed list of all the items in stock, such as a companys merchandise, raw materials, and finished and unfinished products which have not yet been sold.Transport is the movement of people, goods, signals and information from one place to ano

8、ther. Forecasting is to estimate the likelihood of an event taking place in the future, based on available data from the past.Strategic planning is planning which focuses on longer-range objectives and goals. It is essentially direction setting and often focuses on new products and new markets.Custo

9、mer service is the set of behaviors that a business undertakes during its interaction with its customers. It can also refer to a specific person or desk, which is set up to provide general assistance to customers.A systematic definition of logistics is supplied by the Council of Logistics Management

10、: “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information form the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers requirements.” Although this definition fails to incorp

11、orate all specific terms used in the study of logistics, it does reflect the need for total movement management form point of material procurement to location of finished product distribution第二单元 An Important Factor 一个重要因素It is universally acknowledged that products are of two kinds, products for cu

12、stomers and products for industrial use. As industrial products are not the key factors in planning a physical distribution strategy, they will not be mentioned in this text.An important characteristic of any product is its availability at the place where a customer wishes to consume it. And this is

13、 what logistics is chiefly concerned with. Products are of any value when and only when they are moved to the right place where it is available to the customer. Thus, we should make an analysis of products, depending on who uses them and how they are used.Consumer products are those that are directe

14、d to ultimate consumers. According to the three different ways in which consumers select goods and services and where they buy them, consumer products can be put into three categories: convenience products, shopping products, and specialty products.Convenience products are those goods and services t

15、hat consumers purchase frequently, immediately, and with little comparative shopping. Typical products are banking services, tobacco item, and many foodstuffs. These products generally require wide distribution through many outlets. Distribution costs are typically high but are more than justified b

16、y the increased sales potential that is brought about by this wide and extensive distribution. Customer service levels, as expressed in terms of product availability and accessibility, must be high to encourage any reasonable degree of customer patronage for the products.Shopping products are those

17、for which consumers are willing to seed and compare: comparing in many locations the price, quality, and performance, and making a purchase only after careful deliberation. Typical products in this category are fashion clothes, automobiles, home furnishings, and medical care. Because of the customer

18、s willingness to shop around, an individual supplier may stock goods or offer services in only a few outlets in a given market area. Distribution costs for such suppliers are somewhat lower than for convenience products, and product distribution need not be as widespread.Specialty products are those

19、 for which buyers are willing to expend a substantial effort and often to wait a significant amount of time in order to acquire them. Buyers seek out particular types and brands of goods and services. Examples can be any type of goods ranging from fine foods to custom-made automobiles or a service s

20、uch as management consulting advice. Because buyers insist on particular brands, distribution is centralized and customer service levels are not as high as those for convenience and shopping products. Physical distribution costs can be the lowest of any product category. Because of this, many firms

21、will attempt to create brand preference for their product line.第三单元 Transportation 运输Transportation is a vital component in the design and management of logistics systems. It may account for one-third to two-thirds of total logistics costs. The choices available to the users typically include the fi

22、ve major transport modes (air, truck, rail, water, and pipe) and their combinations. Users may hire the services or own the means of transportation. Transport services are best described by their cost and performance characteristics. These distinguish one transport service from another, and it is wh

23、at a user buys from the transportation system. The cost characteristics vary from one mode to another and determine their rate structures. Rates are based primarily on three factors - distance, shipment size, and competition. On the other hand, carrier performance is based on the extent of shipment

24、handling at terminals and inherent speed of the carrier. It is adequately described in terms of average transit time, transit-time variability, and loss and damage. Cost allocation is one of the factors that affect pricing. The shippers perspective about it is important, though it is chiefly somethi

25、ng that the carriers should pay attention to. One kind of cost is what is called variable costs. They are those costs that change in a predictable, direct manner in relation to some level of activity during a time period. Variable costs can be avoided only by not operating the vehicle. Aside form ex

26、ceptional circumstances, transport rates must at least cover variable costs. The variable category includes direct carrier costs associated with movement of each load. These expenses are generally measured as a cost per mile or per unit of weight. Typical cost components in this category include lab

27、or, fuel and maintenance. On a per mile basis, truck load carriers variable costs range from $0.75 to $1.50 per vehicle mile. As explained in any elementary economics text, it is not possible for any carrier to charge below its variable cost and expect to remain in business. International transporta

28、tion is an area of growing interest and concern to the logistician. The transportation equipment is the same as that used domestically, with the exception that certain elements of the transport system have become more important. For example, containerization is popular in international movement. The

29、 user of the international transportation system may feel overwhelmed by the increased documentation, by differences in carrier liability, by various customs procedures and the use of foreign trade zones. Fortunately, there exist middlemen, agents, freight forwarders, and brokers to assist the shipp

30、er with international movement. 第四单元 Logistics Strategy 物流战略Inventory is viewed as playing a role in the value-added process. This does not mean the more you have in the form of inventory, the richer you are. If you keep an overstock of the inventory, expenses will incur not only in warehousing, but

31、 also in many aspects, such as the capital cost and the interest accruing on it, taxes, insurance, obsolescence cost and storage cost. On the one hand, capital cost increases with the lot size. On the other hand, the interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory, which is, in ma

32、ny cases, computed according to the prime interest rate or a specified rate pegged to the prime interest. The logic behind it is that the cash to replace capital invested in inventory can be purchased in the money market. In many countries, taxes are levied on the average inventory level on a specif

33、ic day of the year. Insurance cost is a direct levy normally based on estimated risk or exposure over time. Obsolescence means the deterioration of product in storage which is not covered by insurance. The storage cost incurs in respect of product holding, whether you store the goods in a public warehouse, rented pri

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