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PEP人教版 五年级英语上册第5单元导学案.docx

1、PEP人教版 五年级英语上册第5单元导学案Unit 5 My New Room(1)A. Lets learn & Lets play学习目标:1.能够听、说、读、写本课主要单词:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin。2. 能够认读句型:Is this your? I love并能在情景中运用。学习重点难点: 1.掌握Lets learn的六个四会单词。2.注意单词air-conditioner的发音。学习方法:Selfstudy, instruction and practice in pairs or groups. 学习流程:Step 1.

2、自主学习1. 复习Unit 4的主要单词方法:a.老师说英语单词,我能迅速地说出汉语意思。 b.老师说汉语,我能迅速地说出其英语单词。2. 复习Unit 4的主要句子: 我会和对子之间用学过的单词和句子进行对话 What can you do? I can Can you ? Yes , I can . No, I cant .Step 2. 交流协作1. 跟着录音唱本课时Lets chant ,理解其意思。2. 利用词卡学新单词和词组:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,air-conditioner。具体方法:高低音, Touch the c

3、ards, 连读,跟着节奏读。3. 老师发给某几个学生卧室卡片问学生,学生作出相应的回答:Is this your bedroom ? Yes ,it is . Come and Look at my new curtains.4. 跟读录音,学习新单词和句型。5. 老师自我房间介绍,教会学生用同样的方式介绍自己的房间:In my room , I have a trash bin , a mirror and an air-conditioner.Step 3. 展示激励1. 小组展示读单词。看谁读得准,记得多!2. 从每组中任意挑出一名学生,一人问,一人答,练习句型:Is this you

4、r . ? Yes ,it is . No,it isnt .3. 从每组中任意挑出1名学生,用英语介绍自己的房间,看谁说得好!Step 4. 巩固拓展1. 把这些字母组合成本课时的单词,并写出汉语意思。uranict-( ) slotec-( ) morrri-( ) starh-( )2. 慧眼识金,单项选择( )1. -this your bedroom? A. Am B. A re C. Is ( ) 2. Look -my new curtains. B. for C. to( )3. I have -new air-conditioner. B.a 3

5、. 我会和对子之间进行对话 Is this your bedroom ?-Step. 5巩固作业1. 向父母展示你所学的新单词和句型。2. 每个单词抄写三遍。 Step6. 自我评价A.Super B. Good C.OK 温故知新 独立思考,积极踊跃发言,乐于展示,细细体会,认真做题Unit 5 My New Room ( 2) A. Lets talk & Talk and draw 学习目标:1. 能够听懂会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2. 能够听说认读句型There is a /There are 并能在情境中运用。学习重点难点: 1. 本课重点掌握句型There is a /Ther

6、e are .2难点句型:I have my own room now.学习方法: Selfstudy, instruction and practice in pairs or groups. 学习流程:Step 1. 自主学习:1. 我会读下列单词,并能翻译。mirror, curtain, closet, end table, trash bin2. 我会运用下列句型和句子进行对话。-Is this your bedroom? -Yes , it is . Come and look at my new curtains.3. 我会用英文介绍自己的房间。Step 2. 交流协作1. 教师

7、在黑板上画一个大房间,再画一个简笔小人,然后介绍说:Look,this is me. I have my own room now.强调my own room的发音,让学生跟读。2. 教师再在这个房间里画一个mirror并向学生介绍说:In my room ,there is a mirror.让学生跟读。准备完毕后教师说:There is a big closet ,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.然后在窗户两边画上蓝色窗帘并介绍说:There are blue curtains.让学生跟读。3. 强调区分There is a /There ar

8、e 的区别。4. 听录音,学生跟读录音。Step 3. 展示激励1. 每组展示朗读,看哪组展示得好!2. 分角色上台朗读,并给以奖励。3. 画自己的房间,并向大家用英语介绍自己的房间。Step 4. 巩固拓展一选词填空There is There are1-a kitchen in my room. 2-blue curtains in my own room.3-two bedrooms , a kitchen , a bathroom and a living room.4.-a mirror ,a bed and a big closet.二 各就各位,连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)

9、1. I , now, my, room, have, own-2. is , a, new, there, air-conditioner-3. there, two, are, bedrooms. -Step 5. 巩固作业 把Lets talk的内容读给同学或家长听。Step6 自我评价 A.Super B. Good C.OK 温故知新独立思考积极踊跃发言乐于展示细细体会认真做题Unit 5 My New Room (3)A. Read and write学习目标: 能够听说读写句子:There are two bedrooms , a kitchen ,a bathroom and

10、a living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.学习重点难点: 重点使学生掌握there be 句型的简单表达方法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。难点是帮助学生区分使用There is和There are的表达法。学习方法: Selfstudy, instruction and practice in pairs or groups. 学习流程:Step 1. 自主学习:1. 我会朗读Unit 4 A Lets talk的内容。2. 我会翻译下列句子。(1) There is a big closet , a new air-cond

11、itioner and a new mirror.(2) There are blue curtains.3. 我会区分There is和There are的表达法。Step 2. 交流协作1. 教师向学生展示Read and write 部分的挂图,带领学生阅读,并进一步熟悉There is a /There are 句型。2. 教师放Read and write 部分的录音,学生看课本听录音。3. 教师指导学生完成填空。4. 教师指导学生书写四会句子。Step 3. 展示激励1. 小组比赛读Read and write 内容,并翻译其意思。2. 小组比赛默写四会句型,看谁记得快。Step

12、4. 巩固拓展1. 开心阅读,完成句子。We are rabbits. We have a new flat. Its on the third floor. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room. Im a baby rabbit. I have my own room now. Its small and nice. There is a new air-conditioner. Its very cool .I love my own room very much .( 1) The rabbitsnew flat is

13、 on the - floor.(2 ) There are - bedrooms in the flat.( 3) There is an -in the babys room. Its cool.Step 5. 巩固作业 书写Read and write部分的四会句子。每句抄写3遍。(写上汉语意思)。 Step6 . 自我评价 A.Super B. Good C.OK 温故知新独立思考独立思考积极踊跃发言乐于展示细细体会认真做题Unit 5 My New Room (4)B. Lets learn & Lets find out学习目标:1. 能够听说读写单词:in, on ,under,

14、 behind ,near.2. 能够听说读写单词:over,in front of 和Wheres the ? Its 并能在情景中正确运用。 学习重点难点: 重点使学生掌握七个方位介词的用法。其中in front of是难点。学习方法: Selfstudy, instruction and practice in pairs or groups. 学习流程:Step 1自主学习:1. 拼写单词- - - - - - -2. 听音,写出单词的汉语意思。 - - - - -3. 选词填空 There is There are(1)-a curtain in my room. (2)-a mir

15、ror ,a bed and a big closet.(3)-two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.Step 2交流协作1. 教师准备一个盒子和一支铅笔,把笔放在不同的位置呈现教授新单词in, on ,under, behind ,in front of,near,over。并做问答练习如;where is the pencil ? Its near the box.2. 利用学生文具或教室中的其他物品的位置进一步巩固新单词和句型。3. 学生把学习用品放在桌上,根据老师有关方位发指令将物品的相对位置摆放好。如:Put yo

16、ur pencil under the desk . hStep 3展示激励1. 每组一名发指令,本组其他成员负责按照指令将物品的相对位置摆放好,看哪组做得好!2. 学生两人一组将自己的文具摆放在不同的位置并做问答练习,如:where is the .? Its Step 4巩固拓展1. 打开课本P61 Lets find out 学生看图,找出更多的错误,并会用英语口头表达。2. 找出和其他不同类的单词,把字母标号写在题前括号里。 ( )1.A. bedroom B. bathroom C. classroom ( )2. A. behind B. near C. tell ( )3. A.

17、 table B. closet C. clothes ( )4. A. in B. in front of C. bathroom 3. Listen and fill in the blanks.(1) There is an end table - the bed .(2) There is a picture - the bed.(3) There is a book- the bed .(4) There is a trash bin- the door .Step5自我评价: A.Super B. Good C.OK 温故知新独立思考独立思考积极踊跃发言乐于展示细细体会认真做题Un

18、it 5 My New Room (5)B. Lets talk & Lets pratise 学习目标: 1. 能够听说认读句子:There is a near /和The is near /,并能在情境中运用。 2. 能够运用所学语言对房间摆设作介绍。 学习重点难点: 使学生熟练掌握there be 结构较长句式的表达法。学习方法: Selfstudy, instruction and practice in pairs or groups. 学习流程:Step 1自主学习:1. 我会读下列单词,并会翻译。in, on , in front of ,under, behind ,near,

19、over.2. 我会简单地介绍物品的位置呈现。如:The pencil is near the box. The trash bin is behind the door. Step 2交流协作1. 教师准备卧室挂图,教师在黑板上写好句子,如:There is a - -the -。教师把相应物品和介绍图片贴在空格里。学生跟老师读,直至学生能流利重复整个句子。2. 做替换练习,教师替换板书句式中的三张卡片,学生做替换练习。3. 教师再把黑板上的句子改写成There are two - -the -。引导学生说出There be结构复数形式的句子,如:There are two beds in

20、the room.4. 教师放Lets talk录音,学生跟读。Step 3展示激励1.小组展示读Lets talk,看谁读得好。2.老师摆放物品位置,看谁快速地说出句子。3.教师准备几张卧室卡片发放给每组,给每组学生几分钟时间,然后用所学语言对房间摆设作介绍。Step 4巩固拓展1. Listen and writeI am moving tomorrow. Look! My room is really a mess. The books are - the boxes. Many clothes are -the closet. There are two big boxes - the

21、 table . The chair is - the table . The Tv is - the closet .2. 根据括号内的提示,写出答句。 (1)Where is the computer? (on the tbble) - (2)Where is the trash bin ? (behind the door) -(3)Where is the picture ? (over the bed) - (4)Where is the closet ?(near the table) -Step 5巩固作业给家长或同伴朗读Lets talk 部分。 Step6 自我评价 A.Su

22、per B. Good C.OK 温故知新独立思考积极踊跃发言乐于展示细细体会认真做题Unit 5 My New Room(6)B. Read and write 学习目标: 能够听说读写句子:The closet is near the table. The trash bin is behind the door. Many clothes are in the closet. 并在情境中应用。学习重点难点: 1. 重点是使学生掌握三个四会句型,能熟练运用There be 长句形式作介绍。2. 难点是句子Many clothes are in the closet. 学习方法: Selfs

23、tudy, instruction and practice in pairs or groups. 学习流程:X Kb 1.C o mStep 1自学导学1. 我会朗读Lets talk 的对话,并会翻译。2. 我会运用所学语言对房间摆设作介绍。Step2 交流协作1. 教师向学生展示 Read and write 部分的挂图,带领学生阅读,使学生进一步熟悉方位词的表达法。2. 教师发给学生单词卡片,挑选几位同学听老师的指令做动作。如:The trash bin is behind the door。持有trash bin 卡片的学生马上跑到门后,把trash bin 卡片放到门后面。3.

24、教师指导学生完成“Finish the passage”练习。4. 教师指导学生书写四会句子。Step3 展示激励1. 小组比赛读Read and write 内容,并会翻译其意思。2. 小组比赛默写四会句子,看谁记得快。Step4 巩固拓展1. Lets find out:让学生观察图片,说出两幅图片的不同之处,学生用英语口头表达不同之处。2. 做活动手册P48第三题。 3. 我是小小翻译家。(1)这是一面镜子,它在桌上。This - a -. Its - the table。(2)门后面有一张图画。- - a picture - - -.(3)我的小猫在床下面。My cat - - the -.(4)书桌在哪里?它在床的旁边。 - is - - ? - - the bed . Step5巩固作业抄写Read and write部分的四会句子,每句抄写3遍(写上汉语翻译)。 Step6 自我评价 A.Super B. Good C.OK 温故知新独立思考积极踊跃发言乐于展示细细体会认真做题新|课 |标|第 | 一| 网

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